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  • Detect language used for a string
  • Translate a string from a source language to a target one
  • Translate a string into a target language by using language auto-detection (consume 1 more API call)
  • Retrieve all languages available on API and obtain language names in a given language
  • Profile detector / translate / languages list API calls in the Symfony profiler!


Add the bundle to your composer.json file:

    "require" :  {
        "eko/googletranslatebundle": "dev-master"

Add this to app/AppKernel.php

    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            new Eko\GoogleTranslateBundle\EkoGoogleTranslateBundle(),


        return $bundles;


Edit app/config.yml

The following configuration lines are required:

    api_key: <your key api string>


Detect a string language

Retrieve the detector service and call the detect() method:

$detector = $this->get('eko.google_translate.detector');
$value = $detector->detect('Hi, this is my string to detect!');
// This will return 'en'

Translate a string

Retrieve the translator service and call the translate() method:

$translator = $this->get('eko.google_translate.translator');
$value = $translator->translate('Hi, this is my text to detect!', 'fr', 'en');
// This will return 'Salut, ceci est mon texte à détecter!'

Translate a string from unknown language (use detector)

Retrieve the translator service and call the translate() method without the source (third) parameter:

$translator = $this->get('eko.google_translate.translator');
$value = $translator->translate('Hi, this is my text to detect!', 'fr');
// This will return 'Salut, ceci est mon texte à détecter!'

Translate multiple strings

Retrieve the translator service and call the translate() method with an array of your strings:

$translator = $this->get('eko.google_translate.translator');
$value = $translator->translate(array('Hi', 'This is my second text to detect!'), 'fr', 'en');
// This will return the following array:
// array(
//     0 => 'Salut',
//     1 => 'Ceci est mon second texte à détecter !',
// )

Note that you can also use an "economic mode" to translate multiple strings in a single request which is better for your application performances.

Your translations will be concatenated in one single Google request. To use it, simply add true to the last argument:

$translator = $this->get('eko.google_translate.translator');
$value = $translator->translate(array('Hi', 'This is my second text to detect!'), 'fr', 'en', true);
// This will return the following array:
// array(
//     0 => 'Salut',
//     1 => 'Ceci est mon second texte à détecter !',
// )

Obtain all languages codes available

Retrieve the languages service and call the get() method without any argument:

$languages = $this->get('eko.google_translate.languages')->get();
// This will return:
// array(
//     array('language' => 'en'),
//     array('language' => 'fr'),
//     ...
// )

Obtain all languages codes available with their names translated

Retrieve the languages service and call the get() method with a target language argument:

$languages = $this->get('eko.google_translate.languages')->get('fr');
// This will return:
// array(
//     array('language' => 'en', 'name' => 'Anglais'),
//     array('language' => 'fr', 'name' => 'Français'),
//     ...
// )

Notice: this will consume a detector API call.