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Instead use https://www.npmjs.com/package/marked-highlight."),e.mangle&&console.warn("marked(): mangle parameter is enabled by default, but is deprecated since version 5.0.0, and will be removed in the future. To clear this warning, install https://www.npmjs.com/package/marked-mangle, or disable by setting `{mangle: false}`."),e.baseUrl&&console.warn("marked(): baseUrl parameter is deprecated since version 5.0.0, should not be used and will be removed in the future. Instead use https://www.npmjs.com/package/marked-base-url."),e.smartypants&&console.warn("marked(): smartypants parameter is deprecated since version 5.0.0, should not be used and will be removed in the future. Instead use https://www.npmjs.com/package/marked-smartypants."),e.xhtml&&console.warn("marked(): xhtml parameter is deprecated since version 5.0.0, should not be used and will be removed in the future. Instead use https://www.npmjs.com/package/marked-xhtml."),(e.headerIds||e.headerPrefix)&&console.warn("marked(): headerIds and headerPrefix parameters enabled by default, but are deprecated since version 5.0.0, and will be removed in the future. To clear this warning, install https://www.npmjs.com/package/marked-gfm-heading-id, or disable by setting `{headerIds: false}`."))}(l,o),l.hooks&&(l.hooks.options=l),o){const i=o,s=l.highlight;let r;try{l.hooks&&(n=l.hooks.preprocess(n)),r=e(n,l)}catch(d){return c(d)}const a=e=>{let n;if(!e)try{l.walkTokens&&this.walkTokens(r,l.walkTokens),n=t(r,l),l.hooks&&(n=l.hooks.postprocess(n))}catch(d){e=d}return l.highlight=s,e?c(e):i(null,n)};if(!s||s.length<3)return a();if(delete l.highlight,!r.length)return a();let h=0;return this.walkTokens(r,(e=>{"code"===e.type&&(h++,setTimeout((()=>{s(e.text,e.lang,((t,n)=>{if(t)return a(t);null!=n&&n!==e.text&&(e.text=n,e.escaped=!0),h--,0===h&&a()}))}),0))})),void(0===h&&a())}if(l.async)return Promise.resolve(l.hooks?l.hooks.preprocess(n):n).then((t=>e(t,l))).then((e=>l.walkTokens?Promise.all(this.walkTokens(e,l.walkTokens)).then((()=>e)):e)).then((e=>t(e,l))).then((e=>l.hooks?l.hooks.postprocess(e):e)).catch(c);try{l.hooks&&(n=l.hooks.preprocess(n));const i=e(n,l);l.walkTokens&&this.walkTokens(i,l.walkTokens);let s=t(i,l);return l.hooks&&(s=l.hooks.postprocess(s)),s}catch(d){return c(d)}}},i=new WeakSet,s=function(e,t,n){return i=>{if(i.message+="\nPlease report this to https://github.com/markedjs/marked.",e){const e="
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";return t?Promise.resolve(e):n?void n(null,e):e}if(t)return Promise.reject(i);if(!n)throw i;n(i)}};const Se=new class{constructor(...e){m(this,t),m(this,i),g(this,"defaults",{async:!1,baseUrl:null,breaks:!1,extensions:null,gfm:!0,headerIds:!1,headerPrefix:"",highlight:null,hooks:null,langPrefix:"language-",mangle:!1,pedantic:!1,renderer:null,sanitize:!1,sanitizer:null,silent:!1,smartypants:!1,tokenizer:null,walkTokens:null,xhtml:!1}),g(this,"options",this.setOptions),g(this,"parse",f(this,t,n).call(this,ve.lex,xe.parse)),g(this,"parseInline",f(this,t,n).call(this,ve.lexInline,xe.parseInline)),g(this,"Parser",xe),g(this,"parser",xe.parse),g(this,"Renderer",$e),g(this,"TextRenderer",be),g(this,"Lexer",ve),g(this,"lexer",ve.lex),g(this,"Tokenizer",ge),g(this,"Slugger",we),g(this,"Hooks",Ce),this.use(...e)}walkTokens(e,t){var n,i;let s=[];for(const r of e)switch(s=s.concat(t.call(this,r)),r.type){case"table":{const e=r;for(const n of 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n=i.call(t,e);return r.call(t,n)}:t[s]=(...e)=>{let n=i.apply(t,e);return!1===n&&(n=r.apply(t,e)),n}}n.hooks=t}if(e.walkTokens){const t=this.defaults.walkTokens,i=e.walkTokens;n.walkTokens=function(e){let n=[];return n.push(i.call(this,e)),t&&(n=n.concat(t.call(this,e))),n}}this.defaults=u(u({},this.defaults),n)})),this}setOptions(e){return this.defaults=u(u({},this.defaults),e),this}};function Ee(e,t,n){return Se.parse(e,t,n)}Ee.options=Ee.setOptions=function(e){return Se.setOptions(e),Ee.defaults=Se.defaults,H(Ee.defaults),Ee},Ee.getDefaults=j,Ee.defaults=N,Ee.use=function(...e){return Se.use(...e),Ee.defaults=Se.defaults,H(Ee.defaults),Ee},Ee.walkTokens=function(e,t){return Se.walkTokens(e,t)},Ee.parseInline=Se.parseInline,Ee.Parser=xe,Ee.parser=xe.parse,Ee.Renderer=$e,Ee.TextRenderer=be,Ee.Lexer=ve,Ee.lexer=ve.lex,Ee.Tokenizer=ge,Ee.Slugger=we,Ee.Hooks=Ce,Ee.parse=Ee,Ee.options,Ee.setOptions,Ee.use,Ee.walkTokens,Ee.parseInline;var 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- Chance favors the prepared mind. - Louis Pasteur
-I'm [Charles Chin]^(大大的小蜗牛). [eallion]^(蜗牛) has been my nickname for over 20 years.
-AKA: 大大的小蜗牛.
-I live in the UTC+08:00 timezone and work from home.
-I work in E-commerce, not IT.
-My favorite motto is:
-> [Chance favors the prepared mind.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Pasteur#Career) - _Louis Pasteur_
-### TL;DR
-* He / Him
-* COO
-* WFH
-* Geeker
-* Blogger
-* E-Commerce
-* Non-IT Indiv.
-### Description
-* This project powered by [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/)
-* Hosted by [EdgeOne](https://e5n.cc/s/teo) through GitHub Actions
-* Themed by [DoIt](https://github.com/HEIGE-PCloud/DoIt)
-* The Toot page relies on the Mastodon instance at [https://e5n.cc](https://e5n.cc)
-* The Watched page relies on [https://neodb.social](https://neodb.social/users/eallion@e5n.cc/)
-* The comment system relies on Giscus at [https://giscus.app](https://giscus.app/)
-### Copyright
-* [https://www.eallion.com/en/copyright/](https://www.eallion.com/en/copyright/)
-### Privacy Policy
-* [https://www.eallion.com/en/privacy-policy/](https://www.eallion.com/en/privacy-policy/)
-### GitHub Open Source
-* [https://github.com/eallion/eallion.com](https://github.com/eallion/eallion.com)
-### Sitemap
-* About me: [https://about.eallion.com](https://about.eallion.com/)
-* My Favorites: [https://s.eallion.com](https://s.eallion.com/)
-* Mastodon: [https://www.eallion.com/toot/](https://www.eallion.com/toot/)
-* Steam: [https://www.eallion.com/steam/](https://www.eallion.com/steam/)
-* Album: [https://www.eallion.com/album/](https://www.eallion.com/album/)
-* Watched: [https://www.eallion.com/movie/](https://www.eallion.com/movie/)
-* Goods: [https://www.eallion.com/goods/](https://www.eallion.com/goods/)
-* LOL Penta: [https://www.eallion.com/penta/](https://www.eallion.com/penta/)
-### Contact
+ Chance favors the prepared mind. - Louis Pasteur
+I'm Charles Chin. `eallion` has been my nickname for over 20 years.
+AKA: 大大的小蜗牛.
+I live in the UTC+08:00 timezone and work from home.
+I work in E-commerce, not IT.
+My favorite motto is:
+> [Chance favors the prepared mind.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Pasteur#Career) - _Louis Pasteur_
+### TL;DR
+* He / Him
+* COO
+* WFH
+* Geeker
+* Blogger
+* E-Commerce
+* Non-IT Indiv.
+### Description
+* This project powered by [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/)
+* Hosted by [EdgeOne](https://e5n.cc/s/teo) through GitHub Actions
+* Themed by [Blowfish](https://github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish)
+* The Toot page relies on the Mastodon instance at [https://e5n.cc](https://e5n.cc)
+* The Watched page relies on [https://neodb.social](https://neodb.social/users/eallion@e5n.cc/)
+* The comment system relies on Giscus at [https://giscus.app](https://giscus.app/)
+### Copyright
+* [https://www.eallion.com/en/copyright/](https://www.eallion.com/en/copyright/)
+### Privacy Policy
+* [https://www.eallion.com/en/privacy-policy/](https://www.eallion.com/en/privacy-policy/)
+### GitHub Open Source
+* [https://github.com/eallion/eallion.com](https://github.com/eallion/eallion.com)
+### Sitemap
+* About me: [https://about.eallion.com](https://about.eallion.com/)
+* My Favorites: [https://s.eallion.com](https://s.eallion.com/)
+* Mastodon: [https://www.eallion.com/toot/](https://www.eallion.com/toot/)
+* Steam: [https://www.eallion.com/steam/](https://www.eallion.com/steam/)
+* Album: [https://www.eallion.com/album/](https://www.eallion.com/album/)
+* Watched: [https://www.eallion.com/movie/](https://www.eallion.com/movie/)
+* Goods: [https://www.eallion.com/goods/](https://www.eallion.com/goods/)
+* LOL Penta: [https://www.eallion.com/penta/](https://www.eallion.com/penta/)
+### Contact
diff --git a/static/assets/images/og/wonder.png b/content/blog/daily/wonder/featured.png
similarity index 100%
rename from static/assets/images/og/wonder.png
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+title: "纳闷"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/wonder.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["荆州","纳闷","签名","头像"]
+draft: false
+slug: "wonder"
+summary: "最近换了签名和头像,却引起了很多人的打探和抗议。某女子使用严厉手段威逼利诱,导致后果严重。蜗牛感到困惑和愁闷。"
+date: "2009-01-05 10:48:12"
+lastmod: "2009-01-05 10:48:12"
+疑似 MM...
+蜗牛很纳闷... 后果很严重... 知道啵...
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+title: "WordPress 提交评论出现 404 错误的解决办法"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/wordpress-comment-404.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["提交评论"]
+draft: false
+slug: "wordpress-comment-404"
+summary: "文章介绍了解决 WordPress 提交评论出现 404 错误的方法。作者在本地测试 WordPress 功能时,发现数据库中多出一个字段导致错误,经过删除该字段后成功修复评论功能。分析原因可能是安装插件后未自动清理数据库所致。作者提醒读者不要随意安装和卸载插件。"
+date: "2010-07-21 15:40:25"
+lastmod: "2010-07-21 15:40:25"
+今天无意在本地测试了一下 WordPress 的一个功能
+配置好 localhost 环境
+新建 Mysql 之后在各个数据表间大概浏览了一下
+(包括出问题的 wp_comments 也没仔细查看)
+然后我就下载了服务器上的数据库导入到 localhost
+发现导入到一半的时候出现 1054 错误
+> #1054 – Unknown column ‘comment_favicon_url’ in ‘field list’
+然后我再到我服务器上的 phpmyadmin 里面检查了一下 wp_commnets 表
+这里面居然比健康的数据表多出 comment_favicon_url 这个字段
+可能导致 wp_commnets 里多出 comment_favicon_url 是因为装了某个插件
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index 00000000000..a73cebc669e
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+title: "两年工作经历"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/work-experience.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["工作","日记","职业","纪念"]
+draft: false
+slug: "work-experience"
+summary: "这篇文章介绍了作者的两年工作经历,他在两年前开始了他的工作生涯,当时并没有太多的规划和雄心壮志,只是想有个工作做来养活自己。他开始时受了很多苦,但依然坚持下来。他提醒还未参加工作的朋友,第一份工作对整个人生和职业生涯都有很大的影响,甚至可能决定了人生的发展方向。"
+date: "2011-04-01 09:58:38"
+lastmod: "2011-04-01 09:58:38"
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+title: "《诸神之怒》"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/wrath-of-the-titans.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["神","诸神之怒","peseus","帕修斯"]
+draft: false
+slug: "wrath-of-the-titans"
+summary: "这篇文章介绍了电影《诸神之怒》的背景和剧情。文章指出电影使用了伪3D效果,但预告片的效果还不错。文章描述了电影画面暗淡的前期,但后期大BOSS的出场转场地面效果还不错。电影探讨了人类需要神还是神需要人类的观点,以及人类的信仰对于神的力量的重要性。同时提到主角的信仰起到了重要的作用。"
+date: "2012-04-02 12:25:00"
+lastmod: "2012-04-02 12:25:00"
+《阿凡达》刮起了 3D 风之后
+好莱坞纷纷把电影转制成 3D 来抢钱了
+所以出现了《诸神之战》《爱丽丝梦游仙境》这样的伪 3D
+如果不是在 VeryCD 上看到了《诸神之怒》的预告片
+到后期大 BOSS 出场转站地面的时候
+Peseus 的儿子就是他的信念……
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+title: "也许我正打算写小说呢"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/writing.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["传记","回忆","小说","青春"]
+draft: false
+slug: "writing"
+summary: "文章讲述了作者对青春的思考和回忆,以及他想要用各种方式记录下自己的青春。他认为青春就像一张白纸,可以涂上五颜六色的色彩。同时,他也提到了人们在不同阶段对于青春和人生的感慨与追求。最后,作者表示自己要珍惜现在的时光,并将这些回忆写成小说留存下来。"
+date: "2010-11-28 12:01:46"
+lastmod: "2010-11-28 12:01:46"
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index 00000000000..e7888db1505
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+title: "2011 年 04 月 21 日"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/xiang.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["想","日记","停电"]
+draft: false
+slug: "xiang"
+summary: "这篇文章介绍了作者在停电期间感到不爽的经历,由于停电,作者无法与妻子联系,进一步加剧了他的不满。作者还提到了自己没有找借口为自己的懒惰辩解,因此认为自己尚未达到真正懒惰的程度。"
+date: "2011-04-21 19:37:04"
+lastmod: "2011-04-21 19:37:04"
+PS:接 [《我们都不是真的懒》](http://http://eallion.com/not-really-lazy)
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+title: "小明与三毛"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/xiao-ming-and-san-mao.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["小明","三毛"]
+draft: false
+slug: "xiao-ming-and-san-mao"
+summary: "文章讲述了一个谜语,小明的妈妈有三个儿子,老大叫大毛,老二叫二毛,请问老三叫什么。答案是小明。"
+date: "2015-02-05 10:35:00"
+lastmod: "2015-02-05 10:35:00"
+> 小明的妈妈有 3 个儿子,老大叫大毛,老二叫二毛,请问老三叫什么?
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+title: "新工作记要"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/xin-gong-zuo-ji-yao.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["工作","记要"]
+draft: false
+slug: "xin-gong-zuo-ji-yao"
+summary: "文章介绍了在新工作中要不停地推销自己,同时也要对公司进行考量并做出决定。作者强调工作态度要认真,并将每一项工作都当成自己的事业去做。此外,还提到了学会做工作笔记、计划与总结以及项目管理的重要性。最后,文章还提到了摆摊记和表情图片预览等内容。"
+date: "2012-09-05 09:11:24"
+lastmod: "2012-09-05 09:11:24"
+学会做工作笔记 —— 计划与总结
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index 00000000000..1b779381962
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+title: "Yandex Browser Beta Ubuntu"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/yandex-browser-ubuntu.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["Ubuntu","linux","yandex","browser","浏览器"]
+draft: false
+slug: "yandex-browser-ubuntu"
+summary: "这篇文章介绍了Yandex浏览器的Beta版在Ubuntu操作系统上的应用。它强调Yandex浏览器不是Chrome的克隆版本,并提供了该浏览器的下载地址。"
+date: "2016-01-28 09:40:00"
+lastmod: "2016-01-28 09:40:00"
+Yandex Browser Beta Ubuntu
+> Yandex Browser is no Chrome Clone
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+title: "周杰伦:烟花易冷"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/yanhuayileng.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["烟花易冷"]
+draft: false
+slug: "yanhuayileng"
+summary: "周杰伦的歌曲《烟花易冷》表达了人事易分、情感深沉的主题。"
+date: "2010-04-28 06:43:00"
+lastmod: "2010-04-28 06:43:00"
+繁华声 遁入空门 折煞了世人
+梦偏冷 辗转一生 情债又几本
+如你默认 生死枯等
+枯等一圈 又一圈的 年轮
+浮图塔 断了几层 断了谁的魂
+痛直奔 一盏残灯 倾塌的山门
+容我再等 历史转身
+等酒香醇 等你弹 一曲古筝
+雨纷纷 旧故里草木深
+我听闻 你始终一个人
+斑驳的城门 盘踞着老树根
+石板上回荡的是 再等
+雨纷纷 旧故里草木深
+我听闻 你仍守着孤城
+城郊牧笛声 落在那座野村
+缘份落地生根是 我们
+听青春 迎来笑声 羡煞许多人
+那史册 温柔不肯 下笔都太狠
+烟花易冷 人事易分
+而你在问 我是否还 认真
+千年后 累世情深 还有谁在等
+而青史 岂能不真 魏书洛阳城
+如你在跟 前世过门
+跟着红尘 跟随我 浪迹一生
+雨纷纷 旧故里草木深
+我听闻 你始终一个人
+斑驳的城门 盘踞着老树根
+石板上回荡的是 再等
+雨纷纷 旧故里草木深
+我听闻 你仍守着孤城
+城郊牧笛声 落在那座野村
+缘份落地生根是 我们
+伽蓝寺听雨声盼 永恒
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+title: "2011 年 04 月 28 日"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/yiqiedouhao.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["日记"]
+draft: false
+slug: "yiqiedouhao"
+summary: "这篇文章介绍了作者的日常生活。其中包括朋友的饭店开张、发生的意外伤害以及手指划伤的治疗情况。由于手指受伤,作者现在打字比较困难。另外,作者还提到今天早上骑别人的电动车时遇到了胎坏的问题,需要修理。最后,作者向妻子表达了思念之情。"
+date: "2011-04-28 09:11:15"
+lastmod: "2011-04-28 09:11:15"
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index 00000000000..5fc1cdc7ccf
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+title: "你的孩子其实不是你的孩子"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/yourchirld.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["孩子","爱","儿女"]
+draft: false
+slug: "yourchirld"
+summary: "文章讲述了孩子不是父母的私有财产,而是独立个体。他们来到这个世界是因为自身的渴望,借助父母而存在,并拥有自己的思想和灵魂。父母可以给予孩子爱和庇护,但不能强加自己的意愿。孩子像箭一样从弓中射出,代表着未来之路。父母应该欣然接受孩子成长并支持他们飞翔,在彼此间保持稳定与平衡的关系。"
+date: "2018-03-13 21:00:00"
+lastmod: "2018-03-13 21:00:00"
+你的孩子其实不是你的孩子 - 纪伯伦
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+title: "年小月半大"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/yueban.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["传统","妈妈","年小月半大","文化","月半","节日"]
+draft: false
+slug: "yueban"
+summary: "这篇文章介绍了作者小时候的回忆和家庭故事。作者提到了过月半时去外公家的传统,烧纸上香放鞭炮的经历。作者是家中最小的孩子,在血亲和姻亲中得到了照顾和关爱。妈妈教育作者,过年是小事,要注重端午节。作者觉得那个年代的生活很纯朴,邻里和睦,节日庆祝热闹。然而,作者对月半的概念不太清楚,只知道可以去外公家玩,吃好吃的。作者希望将来儿子能有美好的回忆,但目前不知道妻子在哪个丈母娘家养着。最后,文章提到了妈妈的孝顺和奶奶的教导,以及大舅对妈妈和姐妹们的照顾和尊重。"
+date: "2010-08-21 15:29:28"
+lastmod: "2010-08-21 15:29:28"
+ 我妈妈觉得我还记得 [月半](http://baike.baidu.com/view/566477.htm) 这一天她挺高兴的
+ 我小时候过月半都是去外公家里过的
+ 我外婆过世得早
+ 每年拜年和月半的时候都要去给外婆烧纸上香
+ 长大一点后
+ 烧纸时放鞭炮这样的事情就交给我包办了
+ 在我所有的血表姨表兄弟之间
+ 我差不多是最小的
+ 所有很多事上大家都会让着我
+ 我最喜欢把鞭炮往小女孩子脚下扔了
+ 当然我妈妈会骂我
+ 因为我幺姨家还有个弟弟比我要小一点
+ 郁闷的是他已经结婚了现在
+ 先婚为大嘛
+ 年小月半大
+ 就是说,过年是小事儿
+ 好像是为了说明过年事小一样
+ 我妈还老跟我说
+ 人望端午狗望年
+ 搞得我都不好意思说过年很好玩了
+ 我觉得
+ 在没有被都市文明给摧残的那个年代
+ 我们那里挺淳朴
+ 邻里和睦山青水秀节日隆重
+ 逢年过节好不热闹
+ 我只知道
+ 每年的七月十二都可以去外公家玩一段时间
+ 每年这段时间都有很多好吃的
+ 每年这段时间对我来说差不多就是可以为所欲为了
+ 童年,总是那么快乐
+ 哎,现在是回不去的了
+ 我倒是希望将来我的儿子跟着她娘回娘家会有美好的回忆
+ 然后等他长大了像我现在这样记下来
+ 不过事实上我都还不知道我媳妇儿现在还在哪个丈母娘家养着呢
+ 每家嫁出去的女儿在月半这天都要回到娘家
+ 我妈挺孝顺的
+ 到现在都还时常念叨着外婆和我奶奶
+ 印象中
+ 妈妈每年给外婆烧纸的时候都会说很多话
+ 我记得她说她嫁过来成亲的那天
+ 进门的时候
+ 我奶奶就在大门口放了一个火盆
+ 要我妈从上面跨过去
+ 我奶奶觉得这样可以震住儿媳妇还可以把日子烧得红火
+ 我就觉得我奶奶挺英明的
+ 那么多年
+ 她们婆媳之间从来都没有吵过架
+ 我妈跟我爸也没吵过架
+ 倒是后来的婶娘没有经过奶奶的教化
+ 那真的比我妈妈差远了
+ 我奶奶的道道一套一套的
+ 我听我妈说可不少
+ 我以后娶媳妇可能都要看我妈的
+ 传统的东西千万不能丢
+ 该烧的还是得烧还震的还是得震
+ 女人两天不管就得翻了天了
+ 这是很多人悄悄告诉我的真理!哈哈
+ 人人都在大跃进全国浮夸文化动乱命运堪忧
+ 坦白地说我妈上学还是上得不少了
+ 因为外婆早逝
+ 妈妈他们三姐妹跟着大舅一起生活
+ 大舅供她们上学供她们生活还帮她们都找到好归宿
+ 长兄如父一辈子恩情
+ 我挺佩服我大舅的
+ 不光是这些方面
+ 还在他的立世为人博学多识和群众威望
+ 我到现在拿不定主意的时候都会咨询一下他
+ 虽然他观念陈旧但思路清楚
+ 他不会告诉我怎么去做
+ 但是他会告诉我什么事是绝对不能做
+ 我从他那里承袭过来的更多的是做人的道理
+ 一直到我差不多 20 岁的样子
+ 说真的她的字不好看但我挺喜欢看的
+ 到我已经会写情书会写家书的年纪
+ 我也已经不需要跟她写信联络了
+ 那会儿,电话开始普及
+ 她挺爱看书的
+ 我到现在都觉得
+ 女人认真看书的样子真的很动人
+ 我也跟着就好了
+ 我在外面从来不乱来
