From d56a17122e2344e0fda9107dfdda6c901183cc4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pablo Garrido <>
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2024 08:54:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Bump to Fast DDS 3.0 (#375)

* Remove deprecated Fast RTPS

* Bump Fast DDS to 3.0.1

* Initial fastdds updates

Signed-off-by: Pablo Garrido <>

* Update FastDDS middleware headers

* Add Fast DDS 3.0 middleware


* Remove coverage

Signed-off-by: Pablo Garrido <>

* Fix Windows warnings

* Remove Cov

* Remove last references to fastrtps

Signed-off-by: Pablo Garrido <>

* Bump fastdds version


Signed-off-by: Pablo Garrido <>
 CMakeLists.txt                                |  17 +-
 ci/linux/CMakeLists.txt                       |   1 -
 cmake/SuperBuild.cmake                        |   6 +-
 colcon.pkg                                    |   2 +-
 include/uxr/agent/middleware/Middleware.hpp   |   1 -
 .../agent/middleware/fast/FastEntities.hpp    | 334 ------
 .../agent/middleware/fast/FastMiddleware.hpp  | 297 ------
 .../middleware/fastdds/FastDDSEntities.hpp    |  72 +-
 .../middleware/fastdds/FastDDSMiddleware.hpp  |   8 -
 .../uxr/agent/middleware/utils/Callbacks.hpp  | 392 +------
 .../agent/transport/custom/CustomAgent.hpp    |   2 +-
 include/uxr/agent/types/TopicPubSubType.hpp   |  33 +-
 src/cpp/Agent.cpp                             |  16 -
 src/cpp/AgentInstance.cpp                     |  18 +-
 src/cpp/Root.cpp                              |   9 +-
 src/cpp/client/ProxyClient.cpp                |   6 -
 src/cpp/middleware/fast/FastEntities.cpp      | 579 -----------
 src/cpp/middleware/fast/FastMiddleware.cpp    | 977 ------------------
 .../middleware/fastdds/FastDDSEntities.cpp    | 674 +++++-------
 .../middleware/fastdds/FastDDSMiddleware.cpp  | 316 +++---
 src/cpp/types/TopicPubSubType.cpp             |  74 +-
 src/cpp/utils/ArgumentParser.cpp              |   4 -
 src/cpp/xmlobjects/xmlobjects.cpp             | 150 ---
 src/cpp/xmlobjects/xmlobjects.h               |  68 --
 test/blackbox/tree/CMakeLists.txt             |   7 +-
 test/blackbox/tree/TreeTests.cpp              |   8 +-
 test/cmake/CMakeLists.txt                     |   2 +-
 test/unittest/CMakeLists.txt                  |   4 +-
 test/unittest/agent/AgentUnitTests.cpp        |  29 +-
 test/unittest/agent/CMakeLists.txt            |   4 +-
 test/unittest/root/DataReaderTests.cpp        |  12 -
 31 files changed, 587 insertions(+), 3535 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 include/uxr/agent/middleware/fast/FastEntities.hpp
 delete mode 100644 include/uxr/agent/middleware/fast/FastMiddleware.hpp
 delete mode 100644 src/cpp/middleware/fast/FastEntities.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/cpp/middleware/fast/FastMiddleware.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/cpp/xmlobjects/xmlobjects.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/cpp/xmlobjects/xmlobjects.h

