Animated Menu For JetpackCompose An Animated Menu and material openable menu for JetpackCompose Dependency Step 1: Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories: allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url '' } } } Step 2: Add the dependency dependencies { implementation 'com.github.ehsannarmani:ComposeAnimatedMenu:latest_version' } Usage val items = listOf(, R.drawable.dislike, R.drawable.heart, R.drawable.thanks, R.drawable.heart, ) AnimatedMenu( open = true or false, items = items, itemsDuration = 200, menuEnterAnim = scaleIn() + fadeIn(), menuExitAnim = scaleOut() + fadeOut(), itemBuilder = { index, item, modifier -> Image( modifier = modifier.clickable { menuOpenVertical = false }, painter = painterResource(id = item), contentDescription = null ) }, direction = MenuDirection.Vertical, ... )