+ 很多事特别能忍
+ 我觉得你说话做事做不好
+ 人家看在眼里是不会鄙视你的
+ 都是鄙视你妈妈说你没有家教
+ 这还是比较轻的
+ 恶毒的会说你有娘养没娘教
+ 到现在我都觉得我叛逆的那段年纪,特别不靠谱
+ 还好只是不喜欢上学
+ 没有做过什么伤天害理的事
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+title: "月半"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/yueban2020.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["hugo","blog","月半","中元节","鬼节"]
+slug: "yueban2020"
+summary: "这篇文章介绍了作者回老家过中元节的经历和对节日氛围的感受。作者提到,中元节是每年农历七月十二日,主要是用来祭祀祖先的日子。作者称这是他长大后第一次在家乡过完夏天,也是第一次感受到中元节的气息。作者还提到现在人们对节日氛围越来越重视,可能与生活水平提高有关。"
+draft: false
+date: 2020-08-30T16:02:16+08:00
+lastmod: 2020-08-30T16:02:16+08:00
+今天是 “[月半](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%9C%88%E5%8D%8A/10042879)” 节。
+在老家一直流传有一句话 —— 年小月半大!
+它有个更知名的名称 —— 中元节。
+跟 “打工潮” 刚兴起的那几年不一样,现在的人们越来越重视节目的气氛,越来越关注人文的熏陶。
+最明显的就是现在的 “年味” 越来越浓了。
+依稀记得很多年前提到过月半这一节日,搜了一下还保留着日志 ——[《年小月半大》](https://eallion.com/yueban/),恰逢今日月半归来,是为记。
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+title: "遇见"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/yujian.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["遇见"]
+draft: false
+slug: "yujian"
+summary: "文章讲述了作者在互联网世界中遇见了一个特殊的人,他们之间发生了怎样的对话和交流。同时,作者也思考着自己等待的那个人究竟在未来的何处。"
+date: "2010-04-11 08:23:27"
+lastmod: "2010-04-11 08:23:27"
diff --git a/static/assets/images/og/yuzhao.png b/content/blog/daily/yuzhao/featured.png
similarity index 100%
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+title: "预兆"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/yuzhao.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["工作","车","摔跤","预兆","面试"]
+draft: false
+slug: "yuzhao"
+summary: "文章讲述了作者在面试过程中遇到的一系列不幸事件,包括摔跤、台风和车祸等,作者开始怀疑这些事件是否是某种预兆。"
+date: "2012-08-26 12:35:50"
+lastmod: "2012-08-26 12:35:50"
diff --git a/static/assets/images/og/zhilaizhiwang.png b/content/blog/daily/zhilaizhiwang/featured.png
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index 00000000000..2d7bbcbc72b
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+++ b/content/blog/daily/zhilaizhiwang/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+title: "《职来职往》"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/zhilaizhiwang.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["工作","职来职往","职业","职场","求职"]
+draft: false
+slug: "zhilaizhiwang"
+summary: "《职来职往》是一档让人深受启发的节目,通过选手们的经历和选择展示了职业规划的重要性。其中有小学毕业生表现出色,证明学历并不是决定成功与否的唯一因素;也有高学历但品行差劲的选手,凸显了家教修养对于一个人的重要性。每期节目都有主打选手给观众留下深刻印象,特别是外表靓丽内心坚强的女孩。总体而言,《职来职往》是一档值得关注和持续追踪的好节目。"
+date: "2011-02-08 08:03:21"
+lastmod: "2011-02-08 08:03:21"
+CETV1 那个 [《职来职往》](http://baike.baidu.com/view/4503413.htm) 里的江海森很像迈克很友善
+特别是像 “徐若瑄”,黄蒙蒙这样外表靓丽内心坚强的女孩
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@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+title: "百合桂圆枸杞红枣糯米粥"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/zhou.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["粥","糯米","红枣","桂圆","枸杞"]
+draft: false
+slug: "zhou"
+summary: "这篇文章介绍了一种名为百合桂圆枸杞红枣糯米粥的粥谱。作者认为煮粥的过程就像泡茶一样,味道取决于方法。粥中的成分包括红枣、糯米、桂圆、山药、小米、莲子、薏米和银耳,它们被认为能够安抚情绪、养胃和补血。作者还提到了其他可加入粥中的食材,并建议读者查找相关做法。作者对红枣枸杞粥、山药枸杞粥、小米红枣粥、山药红枣粥、桂圆红枣粥、红枣糯米粥、莲子百合粥、薏米百合粥、银耳百合粥和红枣银耳粥进行了研究。"
+date: "2011-04-09 08:32:51"
+lastmod: "2011-04-09 08:32:51"
+[粥谱 ](http://www.chinabaike.com/article/39/121/Article_121_1.html)
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+title: "周公解梦"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/zhougongjiemeng.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["梦","周公","解梦"]
+draft: false
+slug: "zhougongjiemeng"
+summary: "文章讲述了作者昨晚做的三个梦,分别是被追杀、洗澡和眼睛流血。根据周公解梦的解释,被追到意味着被杀,而洗澡则代表身体健康。眼睛流血预示着身体会很健康。"
+date: "2012-05-29 09:05:33"
+lastmod: "2012-05-29 09:05:33"
diff --git a/static/assets/images/og/zhu.png b/content/blog/daily/zhu/featured.png
similarity index 100%
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4a8b1997ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/blog/daily/zhu/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+title: "自言自语 - 命中著定"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/zhu.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["《飘》","命中著定","自言自语"]
+draft: false
+slug: "zhu"
+summary: "文章讲述了作者对刘著的支持和欣赏,认为他是一个真实、有才华且坦然面对困难的人。作者通过观察刘著在社交媒体上的表现和态度来得出这个结论,并表示自己并非杰伦粉丝。最后提到了数字花园网站以及用爱发电的口号。"
+date: "2010-05-08 04:23:26"
+lastmod: "2010-05-08 04:23:26"
+我认真的看过他的新浪博客(虽然只有两篇),看过他的百度 i 贴。
+他在校内网(人人)和 QQ 上都有很多他以前未参加快男时候的照片。
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+title: "Learn to blog in English"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/eallion.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["blog"]
+tags: [english]
+draft: false
+slug: "english"
+date: "2023-02-22 18:39:00"
+lastmod: "2023-02-22 18:39:00"
+Learn to write an English blog from now on.
