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Using xlink:href in SVG can cause pointless style recalculations #62

tomvandezande opened this issue Nov 25, 2016 · 4 comments


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tomvandezande commented Nov 25, 2016

Edited by @evancz

The runtime behavior of justCirc and symAndUse is very different in the following code.

  • With symAndUse the browser is recalculating styles on every animation frame.
  • With justCirc it does not do this.

You can observe this by profiling the example with the Chrome timeline

import Html exposing (Html)
import Svg exposing (..)
import Svg.Attributes exposing (..)
import VirtualDom exposing (attributeNS)
import AnimationFrame
import Time exposing (Time)


view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
        justCirc = [ circle [cx "50", cy "50", r "40", strokeWidth "8", stroke "red", fill "red"] [] ]

        symAndUse = 
            [ symbol [id "sym01"] justCirc
            , use [xlinkHref "#sym01", x "0", y "0", width "100", height "100"] []
        svg [ viewBox "0 0 200 200", width "600px" ]


main = Html.program { init = init, view = view, update = update, subscriptions = subscriptions }

type alias Model = Time

init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
  (0, Cmd.none)

type Msg = Tick Time

update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
  case msg of
    Tick newTime -> (0, Cmd.none)

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
  AnimationFrame.times Tick

Original Comment:

SSCCE here

If you profile this example using the Chrome timeline, you can see that the browser is recalculating styles on every animation frame. Since the DOM isn't changing at all, this shouldn't be the case?
If you were to replace the last line symAndUse with justCirc, it does work as expected (no calculating restyles).

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Thanks for the issue! Make sure it satisfies this checklist. My human colleagues will appreciate it!

Here is what to expect next, and if anyone wants to comment, keep these things in mind.

@evancz evancz changed the title xlink:href breaking the elm virtual dom diffing Using xlink:href in SVG can cause pointless style recalculations Jul 7, 2017
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I believe the reason for this issue is that for all namespaced attributes the value is an object,

var _VirtualDom_attributeNS = F3(function(namespace, key, value)
return {
$: 'a__1_ATTR_NS',
__key: key,
__value: { __namespace: namespace, __value: value }

which we then try to compare by reference.

// reference equal, so don't worry about it
if (xValue === yValue && xKey !== 'value' && xKey !== 'checked'
|| category === 'a__1_EVENT' && _VirtualDom_equalEvents(xValue, yValue))

This is bound to fail and force a patch every time we do a comparison on namespaced attributes.

It seems like Firefox is kinder when you use setAttributeNS with the old value, while Chrome forces a recalculation and will even try to re-fetch images from the network (see evancz/elm-playground#5 for an example).

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anka-213 commented Sep 19, 2019

Adding a condition like this

 if (xValue === yValue && xKey !== 'value' && xKey !== 'checked' 
 	|| category === 'a__1_EVENT' && _VirtualDom_equalEvents(xValue, yValue)
        || category === 'a__1_ATTR_NS' && xValue.__namespace === yValue.__namespace && xValue.__value === yValue.__value)

to the if-clause in _VirtualDom_diffFacts should solve the problem.

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lydell commented Jan 30, 2025

To those who run into this: The easiest way to solve the problem with xlink:href these days is to switch to just href instead. xlink:href is deprected: href has great browser compatibility:

-Svg.Attributes.xlinkHref "my-url"
+Html.Attributes.attribute "href" "my-url"

Note: Don’t use Html.Attributes.href since that is implemented by setting the .href property, which is readonly in SVG – only the href attribute can be set.

However, all Svg.Attributes.xlink* functions (not just Svg.Attributes.xlinkHref) suffer from this issue, and for the rest I don’t know the solution (I’ve never used any of them). But in that case #159 seems to be a correct PR.

It appears that all xlink:* attributes are deprecated, and that’s discussed in: elm/svg#22

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