From 3a1be9557727cfefbb230578739a5a3da04859cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Steve Ramage <>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 10:40:53 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Partially Resolves #472 - Add basic support for Subscriptions

 .github/workflows/test.yml               |   2 +-
 external/resources/yaml/resources.yaml   | 134 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 external/runbooks/    |   7 +-
 external/runbooks/subscriptions.epcc.yml |  45 ++++++++
 4 files changed, 186 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 external/runbooks/subscriptions.epcc.yml

diff --git a/.github/workflows/test.yml b/.github/workflows/test.yml
index 0f50bfd..cd7b65b 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/test.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/test.yml
@@ -78,5 +78,5 @@ jobs:
         uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
           name: distribution
-          path: dist/epcc-cli_linux_amd64
+          path: dist/epcc-cli_linux_amd64_v1/epcc
           retention-days: 5
diff --git a/external/resources/yaml/resources.yaml b/external/resources/yaml/resources.yaml
index 6198c55..d8519b1 100644
--- a/external/resources/yaml/resources.yaml
+++ b/external/resources/yaml/resources.yaml
@@ -2372,3 +2372,137 @@ stores:
     docs: ""
     url: "/v2/stores/{settings}"
+  docs: ""
+  json-api-type: subscription_product
+  json-api-format: compliant
+  singular-name: subscription-product
+  get-collection:
+    docs:
+    url: /v2/subscriptions/products
+  get-entity:
+    docs:
+    url: /v2/subscriptions/products/{subscription_products}
+  create-entity:
+    docs:
+    url: /v2/subscriptions/products
+  update-entity:
+    docs:
+    url: /v2/subscriptions/products/{subscription_products}
+  delete-entity:
+    docs:
+    url: /v2/subscriptions/products/{subscription_products}
+  attributes:
+    ^price\.([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)\.amount$:
+      type: INT
+    ^price\.([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)\.includes_tax$:
+      type: BOOL
+    description:
+      type: STRING
+      autofill: VALUE:Auto Generated
+    external_ref:
+      type: STRING
+    main_image:
+      type: STRING
+    name:
+      type: STRING
+      autofill: FUNC:Name
+    price_units.amount:
+      type: INT
+    price_units.unit:
+      type: ENUM:day,month
+    sku:
+      type: STRING
+  docs: ""
+  json-api-type: subscription_plan
+  json-api-format: compliant
+  singular-name: subscription-plan
+  get-collection:
+    docs: ""
+    url: /v2/subscriptions/plans
+  get-entity:
+    docs: ""
+    url: /v2/subscriptions/plans/{subscription_plans}
+  create-entity:
+    docs: ""
+    url: /v2/subscriptions/plans
+  update-entity:
+    docs: ""
+    url: /v2/subscriptions/plans/{subscription_plans}
+  delete-entity:
+    docs: ""
+    url: /v2/subscriptions/plans/{subscription_plans}
+  attributes:
+    ^fixed_price\.(USD|[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)\.amount$:
+      type: INT
+    ^fixed_price\.(USD|[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)\.includes_tax$:
+      type: BOOL
+    billing_day:
+      type: INT
+    billing_frequency:
+      type: INT
+      autofill: VALUE:1
+    billing_interval_type:
+      type: ENUM:day,week,month,year
+      autofill: VALUE:day
+    billing_month_day:
+      type: INT
+    can_cancel:
+      type: BOOL
+      autofill: VALUE:true
+    can_pause:
+      type: BOOL
+      autofill: VALUE:true
+    can_resume:
+      type: BOOL
+      autofill: VALUE:true
+    description:
+      type: STRING
+      autofill: VALUE:Auto Generated
+    end_behavior:
+      type: ENUM:close,roll
+      autofill: VALUE:close
+    external_ref:
+      type: STRING
+    name:
+      type: STRING
+      autofill: FUNC:Name
+    plan_length:
+      type: INT
+      autofill: VALUE:1
+    status:
+      type: ENUM:active,draft,archive
+    trial_period:
+      type: INT
+  docs: ""
+  json-api-type: subscription_offering
+  json-api-format: compliant
+  get-collection:
+    docs: ""
+    url: /v2/subscriptions/offerings
+  get-entity:
+    docs: ""
+    url: /v2/subscriptions/offerings/{subscription_offerings}
+  create-entity:
+    docs: ""
+    url: /v2/subscriptions/offerings
+  update-entity:
+    docs: ""
+    url: /v2/subscriptions/offerings/{subscription_offerings}
+  delete-entity:
+    docs: ""
+    url: /v2/subscriptions/offerings/{subscription_offerings}
+  attributes:
+    description:
+      type: STRING
+      autofill: VALUE:Auto Generated
+    external_ref:
+      type: STRING
+    id:
+      type: RESOURCE_ID:subscription-offerings
+    name:
+      type: STRING
+      autofill: FUNC:Name
+  singular-name: subscription-offering
diff --git a/external/runbooks/ b/external/runbooks/
index b441fb9..120966d 100755
--- a/external/runbooks/
+++ b/external/runbooks/
@@ -11,8 +11,13 @@ set -x
 #Let's test that epcc command works after an embarrassing bug that caused it to panic :(
+echo "Starting Subscriptions Tests"
+epcc reset-store .+
+epcc runbooks run subscriptions create-subscription-plans
+epcc runbooks run subscriptions create-subscription-products
+epcc runbooks run subscriptions create-subscription-offerings
 echo "Starting Account Cart Association Tests"
 epcc reset-store .+
diff --git a/external/runbooks/subscriptions.epcc.yml b/external/runbooks/subscriptions.epcc.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b9fe6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external/runbooks/subscriptions.epcc.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+name: "subscriptions"
+  long: "Utilities for working with subscriptions"
+  short: "Utilities for working with subscriptions"
+  create-subscription-products:
+    variables:
+      count:
+        type: INT
+        default: 10
+        description:
+          short: "Create a lot of subscription products"
+    description:
+      short: "Create a number of products"
+    commands:
+      - |
+        {{ range untilStep 0 .count  1 -}}epcc create --skip-alias-processing -s subscription-product --auto-fill
+        {{ end }}
+  create-subscription-plans:
+    variables:
+      count:
+        type: INT
+        default: 10
+        description:
+          short: "Create a lot of subscription plans"
+    description:
+      short: "Create a number of orders"
+    commands:
+      - |
+        {{ range untilStep 0 .count  1 -}}epcc create --skip-alias-processing -s subscription-plan status active --auto-fill billing_interval_type day billing_frequency 214 plan_length 1 end_behavior close can_pause true can_resume true can_cancel true fixed_price.USD.amount {{ pseudoRandInt 1 200 }}00 fixed_price.USD.includes_tax true
+        {{ end }}
+  create-subscription-offerings:
+    variables:
+      count:
+        type: INT
+        default: 10
+        description:
+          short: "Create a lot of subscription offerings"
+    description:
+      short: "Create a number of offerings"
+    commands:
+      - |
+        {{ range untilStep 0 .count  1 -}}epcc create --skip-alias-processing -s subscription-offering --auto-fill
+        {{ end }}