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Disco.js under the hood

This guide goes over how the core logic is structured and what are the main abstractions of Disco.js, implemented in discojs. As described in the developer guide, discojs-node and discojs-web are simple wrappers allowing to use discojs code from different platforms and technology, namely, a browser or Node.js.


Many terms are used in DISCO and unfortunately they are not always used in the same ways. Here is an attempt to clarifying and present the main terms and concepts as well as how they relate to each other:

  • A node is any relevant machine on the network participating in the distributed learning. Nodes refer to both server and client. Note that node in discojs-node refers to Node.js. Except for the package name, node (in contrast to Node.js) always refers to a network node.
  • A client or a user is a node with local data performing local model updates. In other words, a client refers to any node participating in distributed learning that isn't the server. Note that in Disco.js, a client is represented by multiple abstractions, such as the Client and the Trainer. Therefore, the Client class only implements parts of what everything a client does in distributed learning and mostly handles communications with the server or other clients. More specifically, the Client class handles communication (creating payloads, websockets, etc.) with peers and the server, while the concept of a distributed learning client has to load their local data, train the model, send updates etc.
  • peer is synonym to client or user in decentralized learning, in which case the communication is organized in a peer-to-peer network.
  • The server is the node listening to incoming requests from other nodes. There is a single server in a distributed task (but a server may handle multiple tasks concurrently).
  • A task refers to the training of one model, whether distributed or not (DISCO also lets one train a model locally). Accordingly, multiple tasks may happen in parallel.

Federated learning


Some knowledge about distributed learning is necessary to understand Disco.js' implementation. For instance, you can have a look at this paper, written by the Google researchers that coined the term "Federated Learning", reviewing the advances and open areas of distributed learning at the time of 2019.

For simplicity, we will talk mostly of federated learning. In the relevant cases, we specify how the decentralized scheme differ. The typical scenario of federated learning involves multiple clients and one server. Each client pulls model weights from the server and train the model on their local data. After a few iterations, potentially asynchronously, clients push their new respective weights to the server, which aggregates the weights into a new model after receiving enough updates. The clients then pull the new model weights and start training locally again. In decentralized learning, clients mostly interact with each other but still have communicate with the server, for example to get the list of peers participating in the session.

See here a schema of the main objects in Disco.js:

flowchart LR
    subgraph client_side [Client Side]


The user-facing object of Disco.js is the Disco class, which is composed of different classes enabling distributed learning. These classes are the Trainer and the Client, the former handles training and the latter deals with communication. Since different training and communication schemes are available, these classes are abstract and various inheriting classes exist for the different schemes (e.g., FederatedClient for federated communication with a central server). Once you understand how these classes work you will have a good grasp of DISCO. The remaining classes mostly deal with building these objects and making them work together.


In order to focus on the essentials, most of the following code snippets will be incomplete with respect to the actual code


The Trainer class is instantiated by client nodes and contains all the code relevant for local training. Its main method is fit, which trains a model on a given dataset and is a wrapper around TensorFlow.js' method. The Trainer class is abstract, and requires two callbacks (onRoundBegin & onRoundEnd) related to distributed learning to be implemented.

A round is measured in epochs, so if we say, "share weights every round" and the roundDuration is 5, it means that weights are shared every 5 epochs.

onRoundBegin is the perfect place to perform weight sharing, pushing local weights and pulling the new aggregated weights.

The DistributedTrainer and LocalTrainer classes inheriting from Trainer implement the actual callbacks and what happens when a round ends. The LocalTrainer is class dedicated to training a model on a single node, i.e., centralized training. As such, the LocalTrainer simply updates its local model weights at the end of each round. In comparison, DistributedTrainer sends an update containing its local weights, and then pulls the new weights resulting from the aggregation of other updates.


The Client class mostly handles sending and receiving weights from the current client to the server (or other peers in decentralized learning). Client is an abstract class that requires the methods such as onRoundEndCommunication to be implemented. Currently, the two classes implementing Client are the FederatedClient and the DecentralizedClient. For simplicity, we explain here how the FederatedClient works.

In the federated case, pushing the new weights to the "aggregator" will let the Trainer use these weights in the next round without aggregating anything.


The aggregator object is used by every nodes, clients and server. In the federated case, the server leverages an aggregator instance to aggregate the local weight updates it received into new model weights. In decentralized learning, the Client stores its peer's local weight updates into the aggregator which in turn aggregates the weights when it received enough updates. While the FederatedClient relies on an aggregator, it only receives weight updates from the server and the aggregator simply transmits the new weights to the Trainer. In fact, the federated client's aggregator works the same as in the decentralized scheme, but aggregates the updates whenever it receives an update. After aggregation, the Trainer pulls the aggregator's latest weights into the model.

There are currently two aggregation strategies. The federated aggregation strategy is to simply average the weight updates, implemented by the MeanAggregator. SecureAggregator is used in decentralized learning, and implements secure-multi party computation.


The Disco object is composed of the Trainer and Client classes along with some other helper classes. Once it's built you can start the magic by calling!

In the federated case, the Disco objet will instantiate a DistributedTrainer and a FederatedClient. Users start training with, for example via a browser UI, the CLI or a Node.js script. In turns, Disco calls its Trainer's fitModel() method. The Trainer and the Client interact between each rounds, to push local weights and pull aggregated weights from the server.

flowchart LR
    subgraph state [Training loop]
    direction BT
    id1{{Training}}-->|onRoundEnd|id2{{Push and fetch weights}}

Here is the sequence of events between each round:

flowchart RL
    subgraph Disco
        Client-->|4. pull new weights|Trainer
        Trainer-->|1. onRoundEnd|Client
    subgraph Server
    Client-.->|2. push local weights|S
    S-.->|3. Pull new weights|Client

Once the weights have been pushed, the Client proceeds to fetch the latest weights if any.


Federated learning in DISCO works asynchronously. The server has a buffer which stores client weight updates as they come. Once the buffer size exceeds its capacity, the server aggregates all the weights and increments the round by 1.

flowchart LR
    Alice-.->|send weights|S
    Bob-.->|send weights|S
    Stephen-.->|send weights|S
    subgraph Users
    subgraph Server
        S[(Buffer)]---I{{if buffer.size > capacity}}-->L(aggregate buffer)



The DistributedTrainer has a memory attribute that is used to abstract how trained models are stored by the client. As mentioned in various guides, discojs is platform-agnostic and only what endpoints the memory storage should offer. The actual implementation is in discojs-web used by the browser UI and implements the memory via IndexedDB, a browser storage. discojs also implements a dummy memory, used by the CLI for example, to benchmark performance metrics without saving any models.


Both the server and browser use hot-reloading, this means that they are both watching the files for changes, and so whenever you change a server .ts file, then the server will reload (ditto for the browser).

However at the time of writing there is no such mechanism (this could be a fun first contribution!) for discojs. If you noticed in the quick start before building the library we do rm -rf dist, we remove the dist/ directory which is where discojs is transpiled to (this contains JS code); so if we re-build discojs this acts as cache which may sadly on some edge cases prevent new code from being built, so to be sure, it is recommended to remove this cache before building.


To debug a specific module, use the debug package. You can see the module's logs by setting the environnement variable DEBUG=discojs:name_of_your_module, or if you want to see all the logs of discojs, you can use DEBUG=discojs:*.