terraform {
required_providers {
avi = ">= 0.2.3"
module "avi_ssopolicy" {
source = "./modules/avi/r/avi_ssopolicy"
# name - (optional) is a type of string
name = null
# tenant_ref - (optional) is a type of string
tenant_ref = null
# type - (optional) is a type of string
type = null
# uuid - (optional) is a type of string
uuid = null
authentication_policy = [{
authn_rules = [{
action = [{
type = null
enable = null
index = null
match = [{
client_ip = [{
addrs = [{
addr = null
type = null
group_refs = []
match_criteria = null
prefixes = [{
ip_addr = [{
addr = null
type = null
mask = null
ranges = [{
begin = [{
addr = null
type = null
end = [{
addr = null
type = null
host_hdr = [{
match_case = null
match_criteria = null
value = []
path = [{
match_case = null
match_criteria = null
match_str = []
string_group_refs = []
name = null
default_auth_profile_ref = null
authorization_policy = [{
authz_rules = [{
action = [{
status_code = null
type = null
enable = null
index = null
match = [{
attr_matches = [{
attribute_name = null
attribute_value_list = [{
match_criteria = null
match_str = []
string_group_refs = []
host_hdr = [{
match_case = null
match_criteria = null
value = []
method = [{
match_criteria = null
methods = []
path = [{
match_case = null
match_criteria = null
match_str = []
string_group_refs = []
name = null
variable "name" {
description = "(optional)"
type = string
default = null
variable "tenant_ref" {
description = "(optional)"
type = string
default = null
variable "type" {
description = "(optional)"
type = string
default = null
variable "uuid" {
description = "(optional)"
type = string
default = null
variable "authentication_policy" {
description = "nested block: NestingSet, min items: 0, max items: 0"
type = set(object(
authn_rules = list(object(
action = set(object(
type = string
enable = bool
index = number
match = set(object(
client_ip = set(object(
addrs = list(object(
addr = string
type = string
group_refs = list(string)
match_criteria = string
prefixes = list(object(
ip_addr = set(object(
addr = string
type = string
mask = number
ranges = list(object(
begin = set(object(
addr = string
type = string
end = set(object(
addr = string
type = string
host_hdr = set(object(
match_case = string
match_criteria = string
value = list(string)
path = set(object(
match_case = string
match_criteria = string
match_str = list(string)
string_group_refs = list(string)
name = string
default_auth_profile_ref = string
default = []
variable "authorization_policy" {
description = "nested block: NestingSet, min items: 0, max items: 0"
type = set(object(
authz_rules = list(object(
action = set(object(
status_code = string
type = string
enable = bool
index = number
match = set(object(
attr_matches = list(object(
attribute_name = string
attribute_value_list = set(object(
match_criteria = string
match_str = list(string)
string_group_refs = list(string)
host_hdr = set(object(
match_case = string
match_criteria = string
value = list(string)
method = set(object(
match_criteria = string
methods = list(string)
path = set(object(
match_case = string
match_criteria = string
match_str = list(string)
string_group_refs = list(string)
name = string
default = []
resource "avi_ssopolicy" "this" {
# name - (optional) is a type of string
name =
# tenant_ref - (optional) is a type of string
tenant_ref = var.tenant_ref
# type - (optional) is a type of string
type = var.type
# uuid - (optional) is a type of string
uuid = var.uuid
dynamic "authentication_policy" {
for_each = var.authentication_policy
content {
# default_auth_profile_ref - (optional) is a type of string
default_auth_profile_ref = authentication_policy.value["default_auth_profile_ref"]
dynamic "authn_rules" {
for_each = authentication_policy.value.authn_rules
content {
# enable - (optional) is a type of bool
enable = authn_rules.value["enable"]
# index - (optional) is a type of number
index = authn_rules.value["index"]
# name - (optional) is a type of string
name = authn_rules.value["name"]
dynamic "action" {
for_each = authn_rules.value.action
content {
# type - (optional) is a type of string
type = action.value["type"]
dynamic "match" {
for_each = authn_rules.value.match
content {
dynamic "client_ip" {
for_each = match.value.client_ip
content {
# group_refs - (optional) is a type of list of string
group_refs = client_ip.value["group_refs"]
# match_criteria - (required) is a type of string
match_criteria = client_ip.value["match_criteria"]
