- App exists
- User can sign up/log in
- All logged in interactions are user stamped
- User can add/edit a basic contact (name, relationship type[family,friend,acquaintance,who dis?], relationship depth [close..far], desired closeness level[close..far])
- User can log interacting with a contact (form fields: date, autocompletable name)
- App shows log of yesterday's interactions
- App suggests top three friends to reach out to today
- User can import contacts from:
- Important: Imported contacts include additional information (image, handle, contact info, etc)
- Google contacts
- App provides interface for quickly categorizing relationship distance and desired closeness level of new contacts
- App provides interface for de-duping contacts
- User can import interactions from:
- Important: Imported interactions include bare minimum information to be able to link back to the interaction in the source application (e.g. only preview of email subject lines, rather than full emails; the fact that there was a FB message, rather than the message itself)
- Gmail
- Google calendar invites
- Phone calls (via. native app?)
- App mines vague calendar entries to suggest yesterday's interactions (E.g. "Meeting w/ John M." would yield suggestions that you may have met with contacts John Moore or John McKay)
This README documents the steps that are necessary to get the application up and running.
Ruby version
- See
- See
System dependencies
- Postgresql
- Node
- Yarn
cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml
Database creation
rake db:create:all
Database initialization
rake db:migrate
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions