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E2E tests

The package contains Dial end-to-end tests. Tests are implemented using Playwright framework.


By default, tests are using Auth0 provider to access an application. If a different authentication provider is needed, it must be set in the AUTH_PROVIDER variable and a new authentication provider class should be implemented.

E2E_USERNAME and E2E_PASSWORD env variables should be set to perform user login.

E2E_ADMIN and E2E_PASSWORD env variables should be set to perform admin login.

Add a new authentication provider for tests

To add a new authentication provider, you would need to create a new class that extends the ProviderLogin abstract class. Here's a simplified example of how it should look:

export class YourAuthProviderLogin extends ProviderLogin<YourAuthProviderPage> {
  constructor(loginPage: LoginPage, authProviderPage: YourAuthProviderPage, localStorageManager: LocalStorageManager) {
    super(loginPage, authProviderPage, localStorageManager);

  public async navigateToCredentialsPage() {

In this example, YourAuthProviderLogin is the new authentication provider class that extends ProviderLogin<YourAuthProviderPage> class. It is necessary to implement the navigateToCredentialsPage method, an abstract method from ProviderLogin, which navigates from the LoginPage to the page where user credentials can be entered.

Additionally, the YourAuthProviderPage class, which extends BasePage and implements LoginInterface should be implemented. This class contains the logic for interacting with the authentication form of your provider, such as entering the username and password and clicking the login button. These actions must be defined in the loginToChatBot method.

export class YourAuthProviderPage extends BasePage implements LoginInterface {
  //declare and initialize web-elements specific to authentication provider, e.g.:
  private yourAuthProviderForm!: YourAuthProviderForm;

  getYourAuthProviderForm(): YourAuthProviderForm {
    if (!this.yourAuthProviderForm) {
      this.yourAuthProviderForm = new YourAuthProviderForm(;
    return this.yourAuthProviderForm;

  async loginToChatBot(username: string, password: string, options?: { setEntitiesEnvVars: boolean }) {
    const yourAuthProviderForm = this.getYourAuthProviderForm();
    //implement interactions with the authentication provider's web-elements
    //do login and set env variables if required
    return this.waitForApiResponsesReceived(() =>, options);

In the baseFixtures.ts file, the providerLogin fixture checks the AUTH_PROVIDER environment variable to determine the login provider. If the AUTH_PROVIDER is undefined, it defaults to using the Auth0 provider.

API tests configuration

Dial API tests are divided into several groups based on their functionality:

  • arithmetic API tests: this test group is intended to verify simple arithmetic requests to entities
  • entity with addons API tests
  • assistant with addons API tests
  • simple text request API tests: these tests are designed to test the functionality of entities with simple text requests, an attachment can be expected as a response
  • entity with attachment API tests: this test group is used to validate the functionality of APIs that handle requests with attachments

The input and expected data for the tests are configured in environment variables that must be a valid JSON, and they are parsed into different interface types. The table below illustrates the correlation between tests, environment variables, and interfaces:

Test Env variable Interface Example
entityArithmeticRequest ENTITY_ARITHMETIC_REQUEST_FOR_API_TESTS ArithmeticRequestEntity '[{ "entityId": "gpt-35-turbo", "isSysPromptAllowed": "true" }]'
entityPlusAddons ENTITY_PLUS_ADDONS_FOR_API_TESTS EntityPlusAddonsRequest '[{ "entityId": "gpt-4", "addonIds": ["addon-wolfram"], "request": "plot y = x + 1", "response": "" }]'
assistantPlusAddons ASSISTANT_PLUS_ADDONS_FOR_API_TESTS AssistantPlusAddonsRequest '[{ "assistantId": "test-assistant", "addonIds": ["addonId1", "addonId2"], "assistantModelId": "gpt-4", "request": "assistant request?", "response": "expected assistant response" }]'
entitySimpleRequest ENTITY_SIMPLE_REQUEST_FOR_API_TESTS EntitySimpleRequest '[{ "entityId": "stability.stable-diffusion-xl", "request": "draw smiling emoticon", "isAttachmentResponse": "true"}]'
entityPlusAttachmentRequest ENTITY_PLUS_ATTACHMENT_FOR_API_TESTS EntityPlusAttachmentRequest '[{ "entityId": "gpt-4-vision-preview", "attachmentName": "sun.jpg", "response": "sun" }]'

If environment variable is not set, the corresponding test will not be executed.

