DotReporter provides less verbose output for test execution. Like PHPUnit printer it prints dots "." for successful testes and "F" for failures.
Time: 2.07 seconds, Memory: 20.00MB
OK (80 tests, 124 assertions)
Enable this reporter with --ext option
codecept run --ext DotReporter
Failures and Errors are printed by a standard Codeception reporter. Use this extension as an example for building custom reporters.
Log suites/tests/steps using Monolog library. Monolog should be installed additionally by Composer.
composer require monolog/monolog
Steps are logged into tests/_output/codeception.log
To enable this module add to your codeception.yml
enabled: [Codeception\Extension\Logger]
(default: 3) - how many log files to keep
Saves a screenshot of each step in acceptance tests and shows them as a slideshow on one HTML page (here's an example) Activated only for suites with WebDriver module enabled.
The screenshots are saved to tests/_output/record_*
directories, open index.html
to see them as a slideshow.
Add this to the list of enabled extensions in codeception.yml
or acceptance.suite.yml
- Codeception\Extension\Recorder
(default: true) - delete screenshots for successfully passed tests (i.e. log only failed and errored tests).module
(default: WebDriver) - which module for screenshots to use. SetAngularJS
if you want to use it with AngularJS module. Generally, the module should implementCodeception\Lib\Interfaces\ScreenshotSaver
(default: []) - array of step names that should not be recorded (given the step passed), * wildcards supported. Meta steps can also be ignored.success_color
(default: success) - bootstrap values to be used for color representation for passed testsfailure_color
(default: danger) - bootstrap values to be used for color representation for failed testserror_color
(default: dark) - bootstrap values to be used for color representation for scenarios where there's an issue occurred while generating a recordingdelete_orphaned
(default: false) - delete recording folders created via previous runsinclude_microseconds
(default: false) - enable microsecond precision for recorded step time details
- Codeception\Extension\Recorder:
module: AngularJS # enable for Angular
delete_successful: false # keep screenshots of successful tests
ignore_steps: [have, grab*]
It is also possible to skip recording of steps for specified tests by using the @skipRecording annotation.
* @skipRecording login
* @skipRecording amOnUrl
public function testLogin(AcceptanceTester $I)
Extension for execution of some processes before running tests.
Processes can be independent and dependent. Independent processes run independently of each other. Dependent processes run sequentially one by one.
Can be configured in suite config:
# acceptance.suite.yml
- Codeception\Extension\RunBefore:
- independent_process_1
- dependent_process_1_1
- dependent_process_1_2
- independent_process_2
- dependent_process_2_1
- dependent_process_2_2
HINT: you can use different configurations per environment.
Saves failed tests into tests/log/failed in order to rerun failed tests.
To rerun failed tests just run the failed
php codecept run -g failed
To change failed group name add:
--override "extensions: config: Codeception\Extension\RunFailed: fail-group: another_group1"
Remember: if you run tests and they generated custom-named fail group, to run this group, you should add override too
Starting from Codeception 2.1 this extension is enabled by default.
enabled: [Codeception\Extension\RunFailed]
On each execution failed tests are logged and saved into tests/_output/failed
Extension to start and stop processes per suite. Can be used to start/stop selenium server, chromedriver, phantomjs, mailcatcher, etc.
Can be configured in suite config:
# acceptance.suite.yml
- Codeception\Extension\RunProcess:
- chromedriver
Multiple parameters can be passed as array:
# acceptance.suite.yml
- Codeception\Extension\RunProcess:
- php -S -t tests/data/app
- java -jar ~/selenium-server.jar
In the end of a suite all launched processes will be stopped.
To wait for the process to be launched use sleep
In this case you need configuration to be specified as object:
- Codeception\Extension\RunProcess:
0: java -jar ~/selenium-server.jar
1: mailcatcher
sleep: 5 # wait 5 seconds for processes to boot
HINT: you can use different configurations per environment.
This extension demonstrates how you can implement console output of your own. Recommended to be used for development purposes only.