diff --git a/dist/linkify-plus-plus.user.js b/dist/linkify-plus-plus.user.js index b580649..db627fb 100644 --- a/dist/linkify-plus-plus.user.js +++ b/dist/linkify-plus-plus.user.js @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ // @icon  // ==/UserScript== -var optionsFuzzyIpLabel = "Match IP with only 4 digits."; +var optionsFuzzyIpLabel = "Match ambiguous IP addresses."; var optionsIgnoreMustacheLabel = "Ignore URLs inside mustaches e.g. {{ ... }}."; -var optionsEmbedImageLabel = "Embed images."; +var optionsEmbedImageLabel = "Create an image element if the URL looks like an image file."; var optionsEmbedImageExcludeElementLabel = "Exclude following elements. (CSS selector)"; var optionsUnicodeLabel = "Match unicode characters."; var optionsMailLabel = "Match email address."; @@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ var optionsBoundaryLeftLabel = "Allowed characters between the whitespace and th var optionsBoundaryRightLabel = "Allowed characters between the whitespace and the link. (right side)"; var optionsExcludeElementLabel = "Do not linkify following elements. (CSS selector)"; var optionsIncludeElementLabel = "Always linkify following elements. Override above. (CSS selector)"; -var optionsTimeoutLabel = "Max executation time. (ms)"; +var optionsTimeoutLabel = "Max execution time. (ms)"; var optionsTimeoutHelp = "The script will terminate if it takes too long to convert the entire page."; var optionsMaxRunTimeLabel = "Max script run time. (ms)"; -var optionsMaxRunTimeHelp = "Split the process into small chunks to avoid freezing the browser."; +var optionsMaxRunTimeHelp = "If the script takes too long to run, the process would be splitted into small chunks to avoid browser freeze."; var optionsUrlMatcherLabel = "URL matcher"; var optionsCustomRulesLabel = "Custom rules. (RegExp per line)"; var currentScopeLabel = "Current domain"; @@ -3957,8 +3957,6 @@ async function startLinkifyPlusPlus(getPref) { }); } -/* global $inline */ - function getMessageFactory() { return (key, params) => { if (!params) {