The Echode language is a language that is designed to be simple. It compiles to Java (source, which compiles to bytecode). It is strongly static typed. Everything must be closed with an end statement. Statements are newline-based. Between keywords there must be at least one bit of whitespace, further whitespace is ignored. Program files have the extension .ecp
The core of a program is written as
program programname
end program
Each program must have a block of code marked with a starthere block, for example
program name
end starthere
end program
The command line arguments are made available with the argv list
Comments are blocks of code that are ignored by the compiler.
... //commment is ignored
This style is maintained until the end of the line
Variables are declared with the let statement and the declare statement. The difference is that a let statement assigns a variable at the same time as it is declared, while a declare statement simply declares it's name
declare type name
let type name be expression
An exception is when a variable has already been declared, in which case the let statement is used without the type:
let name be expression
There are several variable types
- Number: (Max value: 2240*10232) (Syntax: 3.1415)
- String (syntax: "stringvalue")
- Boolean (syntax: true or false)
- List (syntax: {obj1, obj2, obj3}) (see later)
Functions are declared as
function name
end function
and called with
call name
A function with parameters are declared as
function name with (partype parname = default, par2type par2name = par2default)
end function
and called with
name (parname = parvalue, par2name = par2value)
Functions on objects are called as
Parameter names MUST be included, except if there is only one parameter. In addition, parameters can be in any order
##Lists List syntax is
declare list[type] name
let list[type] name be expr
The syntax to access an element in a list is
An element is inserted into a list in two ways: An existing element is replaced like:
let name[index] be expr
While an element is added to the end as
name->push(obj) (asterisks not necessary)