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16 |
| -Diago is built with GO language and we are keeping well optimized sip and media stack to have performance and low GC latency. Major win is Go offers fast development speed and memory safety, but also tooling to tweak best performance." /> |
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| -<meta property="og:description" content="Why Diago? Development of VOIP services can be slow or it was full workarrounds. Diago try to offer more modern Stack and put you closer to protcol,network,media but offering High level and low level API calls. |
26 |
| -Diago is built with GO language and we are keeping well optimized sip and media stack to have performance and low GC latency. Major win is Go offers fast development speed and memory safety, but also tooling to tweak best performance." /> |
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35 |
| -Diago is built with GO language and we are keeping well optimized sip and media stack to have performance and low GC latency. Major win is Go offers fast development speed and memory safety, but also tooling to tweak best performance."> |
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40 |
| -Diago is built with GO language and we are keeping well optimized sip and media stack to have performance and low GC latency. Major win is Go offers fast development speed and memory safety, but also tooling to tweak best performance."> |
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224 | 217 | >Why Diago
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340 | 321 | <h1></h1>
341 |
| - <h2>Why Diago?<span class="hx-absolute -hx-mt-20" id="why-diago"></span> |
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| - <a href="#why-diago" class="subheading-anchor" aria-label="Permalink for this section"></a></h2><p>Development of VOIP services can be slow or it was full workarrounds. |
343 |
| -Diago try to offer more modern Stack and put you closer to protcol,network,media but offering High level and low level API calls.</p> |
344 |
| -<p>Diago is built with GO language and we are keeping well optimized sip and media stack to have performance and low GC latency. Major win is Go offers fast development speed and memory safety, but also tooling to tweak best performance.</p> |
345 |
| -<p>In case you wondering is Go right language, there are already good benchmark results with just <a href="https://github.com/emiago/sipgo" target="_blank" rel="noopener">sipgo</a>.</p> |
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| - |
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