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@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+title: "I Have a Dream"
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+ - daily
+slug: "i-have-a-dream"
+summary: "The article discusses the ongoing struggle for freedom and equality for African Americans in America. It highlights the continued oppression faced by black people, including segregation and discrimination. The author emphasizes the need to fulfill the promises of democracy and justice, urging for immediate action rather than gradual change. The article concludes with a powerful vision of a future where all races can live together in harmony and freedom."
+draft: false
+date: 2024-03-08T16:02:22+08:00
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/i-have-a-dream.png"]
+I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.
+Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of bad captivity.
+But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition.
+In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the "unalienable Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds."
+But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so, we've come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.
+We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of Now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children.
+It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. And those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. And there will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.
+But there is something that I must say to my people, who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice: In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.
+The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny. And they have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom.
+We cannot walk alone.
+And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead.
+We cannot turn back.
+There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfied as long as the Negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their selfhood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating "for whites only." We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until "justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream."
+I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells. And some of you have come from areas where your quest -- quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive. Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.
+Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends.
+And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.
+I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all man are created equal."
+I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.
+I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
+I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
+I have a dream today!
+I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of "interposition" and "nullification" -- one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.
+I have a dream today!
+I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; "and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together."
+This is our hope, and this is the faith that I go back to the South with.
+With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.
+And this will be the day -- this will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning:
+My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.
+Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim's pride,
+From every mountainside, let freedom ring!
+And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true.
+And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire.
+Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York.
+Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of
+Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado.
+Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California.
+But not only that:
+Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia.
+Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.
+Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi.
+From every mountainside, let freedom ring.
+And when this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:
+Free at last! Free at last!
+Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!
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+title: "Love at First Sight"
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["Share"]
+ - share
+slug: "love-at-first-sight"
+summary: "The article discusses the concept of love at first sight and how two people can feel a strong connection without knowing each other. It explores the idea that fate has been playing with them, bringing them closer but also pushing them further apart. The author reflects on possible moments in their lives where they could have crossed paths, but ultimately concludes that every beginning is just a continuation and that destiny is always unfolding."
+draft: false
+date: 2024-02-14T05:20:13+08:00
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/love-at-first-sight.png"]
+### Love At First Sight
+> Wislawa Szymborska
+They both thought
+That a sudden feeling had united them.
+This certainty is beautiful
+Even more beautiful than uncertainty.
+They thought they didn’t know each other
+Nothing had ever happened between them.
+These streets, these stairs, this corridors
+Where they could have met so long ago?
+I would like to ask them,
+If they can remember-
+Perhaps in a revolving door
+Face to face one day?
+A “sorry”in the crowd?
+“wrong number”on the phone?
+But i know the answer
+No, they don’t remember.
+How surprised they would be
+For such a long time already
+Fate has been playing with them.
+Not quite yet ready
+To change into destiny.
+Which brings them nearer and yet furrher
+Cutting their path
+And stifling a laugh
+Escaping ever further.
+There were sings, indications, undecipherable, what does in matter.
+Three years ago, perhaps or even last Tuesday
+This leaf flying from one shoulder to another?
+Something lost and gathered?
+Who knows , perhaps a ball already in the bushes, in childhood?
+There were handles, door bells
+Where, on the trace of a hand.
+Another hand was placed
+Suitcases next to one another in the left luggage.
+And maybe one night the same dream
+Forgotten on walking.
+But every beginning
+Is only a continuation.
+And the book of fate is
+Always open in the middle.
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similarity index 100%
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+title: "Sonnet 116"
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["Share"]
+ - Share
+slug: "sonnet-116"
+summary: "The article discusses Shakespeare's Sonnet 116, which explores the concept of true love. It emphasizes that love is unchanging and steadfast, unaffected by time or external circumstances. The sonnet argues that if anyone can prove this idea wrong, then Shakespeare never wrote and no one has ever truly loved."
+draft: false
+date: 2024-03-09T16:08:13+08:00
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/sonnet-116.png"]
+### Sonnet 116
+> William Shakespeare
+Let me not to the marriage of true minds
+Admit impediments. Love is not love
+Which alters when it alteration finds,
+Or bends with the remover to remove:
+O, no! it is an ever-fix`ed mark,
+That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
+It is the star to every wand'ring bark,
+Whose worth's unknown, although his heighth be taken.
+Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
+Within his bending sickle's compass come;
+Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
+But bears it out even to the edge of doom:
+If this be error and upon me proved,
+I never writ, nor no man ever loved.
diff --git a/static/assets/images/og/sonnet-141.png b/content/blog/en/sonnet-141/featured.png
similarity index 100%
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6fe83cc6705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/blog/en/sonnet-141/index.en.md
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+title: "Sonnet 141"
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["Share"]
+ - share
+slug: "sonnet-141"
+summary: "The article discusses Sonnet 141 by William Shakespeare, which explores the speaker's unconventional love for someone despite their flaws. The speaker explains that they do not love with their eyes or other senses but with their heart. They acknowledge the person's imperfections but still choose to adore them. The article also provides a Chinese translation of the sonnet."
+draft: false
+date: 2024-03-10T16:08:22+08:00
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/sonnet-141.png"]
+### Sonnet 141
+> William Shakespeare
+In faith I do not love thee with mine eyes,
+For they in thee a thousand errors note;
+But `tis my heart that loves what they despise,
+Who in despite of view is pleased to dote.
+Nor are mine ears with thy tongue`s tune delighted;
+Nor tender feeling to base touches prone,
+Nor taste, nor smell, desire to be invited
+To any sensual feast with thee alone.
+But my five wits, nor my five senses can
+Dissuade one foolish heart from serving thee,
+Who leaves unswayed the likeness of a man,
+Thy proud heart`s slave and vassal wretch to be.
+Only my plague thus far I count my gain,
+That she that makes me sin awards me pain.
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similarity index 100%
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rename to content/blog/en/the-declaration-of-independence/featured.png
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/blog/en/the-declaration-of-independence/index.en.md
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+title: "The Declaration of Independence"
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["Share"]
+ - share
+slug: "the-declaration-of-independence"
+summary: "The article summarizes the content of \"The Declaration of Independence\" which was adopted by the thirteen united States of America on July 4, 1776. It declares that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights. It lists a series of grievances against King George III and asserts that the colonies are now free and independent states with the power to govern themselves. The signatories pledge their lives, fortunes, and honor to support this declaration."
+draft: false
+date: 2024-03-07T15:53:51+08:00
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/the-declaration-of-independence.png"]
+In Congress, July 4, 1776
+The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
+ We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
+ He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
+ He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
+ He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
+ He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
+ He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
+ He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
+ He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.
+ He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.
+ He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
+ He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.
+ He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.
+ He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.
+ He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
+ For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:
+ For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
+ For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:
+ For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:
+ For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:
+ For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences
+ For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies:
+ For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:
+ For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
+ He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.
+ He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.
+ He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.
+ He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.
+ He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
+In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
+Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Brittish brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.
+We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
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+title: "运营小记 20130506"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/20130506.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["营销","运营","推广","电商","电子商务"]
+draft: false
+slug: "20130506"
+summary: "文章内容是关于运营和推广的小记,提到了阿里巴巴入股新浪微博、电商 2.0 时代来临等话题。"
+date: "2013-05-06 21:55:00"
+lastmod: "2013-05-06 21:55:00"
+阿里巴巴入股新浪微博这件事,为什么没有人说电商 2.0 时代来了?
+我的身高、体重、外貌、学历、电话、住址都告诉你了,你嫁给我吧,这可能吗?推广时代已经过去了,营销时代来了,电商进入互动时代,准备迎接电商 2.0 吧。
diff --git a/static/assets/images/og/20130509.png b/content/blog/operation/20130509/featured.png
similarity index 100%
rename from static/assets/images/og/20130509.png
rename to content/blog/operation/20130509/featured.png
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..79f1fef7657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/blog/operation/20130509/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+title: "运营小记 20130509"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/20130509.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["计划","小记","运营","天猫"]
+draft: false
+slug: "20130509"
+summary: "这篇文章介绍了两个运营小记。第一个小记强调了不要随意改变计划,需要有明确的工作计划和方向。第二个小记告诫不要被外行领导内行,不要听那些自以为是的军师的建议。"
+date: "2013-05-09 11:49:00"
+lastmod: "2013-05-09 11:49:00"
diff --git a/static/assets/images/og/20130516.png b/content/blog/operation/20130516/featured.png
similarity index 100%
rename from static/assets/images/og/20130516.png
rename to content/blog/operation/20130516/featured.png
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..27ec8798935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/blog/operation/20130516/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+title: "运营小记 20130516"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/20130516.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["淘宝","运营","天猫","DSR"]
+draft: false
+slug: "20130516"
+summary: "文章内容是关于运营小记的,主要讲述了作者店铺 DSR 评分下降以及遭到假货指责的经历。"
+date: "2013-05-16 10:46:00"
+lastmod: "2013-05-16 10:46:00"
+今天早上起来发现店铺 DSR 直接掉到 4.6 分了,搞得觉都睡不好了,到公司一看是一个家伙也不联系我们直接说我们是假货,给了个 3 星评价。假你妹,老子是天猫。郁闷。