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 10f9c591c..d185fdf77 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ set(_deps "")
     set(_fastcdr_version 2)
-    set(_fastcdr_version 2.2.0)
+    set(_fastcdr_version 2.2.4)
     set(_fastcdr_tag 2.2.x)
 list(APPEND _deps "fastcdr\;${_fastcdr_version}")
@@ -93,13 +93,13 @@ endif()
-        set(_fastdds_version 2)
+        set(_fastdds_version 3)
-        set(_fastdds_version 2.14)
-        set(_fastdds_tag 2.14.x)
+        set(_fastdds_version 3.1)
+        set(_fastdds_tag 3.x)
         set(_foonathan_memory_tag v0.7-3) # This tag should be updated every time it gets updated in foonathan_memory_vendor eProsima's package
-    list(APPEND _deps "fastrtps\;${_fastdds_version}")
+    list(APPEND _deps "fastdds\;${_fastdds_version}")
@@ -210,9 +210,6 @@ set(SRCS
-    $<$<BOOL:${UAGENT_FAST_PROFILE}>:src/cpp/xmlobjects/xmlobjects.cpp>
-    $<$<BOOL:${UAGENT_FAST_PROFILE}>:src/cpp/middleware/fast/FastEntities.cpp>
-    $<$<BOOL:${UAGENT_FAST_PROFILE}>:src/cpp/middleware/fast/FastMiddleware.cpp>
@@ -300,7 +297,7 @@ target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}
-        $<$<BOOL:${UAGENT_FAST_PROFILE}>:fastrtps>
+        $<$<BOOL:${UAGENT_FAST_PROFILE}>:fastdds>
@@ -314,7 +311,7 @@ target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} BEFORE
diff --git a/ci/linux/CMakeLists.txt b/ci/linux/CMakeLists.txt
index 262959f75..dad2799f0 100644
--- a/ci/linux/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/ci/linux/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ ExternalProject_Add(microxrcedds_agent_isolated
         COMMAND ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND} -VV -T MemCheck -E "test-case*"
-        COMMAND ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND} -VV -T Coverage -E "test-case*"
diff --git a/cmake/SuperBuild.cmake b/cmake/SuperBuild.cmake
index 0d4c86299..f6aaddbf2 100644
--- a/cmake/SuperBuild.cmake
+++ b/cmake/SuperBuild.cmake
     # Fast DDS.
     unset(fastdds_DIR CACHE)
-    find_package(fastrtps ${_fastdds_version} EXACT QUIET)
-    if(NOT fastrtps_FOUND)
+    find_package(fastdds ${_fastdds_version} EXACT QUIET)
+    if(NOT fastdds_FOUND)
-                ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/temp_install/fastrtps-${_fastdds_version}
+                ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/temp_install/fastdds-${_fastdds_version}
diff --git a/colcon.pkg b/colcon.pkg
index 62843e442..06f55d015 100644
--- a/colcon.pkg
+++ b/colcon.pkg
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
     "type": "cmake",
-        "fastrtps"
+        "fastdds"
diff --git a/include/uxr/agent/middleware/Middleware.hpp b/include/uxr/agent/middleware/Middleware.hpp
index d3b89786e..6f2fd3b55 100644
--- a/include/uxr/agent/middleware/Middleware.hpp
+++ b/include/uxr/agent/middleware/Middleware.hpp
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ class Middleware
-        FASTRTPS,
diff --git a/include/uxr/agent/middleware/fast/FastEntities.hpp b/include/uxr/agent/middleware/fast/FastEntities.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c1b3e2b7a..000000000
--- a/include/uxr/agent/middleware/fast/FastEntities.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2019 Proyectos y Sistemas de Mantenimiento SL (eProsima).
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include <fastrtps/participant/ParticipantListener.h>
-#include <fastrtps/publisher/PublisherListener.h>
-#include <fastrtps/subscriber/SubscriberListener.h>
-#include <uxr/agent/types/TopicPubSubType.hpp>
-#include <uxr/agent/middleware/Middleware.hpp>
-#include <uxr/agent/types/XRCETypes.hpp>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <condition_variable>
-#include <atomic>
-namespace eprosima {
-namespace fastrtps {
-class ParticipantAttributes;
-class PublisherAttributes;
-class SubscriberAttributes;
-class RequesterAttributes;
-class ReplierAttributes;
-class SampleInfo_t;
-} // namespace fastrtps
-} // namespace eprosima
-namespace eprosima {
-namespace uxr {
-class FastType;
-class FastTopic;
- * Listeners
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-class FastListener : public fastrtps::ParticipantListener
-                   , public fastrtps::PublisherListener
-                   , public fastrtps::SubscriberListener
-    void onParticipantDiscovery(
-        fastrtps::Participant*,
-        fastrtps::rtps::ParticipantDiscoveryInfo&& info) final;
-    void onPublicationMatched(
-        fastrtps::Publisher*,
-        fastrtps::rtps::MatchingInfo& info) final;
-    void onSubscriptionMatched(
-        fastrtps::Subscriber*,
-        fastrtps::rtps::MatchingInfo& info) final;
- * FastParticipant
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-class FastParticipant
-    FastParticipant(fastrtps::Participant* impl);
-    ~FastParticipant();
-    bool match(
-            const fastrtps::ParticipantAttributes& attrs) const;
-    fastrtps::Participant* get_ptr() const { return impl_; }
-    bool register_type(
-            const std::shared_ptr<FastType>& type);
-    bool unregister_type(
-            const std::string& type_name);
-    std::shared_ptr<FastType> find_type(
-            const std::string& type_name) const;
-    bool register_topic(
-            const std::shared_ptr<FastTopic>& topic);
-    bool unregister_topic(
-            const std::string& topic_name);
-    std::shared_ptr<FastTopic> find_topic(
-            const std::string& topic_name) const;
-    int16_t domain_id() const;
-    const fastrtps::rtps::GUID_t& get_guid() const;
-    fastrtps::Participant* impl_;
-    std::unordered_map<std::string, std::weak_ptr<FastType>> type_register_;
-    std::unordered_map<std::string, std::weak_ptr<FastTopic>> topic_register_;
- * FastTopic
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-class FastType : public TopicPubSubType
-    FastType(
-            const std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant>& participant);
-    ~FastType();
-    std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant> participant_;
-class FastTopic
-    FastTopic(
-            const std::string& name,
-            const std::shared_ptr<FastType>& type,
-            const std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant>& participant);
-    ~FastTopic();
-    const std::string& get_name() const { return name_; }
-    const std::shared_ptr<FastType>& get_type() const { return type_; }
-    bool match(
-            const fastrtps::TopicAttributes& attrs) const;
-    std::string name_;
-    std::shared_ptr<FastType> type_;
-    std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant> participant_;
- * FastPublisher
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-class FastPublisher
-    FastPublisher(
-            const std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant>& participant)
-        : participant_(participant)
-    {}
-    ~FastPublisher() = default;
-    const std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant>& get_participant() const { return participant_; }
-        std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant> participant_;
- * FastSubscriber
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-class FastSubscriber
-    FastSubscriber(
-            const std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant>& participant)
-        : participant_(participant)
-    {}
-    ~FastSubscriber() = default;
-    const std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant>& get_participant() const { return participant_; }
-        std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant> participant_;
- * FastDataWriter
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-class FastDataWriter
-    FastDataWriter(
-            fastrtps::Publisher* impl_,
-            const std::shared_ptr<FastTopic>& topic,
-            const std::shared_ptr<FastPublisher>& publisher);
-    ~FastDataWriter();
-    bool match(
-            const fastrtps::PublisherAttributes& attrs) const;
-    bool write(
-            const std::vector<uint8_t>& data);
-    bool write(
-            const std::vector<uint8_t>& data,
-            fastrtps::rtps::WriteParams& wparams);
-    const fastrtps::rtps::GUID_t& get_guid() const;
-    const fastrtps::Participant* get_participant() const;
-    const fastrtps::Publisher* get_ptr() const;
-    fastrtps::Publisher* impl_;
-    std::shared_ptr<FastTopic> topic_;
-    std::shared_ptr<FastPublisher> publisher_;
- * FastDataReader
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-class FastDataReader
-    FastDataReader(
-            fastrtps::Subscriber* impl_,
-            const std::shared_ptr<FastTopic>& topic,
-            const std::shared_ptr<FastSubscriber>& Subscriber);
-    ~FastDataReader();
-    bool match(
-            const fastrtps::SubscriberAttributes& attrs) const;
-    bool read(
-            std::vector<uint8_t>& data,
-            std::chrono::milliseconds timeout);
-    bool read(
-            std::vector<uint8_t>& data,
-            fastrtps::SampleInfo_t& info,
-            std::chrono::milliseconds timeout);
-    const fastrtps::rtps::GUID_t& get_guid() const;
-    const fastrtps::Participant* get_participant() const;
-    const fastrtps::Subscriber* get_ptr() const;
-    fastrtps::Subscriber* impl_;
-    std::shared_ptr<FastTopic> topic_;
-    std::shared_ptr<FastSubscriber> subscriber_;
- * FastRequester
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-class FastRequester
-    FastRequester(
-            const std::shared_ptr<FastDataWriter>& datawriter,
-            const std::shared_ptr<FastDataReader>& datareader);
-    ~FastRequester() = default;
-    bool match(
-            const fastrtps::RequesterAttributes& attrs) const;
-    bool write(
-            uint32_t sequence_number,
-            const std::vector<uint8_t>& data);
-    bool read(
-            uint32_t& sequence_number,
-            std::vector<uint8_t>& data,
-            std::chrono::milliseconds timeout);
-    const fastrtps::Participant* get_participant() const;
-    const fastrtps::Publisher* get_request_datawriter() const;
-    const fastrtps::Subscriber* get_reply_datareader() const;
-    std::shared_ptr<FastDataWriter> datawriter_;
-    std::shared_ptr<FastDataReader> datareader_;
-    dds::GUID_t publisher_id_;
-    std::map<int64_t, uint32_t> sequence_to_sequence_;
- * FastReplier
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-class FastReplier
-    FastReplier(
-            const std::shared_ptr<FastDataWriter>& datawriter,
-            const std::shared_ptr<FastDataReader>& datareader);
