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1b43f69 · Dec 28, 2018


This branch is up to date with kaltura/platform-install-packages:Rigel-18.13.0.


Using Vagrant to install Kaltura Server

Vagrant is a tool to create portable development environments. We provide a Vagrantfile and some shell scripts that allow to leverage that tool to easily create a virtual machine with a fully working Kaltura Server.

Common use cases

  • You are developing an application which uses Kaltura Server (via the API), the easiest way is to develop your app with Kaltura's SAAS server (you can get a free trial account). However, if you want to work on the airplane or places with limited connectivty you are stuck, using the Vagrant machine you are not dependant on the network at all, everything runs locally from your pc.
  • You are developing an application which requires some special settings or you need to create multiple partners on the Kaltura Server. Using the Vagrant machine you have complete freedom to create partners and change settings.
  • You want to make some changes / develop plugins for the Kaltura Server, or just to debug a problem. Using the vagrant machine you have full acces to the server code and can modify it as you wish.

Important notes

Please note that the created server is only meant for development / testing purposes and is NOT SECURED or performant enough to use for production. In order to better secure it:

  • Edit vagrant/ comment out the iptables flushing, stopping and disable from init and replace with proper rules
  • Edit vagrant/ set proper passwds for MySQL root user and the Kaltura admin user

Installation/Usage guide

  • Install Vagrant
  • Install VirtualBox (Other virtual machine providers such as VMWare should work as well but we only tested it with VirtualBox)
  • Copy the vagrant directory from within the platform-install-packages
  • Edit vagrant/Vagrantfile and replace: "private_network", ip: ""

with the IP you wish to set for the host.

  • Modify the values in according to your needs
  • See the Vagrant documentation on how to use and configure the vagrant machine.
  • To setup the machine:
  • $ cd vagrant
  • $ vagrant up
  • The setup of the machine will take a while - it will download around 1.6GB of packages.
  • If the hostname you wish to use is not resolved by DNS, you should add the following to your hosts file:
  • You can now access your server at http://$DOMAIN_SET_IN_VAGRANT_CONF/admin_console
  • You can see the username/password in
  • The server's root user password is 'vagrant', make sure to change it once logged in.