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Releases: emsig/empymod

Benchmarked with asv

07 Jul 21:12
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  • Benchmarks: empymod has now a benchmark suite, see empymod/asv.

  • Fixed a bug in bipole for time-domain responses with several receivers or sources with different depths (Simply failed, as wrong dimension was provided to tem).

  • Small improvements:

    • Various simplifications or cleaning of the code base.
    • Small change (for speed) in check if kernels are empty in transform.dlfand transform.qwe.

Load/save filters in plain text

19 Jun 17:48
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  • New routines in empymod.filters.DigitalFilter: Filters can now be saved to or loaded from pure ascii-files.

  • Filters and inversion result from empymod.scripts.fdesign are now by default saved in plain text. The filters with their internal routine, the inversion result with np.savetxt. Compressed saving can be achieved by giving a name with a '.gz'-ending.

  • Change in empymod.utils:

    • Renamed _min_param to _min_res.
    • Anisotropy aniso is no longer directly checked for its minimum value. Instead, res*aniso**2, hence vertical resistivity, is checked with _min_res, and anisotropy is subsequently re-calculated from it.
    • The parameters epermH, epermV, mpermH, and mpermV can now be set to 0 (or any positive value) and do not depend on _min_param.
  • printinfo: Generally improved; prints now MKL-info (if available) independently of numexpr.

  • Simplification of kernel.reflections through re-arranging.

  • Bug fixes

  • Version of re-submission of the DLF article to geophysics.

Move empyscripts into empymod.scripts

24 May 01:00
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Merge empyscripts into empymod under empymod.scripts.

  • Clear separation between mandatory and optional imports:

    • Mandatory:

      • numpy
      • scipy
    • Optional:

      • numexpr (for empymod.kernel)
      • matplotlib (for empymod.scripts.fdesign)
      • IPython (for empymod.scripts.printinfo)
  • Broaden namespace of empymod. All public functions from the various modules and the modules from empymod.scripts are now available under empymod directly.

Speed improvements for QUAD/QWE

21 May 20:49
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These changes should make calculations using QWE and QUAD for the Hankel transform for cases which do not require all kernels faster; sometimes as much as twice as fast. However, it might make calculations which do require all kernels a tad slower, as more checks had to be included. (Related to [empymod#11]; basically including for QWE and QUAD what was included for DLF in version 1.6.0.)

  • transform:

    • dlf:

      • Improved by avoiding unnecessary multiplications/summations for empty kernels and applying the angle factor only if it is not 1.
      • Empty/unused kernels can now be input as None, e.g. signal=(PJ0, None, None).
      • factAng is new optional for the Hankel transform, as is ab.
    • hqwe: Avoids unnecessary calculations for zero kernels, improving speed for these cases.

    • hquad, quad: Avoids unnecessary calculations for zero kernels, improving speed for these cases.

  • kernel:

    • Simplify wavenumber
    • Simplify angle_factor

Primary/secondary field

05 May 14:21
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  • Add the possibility to calculate secondary fields only (excluding the direct field) by passing the argument xdirect=None. The complete xdirect-signature is now (only affects calculation if src and rec are in the same layer):

    • If True, direct field is calculated analytically in the frequency domain.
    • If False, direct field is calculated in the wavenumber domain.
    • If None, direct field is excluded from the calculation, and only reflected
      fields are returned (secondary field).
  • Bugfix in model.analytical for ab=[36, 63] (zeroes) [#16].

More DLF improvements

01 May 13:41
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This release is not completely backwards compatible for the main modelling routines in empymod.model, but almost. Read below to see which functions are affected.

  • Improved Hankel DLF [empymod#11].
    empymod.kernel.wavenumber always returns three kernels, PJ0, PJ1, and PJ0b. The first one is angle-independent, the latter two depend on the angle. Now, depending of what source-receiver configuration is chosen, some of these might be zero. If-statements were now included to avoid the calculation of the DLF, interpolation, and reshaping for 0-kernels, which improves speed for these cases.

  • Unified DLF arguments [empymod#10].

    These changes are backwards compatible for all main modelling routines in empymod.model. However, they are not backwards compatible for the following routines:

    • empymod.model.fem (removed use_spline),
    • empymod.transform.fht (removed use_spline),
    • empymod.transform.hqwe (removed use_spline),
    • empymod.transform.quad (removed use_spline),
    • empymod.transform.dlf (lagged, splined => pts_per_dec),
    • empymod.utils.check_opt (no longer returns use_spline),
    • empymod.utils.check_hankel (changes in pts_per_dec), and
    • empymod.utils.check_time (changes in pts_per_dec).

    The function empymod.utils.spline_backwards_hankel can be used for backwards compatibility.

    Now the Hankel and Fourier DLF have the same behaviour for pts_per_dec:

    • pts_per_dec = 0: Standard DLF,
    • pts_per_dec < 0: Lagged Convolution DLF, and
    • pts_per_dec > 0: Splined DLF.

    There is one exception which is not backwards compatible: Before, if opt=None and htarg={pts_per_dec: != 0}, the pts_per_dec was not used for the FHT and the QWE. New, this will be used according to the above definitions.

  • Bugfix in model.wavenumber for ab=36 (zeroes).

Improved DLF

26 Apr 03:28
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  • DLF improvements:

    • Digital linear filter (DLF) method for the Fourier transform can now be carried out without spline, providing 0 for pts_per_dec (or any integer smaller than 1).

    • Combine kernel from fht and ffht into dlf, hence separate DLF from other calculations, as is done with QWE (qwe for hqwe and fqwe).

    • Bug fix regarding transform.get_spline_values; a DLF with pts_per_dec can now be shorter then the corresponding filter.

Improved docs

24 Feb 19:00
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  • Documentation:

    • Simplifications: avoid duplication as much as possible between the website, the manual, and the README.

      • Website has now only Features and Installation in full, all other
        information comes in the form of links.
      • README has only information in the form of links.
      • Manual contains the README, and is basically the main document for all
    • Improvements: Change some remaining md-syntax to rst-syntax.

    • FHT -> DLF: replace FHT as much as possible, without breaking backwards

Hankel filter wer_201_2018

02 Jan 17:53
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  • Minimum parameter values can now be set and verified with utils.set_minimum
    and utils.get_minimum.

  • New Hankel filter wer_201_2018.

  • opt=parallel has no effect if numexpr is not built against Intel's VML.
    (Use import numexpr; numexpr.use_vml to see if your numexpr uses VML.)

  • Bug fixes

  • Version of manuscript submission to geophysics for the DLF article.

TE/TM split

19 Sep 01:24
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[This was meant to be 1.4.3, but due to a setup/pypi/anaconda-issue I had to push it to 1.4.4; so there isn't really a version 1.4.3.]

  • Add TE/TM split to diffusive ee-halfspace solution.

  • Improve kernel.wavenumber for fullspaces.

  • Extended fQWE and fftlog to be able to use the cosine-transform. Now the cosine-transform with the real-part frequency response is used internally if a switch-off response (signal=-1) is required, rather than calculating the switch-on response (with sine-transform and imaginary-part frequency response) and subtracting it from the DC value.

  • Bug fixes