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File metadata and controls

127 lines (102 loc) · 4.35 KB

Installation · Demo

Table of Content

How to Use

First you need to install make

sudo dnf install make

And deploy what you want, like:

make zsh

To show available target, use:

make list

Env Var

My .zshenv and .bash_profile are symlink of .profile.


I use zinit for managing my .zshrc. It's blazing fast. Usually I get startup time around 130-290 ms.

This is the time I got when writing this README
➜ zinit times
Plugin loading times:
    3 ms - zinit-zsh/z-a-rust
    2 ms - zinit-zsh/z-a-as-monitor
    3 ms - zinit-zsh/z-a-patch-dl
    5 ms - zinit-zsh/z-a-bin-gem-node
    8 ms - paulmelnikow/zsh-startup-timer
   26 ms - denysdovhan/spaceship-prompt
    1 ms - zshrc.d/spaceship-config.zsh
    2 ms - zshrc.d/keybinding.zsh
    1 ms - OMZ::lib/history.zsh
    2 ms - zshrc.d/aliases
    2 ms - zshrc.d/function.zsh
    2 ms - OMZ::lib/completion.zsh
    2 ms - OMZ::lib/termsupport.zsh
    2 ms - OMZ::plugins/command-not-found
    1 ms - junegunn/fzf (command)
    1 ms - ClementTsang/bottom (command)
    1 ms - BurntSushi/ripgrep (command)
    1 ms - dandavison/delta (command)
    1 ms - sharkdp/bat (command)
    1 ms - sharkdp/fd (command)
    1 ms - ogham/exa (command)
    1 ms - nivekuil/rip (command)
    1 ms - hackerb9/lsix (command)
    1 ms - dylanaraps/paleta (command)
    1 ms - dylanaraps/pfetch (command)
    1 ms - jarun/nnn (command)
    3 ms - zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
    3 ms - zdharma/history-search-multi-word
   12 ms - wfxr/forgit
    2 ms - romkatv/zsh-prompt-benchmark
   28 ms - zdharma/fast-syntax-highlighting
    2 ms - zshrc.d/plugins-config
Total: 0.123 sec


These are the zsh plugins that I use:


I use directory zshrc.d to place my other zsh configuration, such as aliases, keybinding, and plugin's config.

CLI Program

One of the reason I like zinit is the possibility to manage binaries. So If a package hasn't available in my distro's repo, I just grab the prebuilt binary or compile it with zinit.

This is the CLI program list that I use with zinit:

  • fzf - A command-line fuzzy finder
  • ripgrep - grep but respect your gitignore
  • delta - A viewer for git and diff output
  • bat - cat but prettier
  • fd - find but faster and more user friendly
  • exa - ls but better
  • rip - Send your file to graveyard
  • nnn - n³ The unorthodox terminal file manager
  • lsix - ls but for image using sixel
  • pfetch - A pretty system information tool
  • paleta - Generate ANSI escape code for colorscheme