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File metadata and controls

executable file
114 lines (104 loc) · 3.59 KB



XY Inc. is a company specializing in the production of excellent GPS receivers (Global Positioning System) and this project was developed to maintain a backend for their new brand system, which intends to help people locate Points of Interest (POI).

Quick Start

1.Install MongoDB, Java and Maven

PS: To see this project in NodeJS, click here

2.Clone this repository using git clone

3.On the root of the project, run:

mkdir data && mkdir data/db (this creates the project database path used by mongo to store data)

mongod --dbpath=data/db (this will initiate a mongodb server at localhost:27017)

mvn dependency:resolve (this will handle the dependencies of the project)

mvn clean install (this will build the project)

mvn spring-boot:run (this will start the webservice at localhost:8080)

4.Open in your browser the URL http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html to test the webservice or use any HttpClient that you want.


GET /get-point

Search for a specific Point Of Interest if given "id" via query parameter, or a list of Point Of Interest if given "name" via query parameter.

Expected parameters:

UUID id, String name (both optional)

Example: /get-point?id=5cfd917e-d1c8-48cd-b0a2-072b137cb40a or /get-point?name=Churrascaria

If both are sent, the endpoint will use the id parameter in the query.

GET /get-points

Search for all Point Of Interest saved in the database and don't take any parameters.

GET /get-points-nearby

Search for a list of Point Of Interest given a location reference and a maximum distance that the backend will query given that reference.

Expected parameters:

int coordx, int coordy, double maxDistance (all three required)

Example: /get-points-nearby?coordx=15&coordy=15&maxDistance=10

POST /save-point

Saves a Point Of Interest in the database.

Expected parameter:

Point Of Interest object
    "name": "Place",
    "coordx": 10,
    "coordy": 10

In order to update a specific point already added to the database, just sent the object you want to update in the same endpoint that saves a new point, but passing the id in the object, as follow:

Point Of Interest object
    "id": 5cfd917e-d1c8-48cd-b0a2-072b137cb40a,
    "name": "Place",
    "coordx": 10,
    "coordy": 10

DELETE /delete-point

Delete a specific Point Of Interest if given "id" via query parameter or the object itself via body request, or a list of Point Of Interest if given "name" via query parameter.

Expected parameters:

UUID id, String name, Point Of Interest object

Example: /delete-point?id=5cfd917e-d1c8-48cd-b0a2-072b137cb40a or /delete-point?name="Churrascaria"

PS: All endpoints returns status 200 (ok) if everything goes well and 400 (bad request) if something goes wrong`





API Tooling

Git Repository

Future Improvements

Dockerize our project to simplify the build and run process to just one line command.