diff --git a/src/main/java/eu/ec/doris/kohesio/controller/FacetController.java b/src/main/java/eu/ec/doris/kohesio/controller/FacetController.java
index 80f344ed..40c1204c 100644
--- a/src/main/java/eu/ec/doris/kohesio/controller/FacetController.java
+++ b/src/main/java/eu/ec/doris/kohesio/controller/FacetController.java
@@ -520,8 +520,8 @@ public JSONArray facetEuRegions(
try {
- jsonValues.sort(Comparator.comparing(a -> ((String) a.get("name"))));
- } catch (Exception e){
+ jsonValues.sort(Comparator.comparing(a -> ((String) a.get("name"))));
+ } catch (Exception e) {
@@ -831,47 +831,45 @@ public JSONArray facetEuThematicObjective(
@GetMapping(value = "/facet/eu/outermost_regions", produces = "application/json")
- public JSONArray facetOutermostRegions( //
- @RequestParam(value = "language", defaultValue = "en") String language,
- @RequestParam(value = "qid", required = false) String qid
+ public JSONArray facetOutermostRegions(
+ @RequestParam(value = "language", defaultValue = "en") String language,
+ @RequestParam(value = "qid", required = false) String qid
) throws Exception {
logger.info("Get list of outermost regions");
+ this.initialize(language);
String query = "PREFIX wd: "
+ " PREFIX wdt: "
- + " SELECT ?instance ?instanceLabel ?instanceLabel_en ?country ?countryLabel WHERE { ";
+ + " SELECT ?instance ?country WHERE { ";
if (qid != null) {
query += " VALUES ?instance { <" + qid + "> }";
query += " VALUES ?instance {wd:Q203 wd:Q204 wd:Q205 wd:Q206 wd:Q201 wd:Q2576740 wd:Q198 wd:Q209} "
- + " OPTIONAL { ?instance rdfs:label ?instanceLabel . "
- + " FILTER (lang(?instanceLabel)=\"" + language + "\") .} "
- + " OPTIONAL { ?instance rdfs:label ?instanceLabel_en . "
- + " FILTER (lang(?instanceLabel_en)=\"en\") . "
- + " ?instance wdt:P32 ?country . "
- + " ?country rdfs:label ?countryLabel . "
- + " FILTER (lang(?countryLabel)=\"" + language + "\") } . "
+ + " OPTIONAL { ?instance wdt:P32 ?country . } "
+ " } ";
TupleQueryResult resultSet = sparqlQueryService.executeAndCacheQuery(sparqlEndpoint, query, 2, "facet");
JSONArray result = new JSONArray();
while (resultSet.hasNext()) {
BindingSet querySolution = resultSet.next();
JSONObject element = new JSONObject();
- element.put("instance", querySolution.getBinding("instance").getValue().stringValue());
- if (querySolution.getBinding("instanceLabel") != null) {
- element.put("instanceLabel", querySolution.getBinding("instanceLabel").getValue().stringValue());
- } else {
- element.put("instanceLabel", querySolution.getBinding("instanceLabel_en").getValue().stringValue());
- }
+ String iUri = querySolution.getBinding("instance").getValue().stringValue();
+ element.put("instance", iUri);
+ element.put("instanceLabel", this.nutsRegion.get(iUri).name.get(language));
// this is a hack because the data was not fine, can be removed
if (querySolution.getBinding("instance").getValue().stringValue().equals("https://linkedopendata.eu/entity/Q205")) {
- element.put("country", "https://linkedopendata.eu/entity/Q7");
- element.put("countryLabel", "Spain");
- } else {
- element.put("country", querySolution.getBinding("country").getValue().stringValue());
- element.put("countryLabel", querySolution.getBinding("countryLabel").getValue().stringValue());
- }
+ String cUri = "https://linkedopendata.eu/entity/Q7";
+ element.put("country", cUri);
+ element.put("countryLabel", this.nutsRegion.get(cUri).name.get(language));
+ } else if (querySolution.getBinding("instance").getValue().stringValue().equals("https://linkedopendata.eu/entity/Q206")) {
+ String cUri = "https://linkedopendata.eu/entity/Q20";
+ element.put("country", cUri);
+ element.put("countryLabel", this.nutsRegion.get(cUri).name.get(language));
+ } else if (querySolution.getBinding("country") != null) {
+ String cUri = querySolution.getBinding("country").getValue().stringValue();
+ element.put("country", cUri);
+ element.put("countryLabel", this.nutsRegion.get(cUri).name.get(language));
+ }