-    ~FastReplier() = default;
-    bool match(
-            const fastrtps::ReplierAttributes& attrs) const;
-    bool write(
-            const std::vector<uint8_t>& data);
-    bool read(
-            std::vector<uint8_t>& data,
-            std::chrono::milliseconds timeout);
-    const fastrtps::Participant* get_participant() const;
-    const fastrtps::Subscriber* get_request_datareader() const;
-    const fastrtps::Publisher* get_reply_datawriter() const;
-    std::shared_ptr<FastDataWriter> datawriter_;
-    std::shared_ptr<FastDataReader> datareader_;
-} // namespace uxr
-} // namespace eprosima
diff --git a/include/uxr/agent/middleware/fast/FastMiddleware.hpp b/include/uxr/agent/middleware/fast/FastMiddleware.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e9e221f54..000000000
--- a/include/uxr/agent/middleware/fast/FastMiddleware.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2019 Proyectos y Sistemas de Mantenimiento SL (eProsima).
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include <uxr/agent/middleware/Middleware.hpp>
-#include <uxr/agent/middleware/fast/FastEntities.hpp>
-#include <uxr/agent/types/TopicPubSubType.hpp>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <memory>
-namespace eprosima {
-namespace uxr {
-namespace middleware {
-class CallbackFactory;
-} // namespace middleware
-class FastMiddleware : public Middleware
-    FastMiddleware();
-    ~FastMiddleware() final = default;
- * Create functions.
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-    bool create_participant_by_ref(
-            uint16_t participant_id,
-            int16_t domain_id,
-            const std::string& ref) override;
-    bool create_participant_by_xml(
-            uint16_t participant_id,
-            int16_t domain_id,
-            const std::string& xml) override;
-    bool create_participant_by_bin(
-            uint16_t /* participant_id */,
-            const dds::xrce::OBJK_DomainParticipant_Binary& /* participant_xrce */) override { return false; };
-    bool create_topic_by_ref(
-            uint16_t topic_id,
-            uint16_t participant_id,
-            const std::string& ref) override;
-    bool create_topic_by_xml(
-            uint16_t topic_id,
-            uint16_t participant_id,
-            const std::string& xml) override;
-    bool create_topic_by_bin(
-            uint16_t /* topic_id */,
-            uint16_t /* participant_id */,
-            const dds::xrce::OBJK_Topic_Binary& /* topic_xrce */) override { return false; };
-    bool create_publisher_by_xml(
-            uint16_t publisher_id,
-            uint16_t participant_id,
-            const std::string&) override;
-    bool create_publisher_by_bin(
-            uint16_t /* publisher_id */,
-            uint16_t /* participant_id */,
-            const dds::xrce::OBJK_Publisher_Binary& /* publisher_xrce */) override { return false; };
-    bool create_subscriber_by_xml(
-            uint16_t subscirber_id,
-            uint16_t participant_id,
-            const std::string&) override;
-    bool create_subscriber_by_bin(
-            uint16_t /* subscriber_id */,
-            uint16_t /* participant_id */,
-            const dds::xrce::OBJK_Subscriber_Binary& /* subscriber_xrce */) override { return false; };
-    bool create_datawriter_by_ref(
-            uint16_t datawriter_id,
-            uint16_t publisher_id,
-            const std::string& ref) override;
-    bool create_datawriter_by_xml(
-            uint16_t datawriter_id,
-            uint16_t publisher_id,
-            const std::string& xml) override;
-    bool create_datawriter_by_bin(
-            uint16_t /* datawriter_id */,
-            uint16_t /* publisher_id */,
-            const dds::xrce::OBJK_DataWriter_Binary& /* datawriter_xrce */) override { return false; };
-    bool create_datareader_by_ref(
-            uint16_t datareader_id,
-            uint16_t subscriber_id,
-            const std::string& ref) override;
-    bool create_datareader_by_xml(
-            uint16_t datareader_id,
-            uint16_t subscriber_id,
-            const std::string& xml) override;
-    bool create_datareader_by_bin(
-            uint16_t /* datareader_id */,
-            uint16_t /* subscriber_id */,
-            const dds::xrce::OBJK_DataReader_Binary& /* datareader_xrce */) override { return false; };
-    bool create_requester_by_ref(
-            uint16_t requester_id,
-            uint16_t participant_id,
-            const std::string& ref) override;
-    bool create_requester_by_xml(
-            uint16_t requester_id,
-            uint16_t participant_id,
-            const std::string& xml) override;
-    bool create_requester_by_bin(
-            uint16_t /* requester_id */,
-            uint16_t /* participant_id */,
-            const dds::xrce::OBJK_Requester_Binary& /* requester_xrce */) override { return false; };
-    bool create_replier_by_ref(
-            uint16_t replier_id,
-            uint16_t participant_id,
-            const std::string& ref) override;
-    bool create_replier_by_xml(
-            uint16_t replier_id,
-            uint16_t participant_id,
-            const std::string& xml) override;
-    bool create_replier_by_bin(
-            uint16_t /* replier_id */,
-            uint16_t /* participant_id */,
-            const dds::xrce::OBJK_Replier_Binary& /* replier_xrce */) override { return false; };
- * Delete functions.
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-    bool delete_participant(uint16_t participant_id) override;
-    bool delete_topic(uint16_t topic_id) override;
-    bool delete_publisher(uint16_t publisher_id) override;
-    bool delete_subscriber(uint16_t subscriber_id) override;
-    bool delete_datawriter(uint16_t datawriter_id) override;
-    bool delete_datareader(uint16_t datareader_id) override;
-    bool delete_requester(uint16_t requester_id) override;
-    bool delete_replier(uint16_t replier_id) override;
- * Write/Read functions.
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-    bool write_data(
-            uint16_t datawriter_id,
-            const std::vector<uint8_t>& data) override;
-    bool write_request(
-            uint16_t requester_id,
-            uint32_t sequence_number,
-            const std::vector<uint8_t>& data) override;
-    bool write_reply(
-            uint16_t replier_id,
-            const std::vector<uint8_t>& data) override;
-    bool read_data(
-            uint16_t datareader_id,
-            std::vector<uint8_t>& data,
-            std::chrono::milliseconds timeout) override;
-    bool read_request(
-            uint16_t replier_id,
-            std::vector<uint8_t>& data,
-            std::chrono::milliseconds timeout) override;
-    bool read_reply(
-            uint16_t reply_id,
-            uint32_t& sequence_number,
-            std::vector<uint8_t>& data,
-            std::chrono::milliseconds timeout) override;
- * Matched functions.
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-    bool matched_participant_from_ref(
-            uint16_t participant_id,
-            int16_t domain_id,
-            const std::string& ref) const override;
-    bool matched_participant_from_xml(
-            uint16_t participant_id,
-            int16_t domain_id,
-            const std::string& xml) const override;
-    bool matched_participant_from_bin(
-            uint16_t /* participant_id */,
-            int16_t /* domain_id */,
-            const dds::xrce::OBJK_DomainParticipant_Binary& /* participant_xrce */) const override { return false; };
-    bool matched_topic_from_ref(
-            uint16_t topic_id,
-            const std::string& ref) const override;
-    bool matched_topic_from_xml(
-            uint16_t topic_id,
-            const std::string& xml) const override;
-    bool matched_topic_from_bin(
-            uint16_t /* topic_id */,
-            const dds::xrce::OBJK_Topic_Binary& /* topic_xrce */) const override { return false; };
-    bool matched_datawriter_from_ref(
-            uint16_t datawriter_id,
-            const std::string& ref) const override;
-    bool matched_datawriter_from_xml(
-            uint16_t datawriter_id,
-            const std::string& xml) const override;
-    bool matched_datawriter_from_bin(
-            uint16_t /* datawriter_id */,
-            const dds::xrce::OBJK_DataWriter_Binary& /* datawriter_xrce */) const override { return false; };
-    bool matched_datareader_from_ref(
-            uint16_t datareader_id,
-            const std::string& ref) const override;
-    bool matched_datareader_from_xml(
-            uint16_t datareader_id,
-            const std::string& xml) const override;
-    bool matched_datareader_from_bin(
-            uint16_t /* datareader_id */,
-            const dds::xrce::OBJK_DataReader_Binary& /* datareader_xrce */) const override { return false; };
-    bool matched_requester_from_ref(
-            uint16_t participant_id,
-            const std::string& ref) const override;
-    bool matched_requester_from_xml(
-            uint16_t participant_id,
-            const std::string& xml) const override;
-    bool matched_requester_from_bin(
-            uint16_t /* requester_id */,
-            const dds::xrce::OBJK_Requester_Binary& /* requester_xrce */) const override { return false; };
-    bool matched_replier_from_ref(
-            uint16_t participant_id,
-            const std::string& ref) const override;
-    bool matched_replier_from_xml(
-            uint16_t participant_id,
-            const std::string& xml) const override;
-    bool matched_replier_from_bin(
-            uint16_t /* replier_id */,
-            const dds::xrce::OBJK_Replier_Binary& /* replier_xrce */) const override { return false; };
-    FastListener listener_;
-    std::unordered_map<uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant>> participants_;
-    std::unordered_map<uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<FastTopic>> topics_;
-    std::unordered_map<uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<FastPublisher>> publishers_;
-    std::unordered_map<uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<FastSubscriber>> subscribers_;
-    std::unordered_map<uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<FastDataWriter>> datawriters_;
-    std::unordered_map<uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<FastDataReader>> datareaders_;
-    std::unordered_map<uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<FastRequester>> requesters_;
-    std::unordered_map<uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<FastReplier>> repliers_;
