diff --git a/labs/lab12/index.html b/labs/lab12/index.html index d383bb7df..993a75de0 100644 --- a/labs/lab12/index.html +++ b/labs/lab12/index.html @@ -31,8 +31,7 @@



  1. While we are required to have you show up to lab today, we won't be taking up much of your time.
  2. -
  3. However, note that you still have to attend lab in Olsson 001 (or Rice 340), however briefly, and submit your file for this lab from there.
  4. +
  5. For this in-lab, we won't be taking up much of your time.
  6. How much wrath do you have to vent about the course? How much did it ruin your life? How much did you learn? Let us know -- fill out the course surveys! You can access them through Collab (or SIS? We aren't actually given any information about how students access the course evaluations). On a more serious note, we are very interested in your feedback about the course, and would greatly appreciate your filling out of the course evaluation.
  7. The one text file you must submit for this lab is called suggestion.txt, and it should contain one constructive suggestion as to how to improve this course. Here, constructive means that it could actually be accomplished (so you can't just say "ditch C++" without some sort of suggestion as to what to place in its stead).
  8. Any other comments to pass on? There is always the Collab anonymous feedback for more comments as well.
  9. diff --git a/labs/lab12/index.md b/labs/lab12/index.md index f550203ad..f17c7cc9c 100644 --- a/labs/lab12/index.md +++ b/labs/lab12/index.md @@ -32,14 +32,13 @@ Procedure ### In-lab ### -1. While we are required to have you show up to lab today, we won't be taking up much of your time. -2. However, note that you still have to attend lab in Olsson 001 (or Rice 340), however briefly, and submit your file for this lab from there. -3. How much wrath do you have to vent about the course? How much did it ruin your life? How much did you learn? Let us know -- fill out the course surveys! You can access them through Collab (or SIS? We aren't actually given any information about how students access the course evaluations). On a more serious note, we are very interested in your feedback about the course, and would greatly appreciate your filling out of the course evaluation. -4. The one text file you must submit for this lab is called suggestion.txt, and it should contain one *constructive* suggestion as to how to improve this course. Here, constructive means that it could actually be accomplished (so you can't just say "ditch C++" without some sort of suggestion as to what to place in its stead). -5. Any other comments to pass on? There is always the Collab anonymous feedback for more comments as well. -6. There will be a review session for the final; details to be announced later. -7. Make sure you know when the final exam is!!! -8. File to submit: suggestion.txt +1. For this in-lab, we won't be taking up much of your time. +2. How much wrath do you have to vent about the course? How much did it ruin your life? How much did you learn? Let us know -- fill out the course surveys! You can access them through Collab (or SIS? We aren't actually given any information about how students access the course evaluations). On a more serious note, we are very interested in your feedback about the course, and would greatly appreciate your filling out of the course evaluation. +3. The one text file you must submit for this lab is called suggestion.txt, and it should contain one *constructive* suggestion as to how to improve this course. Here, constructive means that it could actually be accomplished (so you can't just say "ditch C++" without some sort of suggestion as to what to place in its stead). +4. Any other comments to pass on? There is always the Collab anonymous feedback for more comments as well. +5. There will be a review session for the final; details to be announced later. +6. Make sure you know when the final exam is!!! +7. File to submit: suggestion.txt ### Post-lab ### diff --git a/tutorials/12-objc/index.html b/tutorials/12-objc/index.html index 029f06e71..e1d8dfe78 100644 --- a/tutorials/12-objc/index.html +++ b/tutorials/12-objc/index.html @@ -46,11 +46,12 @@

    Differences with the Wikibooks

    Difference 2: the super-class

    We have included (well, imported) a different file, and thus can no longer subclass from Object. Thus, we must change the super class name from Object to NSObject. This is line 3 of the Point.h class in the Objective C Syntax tutorial on Wikibooks.

    Difference 3: compilation command


    As our programs are now more complicated than just a "hello world", the compilation line is longer as well. The compilation command for Linux machines (such as the VirtualBox image) is:

    clang -I /usr/include/GNUstep/ *.m -lobjc -lgnustep-base

    On some Linux systems (specificially, on 64-bit Ubuntu 16.04 systems), we had to use the following compilation line; if the one above does not work, then try this one:

    clang -I /usr/include/GNUstep/ -I /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/include/ *.m -lobjc -lgnustep-base

    On Mac OS X, the compilation command is much simpler, and is what was shown above:


    As our programs are now more complicated than just a "hello world", the compilation line is longer as well. The compilation command for Linux machines (such as VirtualBox image) is:

    clang -I /usr/include/GNUstep/ -I /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/ *.m -lobjc -lgnustep-base

    The command above was tested on the provided Virtual Box image and works. If you are on another Linux system, you can try one of the following similar commands to see if they work:

    clang -I /usr/include/GNUstep/ *.m -lobjc -lgnustep-base
    +clang -I /usr/include/GNUstep/ -I /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/include/ *.m -lobjc -lgnustep-base

    On Mac OS X, the compilation command is much simpler, and is what was previously shown. Here it is again for your convenience:

    clang *.m -lobjc

    Difference 4: other libraries to use

    If you are compiling the Point class, described in the Objective C Syntax tutorial on Wikibooks, the compiler will need to know what the sqrt() function is. Thus, you will have to link it to the math library: put -lm at the end of the compilation command, otherwise it will tell you that it cannot find the sqrt() implementation. This likely won't be necessary for the program you have to do below, but it will be necessary for the Point class program.

    diff --git a/tutorials/12-objc/index.md b/tutorials/12-objc/index.md index a4f1cb9ce..70d427312 100644 --- a/tutorials/12-objc/index.md +++ b/tutorials/12-objc/index.md @@ -76,19 +76,20 @@ We have included (well, imported) a different file, and thus can no longer subcl **Difference 3: compilation command** -As our programs are now more complicated than just a "hello world", the compilation line is longer as well. The compilation command for Linux machines (such as the VirtualBox image) is: +As our programs are now more complicated than just a "hello world", the compilation line is longer as well. The compilation command for Linux machines (such as VirtualBox image) is: ``` -clang -I /usr/include/GNUstep/ *.m -lobjc -lgnustep-base +clang -I /usr/include/GNUstep/ -I /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/ *.m -lobjc -lgnustep-base ``` -On some Linux systems (specificially, on 64-bit Ubuntu 16.04 systems), we had to use the following compilation line; if the one above does not work, then try this one: +The command above was tested on the provided Virtual Box image and works. If you are on another Linux system, you can try one of the following similar commands to see if they work: ``` +clang -I /usr/include/GNUstep/ *.m -lobjc -lgnustep-base clang -I /usr/include/GNUstep/ -I /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/include/ *.m -lobjc -lgnustep-base ``` -On Mac OS X, the compilation command is much simpler, and is what was shown above: +On Mac OS X, the compilation command is much simpler, and is what was previously shown. Here it is again for your convenience: ``` clang *.m -lobjc