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Lecture2. Linear Regression and Gradient Descent


  • Linear regression (= ordinary least squares)
  • Batch/stochastic gradient descent
  • Normal equation


= parameters
m = # training examples (# rows in table)
x = "inputs" or "features"
y = "output" or "target variable"
(x, y) = training example
= i th training example
= h(x)

Linear Regression

job of supervised learning

when designing a learning algorithm the first thing you need to ask is how do you represent the hypothesis H?
Choose such that h(x) y for training example

we wanna minimize the squared difference between the prediction and y (choose values of theta that minimize that)
to make derivative simpler,

why square error?
It is because of the generalization of linear regression Linear regressino is a special case of a bigger family of algorithms called generalizing your models.
Using squared error corresponds to gaussian

Gradient Descent

Algorithm to find the value of Theta that minimizes Cost Function J of Theta.

Start with some (Say )
Keep changing to reduce

It turns outu that when you run gradient descents on linear regression, there will not be local optimum


The dataset(training set) is fixed The cost function J is fixed The only thing you're gonna do is tweak or modify the parameters

is learning rate. In practice you set it to 0.01.
a:=b means we're gonna take the value on the right and assign it to a on the left.
a=b means I'm asserting the fact that the value of a is equal to the value of b The derivative of a function defines the direction of steepest descent.


x(front view image) --> y (steering)
: supervised linear regression cuz y is continuous


The job of the learning algorithm is to choose parameters theta that allows you to make good predictions about your prices of houses
in linear regression, the hypothesis is going to be h(x) = theta_0 + theta_1 * x (technically, it is affine function cuz of theta_0. w/o theta_0, it is linear function, but doesn't matter..)
if you have more than one data, h(x) = theta_0 + theta_1 * x1 + theta_2 * x2 ( x1 = size, x2 = # bedrooms)
h(x) = sum([ theta_j * x_j from j in range(0, 3) ], x_0 = 1