In this exercise you will understand the software requirements, and how to do an initial setup.
The whole architecture is based on Docker containers in order to make it easier and quicker to setup. So there is no need to install each one of the components.
So, to start with, make sure you have Docker installed in your PC.
- Docker Desktop:
OPTIONAL: If you want to learn more about the different components of the architecture, feel free to install them individually instead of using Docker. This will give you a better understanding of the components, how to run and configure them. This is also an option in case you have limited resources in your PC or problems running Docker.
In order to launch the required infrastructure you just have to go to the docker-upv
folder and run the following command:
docker compose up -d
IMPORTANT: Our recommendation is that you start one by one as required. So, for example now start only with Apache NiFi and check that is is runnig (see URL below):
docker compose up nifi-upv -d
This is the summary of the components which will be launched throughout the course:
Component | Service | Description | URL/port |
Apache NiFi | nifi-upv | Data Ingestion Tool | https://localhost:8443/nifi |
Zookeeper | zookeeper | Software for distributed coordination | N/A |
Confluent Kafka | broker | Message Broker | localhost:9092 |
Kafka Connect | kafka-connect | Kafka Connect node | N/A |
Kafka UI (Redpanda Console) | kafka-ui | Kafka Manager & Monitor | http://localhost:8080 |
Elasticsearch | elasticsearch | Data storage and search engine | http://localhost:9200 |
Kibana | kibana | Dashboarding and Elasticsearch dev/admin tool | http://localhost:5601 |
Jupyter | jupyter | Notebooks analytics | http://localhost:8888 |
You can check everything is running by checking the Docker dashboard or by clicking on the URLs above.
Once checked, and given that we won't need everything from the beginning, feel free to stop all services for the time being to reduce resource usage:
docker compose stop
If you wanted to start the whole infrastructure again (don't need to do it now) you can run the following:
docker compose start
or, whenever you need to start a specific service:
docker compose start <service>
You will also need Java and an IDE installed:
IDE for Java development (your choice)
- (Choose InteliJ Community) (RECOMMENDED)
Java Virtual Machine (choose JDK 8 or 11)
(Optional but recommended) GIT
- Install IDE
- Download the code with any of these two options:
Clone the project (if you have GIT installed):
git clone
Or, download the course exercise directly from the repository: (click on "Clone or download")
The easiest way to do many of these things is to use, either the Docker Desktop Dashboard or a tool such as Lazydocker:
- Download the binary:
- Uncompress
- Run
In any case, you can just do it using command line as explained in the following subsections, or use the Docker Dashboard.
In order to stop/start single service, use the following commands:
docker compose start <Service>
Where the is listed in the table above ("Component list" section).
List the running containers first:
docker ps
Then use the following command to
docker logs <CONTAINER ID or NAME>
docker compose down -d