This project is abandoned by licensing problems.
Please use "Advanced eHideTags".
It's continued version of this plugin from me.
When a player clicks on another player, a message is sent to the actionbar with the nickname of the player he clicked on
- Placeholder API support
- Minecraft Formatting support
- Hex Colors support
- /eht - Main Plugin Command
- /eht help - Config Reload Command
- /eht reload - Plugin Help Command
- eht.reload - Allows you to reload plugin
- eht.updatenotify - Allows you to get update notifications
- eht.command - Allows you to use /eht command
- - Allows you to use /eht help command
- eht.* - Gives all plugin permissions
enabled: true
# Placeholders:
# %name% - Player Name
# %displayname% - Player Displayname
message: '&6%name%'
There is a known conflict with TAB, as it has a value invisible-nametags. However, it also don't hide nametags if it on false. To fix this, change invisible-nametags from false to true in the TAB config.