-    middleware::CallbackFactory& callback_factory_;
-} // namespace uxr
-} // namespace eprosima
diff --git a/include/uxr/agent/middleware/fastdds/FastDDSEntities.hpp b/include/uxr/agent/middleware/fastdds/FastDDSEntities.hpp
index cc55d0a89..98e93ab04 100644
--- a/include/uxr/agent/middleware/fastdds/FastDDSEntities.hpp
+++ b/include/uxr/agent/middleware/fastdds/FastDDSEntities.hpp
@@ -15,14 +15,13 @@
-//#include <dds/domain/DomainParticipant.hpp>
+#include <fastdds/dds/core/detail/DDSReturnCode.hpp>
 #include <fastdds/dds/domain/DomainParticipant.hpp>
 #include <fastdds/dds/domain/DomainParticipantFactory.hpp>
 #include <fastdds/dds/publisher/Publisher.hpp>
 #include <fastdds/dds/publisher/DataWriter.hpp>
 #include <fastdds/dds/subscriber/Subscriber.hpp>
 #include <fastdds/dds/subscriber/DataReader.hpp>
-#include <fastrtps/attributes/all_attributes.h>
 #include <uxr/agent/types/TopicPubSubType.hpp>
 #include <uxr/agent/types/XRCETypes.hpp>
@@ -61,10 +60,10 @@ class FastDDSParticipant
     // Proxy methods
     int16_t domain_id() const { return domain_id_; }
-    fastrtps::rtps::GUID_t guid() const { return ptr_->guid(); }
+    fastdds::rtps::GUID_t guid() const { return ptr_->guid(); }
     fastdds::dds::DomainParticipant* get_ptr() const { return ptr_; }
-    ReturnCode_t unregister_type(
+    fastdds::dds::ReturnCode_t unregister_type(
             const std::string& typeName);
     fastdds::dds::Topic* create_topic(
@@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ class FastDDSParticipant
         fastdds::dds::TopicListener* listener = nullptr,
         const fastdds::dds::StatusMask& mask = fastdds::dds::StatusMask::all());
-    ReturnCode_t delete_topic(
+    fastdds::dds::ReturnCode_t delete_topic(
         fastdds::dds::Topic* topic);
     fastdds::dds::Publisher* create_publisher(
@@ -82,7 +81,7 @@ class FastDDSParticipant
             fastdds::dds::PublisherListener* listener = nullptr,
             const fastdds::dds::StatusMask& mask = fastdds::dds::StatusMask::all());
-    ReturnCode_t delete_publisher(
+    fastdds::dds::ReturnCode_t delete_publisher(
         fastdds::dds::Publisher* publisher);
     fastdds::dds::Subscriber* create_subscriber(
@@ -90,7 +89,7 @@ class FastDDSParticipant
             fastdds::dds::SubscriberListener* listener = nullptr,
             const fastdds::dds::StatusMask& mask = fastdds::dds::StatusMask::all());
-    ReturnCode_t delete_subscriber(
+    fastdds::dds::ReturnCode_t delete_subscriber(
         fastdds::dds::Subscriber* subscriber);
     // Types and topics registration
@@ -159,22 +158,17 @@ class FastDDSTopic
-    bool create_by_ref(const std::string& ref);
-    bool create_by_xml(const std::string& xml);
     bool create_by_name_type(const std::string& name,
-        const std::shared_ptr<FastDDSType>& type);
+        const std::shared_ptr<FastDDSType>& type,
+        const fastdds::dds::TopicQos& qos);
     bool match_from_ref(const std::string& ref) const;
     bool match_from_xml(const std::string& xml) const;
     bool match_from_bin(const dds::xrce::OBJK_Topic_Binary& topic_xrce) const;
-    bool match(const fastrtps::TopicAttributes& attrs) const;
     const std::string& get_name() const { return ptr_->get_name(); }
     const std::shared_ptr<FastDDSType>& get_type() const { return type_; }
     fastdds::dds::Topic* get_ptr() const { return ptr_; }
-    bool create_by_attributes(const fastrtps::TopicAttributes& attrs);
     std::shared_ptr<FastDDSParticipant> participant_;
     std::shared_ptr<FastDDSType> type_;
@@ -198,13 +192,19 @@ class FastDDSPublisher
     bool create_by_xml(const std::string& xml);
     bool create_by_bin(const dds::xrce::OBJK_Publisher_Binary&  publisher_xrce);
+    fastdds::dds::Publisher* get_ptr() const { return ptr_; }
     fastdds::dds::DataWriter* create_datawriter(
             fastdds::dds::Topic* topic,
             const fastdds::dds::DataWriterQos& qos = fastdds::dds::DATAWRITER_QOS_DEFAULT,
             fastdds::dds::DataWriterListener* listener = nullptr,
             const fastdds::dds::StatusMask& mask = fastdds::dds::StatusMask::all());
-    ReturnCode_t delete_datawriter(
+    fastdds::dds::DataWriter* create_datawriter_with_profile(
+            fastdds::dds::Topic* topic,
+            const std::string& profile_name);
+    fastdds::dds::ReturnCode_t delete_datawriter(
         fastdds::dds::DataWriter* writer);
     std::shared_ptr<FastDDSParticipant> get_participant() const { return participant_; }
@@ -231,13 +231,19 @@ class FastDDSSubscriber
     bool create_by_xml(const std::string& xml);
     bool create_by_bin(const dds::xrce::OBJK_Subscriber_Binary&  subscriber_xrce);
+    fastdds::dds::Subscriber* get_ptr() const { return ptr_; }
     fastdds::dds::DataReader* create_datareader(
             fastdds::dds::TopicDescription* topic,
             const fastdds::dds::DataReaderQos& reader_qos,
             fastdds::dds::DataReaderListener* listener = nullptr,
             const fastdds::dds::StatusMask& mask = fastdds::dds::StatusMask::all());
-    ReturnCode_t delete_datareader(
+    fastdds::dds::DataReader* create_datareader_with_profile(
+            fastdds::dds::TopicDescription* topic,
+            const std::string& profile_name);
+    fastdds::dds::ReturnCode_t delete_datareader(
         fastdds::dds::DataReader* reader);
@@ -263,14 +269,15 @@ class FastDDSDataWriter
-    fastrtps::rtps::GUID_t guid() const { return ptr_->guid(); }
+    fastdds::rtps::GUID_t guid() const { return ptr_->guid(); }
     bool create_by_ref(const std::string& ref);
     bool create_by_xml(const std::string& xml);
     bool create_by_bin(
         const dds::xrce::OBJK_DataWriter_Binary& datawriter_xrce,
         std::shared_ptr<eprosima::uxr::FastDDSTopic> topic);
-    bool match(const fastrtps::PublisherAttributes& attrs) const;
+    bool match_from_ref(const std::string& ref) const;
+    bool match_from_xml(const std::string& xml) const;
     bool match_from_bin(const dds::xrce::OBJK_DataWriter_Binary& datawriter_xrce) const;
     bool write(const std::vector<uint8_t>& data);
     const fastdds::dds::DataWriter* ptr() const;
@@ -295,7 +302,7 @@ class FastDDSDataReader
-    fastrtps::rtps::GUID_t guid() const { return ptr_->guid(); }
+    fastdds::rtps::GUID_t guid() const { return ptr_->guid(); }
     bool create_by_ref(const std::string& ref);
     bool create_by_xml(const std::string& xml);
@@ -339,11 +346,12 @@ class FastDDSRequester
-    fastrtps::rtps::GUID_t guid_datareader() const { return datareader_ptr_->guid(); }
-    fastrtps::rtps::GUID_t guid_datawriter() const { return datawriter_ptr_->guid(); }
+    bool create_by_qos(
+        const fastdds::dds::RequesterQos& qos);
+    fastdds::rtps::GUID_t guid_datareader() const { return datareader_ptr_->guid(); }
+    fastdds::rtps::GUID_t guid_datawriter() const { return datawriter_ptr_->guid(); }
-    bool create_by_attributes(
-        const fastrtps::RequesterAttributes& attrs);
     bool match_from_ref(const std::string& ref) const;
     bool match_from_xml(const std::string& xml) const;
     bool match_from_bin(const dds::xrce::OBJK_Requester_Binary& requester_xrce) const;
@@ -364,9 +372,6 @@ class FastDDSRequester
     const fastdds::dds::DataReader* get_reply_datareader() const;
-    bool match(const fastrtps::RequesterAttributes& attrs) const;
     std::shared_ptr<FastDDSParticipant> participant_;
@@ -405,11 +410,13 @@ class FastDDSReplier
-    fastrtps::rtps::GUID_t guid_datareader() const { return datareader_ptr_->guid(); }
-    fastrtps::rtps::GUID_t guid_datawriter() const { return datawriter_ptr_->guid(); }
-    bool create_by_attributes(
-        const fastrtps::ReplierAttributes& attrs);
+    bool create_by_qos(
+        const fastdds::dds::ReplierQos& qos);
+    fastdds::rtps::GUID_t guid_datareader() const { return datareader_ptr_->guid(); }
+    fastdds::rtps::GUID_t guid_datawriter() const { return datawriter_ptr_->guid(); }
     bool match_from_ref(const std::string& ref) const;
     bool match_from_xml(const std::string& xml) const;
     bool match_from_bin(const dds::xrce::OBJK_Replier_Binary& replier_xrce) const;
@@ -426,13 +433,12 @@ class FastDDSReplier
     const fastdds::dds::DataWriter* get_reply_datawriter() const;
-    bool match(const fastrtps::ReplierAttributes& attrs) const;
     void transform_sample_identity(
-        const fastrtps::rtps::SampleIdentity& fast_identity,
+        const fastdds::rtps::SampleIdentity& fast_identity,
         dds::SampleIdentity& dds_identity);
     void transport_sample_identity(
         const dds::SampleIdentity& dds_identity,
-        fastrtps::rtps::SampleIdentity& fast_identity);
+        fastdds::rtps::SampleIdentity& fast_identity);
     std::shared_ptr<FastDDSParticipant> participant_;
diff --git a/include/uxr/agent/middleware/fastdds/FastDDSMiddleware.hpp b/include/uxr/agent/middleware/fastdds/FastDDSMiddleware.hpp
index e69519378..9ee11c2d3 100644
--- a/include/uxr/agent/middleware/fastdds/FastDDSMiddleware.hpp
+++ b/include/uxr/agent/middleware/fastdds/FastDDSMiddleware.hpp
@@ -276,14 +276,6 @@ class FastDDSMiddleware : public Middleware
             uint16_t replier_id,
             const dds::xrce::OBJK_Replier_Binary& replier_xrce) const override;
-    std::shared_ptr<FastDDSRequester> create_requester(
-        std::shared_ptr<FastDDSParticipant>& participant,
-        const fastrtps::RequesterAttributes& attrs);
-    std::shared_ptr<FastDDSReplier> create_replier(
-        std::shared_ptr<FastDDSParticipant>& participant,
-        const fastrtps::ReplierAttributes& attrs);
     int16_t get_domain_id_from_env();
     int16_t agent_domain_id_ = 0;
diff --git a/include/uxr/agent/middleware/utils/Callbacks.hpp b/include/uxr/agent/middleware/utils/Callbacks.hpp
index 4ac0f1bc1..046c677a8 100644
--- a/include/uxr/agent/middleware/utils/Callbacks.hpp
+++ b/include/uxr/agent/middleware/utils/Callbacks.hpp
@@ -18,9 +18,10 @@
 #include <uxr/agent/middleware/Middleware.hpp>
-#include <uxr/agent/middleware/fast/FastMiddleware.hpp>
 #include <uxr/agent/middleware/fastdds/FastDDSMiddleware.hpp>
+#include <fastdds/dds/domain/DomainParticipantListener.hpp>
+#include <fastdds/dds/publisher/PublisherListener.hpp>
+#include <fastdds/dds/subscriber/SubscriberListener.hpp>
 #include <uxr/agent/middleware/ced/CedMiddleware.hpp>
@@ -145,11 +146,6 @@ class CallbackFactory
     switch (middleware_kind)
-            case Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS:
-            {
-                fast_callback_factory_.add_callback(callback_kind, std::move(callback_function));
-                break;
-            }
