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172 lines (138 loc) · 6.4 KB

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Session management (read, write, delete)

See more details in Features and help file.

⦿ This is a part of mini.nvim library. Please use this link if you want to mention this module.

⦿ All contributions (issues, pull requests, discussions, etc.) are done inside of 'mini.nvim'.

⦿ See the repository page to learn about common design principles and configuration recipes.

If you want to help this project grow but don't know where to start, check out contributing guides of 'mini.nvim' or leave a Github star for 'mini.nvim' project and/or any its standalone Git repositories.




  • Works using :mksession ('sessionoptions' is fully respected).
  • Implements both global (from configured directory) and local (from current directory) sessions.
  • No automated new session creation. Use MiniSessions.write() manually.
  • Autoread default session (local if detected, else latest written global) if Neovim was called without intention to show something else.
  • Autowrite currently read session before quitting Neovim.
  • Configurable severity level of all actions.


This plugin can be installed as part of 'mini.nvim' library (recommended) or as a standalone Git repository.

There are two branches to install from:

  • main (default, recommended) will have latest development version of plugin. All changes since last stable release should be perceived as being in beta testing phase (meaning they already passed alpha-testing and are moderately settled).
  • stable will be updated only upon releases with code tested during public beta-testing phase in main branch.

Here are code snippets for some common installation methods (use only one):

With mini.deps
Github repo Branch Code snippet
'mini.nvim' library Main Follow recommended 'mini.deps' installation
Standalone plugin Main add('echasnovski/mini.sessions')
Stable add({ source = 'echasnovski/mini.sessions', checkout = 'stable' })
With folke/lazy.nvim
Github repo Branch Code snippet
'mini.nvim' library Main { 'echasnovski/mini.nvim', version = false },
Stable { 'echasnovski/mini.nvim', version = '*' },
Standalone plugin Main { 'echasnovski/mini.sessions', version = false },
Stable { 'echasnovski/mini.sessions', version = '*' },
With junegunn/vim-plug
Github repo Branch Code snippet
'mini.nvim' library Main Plug 'echasnovski/mini.nvim'
Stable Plug 'echasnovski/mini.nvim', { 'branch': 'stable' }
Standalone plugin Main Plug 'echasnovski/mini.sessions'
Stable Plug 'echasnovski/mini.sessions', { 'branch': 'stable' }

Important: don't forget to call require('mini.sessions').setup() to enable its functionality.

Note: if you are on Windows, there might be problems with too long file paths (like error: unable to create file <some file name>: Filename too long). Try doing one of the following:

  • Enable corresponding git global config value: git config --system core.longpaths true. Then try to reinstall.
  • Install plugin in other place with shorter path.

Default config

-- No need to copy this inside `setup()`. Will be used automatically.
  -- Whether to read default session if Neovim opened without file arguments
  autoread = false,

  -- Whether to write currently read session before quitting Neovim
  autowrite = true,

  -- Directory where global sessions are stored (use `''` to disable)
  directory = --<"session" subdir of user data directory from |stdpath()|>,

  -- File for local session (use `''` to disable)
  file = 'Session.vim',

  -- Whether to force possibly harmful actions (meaning depends on function)
  force = { read = false, write = true, delete = false },

  -- Hook functions for actions. Default `nil` means 'do nothing'.
  hooks = {
    -- Before successful action
    pre = { read = nil, write = nil, delete = nil },
    -- After successful action
    post = { read = nil, write = nil, delete = nil },

  -- Whether to print session path after action
  verbose = { read = false, write = true, delete = true },

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