Metrics in this folder are based on a privately generated dataset which was also used to train the model found in weights/
There are 188 images in the test dataset
Generates the images in this folder and statistics which are shown below.
Disclaimer: as the data is private, the code is unable to access the files and will not run on your local environment.
from ultralytics import YOLO
model = YOLO("runs/detect/train26/weights/")
# use the same data augmentation metrics as training
metrics = model.val(data='validate_test_dataset.yaml', rect=True, batch=8, epochs=10, plots=True,
close_mosaic = 0, mosaic=0, translate=0, fliplr=False,
hsv_h = 0.3, hsv_s = 0.3, hsv_v = 0.3, scale = 0.0,
max_det = 1)
Average Precision (ap), with IoU threshold
- ap: 0.68117
- ap50: 0.96704
F1 score
- f1: 0.95231
Mean Average Precision (map), with IoU threshold
- map: 0.6811676627002917
- map50: 0.9670354184334928
- map75: 0.7703671586498878
- mr: 0.93796537117117