diff --git a/static/assets/images/og/20130523.png b/content/blog/operation/20130523/featured.png
similarity index 100%
rename from static/assets/images/og/20130523.png
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..615fdabeb5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/blog/operation/20130523/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+title: "运营小记 20130523"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/20130523.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["淘宝","运营","天猫","经验"]
+draft: false
+slug: "20130523"
+summary: "这篇文章介绍了运营小记中的一个问题,即没有订单就没有话语权。文章提到了很多成熟的经验都需要有订单的支撑才能应用。同时,文章也提出了一个疑问,即如何在没有订单的情况下进行改善以增加订单数量。"
+date: "2013-05-23 10:43:00"
+lastmod: "2013-05-23 10:43:00"
diff --git a/static/assets/images/og/20130525.png b/content/blog/operation/20130525/featured.png
similarity index 100%
rename from static/assets/images/og/20130525.png
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..678d020d465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/blog/operation/20130525/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+title: "运营小记 20130525"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/20130525.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["网络","淘宝","运营","天猫","废人","运营小记 20130525"]
+draft: false
+slug: "20130525"
+summary: "文章内容是关于运营小记的,提到了网络对生意的影响。还涉及到淘宝、天猫等运营相关话题。"
+date: "2013-05-25 09:52:00"
+lastmod: "2013-05-25 09:52:00"
diff --git a/static/assets/images/og/20130618.png b/content/blog/operation/20130618/featured.png
similarity index 100%
rename from static/assets/images/og/20130618.png
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2d63d9f1976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/blog/operation/20130618/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+title: "运营小记 20130618"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/20130618.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["淘宝","运营","天猫","电子商务","ec"]
+draft: false
+slug: "20130618"
+summary: "文章内容是关于运营小记的,提到了一些问题和解决方案,还涉及到淘宝、天猫和电子商务等相关内容。"
+date: "2013-06-18 15:29:00"
+lastmod: "2013-06-18 15:29:00"
diff --git a/static/assets/images/og/20150119.png b/content/blog/operation/20150119/featured.png
similarity index 100%
rename from static/assets/images/og/20150119.png
rename to content/blog/operation/20150119/featured.png
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7865b9bceb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/blog/operation/20150119/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+title: "运营小记 - 电商的本质 - 20150119"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/20150119.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["淘宝","电商","ec","电商的本质","运营小记"]
+draft: false
+slug: "20150119"
+summary: "文章讨论了电商的本质,指出电商实际上就是做买卖,没有太多技巧可言。工具只能提高效率,但不能取代人的智慧。作者呼吁回归本源,不要追求投机取巧。"
+date: "2015-01-19 10:37:00"
+lastmod: "2015-01-19 10:37:00"
+> “你以为的极限,搞不好只是别人的起点。”—— 韩寒
diff --git a/static/assets/images/og/distribution.png b/content/blog/operation/distribution/featured.png
similarity index 100%
rename from static/assets/images/og/distribution.png
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fa6dc28dec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/blog/operation/distribution/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+title: "运营小记 - 快速铺货"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/distribution.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["淘宝","运营","天猫","淘宝助理","详情"]
+draft: false
+slug: "distribution"
+summary: "文章介绍了运营小记中的快速铺货问题。以前操作天猫店时,一个人负责一个店铺,注重精细化运营和抢占 top。现在操作淘宝 C 店和企业店,采用站群思路。涉及到大量店铺的上下架、关键词覆盖度、流量均衡渗透等问题。作者尝试使用淘宝助理工具进行铺货,通过上传完整宝贝信息并授权其他店铺使用图片来实现多个店铺的上架产品。同时还提到了一些解决报错和授权失败的方法。"
+date: "2017-05-22 11:28:00"
+lastmod: "2017-05-22 11:28:00"
+### 前言
+精细化运营,做小而美,抢占 top。
+但是现在自己操作淘宝 C 店和企业店而不是天猫,是站群的思路。
+首先想到的是官方的工具 - 淘宝助理。
+> 淘宝助理 [https://zhuli.taobao.com](https://zhuli.taobao.com/)
+经测试 `` 版本可以用,`` 有 bug。
+### 步骤
+ 1. 先用一个主店,上传完整的宝贝信息,详情传到图片空间;
+ 2. 到主店的图片空间,给其他的店铺授权使用图片,一个店可以授权 10 个店铺;
+
+ 3. 登录淘宝助理,同步宝贝,点击需要铺货的宝贝,勾选,导出 CSV;
+
+ 4. 登录需要铺货的淘宝助理,导入 CSV,勾选,上传宝贝。
+ 如果报错,请按错误提示进行修改。
+ 我遇到的报错是运费模板不符,到店铺后台设置一下,然后在淘宝助理中选择设置好的运费模板,并点击 `保存并上传` 即可。
+ 5. 如果图片空间授权失败,比如信誉没到 1 钻,可以导入 CSV 后,删除掉详情内容中的图片,再上传宝贝,然后到淘宝后台编辑更新宝贝详情页。
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+title: "运营小记 - 关联销售一例"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/guan-lian-xiao-shou.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["淘宝","电商","关联","销售","游泳"]
+draft: false
+slug: "guan-lian-xiao-shou"
+summary: "文章讲述了一个关于关联销售的实例。一所学校给孩子们发放免费游泳票,但家长必须购买门票才能陪同孩子进入游泳馆。这个例子说明了免费发放的儿童票只是为了吸引家长成为真正的客户,从而实现关联销售。"
+date: "2013-07-29 11:12:00"
+lastmod: "2013-07-29 11:12:00"
+老板娘的儿子的学校给他儿子发了两张儿童游泳票 —— 免费的!一个学校那么多小朋友,如果亲认为每个孩子都发两张免费的游泳票,那游泳馆岂不是亏大了?那亲就错了。没有哪个父母放心让孩子一个人去游泳的吧,家长必定会陪着孩子去游泳的吧,可是家长进馆的话必须要买票啊不买票进不去啊,而且成人的票价也死贵死贵的。那不就成了,免费发放的儿童票只是营销引流的作用,真正的客户是家长啊,这就是一个关联销售的实例。
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+title: "淘宝客服绩效考核方案"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/kpioftaobao.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["淘宝","天猫","客服","绩效","KPI"]
+draft: false
+slug: "kpioftaobao"
+summary: "淘宝客服绩效考核方案包括底薪、晚班补贴、提成和奖金。提成根据个人销售额和旺旺转化率计算,KPI 系数也会影响提成。奖金分为团队奖金和个人奖金,根据销售额超过过去 3 个月平均值的比例给予不同金额的奖励。"
+date: "2013-05-12 17:38:00"
+lastmod: "2013-05-12 17:38:00"
+底薪 + 晚班补贴 + 提成 + 奖金
+一、底薪:1800(2500 保底);
+二、夜补:8 元 / 班;
+> 个人销售额 *旺旺转化率* 提成系数 * KPI 系数
+- 0-2 万:2%;
+- 2-4 万:3%;
+- 4-5 万:4%;
+- 5-6 万:5%;
+- 6-7 万:6%;
+- 7-8 万:7%;
+- 8-10 万:8%;
+10 万以上,增加 5 万增加 1%。
+2、KPI 系数:基数为 1