             case Middleware::Kind::FASTDDS:
                 fast_dds_callback_factory_.add_callback(callback_kind, std::move(callback_function));
@@ -185,11 +181,6 @@ class CallbackFactory
         switch (middleware_kind)
-            case Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS:
-            {
-                fast_callback_factory_.execute_callbacks(callback_kind, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
-                break;
-            }
             case Middleware::Kind::FASTDDS:
                 fast_dds_callback_factory_.execute_callbacks(callback_kind, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
@@ -232,251 +223,6 @@ class CallbackFactory
             CallbackFactory &&) = delete;
-    /**********************************************************************************************************************
-     * FastCallbackFactory
-     **********************************************************************************************************************/
-    class FastCallbackFactory
-    {
-    public:
-        /**
-         * @brief   Default constructor.
-         */
-        FastCallbackFactory() = default;
-        /**
-         * @brief   Default destructor.
-         */
-        ~FastCallbackFactory() = default;
-        /**
-         * @brief   FastCallbackFactory shall not be copy constructible.
-         */
-        FastCallbackFactory(
-                const FastCallbackFactory &) = delete;
-        FastCallbackFactory(
-                FastCallbackFactory &&) = delete;
-        /**
-         * @brief   FastCallbackFactory shall not be copy assignable.
-         */
-        FastCallbackFactory& operator = (
-                const FastCallbackFactory &) = delete;
-        FastCallbackFactory& operator = (
-                FastCallbackFactory &&) = delete;
-        /**
-         * @brief   Adds a callback function to the database.
-         * @param callback_kind     Enumerated element from class CallbackKind indicating which callback
-         *                          functions need to be executed.
-         * @param callback_function std::function rvalue variable implementing the callback method logic to be
-         *                          included in the callback database.
-         */
-        template <typename ... Args>
-        void add_callback(
-                const CallbackKind& callback_kind,
-                std::function<void (Args ...)>&& callback_function)
-        {
-            switch (callback_kind)
-            {
-                case CallbackKind::CREATE_PARTICIPANT:
-                {
-                    on_create_participant_callbacks_.emplace_back(Callback<Args ...>(std::move(callback_function)));
-                    break;
-                }
-                case CallbackKind::CREATE_DATAWRITER:
-                case CallbackKind::DELETE_DATAWRITER:
-                case CallbackKind::CREATE_DATAREADER:
-                case CallbackKind::DELETE_DATAREADER:
-                case CallbackKind::CREATE_REQUESTER:
-                case CallbackKind::DELETE_REQUESTER:
-                case CallbackKind::CREATE_REPLIER:
-                case CallbackKind::DELETE_REPLIER:
-                {
-                    // Only implemented in template specialization
-                    break;
-                }
-                case CallbackKind::DELETE_PARTICIPANT:
-                {
-                    on_delete_participant_callbacks_.emplace_back(Callback<Args ...>(std::move(callback_function)));
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        /**
-         * @brief   Executes a certain kind of callback functions.
-         * @param callback_kind Kind of callback functions to be executed.
-         */
-        void execute_callbacks(
-                const CallbackKind callback_kind ...) const
-        {
-            va_list args;
-            va_start(args, callback_kind);
-            switch (callback_kind)
-            {
-                case CallbackKind::CREATE_PARTICIPANT:
-                {
-                    fastrtps::Participant* participant = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Participant*);
-                    for (const auto& on_create_participant_callback : on_create_participant_callbacks_)
-                    {
-                        on_create_participant_callback(participant);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-                case CallbackKind::CREATE_DATAWRITER:
-                {
-                    fastrtps::Participant* participant = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Participant*);
-                    fastrtps::Publisher* datawriter = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Publisher*);
-                    for (const auto& on_create_datawriter_callback : on_create_datawriter_callbacks_)
-                    {
-                        on_create_datawriter_callback(participant, datawriter);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-                case CallbackKind::CREATE_DATAREADER:
-                {
-                    fastrtps::Participant* participant = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Participant*);
-                    fastrtps::Subscriber* datareader = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Subscriber*);
-                    for (const auto& on_create_datareader_callback : on_create_datareader_callbacks_)
-                    {
-                        on_create_datareader_callback(participant, datareader);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-                case CallbackKind::CREATE_REQUESTER:
-                {
-                    fastrtps::Participant* participant = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Participant*);
-                    fastrtps::Publisher* req_datawriter = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Publisher*);
-                    fastrtps::Subscriber* repl_datareader = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Subscriber*);
-                    for (const auto& on_create_requester_callback : on_create_requester_callbacks_)
-                    {
-                        on_create_requester_callback(participant, req_datawriter, repl_datareader);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-                case CallbackKind::CREATE_REPLIER:
-                {
-                    fastrtps::Participant* participant = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Participant*);
-                    fastrtps::Publisher* repl_datawriter = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Publisher*);
-                    fastrtps::Subscriber* req_datareader = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Subscriber*);
-                    for (const auto& on_create_replier_callback : on_create_replier_callbacks_)
-                    {
-                        on_create_replier_callback(participant, repl_datawriter, req_datareader);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-                case CallbackKind::DELETE_PARTICIPANT:
-                {
-                    fastrtps::Participant* participant = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Participant*);
-                    for (const auto& on_delete_participant_callback : on_delete_participant_callbacks_)
-                    {
-                        on_delete_participant_callback(participant);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-                case CallbackKind::DELETE_DATAWRITER:
-                {
-                    fastrtps::Participant* participant = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Participant*);
-                    fastrtps::Publisher* datawriter = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Publisher*);
-                    for (const auto& on_delete_datawriter_callback : on_delete_datawriter_callbacks_)
-                    {
-                        on_delete_datawriter_callback(participant, datawriter);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-                case CallbackKind::DELETE_DATAREADER:
-                {
-                    fastrtps::Participant* participant = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Participant*);
-                    fastrtps::Subscriber* datareader = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Subscriber*);
-                    for (const auto& on_delete_datareader_callback : on_delete_datareader_callbacks_)
-                    {
-                        on_delete_datareader_callback(participant, datareader);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-                case CallbackKind::DELETE_REQUESTER:
-                {
-                    fastrtps::Participant* participant = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Participant*);
-                    fastrtps::Publisher* req_datawriter = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Publisher*);
-                    fastrtps::Subscriber* repl_datareader = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Subscriber*);
-                    for (const auto& on_delete_requester_callback : on_delete_requester_callbacks_)
-                    {
-                        on_delete_requester_callback(participant, req_datawriter, repl_datareader);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-                case CallbackKind::DELETE_REPLIER:
-                {
-                    fastrtps::Participant* participant = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Participant*);
-                    fastrtps::Publisher* repl_datawriter = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Publisher*);
-                    fastrtps::Subscriber* req_datareader = va_arg(args, fastrtps::Subscriber*);
-                    for (const auto& on_delete_replier_callback : on_delete_replier_callbacks_)
-                    {
-                        on_delete_replier_callback(participant, repl_datawriter, req_datareader);
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            va_end(args);
-        }
-    private:
-        using CreateParticipantCallback = Callback<
-                        const fastrtps::Participant*>;
-        using DeleteParticipantCallback = Callback<
-                        const fastrtps::Participant*>;
-        using CreateDataWriterCallback = Callback<
-                        const fastrtps::Participant*,
-                        const fastrtps::Publisher*>;
-        using DeleteDataWriterCallback = Callback<
-                        const fastrtps::Participant*,
-                        const fastrtps::Publisher*>;
