In this exercise we will setup a CDC architecture with the following components:
MySQL --> CDC (Debezium) --> Kafka
FYI, we will follow similar steps as defined in the Debezium tutorial, in case you want to have more details:
Run the docker containers with Docker Compose, starting the following containers:
docker compose up -d zookeeper kafka connect redpanda-console mysql adminer
And install the Debezium connector in Kafka Connect:
# If you are using Cywin, Mac, Linux or a Windows version of "curl"
curl -i -X POST -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://localhost:8083/connectors/ -d @Exercises/Exercise07/register-mysql.json
# If you are using PowerShell in Windows
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://localhost:8083/connectors/ -Method POST -Infile 'Exercises\Exercise07\register-mysql.json' -ContentType 'application/json'
This will make a call to the Kafka Connect REST API and deploy the Debezium connector defined in register-mysql.json
Do some final checks:
- Check that the connector has been created in the Kafka UI via the "Connectors" tab. You should see a connector named "inventory-connector" with status "RUNNING"
- Check that you are able to access MySQL using the Adminer UI, and that the "inventory" database exists
NOTE: All the component URLs and credentials required are defined below in the "Understanding the components" section.
In this installation we have the following components:
- Kafka: Message broker we will use to send real-time update messages from Debezium
- Zookeeper: Required for Kafka to run. You can ignore it for the time being
- Kafka Connect: This is where Debezium will run and will connect to MySQL to get the real-time updates
- Kafka UI (a.k.a. Redpanda Console): UI to visualize Kafka: topics, messages and connectors
- MySQL: Database we will be using as the source
- Adminer (MySQL UI): UI to view the database, tables, etc. No 100% required since you could do it using the command line
- System: MySQL
- Server: mysql
- Username: mysqluser
- Password: mysqlpw
- Database: inventory
- Debezium:
- Apache Kafka:
- MySQL: