Mac OS VPNC Frontend 0.1
It works as a menulet which allows you to connect/disconnect to your configured VPNs. It also tracks the tunnel interface to check the connection status and display notifications.
Your VPNC path must be /opt/local/sbin/
You have to allow your user in sudoers to run vpnc and vpnc-disconnect without asking for password:
username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /opt/local/sbin/vpnc, /opt/local/sbin/vpnc-disconnect
Don't forget to check it manually by trying to connect and disconnect just using your regular user!
- Your configuration files must use ".conf" extension.
This is the first time I use Objective-C, so the code definitely could be better.
Also, I'm using a combination of AppleScript and NSUserNotification to have different types of notifications. That sucks, but I couldn't find a better way to do it at the time.
- Code documentation
- Error handling
- Check for valid VPNC configuration files
- App configuration file
- Menu:
- Display notifications on/off
- checkStatus timer
- edit VPNC configuration files
..and many many more things
Elian Scrosoppi
[email protected]