dynamic "addrs" {
for_each = client_ip.value.addrs
content {
# addr - (required) is a type of string
addr = addrs.value["addr"]
# type - (required) is a type of string
type = addrs.value["type"]
dynamic "prefixes" {
for_each = client_ip.value.prefixes
content {
# mask - (required) is a type of number
mask = prefixes.value["mask"]
dynamic "ip_addr" {
for_each = prefixes.value.ip_addr
content {
# addr - (required) is a type of string
addr = ip_addr.value["addr"]
# type - (required) is a type of string
type = ip_addr.value["type"]
dynamic "ranges" {
for_each = client_ip.value.ranges
content {
dynamic "begin" {
for_each = ranges.value.begin
content {
# addr - (required) is a type of string
addr = begin.value["addr"]
# type - (required) is a type of string
type = begin.value["type"]
dynamic "end" {
for_each = ranges.value.end
content {
# addr - (required) is a type of string
addr = end.value["addr"]
# type - (required) is a type of string
type = end.value["type"]
dynamic "host_hdr" {
for_each = match.value.host_hdr
content {
# match_case - (optional) is a type of string
match_case = host_hdr.value["match_case"]
# match_criteria - (required) is a type of string
match_criteria = host_hdr.value["match_criteria"]
# value - (optional) is a type of list of string
value = host_hdr.value["value"]
dynamic "path" {
for_each = match.value.path
content {
# match_case - (optional) is a type of string
match_case = path.value["match_case"]
# match_criteria - (required) is a type of string
match_criteria = path.value["match_criteria"]
# match_str - (optional) is a type of list of string
match_str = path.value["match_str"]
# string_group_refs - (optional) is a type of list of string
string_group_refs = path.value["string_group_refs"]
dynamic "authorization_policy" {
for_each = var.authorization_policy
content {
dynamic "authz_rules" {
for_each = authorization_policy.value.authz_rules
content {
# enable - (optional) is a type of bool
enable = authz_rules.value["enable"]
# index - (optional) is a type of number
index = authz_rules.value["index"]
# name - (optional) is a type of string
name = authz_rules.value["name"]
dynamic "action" {
for_each = authz_rules.value.action
content {
# status_code - (optional) is a type of string
status_code = action.value["status_code"]
# type - (optional) is a type of string
type = action.value["type"]
dynamic "match" {
for_each = authz_rules.value.match
content {
dynamic "attr_matches" {
for_each = match.value.attr_matches
content {
# attribute_name - (optional) is a type of string
attribute_name = attr_matches.value["attribute_name"]
dynamic "attribute_value_list" {
for_each = attr_matches.value.attribute_value_list
content {
# match_criteria - (required) is a type of string
match_criteria = attribute_value_list.value["match_criteria"]
# match_str - (optional) is a type of list of string
match_str = attribute_value_list.value["match_str"]
# string_group_refs - (optional) is a type of list of string
string_group_refs = attribute_value_list.value["string_group_refs"]
dynamic "host_hdr" {
for_each = match.value.host_hdr
content {
# match_case - (optional) is a type of string
match_case = host_hdr.value["match_case"]
# match_criteria - (required) is a type of string
match_criteria = host_hdr.value["match_criteria"]
# value - (optional) is a type of list of string
value = host_hdr.value["value"]
dynamic "method" {
for_each = match.value.method
content {
# match_criteria - (required) is a type of string
match_criteria = method.value["match_criteria"]
# methods - (optional) is a type of list of string
methods = method.value["methods"]
dynamic "path" {
for_each = match.value.path
content {
# match_case - (optional) is a type of string
match_case = path.value["match_case"]
# match_criteria - (required) is a type of string
match_criteria = path.value["match_criteria"]
# match_str - (optional) is a type of list of string
match_str = path.value["match_str"]
# string_group_refs - (optional) is a type of list of string
string_group_refs = path.value["string_group_refs"]
output "id" {
description = "returns a string"
value =
output "name" {
description = "returns a string"
value =
output "tenant_ref" {
description = "returns a string"
value = avi_ssopolicy.this.tenant_ref
output "uuid" {
description = "returns a string"
value = avi_ssopolicy.this.uuid
output "this" {
value = avi_ssopolicy.this