- used for running multi-container applications
- single file is used to define all inner workings of the application
Check that docker-compose is installed
# host docker-compose --version
lets create the directory for our application
# host mkdir composetest cd composetest mkdir code
code simple web app in python using Flask in
# file code/app.py from flask import Flask from redis import Redis from urlparse import urlparse import sys, os # extract the connection to redis from environment variable up = urlparse(os.environ['REDIS_PORT']) print >> sys.stderr, 'connecting to redis at %s:%s' % (up.hostname, up.port) # connect to redis redis = Redis(host=up.hostname, port=up.port) # create flask instancw app = Flask(__name__) # callback to reply to root url @app.route('/') def hello(): redis.incr('hits') return 'Hi, you are visitor nr %s.' % redis.get('hits') # main: run flask if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(host="", debug=True)
specify the python dependencies for the web app in
flask redis
the configuration of the web app container goes in
# Dockerfile FROM python:2.7 ADD ./code /code RUN pip install -r /code/requirements.txt CMD python /code/app.py
define compose configuration that combining elements together
# docker-compose.yml web: build: . ports: - "5000" volumes: - ./code:/code links: - redis command: python /code/app.py redis: image: redis
now run it all
# host, in composetest docker-compose up
in another terminal, get some information about your servers
# host, in composetest docker-compose ps
find the external port for the web app
# host, in composetest docker-compose port web 5000
direct your browser to the IP address of your host and use the proper port
or in your terminal
# host
curl localhost:[port]