-        using CreateDataReaderCallback = Callback<
-                        const fastrtps::Participant*,
-                        const fastrtps::Subscriber*>;
-        using DeleteDataReaderCallback = Callback<
-                        const fastrtps::Participant*,
-                        const fastrtps::Subscriber*>;
-        using CreateRequesterCallback = Callback<
-                        const fastrtps::Participant*,
-                        const fastrtps::Publisher*,
-                        const fastrtps::Subscriber*>;
-        using DeleteRequesterCallback = Callback<
-                        const fastrtps::Participant*,
-                        const fastrtps::Publisher*,
-                        const fastrtps::Subscriber*>;
-        using CreateReplierCallback = Callback<
-                        const fastrtps::Participant*,
-                        const fastrtps::Publisher*,
-                        const fastrtps::Subscriber*>;
-        using DeleteReplierCallback = Callback<
-                        const fastrtps::Participant*,
-                        const fastrtps::Publisher*,
-                        const fastrtps::Subscriber*>;
-        std::vector<CreateParticipantCallback> on_create_participant_callbacks_;
-        std::vector<DeleteParticipantCallback> on_delete_participant_callbacks_;
-        std::vector<CreateDataWriterCallback> on_create_datawriter_callbacks_;
-        std::vector<DeleteDataWriterCallback> on_delete_datawriter_callbacks_;
-        std::vector<CreateDataReaderCallback> on_create_datareader_callbacks_;
-        std::vector<DeleteDataReaderCallback> on_delete_datareader_callbacks_;
-        std::vector<CreateRequesterCallback> on_create_requester_callbacks_;
-        std::vector<DeleteRequesterCallback> on_delete_requester_callbacks_;
-        std::vector<CreateReplierCallback> on_create_replier_callbacks_;
-        std::vector<DeleteReplierCallback> on_delete_replier_callbacks_;
-    };
-    FastCallbackFactory fast_callback_factory_;
      * FastDDSCallbackFactory
@@ -768,119 +514,6 @@ class CallbackFactory
  * Template specializations for callback methods
-template <>
-inline void CallbackFactory::FastCallbackFactory::add_callback<
-    const fastrtps::Participant*,
-    const fastrtps::Publisher*>(
-        const CallbackKind& callback_kind,
-        std::function<void (const fastrtps::Participant*,
-                            const fastrtps::Publisher*)>&& callback_function)
-    switch (callback_kind)
-    {
-        case CallbackKind::CREATE_DATAWRITER:
-        {
-            on_create_datawriter_callbacks_.emplace_back(Callback<
-                const fastrtps::Participant*,
-                const fastrtps::Publisher*>(std::move(callback_function)));
-            break;
-        }
-        case CallbackKind::DELETE_DATAWRITER:
-        {
-            on_delete_datawriter_callbacks_.emplace_back(Callback<
-                const fastrtps::Participant*,
-                const fastrtps::Publisher*>(std::move(callback_function)));
-            break;
-        }
-        default:
-        {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-template <>
-inline void CallbackFactory::FastCallbackFactory::add_callback<
-    const fastrtps::Participant*,
-    const fastrtps::Subscriber*>(
-        const CallbackKind& callback_kind,
-        std::function<void (const fastrtps::Participant*,
-                            const fastrtps::Subscriber*)>&& callback_function)
-    switch (callback_kind)
-    {
-        case CallbackKind::CREATE_DATAREADER:
-        {
-            on_create_datareader_callbacks_.emplace_back(Callback<
-                const fastrtps::Participant*,
-                const fastrtps::Subscriber*>(std::move(callback_function)));
-            break;
-        }
-        case CallbackKind::DELETE_DATAREADER:
-        {
-            on_delete_datareader_callbacks_.emplace_back(Callback<
-                const fastrtps::Participant*,
-                const fastrtps::Subscriber*>(std::move(callback_function)));
-            break;
-        }
-        default:
-        {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-template <>
-inline void CallbackFactory::FastCallbackFactory::add_callback<
-    const fastrtps::Participant*,
-    const fastrtps::Publisher*,
-    const fastrtps::Subscriber*>(
-        const CallbackKind& callback_kind,
-        std::function<void (const fastrtps::Participant*,
-                            const fastrtps::Publisher*,
-                            const fastrtps::Subscriber*)>&& callback_function)
-    switch (callback_kind)
-    {
-        case CallbackKind::CREATE_REQUESTER:
-        {
-            on_create_requester_callbacks_.emplace_back(Callback<
-                const fastrtps::Participant*,
-                const fastrtps::Publisher*,
-                const fastrtps::Subscriber*>(std::move(callback_function)));
-            break;
-        }
-        case CallbackKind::CREATE_REPLIER:
-        {
-            on_create_replier_callbacks_.emplace_back(Callback<
-                const fastrtps::Participant*,
-                const fastrtps::Publisher*,
-                const fastrtps::Subscriber*>(std::move(callback_function)));
-            break;
-        }
-        case CallbackKind::DELETE_REQUESTER:
-        {
-            on_delete_requester_callbacks_.emplace_back(Callback<
-                const fastrtps::Participant*,
-                const fastrtps::Publisher*,
-                const fastrtps::Subscriber*>(std::move(callback_function)));
-            break;
-        }
-        case CallbackKind::DELETE_REPLIER:
-        {
-            on_delete_replier_callbacks_.emplace_back(Callback<
-                const fastrtps::Participant*,
-                const fastrtps::Publisher*,
-                const fastrtps::Subscriber*>(std::move(callback_function)));
-            break;
-        }
-        default:
-        {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
 template <>
 inline void CallbackFactory::FastDDSCallbackFactory::add_callback<
     const fastdds::dds::DomainParticipant*,
@@ -1017,25 +650,6 @@ inline void CallbackFactory::add_callback<__VA_ARGS__>( \
-    CALLBACK_FACTORY_ADD_CALLBACK(Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS, fast_callback_factory_, __VA_ARGS__)
-    const fastrtps::Participant*)
-    const fastrtps::Participant*,
-    const fastrtps::Publisher*)
-    const fastrtps::Participant*,
-    const fastrtps::Subscriber*)
-    const fastrtps::Participant*,
-    const fastrtps::Publisher*,
-    const fastrtps::Subscriber*)
     CALLBACK_FACTORY_ADD_CALLBACK(Middleware::Kind::FASTDDS, fast_dds_callback_factory_, __VA_ARGS__)
diff --git a/include/uxr/agent/transport/custom/CustomAgent.hpp b/include/uxr/agent/transport/custom/CustomAgent.hpp
index 14e33c2a8..b889f389b 100644
--- a/include/uxr/agent/transport/custom/CustomAgent.hpp
+++ b/include/uxr/agent/transport/custom/CustomAgent.hpp
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class CustomAgent : public Server<CustomEndPoint>
      * @brief Constructor.
      * @param name Name of the middleware to be implemented by this CustomAgent.
      * @param middleware_kind The middleware selected to represent the XRCE entities
-     *        in the DDS world (FastDDS, FastRTPS, CED...)
+     *        in the DDS world (FastDDS, CED...)
      * @param framing Whether this agent transport shall use framing or not.
      * @param init_function Custom user-defined function, called during initialization.
      * @param fini_function Custom user-defined function, called upon agent's destruction.
diff --git a/include/uxr/agent/types/TopicPubSubType.hpp b/include/uxr/agent/types/TopicPubSubType.hpp
index bdf519fee..cc784a6ec 100644
--- a/include/uxr/agent/types/TopicPubSubType.hpp
+++ b/include/uxr/agent/types/TopicPubSubType.hpp
@@ -15,27 +15,40 @@
-#include <fastrtps/TopicDataType.h>
+#include <fastdds/dds/topic/TopicDataType.hpp>
 #include <vector>
-using namespace eprosima::fastrtps;
 namespace eprosima {
 namespace uxr {
-class TopicPubSubType: public TopicDataType
+class TopicPubSubType: public fastdds::dds::TopicDataType
     typedef std::vector<unsigned char> type;
     explicit TopicPubSubType(bool with_key);
     ~TopicPubSubType() override = default;
-    bool serialize(void* data, rtps::SerializedPayload_t* payload) override;
-    bool deserialize(rtps::SerializedPayload_t* payload, void* data) override;
-    std::function<uint32_t()> getSerializedSizeProvider(void* data) override;
-    bool getKey(void* data, rtps::InstanceHandle_t* ihandle, bool force_md5 = false) override;
-    void* createData() override;
-    void deleteData(void* data) override;
+    bool serialize(const void* const data, fastdds::rtps::SerializedPayload_t& payload, fastdds::dds::DataRepresentationId_t data_representation) override;
+    bool deserialize(fastdds::rtps::SerializedPayload_t& payload, void* data) override;
+    uint32_t calculate_serialized_size(
+        const void* const data,
+        eprosima::fastdds::dds::DataRepresentationId_t data_representation) override;
+    void* create_data() override;
+    void delete_data(
+                void* data) override;
+    bool compute_key(
+                fastdds::rtps::SerializedPayload_t& payload,
+                fastdds::rtps::InstanceHandle_t& ihandle,
+                bool force_md5) override;
+    bool compute_key(
+            const void* const data,
+            fastdds::rtps::InstanceHandle_t& ihandle,
+            bool force_md5) override;
 } // namespace uxr
diff --git a/src/cpp/Agent.cpp b/src/cpp/Agent.cpp
index 575d4e36b..cc612de28 100644
--- a/src/cpp/Agent.cpp
+++ b/src/cpp/Agent.cpp
@@ -657,22 +657,6 @@ UXR_AGENT_EXPORT void Agent::add_middleware_callback<__VA_ARGS__>( \
     std::function<void (__VA_ARGS__)> &&);
-    const eprosima::fastrtps::Participant *)
-    const eprosima::fastrtps::Participant *,
-    const eprosima::fastrtps::Publisher *)
-    const eprosima::fastrtps::Participant *,
-    const eprosima::fastrtps::Subscriber *)
-    const eprosima::fastrtps::Participant *,
-    const eprosima::fastrtps::Publisher *,
-    const eprosima::fastrtps::Subscriber *)
     const eprosima::fastdds::dds::DomainParticipant *)
diff --git a/src/cpp/AgentInstance.cpp b/src/cpp/AgentInstance.cpp
index df551dca8..52342ef06 100644
--- a/src/cpp/AgentInstance.cpp
+++ b/src/cpp/AgentInstance.cpp
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ void AgentInstance::stop()
-    }    
+    }
@@ -139,22 +139,6 @@ UXR_AGENT_EXPORT void AgentInstance::add_middleware_callback<__VA_ARGS__>( \
