Web server HTTP access log parsing, filtering, and SQL database storage.
- API Docs
- PyPI Page
- Project Page at edsuom.com
- See also sAsync and AsynQueue.
logalyzer parses your bloated HTTP access logs to extract the info you want about hits from (hopefully) real people instead of just the endless stream of hackers and bots that passes for web traffic nowadays. It stores the info in a relational database where you can access it using all the power of SQL.
This package uses the power of your multicore CPU with Twisted, AsynQueue, and sAsync to process log files concurrently and fast. Duplicate entries are ignored, so you don't need to fret about redundancies in your logfiles. (It happens.) The filtering goes forwards and backwards; once an entry has been determined to come from a bad actor, all log entries from that IP address are purged and ignored.
After you install the package with pip install logalyzer
, you will
have a new command la
at your disposal that runs logalyzer. You'll
also need to set up a new SQL database for the parsed and filtered
access log data.
Let's say you use MySQL and call your new database logs, with a non-privileged user logalyzer. Then you'll execute this command from a directory containing your access.log.XX files (there will be numerous log files due to your web server rotating them when access.log gets too big):
la -g mysql://logalyzer@localhost/logs
The -g
option is to use the ncurses GUI. You don't need the GUI, but
it makes it a lot easier to visualize what's going on.
The first time you run the command, it will create a rules directory
in your home directory. The default is ~/.logalyzer
, but you can
specify a different one with the -d
Logalyzer will read each of your access.log files in the directory
you're in (or one you specify with a second command-line argument
after the database URL) and parse and filter its contents, saving any
non-bogus new stuff to the database. It will read rotated logfiles
that have been compressed with .gz
extensions, and ignore content
that isn't compliant with the standard HTTP logfile format. (It does
forgive the weirdness added to logs by a webserver built with Twisted,
like my own.)
The rules directory contains files specifying filters for excluding uninteresting and malicious stuff that everyone's web access log files is full of nowadays. Look at the README.txt file in the rules directory to see what extensions are used with each kind of file, and whether the filtering just ignores the entries or adds the IP address of the client making the entries to a block list.
Save the block list to a file by specifying a filename with the -s
option. You use it to create an IPTABLES ruleset blocking the bad
actors from ever reaching your site again. (Beware, though; that is
like playing whack-a-mole.)
Logalyzer evaluates each entry in the logfiles to see if it is interesting and not malicious, and, if so, checks to see if the entry has already been added in the database. If it's not there already, it adds a record to the entries table of the database, with the timestamp of the web access, the IP address, the HTTP code, a Boolean value indicating if the access was a redirect, and four integer ID codes that key to four other tables with more info about the web access.
The four other tables are vhost, containing the virtual host requested, url containing the URL requested, ref containing the referrer string, and the ua containing the user-agent string. Look through the example SQL files included with the source distribution (accessible online here) to see how these tables work together with the power of a relational database.
Here's one example, unique-visitors-by-url-recent.sql
SELECT year(e.dt) YR, month(e.dt) MO, count(distinct e.ip) N, url.value URL
FROM entries e INNER JOIN vhost ON e.id_vhost = vhost.id
INNER JOIN url ON e.id_url = url.id
WHERE vhost.value REGEXP '^(www\.)?edsuom\.com'
AND e.http != 404
AND url.value NOT REGEXP '\.(jpg|png|gif|ico|css)'
Obviously, change edsuom.com to one of your virtual hosts. This SQL query will show you how many unique IP addresses were fetching the most popular URLs on that virtual host, for each year and month.
If you see bot garbage getting through and polluting your logs with some new attempt at an exploit, just add a rule for it to your rules lists, starting with what logalyzer comes prepackaged with. The next time you run it, those entries will get purged as well and the IP addresses added to the blocklist.
Copyright (C) 2015, 2017-2018 by Edwin A. Suominen, http://edsuom.com/:
See edsuom.com for API documentation as well as information about
Ed's background and other projects, software and otherwise.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the
License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
express or implied. See the License for the specific language
governing permissions and limitations under the License.