├── gen > Generated api packages using openapi-generator
│ └── config > Configuration file to generate each api package
├── public > Static public assets (not imported anywhere in source code)
│ └── index.html > Main HTML page template for app
├── src > Application source code
│ ├── api > Instances of api packages to send and recieve data
│ ├── assets > Assets of project to import and use dynamically
│ ├── auth > Implement of OIDC client to authorize users in ids
│ ├── components > Global Reusable Components
│ ├── constants > Constants and configs used in project
│ ├── contexts > React contexts implemented to handle global states
│ ├── Hooks > React hooks implemented to handle services
│ ├── layouts > Constant and shared structures between different pages
│ ├── pages > Components associated with routes
│ ├── routes > Main route definitions and async split points
│ │ ├── AppRoutes.jsx > Bootstrap main application routes
│ │ └── PrivateRoute.jsx > Wrapper for pages which authenticate is need to view them
│ ├── theme > Application-wide styles and theme implemented using Mui
│ ├── utils > Basic and re-usable functions
│ ├── ...
└── └── index.jsx > Application bootstrap and rendering with