     std::function<void(__VA_ARGS__)> &&);
-    const eprosima::fastrtps::Participant *)
-    const eprosima::fastrtps::Participant *,
-    const eprosima::fastrtps::Publisher *)
-    const eprosima::fastrtps::Participant *,
-    const eprosima::fastrtps::Subscriber *)
-    const eprosima::fastrtps::Participant *,
-    const eprosima::fastrtps::Publisher *,
-    const eprosima::fastrtps::Subscriber *)
     const eprosima::fastdds::dds::DomainParticipant *)
diff --git a/src/cpp/Root.cpp b/src/cpp/Root.cpp
index 23d07f216..a0292467c 100644
--- a/src/cpp/Root.cpp
+++ b/src/cpp/Root.cpp
@@ -17,10 +17,7 @@
 #include <uxr/agent/utils/Conversion.hpp>
 #include <uxr/agent/logger/Logger.hpp>
-// TODO (#5047): replace Fast RTPS dependency by XML parser library.
-#include <fastrtps/xmlparser/XMLProfileManager.h>
+#include <fastdds/dds/domain/DomainParticipantFactory.hpp>
 #include <memory>
 #include <chrono>
@@ -86,7 +83,7 @@ dds::xrce::ResultStatus Root::create_client(
                 std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> client_properties;
                 if (
-                {   
+                {
                     auto v = *;
                     for (auto it_props = v.begin(); it_props != v.end(); ++it_props)
@@ -238,7 +235,7 @@ bool Root::get_next_client(std::shared_ptr<ProxyClient>& next_client)
 bool Root::load_config_file(const std::string& file_path)
-    return fastrtps::xmlparser::XMLP_ret::XML_OK == fastrtps::xmlparser::XMLProfileManager::loadXMLFile(file_path);
+    return fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == fastdds::dds::DomainParticipantFactory::get_instance()->load_XML_profiles_file(file_path.c_str());
     (void) file_path;
     return false;
diff --git a/src/cpp/client/ProxyClient.cpp b/src/cpp/client/ProxyClient.cpp
index 1d77ce09e..0fdad100b 100644
--- a/src/cpp/client/ProxyClient.cpp
+++ b/src/cpp/client/ProxyClient.cpp
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
 #include <uxr/agent/logger/Logger.hpp>
-#include <uxr/agent/middleware/fast/FastMiddleware.hpp>
 #include <uxr/agent/middleware/fastdds/FastDDSMiddleware.hpp>
@@ -57,11 +56,6 @@ ProxyClient::ProxyClient(
-        case Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS:
-        {
-            middleware_.reset(new FastMiddleware());
-            break;
-        }
         case Middleware::Kind::FASTDDS:
             bool intraprocess_enabled =
diff --git a/src/cpp/middleware/fast/FastEntities.cpp b/src/cpp/middleware/fast/FastEntities.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b3c14b3e1..000000000
--- a/src/cpp/middleware/fast/FastEntities.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,579 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2019 Proyectos y Sistemas de Mantenimiento SL (eProsima).
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include <uxr/agent/middleware/fast/FastEntities.hpp>
-#include <uxr/agent/logger/Logger.hpp>
-#include <fastrtps/Domain.h>
-#include <fastrtps/participant/Participant.h>
-#include <fastrtps/publisher/Publisher.h>
-#include <fastrtps/subscriber/Subscriber.h>
-#include <fastrtps/subscriber/SampleInfo.h>
-#include <fastrtps/xmlparser/XMLProfileManager.h>
-#include <fastcdr/FastBuffer.h>
-#include <fastcdr/Cdr.h>
-#include "../../xmlobjects/xmlobjects.h"
-namespace eprosima {
-namespace uxr {
- * FastListener
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-void FastListener::onParticipantDiscovery(
-        fastrtps::Participant*,
-        fastrtps::rtps::ParticipantDiscoveryInfo&& info)
-    if (info.status == eprosima::fastrtps::rtps::ParticipantDiscoveryInfo::DISCOVERED_PARTICIPANT)
-    {
-            UXR_DECORATE_WHITE("matched"),
-            "entity_id: {}, guid_prefix: {}",
-  ,
-  ;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-            UXR_DECORATE_WHITE("unmatched"),
-            "entity_id: {}, guid_prefix: {}",
-  ,
-  ;
-    }
-void FastListener::onPublicationMatched(
-        fastrtps::Publisher*,
-        fastrtps::rtps::MatchingInfo& info)
-    if (info.status == fastrtps::rtps::MATCHED_MATCHING)
-    {
-            UXR_DECORATE_WHITE("matched"),
-            "entity_id: {}, guid_prefix: {}",
-            info.remoteEndpointGuid.entityId,
-            info.remoteEndpointGuid.guidPrefix);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-            UXR_DECORATE_WHITE("unmatched"),
-            "entity_id: {}, guid_prefix: {}",
-            info.remoteEndpointGuid.entityId,
-            info.remoteEndpointGuid.guidPrefix);
-    }
-void FastListener::onSubscriptionMatched(
-        fastrtps::Subscriber*,
-        fastrtps::rtps::MatchingInfo& info)
-    if (info.status == fastrtps::rtps::MATCHED_MATCHING)
-    {
-            UXR_DECORATE_WHITE("matched"),
-            "entity_id: {}, guid_prefix: {}",
-            info.remoteEndpointGuid.entityId,
-            info.remoteEndpointGuid.guidPrefix);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-            UXR_DECORATE_WHITE("unmatched"),
-            "entity_id: {}, guid_prefix: {}",
-            info.remoteEndpointGuid.entityId,
-            info.remoteEndpointGuid.guidPrefix);
-    }
- * FastParticipant
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-        fastrtps::Participant* impl)
-    : impl_{impl}
-    , type_register_{}
-    , topic_register_{}
-    fastrtps::Domain::removeParticipant(impl_);
-bool FastParticipant::match(
-        const fastrtps::ParticipantAttributes& attrs) const
-    return attrs == impl_->getAttributes();
-bool FastParticipant::register_type(
-        const std::shared_ptr<FastType>& type)
-    return fastrtps::Domain::registerType(impl_, type.get())
-        && type_register_.emplace(type->getName(), type).second;
-bool FastParticipant::unregister_type(
-        const std::string& type_name)
-    return (1 == type_register_.erase(type_name))
-        && fastrtps::Domain::unregisterType(impl_, type_name.c_str());
-std::shared_ptr<FastType> FastParticipant::find_type(
-        const std::string& type_name) const
-    std::shared_ptr<FastType> type;
-    auto it = type_register_.find(type_name);
-    if (it != type_register_.end())
-    {
-        type = it->second.lock();
-    }
-    return type;
-bool FastParticipant::register_topic(
-        const std::shared_ptr<FastTopic>& topic)
-    return topic_register_.emplace(topic->get_name(), topic).second;
-bool FastParticipant::unregister_topic(
-        const std::string& topic_name)
-    return (1 == topic_register_.erase(topic_name));
-std::shared_ptr<FastTopic> FastParticipant::find_topic(
-        const std::string& topic_name) const
-    std::shared_ptr<FastTopic> topic;
-    auto it = topic_register_.find(topic_name);
-    if (it != topic_register_.end())
-    {
-        topic = it->second.lock();
-    }
-    return topic;
-int16_t FastParticipant::domain_id() const
-    return (int16_t) impl_->getAttributes().domainId;
-const fastrtps::rtps::GUID_t& FastParticipant::get_guid() const
-  return impl_->getGuid();
- * FastTopic
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-        const std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant>& participant)
-    : TopicPubSubType{false}
-    , participant_{participant}
-    participant_->unregister_type(getName());
-        const std::string& name,
-        const std::shared_ptr<FastType>& type,
-        const std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant>& participant)
-    : name_{name}
-    , type_{type}
-    , participant_(participant)
-    participant_->unregister_topic(name_);
-bool FastTopic::match(const fastrtps::TopicAttributes& attrs) const
-    return (attrs.getTopicName() == name_)
-        && (0 == std::strcmp(type_->getName(), attrs.getTopicDataType().c_str()))
-        && (type_->m_isGetKeyDefined == (attrs.getTopicKind() == fastrtps::rtps::TopicKind_t::WITH_KEY));
- * FastDataWriter
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-        fastrtps::Publisher* impl,
-        const std::shared_ptr<FastTopic>& topic,
-        const std::shared_ptr<FastPublisher>& publisher)
-    : impl_{impl}
-    , topic_{topic}
-    , publisher_{publisher}
-    fastrtps::Domain::removePublisher(impl_);
-bool FastDataWriter::match(
-        const fastrtps::PublisherAttributes& attrs) const
-    return (attrs == impl_->getAttributes());
-bool FastDataWriter::write(
-        const std::vector<uint8_t>& data)
-    return impl_->write(&const_cast<std::vector<uint8_t>&>(data));
-bool FastDataWriter::write(
-        const std::vector<uint8_t>& data,
-        fastrtps::rtps::WriteParams& wparams)
-    return impl_->write(&const_cast<std::vector<uint8_t>&>(data), wparams);
-const fastrtps::rtps::GUID_t& FastDataWriter::get_guid() const
-    return impl_->getGuid();
-const fastrtps::Participant* FastDataWriter::get_participant() const
-    return publisher_->get_participant()->get_ptr();
-const fastrtps::Publisher* FastDataWriter::get_ptr() const
-    return impl_;
- * FastDataReader
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-        fastrtps::Subscriber* impl,
-        const std::shared_ptr<FastTopic>& topic,
-        const std::shared_ptr<FastSubscriber>& subscriber)
-    : impl_{impl}
-    , topic_{topic}
-    , subscriber_{subscriber}
-    fastrtps::Domain::removeSubscriber(impl_);
-bool FastDataReader::match(
-        const fastrtps::SubscriberAttributes& attrs) const
-    return (attrs == impl_->getAttributes());
-bool FastDataReader::read(
-        std::vector<uint8_t>& data,
-        std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)
-    bool rv = false;
-    eprosima::fastrtps::Duration_t tm =
-        {int32_t(timeout.count() / 1000), uint32_t(timeout.count() * 1000000)};
-    if (impl_->wait_for_unread_samples(tm))
-    {
-        fastrtps::SampleInfo_t info;
-        rv = impl_->takeNextData(&data, &info);
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastDataReader::read(
-        std::vector<uint8_t>& data,
-        fastrtps::SampleInfo_t& info,
-        std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)
-    bool rv = false;
-    eprosima::fastrtps::Duration_t tm =
-        {int32_t(timeout.count() / 1000), uint32_t(timeout.count() * 1000000)};
-    if (impl_->wait_for_unread_samples(tm))
-    {
-        rv = impl_->takeNextData(&data, &info);
-    }
-    return rv;
-const fastrtps::rtps::GUID_t& FastDataReader::get_guid() const
-    return impl_->getGuid();
-const fastrtps::Participant* FastDataReader::get_participant() const
-    return subscriber_->get_participant()->get_ptr();
-const fastrtps::Subscriber* FastDataReader::get_ptr() const
-    return impl_;
- * FastRequester
