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This branch is 230 commits behind emscripten-core/emsdk:master.


Dockerfile for EMSDK

This Dockerfile builds a self-contained version of emsdk that enables emscripten to be used without any other installation on the host system.

It is published at


Simple usage of this container to compile a hello-world

# create helloworld.cpp
cat << EOF > helloworld.cpp
#include <iostream>
int main() {
  std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;
  return 0;
# compile with docker image
docker run \
  --rm \
  -v $(pwd):$(pwd) \
  -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
  emscripten/emscripten \
  emcc helloworld.cpp -o helloworld.js

# execute on host machine
node helloworld.js

Teardown of compilation command:

part description
docker run A standard command to run a command in a container
--rm remove a container after execution (optimization)
-v $(pwd):$(pwd) Mounting current folder from the host system into mirrored path on the container
TIP: This helps to investigate possible problem as we preserve exactly the same paths like in host. In such case modern editors (like Sublime, Atom, VS Code) let us to CTRL+Click on a problematic file
-u $(id -u):$(id -g) Run the container as a non-root user with the same UID and GID as local user. Hence all files produced by this are accessible to non-root users
emscripten/emscripten Get the latest tag of this container
emcc helloworld.cpp -o helloworld.js Execute emcc command with following arguments inside container, effectively compile our source code

Building Dockerfile

This image requires to specify following build arguments:

arg description
EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION One of released version of Emscripten. For example 1.38.45
Can be used with -upstream variant like: 1.38.45-upstream
Minimal supported version is 1.38.40


This step will build Dockerfile as given tag on local machine

# using docker
docker build \
    --build-arg=EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION=1.38.43-upstream \
    --tag emscripten/emscripten:1.38.43-upstream \
# using predefined make target
make version=1.38.43-upstream build


In case of using docker build command directly, given --tag should match version of released Emscripten (you can see list of non-legacy versions by executing emsdk list).


This step will take local image and push to default docker registry. You need to make sure that you logged in docker cli (docker login) and you have rights to push to that registry.

# using docker
docker push emscripten/emscripten:1.38.43-upstream
# using predefined make target
make version=1.38.43-upstream push

In case of pushing the most recent version, this version should be also tagged as latest or latest-upstream and pushed.

# using docker cli

# in case of fastcomp variant (default backend)
docker tag emscripten/emscripten:1.38.43 emscripten/emscripten:latest
docker push emscripten/emscripten:latest

# in case of upstream variant
docker tag emscripten/emscripten:1.38.43-upstream emscripten/emscripten:latest-upstream
docker push emscripten/emscripten:latest-upstream
# using predefined make target

make version=1.38.43-upstream alias=latest-upstream push


If your project uses packages that this image doesn't provide you might want to:

  • Contribute to this repo: Maybe your dependency is either non-intrusive or could be useful for other people
  • Create custom image that bases on this image
  1. create own Dockerfile that holds:

    # Point at any base image that you find suitable to extend.
    FROM emscripten/emscripten:1.38.25
    # Install required tools that are useful for your project i.e. ninja-build
    RUN apt update && apt install -y ninja-build
  2. build it

    docker build -t extended_emscripten .
  3. test

    docker run --rm extended_emscripten ninja --version
    # Python 2.7.16