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rgwch edited this page Jan 15, 2017 · 13 revisions

Note: this FAQ applies to Linux servers. Other systems might behave differently.

Q: How do I begin?


  • Download the server binaries and unzip them in an appropriate directory.
  • create a directory $HOME/elexis-server, copy the connection settings and the shiro access definitions to that directory and edit them according to your needs.
  • cd <server-directory>, then ./linux-start
  • telnet localhost 7234 (not localhost:7234 as the linux-start output says)
  • es_p2 features install
  • Launch a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8380/fhir/Patient?name=&lt;some patient name part>

Q: The server won't start


  • consult $HOME/elexis-server/logs
  • make sure, your elexis database has a locale-config (select wert from config where param='locale'; ). If this query returns an empty set, find out your machine's locale by typing locale in the terminal. Then insert that in the 'config' table, as in: insert into config (param,wert) values ("locale","de_CH.UTF-8");
  • make sure, your table names are lowercase and the mysql server is set to ignore case. Instructions here
  • Reinstall the fhir core bundle: es_p2 features uninstall, then es_p2 features install the elexis-server telnet console.

Q: What Types of FHIR Resources are supported?


  • Patient: (only /Patient?name=xxx supported, name and firstname are matched)
  • Condition
  • Organization
  • ProcedureRequest
  • Coverage
  • CodeSystem
  • Practitioner
  • StructureDefinition
  • Observation
  • Encounter
  • MedicationOrder
  • OperationDefinition
  • Claim

Q: How do I make sure that the server listens only to my VPN address?

A: ?

Q: How do I configure https:// - connections?

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