+- 个人旺旺转化率月均低于 25%,1‰为 = 0.01;
+- 个人旺旺转化率与团队旺旺平均转化率:1‰=0.01(大则加,小则减);
+- 响应时间:月均大于 40 秒,多 1 秒减 0.1,单次大于 10 分钟,0.1 / 次;
+- 有效投诉:减 0.2 / 次;
+- 客服引起的差评:减 0.2 / 次;
+- 个人月销售额与上月差值,大于 40%,1‰=0.01;
+- DSR:低于行业平均值:减 0.2;
+- DSR:高于行业平均值,小数点后第 4 位数值为基数 ±0.01。
+- 当月销售额超过过去 3 个月平均的 30%,每人奖励 200;
+- 当月销售额超过过去 3 个月平均的 40%,每人奖励 300;
+- 当月销售额超过过去 3 个月平均的 50%,每人奖励 500;
+- 当月销售额超过过去 3 个月平均的 60-80%,每人奖励 800;
+- 当月销售额超过过去 3 个月平均的 80-100%,每人奖励 1000。
+2、个人奖金:(个人销售额 4 万以下无个人奖金)
+- 当月个人销售额超过过去 3 个月平均的 30%,奖励 200;
+- 当月个人销售额超过过去 3 个月平均的 40%,奖励 300;
+- 当月个人销售额超过过去 3 个月平均的 50%,奖励 500;
+- 当月个人销售额超过过去 3 个月平均的 60-80%,奖励 800;
+- 当月个人销售额超过过去 3 个月平均的 80-100%,奖励 1000。
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+title: "运营小记 - 库存超卖缺货处理一例"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/oversold.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["运营","缺货","超卖","库存"]
+draft: false
+slug: "oversold"
+summary: "文章讲述了作者在运营过程中遇到的库存超卖缺货问题,并提出了四种处理方案。第一种是拖着不发货,等有货再说;第二种是用便宜的相似商品代替,并告诉顾客物流部发错了;第三种是用贵的相似商品代替,可能会得到更好的评价;第四种是直接告知买家实情,处理退款。最终作者结合订单特点进行筛选并采取多个方案来应对这一问题。"
+date: "2017-05-24 13:05:00"
+lastmod: "2017-05-24 13:05:00"
+总结下来大概有 4 种结论:
+ 1. 拖着不发货,等有货再说;
+ 2. 用另一种相似的货(便宜的)代替,统一话术就说物流部发错了,工作重心放到售后上;
+ 3. 用另一种相似的货(贵的)代替,同上;
+ 4. 直接告知买家实情,处理退款。
+第 1 种方案,弊端就是店铺数据会直线下降,就算把运单拿到物流公司去做假物流信息,影响也很大。
+第 2 种方案,损失会降低很多,告诉顾客发错了,但是他们收到的东西跟买的东西也差不多,就接受了,不接受的,象征性的提供一点补偿,也会接受。最终退款退货的比率相对很小了。
+第 3 种方案,在实际中与第 2 种方案相差不大,很多人不会因为你发的东西贵一点就会满意。因为贵了所以货物的直接成本还增加了。
+它比第 2 种方案好的地方可能就是买家给的评价会好一些,DSR 高一些。对一些重视品牌运营的店铺,这个数据可能比较重要。
+第 4 种方案,也没有想像的那么差,很多人是会因为你的坦诚而放你一马,很爽快的就退款了,不会有纠纷。即使如此,纠纷的比率也不小的,不过也在可接受的范围。
+最终我们是筛选订单,4 种方案同时做。所以也才有了上面的结论。
+- 物流偏远地区,直接告知实情,不发货;
+- 收货地址是小区、写字楼、政府机关这种的就用贵的代替;
+- 买家星星少的,就发便宜的;
+- 有过旺旺聊天记录的,就发贵的;
+- 旺旺上催得急的,就发备用商品;(对的,还有备用商品。虽然已经严重缺货,但还是会预留 100 个左右,用来应付特殊情况的,心疼一下那 100 多个本来可以按顺序正常收货的人。)
+- ……;
+- 旺旺没有聊过天的,也没有留言的,先拖着,等等……
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+title: "打包出售 欲购从速"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/packaged-for-sale.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["工作","感想","淘宝","商城","羽绒"]
+draft: false
+slug: "packaged-for-sale"
+summary: "文章讲述了作者在一家羽绒服装公司工作,突然被告知该公司被收购。作者选择跟随商铺到新公司就职,发现新公司更正规、系统化,并能学到很多东西,对未来创业有帮助。"
+date: "2011-09-02 14:46:00"
+lastmod: "2011-09-02 14:46:00"
+这意味着 ——
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+title: "评估报告:机会只有 50%"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/pgbg.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["分析","淘宝","电商","天猫","评估"]
+draft: false
+slug: "pgbg"
+summary: "文章内容是关于一个评估报告,指出成功的机会只有 50%。文章提到了电商行业的一些问题,如缺乏 ERP 系统、分销渠道减少、团购成本高等。作者还强调决策权和执行力之间的矛盾,并表示时间成本是他面临的主要风险。最后,作者认为成功与否取决于关系磨合,不能轻率地做出决定。"
+date: "2013-04-24 19:41:00"
+lastmod: "2013-04-24 19:41:00"
+1,没有 ERP,还处于电商的粗旷时代。就像把一辆跑车丢到山路上开。
+2,砍掉分销,渠道覆盖面减少 40% 以上。这样就把山路上的跑车拆掉了一个轮子。
+终上:成功的机会就是 50 50,微妙之处就是不能冒然决定做或者不做。关键点在于关系磨合。
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+title: "淘宝常用英文缩写名词解释"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/taobaomingci.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["淘宝","名词","术语","缩写"]
+draft: false
+slug: "taobaomingci"
+summary: "这篇文章介绍了淘宝常用的英文缩写名词解释。文章指出,在参加电商大会或阅读营销书籍时,我们常常会遇到很多英文缩写但不知道其含义。因此,文章建议我们可以阅读这篇解释了淘宝常用英文缩写的文章,来了解这些名词的含义。"
+date: "2014-10-07 14:01:00"
+lastmod: "2014-10-07 14:01:00"
+- ROI—— 投资回报率,投入产出比。
+- PPC ——(Pay Per Click)点击付费广告,平均点击单价。
+- CTR—— 广告点击率。
+- UV —— 是 unique visitor 的简写,是指不同的丶通过互联网访问丶浏览这个网页的自然数。
+- PV —— 访问量即 Page View,即页面浏览量或点击量,当天单个用户多次刷新只被计算一次。
+- IP —— 指独立 IP 数。00:00-24:00 内相同 IP 地址只被计算一次。
+- SEO —— 全文 Search Engine Optimization,汉译为搜索引擎优化。搜索引擎优化是一种利用搜索引擎的搜索规则来提高目的网站在有关搜索引擎内的排名的方式。每个网站都有自己的 SEO 规则,淘宝也不例外。如果您的宝贝想取得好的排名,研究 SEO 是很有必要的。
+- CPA —— 注册计费。当访问者实际注册数量计费单价。
+- CPS —— 是指销售。销售成功支付佣金。根据用户每成功达成一笔交易支付佣金。
+- 1CPM —— 每千次曝光(1,000 Impression)的成本。
+- 1CPV—— 每个访问(Visit)的成本。
+- 1CPC—— 是指点击。是一种按广告的点击来计费的模式,根据广告被点击的次数收费。关键词广告一般采用这种定价模式。
+- CPL—— 是搜集潜在客户名单。是每次通过特定链接,注册成功后付费的一个常见广告模式。
+- CRM——(Customer Relationship Management)即客户关系管理。做淘宝店维系好老客户的关系非常重要,在流量有限的情况下,做好回头客是很重要的事情。大的店铺通常都有专人负责 CRM 管理。卖家服务中心也有很多五花八门的 CRM 软件。
+- SNS—— 全称 Social Networking Services,即社会性网络服务,专指旨在帮助人们建立社会性网络的互联网应用服务。 SNS 营销,随着网络社会化而兴起的营销方式。SNS 社区在中国快速发展时间并不长,但是 SNS 现在已经成为备受广大用户欢迎的一种网络交际模式。SNS 营销就是利用 SNS 网站的分享和共享功能,在六维理论的基础上实现的一种营销。通过病毒式传播的手段,让产品被更多的人知道。
+- EDM—— 邮件营销。
+- SMS——(short message service)短信服务,在淘宝营销方法里面出现时可以理解为短信营销
+- ERP——(Enterprise Resource Planning)企业资源计划,在一些淘宝的营销书籍里面会看到 ERP 营销。ERP 的概念虽然源自美国,但现在在中国也是一个热门的新新话题和产业。不少的传统公关公司丶广告公司丶咨询机构都向网络公关行业转型,或是在原来的业务上加上网络公关的服务,现在呈现出一片 “无企业,不公关” 的现象。ERP 的推广方法有很多,常说的在 BBS 丶新闻媒体丶 SNS 丶问答平台丶博客等利用图片丶文字丶视频等形式,以一种网民化的语言来吸引网民注意,达到宣传和推广的目的,这就是通俗的理解方法了。
+- SRP——(search result page)搜索结果页,包括搜索行为后展示页面的所有因素。
+- GMV——( Gross monetary value)宝贝详情页成交额。即指详情页的成交额,需要区分支付宝成交额和 GMV。简单的例子:买诺基亚 5800,详情页显示的价格是 2000 元,实际买下来花了 1800 元,则 GMV 为 2000 元,支付宝成交额为 1800 元。
+- UE/UX——(user experience)用户体验。
+- UI——(User Interface)用户界面。
+- UED——(user experience design)用户体验设计。
+- SKU—— 在淘宝指宝贝的销售属性集合,供买家在下单时点选,如 “规格” 丶 “颜色分类” 丶 “尺码” 等。在淘宝,部分 SKU 的属性值可以卖家自定义编辑,部分不可编辑。
+- SPU —— 由关键属性构成的,“类目 + 关键属性” 唯一确定一个的产品(SPU)。
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+title: "你为什么死在淘宝的路上"
+# images: ["/assets/images/og/taobaowuqu.png"]
+authors: ["eallion"]
+categories: ["日志"]
+tags: ["淘宝","营销","运营","推广","刷","直通车"]
+draft: false
+slug: "taobaowuqu"
+summary: "这篇文章介绍了作者的观点,认为在淘宝上刷信誉和销量并不是必要的。作者指出,信誉并不是直接带来流量的因素,而是店铺装修、营销水平和宝贝描述等更重要。文章还提到了刷信誉的平台和谎言,警告读者切勿执迷于刷信誉的操作。作者同时指出刷信誉和销量的目的在于提高转化率和利用羊群效应,但也提醒刷得过多可能会导致店铺降权和失败。"
+date: "2013-04-23 11:52:00"
+lastmod: "2013-04-23 11:52:00"