If you are already rooted, skip this step and go to the next page
- Download
onto your PC/Laptop
with the actual path of the magisk.apk
adb push path\to\magisk.apk /tmp/ && adb shell twrp install /tmp/
If it doesn't boot, reboot into stock recovery and perform a factory reset there
adb reboot
- Set up your device, then download and install Magisk, if it isn't already installed.
- Open the Magisk app and follow the instructions on the screen, and your device should reboot after a few seconds.
Reboot into the modified recovery image, then run the below command
adb shell "dd if=/dev/block/platform/soc/1d84000.ufshc/by-name/boot$(getprop ro.boot.slot_suffix) of=/tmp/rooted_boot.img" && adb pull /tmp/rooted_boot.img