Listing tests configuration

The purpose of running listing tests is to guarantee that all necessary entities are correctly configured and accessible through /api/models and /api/addons API. To execute these listing tests, the following environment variables need to be set:

Env variable Interface Example
MODELS_LIST_FOR_TESTS Entity '[{"entityId":"gpt-35-turbo"}, {"entityId":"gpt-4"}]'
ADDONS_LIST_FOR_TESTS Entity '[{"entityId":"addon-wolfram"}, {"entityId":"addon-xweather"}]'

Run tests locally

Run nx e2e chat-e2e to execute chat and overlay sandbox tests locally. Installation of default browsers may be required, when run for the 1st time.

Local version of application is automatically started before execution the tests on http://localhost:3000. Config file used for local run is

Overlay sandbox is launched on http://localhost:4200 and use local.overlay.playwright.config.ts config for tests.

To run only chat e2e tests use nx run chat-e2e:e2e:chat, for overlay sandbox tests nx run chat-e2e:e2e:overlay.

After tests execution finished, 2 kind of reports are generated: html, allure.

Before generating Allure report, install it on your local machine following the guide:

To open chat html report, run the command npx playwright show-report apps\chat-e2e\chat-html-report, for overlay report - npx playwright show-report apps\chat-e2e\overlay-html-report

Chat allure report is opened in default browser using allure serve apps/chat-e2e/allure-chat-results, overlay allure report is triggered by allure serve apps/chat-e2e/allure-overlay-results

Every test inside local report contains video recording and trace attached.

If need to execute tests inside docker container run:

# Unix
docker run --rm --network host -v "$(pwd)":/test/ -w /test/ -it /bin/bash

# Win
docker run --rm --network host -v ${pwd}:/test/ -w /test/ -it /bin/bash

npm i
nx e2e chat-e2e

Image version should correspond Playwright version.

Run tests on CI

Config files used for CI pipeline: chat.playwright.config.ts and overlay.playwright.config.ts

nx e2e chat-e2e --configuration=production command is used to trigger tests on CI.

Generated Allure report is attached as a job artifact. To view CI Allure report:

  • for Chrome: open report in browser instance started with command "[PATH_TO_CHROME]\chrome.exe" --disable-web-security --disable-gpu --user-data-dir=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\chromeTemp
  • for FireFox: open about:config in browser and set security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy to false.

CI report includes screenshots for failed tests.

Environment variables

The following variables should be placed inside chat-e2e/.env.local file in order to run tests locally

Variable Required Description Available Values Default values
E2E_HOST No The host URL for end-to-end testing. Any string http://localhost:3000
E2E_USERNAME Yes Comma-separated list of usernames for e2e authentication. Provide enough usernames for all main users, additional users, and second additional users (number of workers * 3). Any string
E2E_ADMIN Yes Username for admin authentication. Any string
E2E_OVERLAY_USERNAME Yes Comma separated list of usernames for overlay sandbox authentification. The number of users should be equal to number of workers set in playwright config Any string
E2E_WORKERS No Number of threads to run e2e tests Any number 3
E2E_OVERLAY_WORKERS No Number of threads to run e2e overlay tests Any number 1
E2E_PASSWORD Yes The password for e2e authentication (same for all non-admin users). Any string
TMS_URL No TMS URL Any string
ISSUE_URL No Issue URL Any string
NEXT_PUBLIC_OVERLAY_HOST No Overlay domain host Any string http://localhost:3000
AUTH_PROVIDER No Name of authentication provider AuthProvider enum values auth0
ENTITY_ARITHMETIC_REQUEST_FOR_API_TESTS No Dial entities used for simple arithmetic API test json corresponding ArithmeticRequestEntity interface
ENTITY_PLUS_ADDONS_FOR_API_TESTS No Dial entities used for entity+addons API test json corresponding EntityPlusAddonsRequest interface
ENTITY_SIMPLE_REQUEST_FOR_API_TESTS No Dial entities used for text request API test, attachment can be expected as a response json corresponding EntitySimpleRequest interface
ENTITY_PLUS_ATTACHMENT_FOR_API_TESTS No Dial entities used for attachment request API test json corresponding EntityPlusAttachmentRequest interface
ASSISTANT_PLUS_ADDONS_FOR_API_TESTS No Dial entities used for assistant+addons API test json corresponding AssistantPlusAddonsRequest interface
MODELS_LIST_FOR_TESTS No Dial entities used for listing test json corresponding Entity interface
ADDONS_LIST_FOR_TESTS No Dial entities used for listing test json corresponding Entity interface
SIMPLE_REQUEST_MODEL No Model used for simple requests, with or without system prompts, e.g. arithmetic operations, markdown tables generation etc Any string