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Build Instructions

If you are hoping to contribute to Educates, before you attempt to build a local version of Educates and start modifying any code, read our contribution guidelines and reach out to us to discuss any changes you are considering.

Local Kubernetes environment

To do development on the core Educates platform you will need access to a Kubernetes cluster. For this we recommend you use a local Kubernetes cluster created using Kind. Rather than you create this Kind cluster yourself, you can create it using the educates CLI. This will ensure that the Kind cluster is setup properly for how the Educates code is structured for doing local development.

When creating a local Kubernetes cluster with Educates the educates create-cluster command is used. For the case of wanting to do local development on Educates itself, you need to disable installation of the services required by Educates, and the core Educates platform. Provided you are using version 3.0 or later of the Educates CLI this is done using the command:

educates create-cluster --cluster-only

You can subsequently delete the local Kubernetes environment by running:

educates delete-cluster

Ensure you read the main Educates documentation quick start guide for any requirements around running the local Kubernetes cluster and Educates, deployed using the educates CLI.

Local docker image registry

When the local Kubernetes cluster is created using educates create-cluster, a local docker image registry will also be deployed to the local docker environment.

The docker image registry will be available at localhost:5001 and will be used to hold container images built from the Educates source code. This image registry will also be used as the source of images when Educates is deployed to the local Kubernetes cluster.

If over time the amount of storage consumed by the local docker image cache increases to the point where overall available space within the local docker environment runs low, you can try to clean out unreferenced image layers by running:

docker image prune

The local docker image registry created using the Educates CLI can also grow in size due to unreferenced images. To prune unreferenced image layers kept by the local docker image registry you can run:

educates local registry prune

If you need to delete the local docker image registry and redeloy it, you can run:

educates local registry delete

to delete it, and:

educates local registry deploy

to recreate it. You will however need to push any previously built images to the local docker image registry again if this is done.

Note that this later command will create/update service resources in the Kubernetes cluster which are used to map and make available the local docker registry in the cluster. The original educates create-cluster command will also configure containerd within the Kubernetes cluster to trust the local docker image registry. It is thus important to use the educates CLI to deploy the local docker image registry rather than attempting to deploy a local docker image registry yourself.

Defining installer configuration

Before building and deploying Educates from source code, you will need to supply a configuration file providing details of the target cluster and what is to be installed. This configuration should be placed in the file:


within the Educates source code directory.

Where deploying to the local Kind cluster created using the Educates CLI, you can create this by running:

educates local config view > developer-testing/educates-installer-values.yaml

this should contain at least:

  provider: kind


By setting the provider as kind, an opinionated configuration suitable for a Kubernetes cluster created using Kind will be used. This includes the automatic deployment and configuration of an ingress router for the cluster using Contour, and the installation of Kyverno for implementing cluster and workshop security policies.

The domain should be set to be a address mapping to the IP address of your local host where you are doing development, or some other FQDN which maps to your local host.

If the configuration requires additional secrets these will need added to the local Kubernetes cluster in the namespace required by the configuration. If these secrets had previously been added to the local secrets cache, you can copy them to the local Kubernetes cluster by running:

educates local secrets sync

Building Educates platform images

To build the container images for the Educates training platform you can run:

make push-core-images

This will trigger the building of the container images and push the resulting images to the local docker image registry.

Targets for make are also available for building and pushing to the local docker image registry individual container images.

make push-session-manager
make push-secrets-manager
make push-training-portal

See the Makefile for more details of the make targets that are available.

Once the container images have been built and pushed to the local docker image registry, you can then deploy everything by running:

make deploy-platform

This will perform an install directly from configuration files in the current directory. If needing to test that the educates-installer package bundle used by the Educates CLI installer and also kapp-controller, is correct, you should instead use the commands:

make push-all-images
make push-installer-bundle
make deploy-platform-bundle

The make push-all-images command will make sure that optional workshop base images as well as the core Educates platform are built. It is necessary to build all images when testing the package bundle as the package generated will include image hashes for all images.

To delete everything deployed using the educates-installer package when using the make command, use:

make delete-platform


make delete-platform-bundle

as appropriate.

Building additional workshop images

When using make push-core-images, it will only build the main workshop base image. That is, it will not build workshop base images for Java and Python.

If you want to build all workshop base images you can instead run:

make push-all-images

Note that this will consume a lot more storage space in the local docker environment. In general you will probably want to configure the local docker environment with 100Gi or more of storage space to be used across local image caching, the local docker image registry and the Kubernetes cluster itself.

As well as the push-all-images, make targets are also supplied for building and pushing to the local docker image registry individual workshop base images.

make push-base-environment
make push-jdk8-environment
make push-jdk11-environment
make push-jdk17-environment
make push-jdk21-environment
make push-conda-environment

See the Makefile for more details of the make targets that are available.

Building the Educates CLI program

If needing to work on the educates CLI it can be built using the command:

make build-client-programs

You can then run the educates CLI program from the client-programs/bin subdirectory. The name of the compiled CLI will incorporate the target system and machine architecture, e.g.: educates-linux-amd64.

Note that when building the educates CLI from local source code, the embedded project version will be develop. If you are running it to test creation of the local Kubernetes cluster with Educates using an existing version, you will need to tell it what previously released version of the package should be used. This can be done using the --version of sub commands where this is necessary.

./client-programs/bin/educates-linux-amd64 create-cluster --version=3.0.0

If you have built and pushed to the local image registry the package bundles for educates-installer, you will need to tell the CLI to use the package bundles and images from the local image registry rather than those hosted on GitHub container registry. This can be done by specifying the version to be latest.

./client-programs/bin/educates-linux-amd64 create-cluster --version=latest

Cleaning up available storage space

Running successive builds of the container images will incrementally result in more and more storage space being consumed as all layers of builds will be cached even if no longer being used.

Commands such as docker image prune can prune images from the local docker build cache, but will not reclaim storage for unused image layers in the local docker image registry.

To clean up available storage space across the local docker image build cache, the local docker image registry, and also any local file system space used to to local source code builds you can run:

make prune-all

Note that this will run docker system prune rather than docker image prune, which will also result in unused docker networks and volumes being cleaned up.

Also note that this doesn't reclaim space used by the image cache of containerd on the Kubernetes cluster nodes. If you are doing a lot of work on Educates, especially changes to the workshop base images and you deploy workshops using many successive versions of the images, eventually you can run out of storage space due to the containerd image cache. In this case there isn't really anything simple you do can except for deleting the Kubernetes cluster and starting over.

Building locally

If you're working on updates or additions to the project documentation served at, you might want to preview your changes locally before opening a PR. To build and preview the docs locally, you can run:

make build-project-docs
make open-project-docs