This project uses poetry for dependency management and packaging.
Install poetry from
Fork this project into your account
Clone the repository to you preferred location:
$ git clone<user>/djangocms-xliff/
- Change into the directory:
$ cd djangocms-xliff/
- Create a feature branch:
$ git checkout -b feature/<branch_name>
- Install the dependencies:
$ poetry install
- Activate the virtual environment:
$ poetry shell
- Install pre-commit for linting, security, formatting, etc. (only needed once):
$ pre-commit install
- This project uses tox to run against all supported python, django and django-cms versions. If you are missing a python interpreter install it on your system (or preferably use pyenv). Then make sure all tests run successfully:
$ tox
- Optionally if you need to generate translations use the following commands:
# Generate .po files to translate in a language
django-admin makemessages --locale <language_code>
# Compile .po into .mo
django-admin compilemessages --ignore .tox
- Create the pull request