We should have different context menu item labels for creating a new run configuration versus editing an existing run configuration.
The current behavior can be confusing since it is not clear to the user when a new run configuration will be created and when an existing run configuration is edited.
The run configuration arguments shown at the top of the Gradle Console must be displayed in a different color.
The run configuration arguments must be displayed in a different color for easy recognition and for better distinction from the output of the actual Gradle build execution.
For each LongRunningOperation
enable colorOutput and in the Run Console, handle the colors and other special characters
that are written to the output streams.
Having colors and in-place updates of characters in the Run Console will gives us a similarly powerful output as on the command line.
Add an option to the run configuration dialog to select through a check box whether to jump to the Console View when the build is run.
The user must be able to configure whether when running the build through a given run configuration, the Console View that shows the build output should should automatically become active or not.
Allow to run a Gradle build in debug mode by Buildship setting the --debug-jvm argument when executing the build. Once the target JVM is started, Buildship should automatically start a remote debugging session from within Eclipse on behalf of the user.
Debugging tests (and other Java executions) through Gradle is part of the deep integration into Eclipse.