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-        const std::shared_ptr<FastDataWriter>& datawriter,
-        const std::shared_ptr<FastDataReader>& datareader)
-    : datawriter_{datawriter}
-    , datareader_{datareader}
-    , publisher_id_{}
-    , sequence_to_sequence_{}
-        std::copy(
-            std::begin(datawriter_->get_guid().guidPrefix.value),
-            std::end(datawriter_->get_guid().guidPrefix.value),
-            publisher_id_.guidPrefix().begin());
-        std::copy(
-            std::begin(datawriter_->get_guid().entityId.value),
-            std::begin(datawriter_->get_guid().entityId.value) + 3,
-            publisher_id_.entityId().entityKey().begin());
-        publisher_id_.entityId().entityKind() = datawriter_->get_guid().entityId.value[3];
-bool FastRequester::match(
-    const fastrtps::RequesterAttributes& attrs) const
-    return datawriter_->match(attrs.publisher)
-        && datareader_->match(attrs.subscriber);
-bool FastRequester::write(
-        uint32_t sequence_number,
-        const std::vector<uint8_t>& data)
-    bool rv = true;
-    try
-    {
-        fastrtps::rtps::WriteParams wparams;
-        rv = datawriter_->write(data, wparams);
-        if (rv)
-        {
-            int64_t sequence = (int64_t)wparams.sample_identity().sequence_number().high << 32;
-            sequence += wparams.sample_identity().sequence_number().low;
-            sequence_to_sequence_.emplace(sequence, sequence_number);
-        }
-    }
-    catch(const std::exception&)
-    {
-        rv = false;
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastRequester::read(
-        uint32_t& sequence_number,
-        std::vector<uint8_t>& data,
-        std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)
-    bool rv = false;
-    fastrtps::SampleInfo_t info;
-    datareader_->read(data, info, timeout);
-    if (rv)
-    {
-        try
-        {
-            if (info.related_sample_identity.writer_guid() == datawriter_->get_guid())
-            {
-                int64_t sequence = (int64_t)info.related_sample_identity.sequence_number().high << 32;
-                sequence += info.related_sample_identity.sequence_number().low;
-                auto it = sequence_to_sequence_.find(sequence);
-                if (it != sequence_to_sequence_.end())
-                {
-                    sequence_number = it->second;
-                    sequence_to_sequence_.erase(it);
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    rv = false;
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                rv = false;
-            }
-        }
-        catch(const std::exception&)
-        {
-            rv = false;
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-const fastrtps::Participant* FastRequester::get_participant() const
-    const fastrtps::Participant* participant = datawriter_->get_participant();
-    if (participant != datareader_->get_participant())
-    {
-        participant = nullptr;
-    }
-    return participant;
-const fastrtps::Publisher* FastRequester::get_request_datawriter() const
-    return datawriter_->get_ptr();
-const fastrtps::Subscriber* FastRequester::get_reply_datareader() const
-    return datareader_->get_ptr();
- * FastReplier
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-        const std::shared_ptr<FastDataWriter>& datawriter,
-        const std::shared_ptr<FastDataReader>& datareader)
-    : datawriter_{datawriter}
-    , datareader_{datareader}
-bool FastReplier::match(
-        const fastrtps::ReplierAttributes& attrs) const
-    return datawriter_->match(attrs.publisher)
-        && datareader_->match(attrs.subscriber);
-void transform_sample_identity(
-        const fastrtps::rtps::SampleIdentity& fast_identity,
-        dds::SampleIdentity& dds_identity)
-    std::copy(
-        std::begin(fast_identity.writer_guid().guidPrefix.value),
-        std::end(fast_identity.writer_guid().guidPrefix.value),
-        dds_identity.writer_guid().guidPrefix().begin());
-    std::copy(
-        std::begin(fast_identity.writer_guid().entityId.value),
-        std::begin(fast_identity.writer_guid().entityId.value) + 3,
-        dds_identity.writer_guid().entityId().entityKey().begin());
-    dds_identity.writer_guid().entityId().entityKind() = fast_identity.writer_guid().entityId.value[3];
-    dds_identity.sequence_number().high() = fast_identity.sequence_number().high;
-    dds_identity.sequence_number().low() = fast_identity.sequence_number().low;
-void transport_sample_identity(
-        const dds::SampleIdentity& dds_identity,
-        fastrtps::rtps::SampleIdentity& fast_identity)
-    std::copy(
-        dds_identity.writer_guid().guidPrefix().begin(),
-        dds_identity.writer_guid().guidPrefix().end(),
-        std::begin(fast_identity.writer_guid().guidPrefix.value));
-    std::copy(
-        dds_identity.writer_guid().entityId().entityKey().begin(),
-        dds_identity.writer_guid().entityId().entityKey().end(),
-        std::begin(fast_identity.writer_guid().entityId.value));
-    fast_identity.writer_guid().entityId.value[3] = dds_identity.writer_guid().entityId().entityKind();
-    fast_identity.sequence_number().high = dds_identity.sequence_number().high();
-    fast_identity.sequence_number().low = dds_identity.sequence_number().low();
-bool FastReplier::write(
-        const std::vector<uint8_t>& data)
-    fastcdr::FastBuffer fastbuffer{reinterpret_cast<char*>(const_cast<uint8_t*>(, data.size()};
-    fastcdr::Cdr deserializer(fastbuffer, eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr::DEFAULT_ENDIAN, eprosima::fastcdr::CdrVersion::XCDRv1);
-    dds::SampleIdentity sample_identity;
-    sample_identity.deserialize(deserializer);
-    fastrtps::rtps::WriteParams wparams;
-    transport_sample_identity(sample_identity, wparams.related_sample_identity());
-    std::vector<uint8_t> output_data(data.size() - deserializer.get_serialized_data_length());
-    deserializer.deserialize_array(, output_data.size());
-    return datawriter_->write(output_data, wparams);
-bool FastReplier::read(
-        std::vector<uint8_t>& data,
-        std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)
-    std::vector<uint8_t> temp_data;
-    bool rv = false;
-    fastrtps::SampleInfo_t info;
-    datareader_->read(temp_data, info, timeout);
-    if (rv)
-    {
-        dds::SampleIdentity sample_identity;
-        transform_sample_identity(info.sample_identity, sample_identity);
-        data.clear();
-        data.resize(sample_identity.getCdrSerializedSize() + temp_data.size());
-        fastcdr::FastBuffer fastbuffer{reinterpret_cast<char*>(, data.size()};
-        fastcdr::Cdr serializer(fastbuffer, eprosima::fastcdr::Cdr::DEFAULT_ENDIAN, eprosima::fastcdr::CdrVersion::XCDRv1);
-        try
-        {
-            sample_identity.serialize(serializer);
-            serializer.serialize_array(, temp_data.size());
-        }
-        catch(const std::exception&)
-        {
-            rv = false;
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-const fastrtps::Participant* FastReplier::get_participant() const
-    const fastrtps::Participant* participant = datawriter_->get_participant();
-    if (participant != datareader_->get_participant())
-    {
-        participant = nullptr;
-    }
-    return participant;
-const fastrtps::Subscriber* FastReplier::get_request_datareader() const
-    return datareader_->get_ptr();
-const fastrtps::Publisher* FastReplier::get_reply_datawriter() const
-    return datawriter_->get_ptr();
-} // namespace uxr
-} // namespace eprosima
diff --git a/src/cpp/middleware/fast/FastMiddleware.cpp b/src/cpp/middleware/fast/FastMiddleware.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e8c4afd0a..000000000
--- a/src/cpp/middleware/fast/FastMiddleware.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,977 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2019 Proyectos y Sistemas de Mantenimiento SL (eProsima).
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include <uxr/agent/middleware/fast/FastMiddleware.hpp>
-#include <uxr/agent/middleware/utils/Callbacks.hpp>
-#include <fastrtps/Domain.h>
-#include <fastrtps/xmlparser/XMLProfileManager.h>
-#include "../../xmlobjects/xmlobjects.h"
-namespace eprosima {
-namespace uxr {
-using namespace fastrtps::xmlparser;
-    : participants_()
-    , topics_()
-    , publishers_()
-    , subscribers_()
-    , datawriters_()
-    , datareaders_()
-    , requesters_()
-    , repliers_()
-    , callback_factory_(callback_factory_.getInstance())
- * Create functions.
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-bool FastMiddleware::create_participant_by_ref(
-        uint16_t participant_id,
-        int16_t domain_id,
-        const std::string& ref)
-    bool rv = false;
-    fastrtps::ParticipantAttributes attrs;
-    if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillParticipantAttributes(ref, attrs))
-    {
-        if(domain_id != UXR_CLIENT_DOMAIN_ID_TO_USE_FROM_REF) {
-            attrs.domainId = domain_id;
-        }
-        fastrtps::Participant* impl = fastrtps::Domain::createParticipant(attrs, &listener_);
-        if (nullptr != impl)
-        {
-            std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant> participant(new FastParticipant(impl));
-            auto emplace_res = participants_.emplace(participant_id, std::move(participant));
-            rv = emplace_res.second;
-            if (rv)
-            {
-                callback_factory_.execute_callbacks(Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS,
-                    middleware::CallbackKind::CREATE_PARTICIPANT, impl);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::create_participant_by_xml(
-        uint16_t participant_id,
-        int16_t domain_id,
-        const std::string& xml)
-    (void) domain_id;
-    bool rv = false;
-    fastrtps::ParticipantAttributes attrs;
-    if (xmlobjects::parse_participant(, xml.size(), attrs))
-    {
-        attrs.domainId = uint32_t(domain_id);
-        fastrtps::Participant* impl = fastrtps::Domain::createParticipant(attrs, &listener_);
-        if (nullptr != impl)
-        {
-            std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant> participant(new FastParticipant(impl));
-            auto emplace_res = participants_.emplace(participant_id, std::move(participant));
-            rv = emplace_res.second;
-            if (rv)
-            {
-                callback_factory_.execute_callbacks(Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS,
-                    middleware::CallbackKind::CREATE_PARTICIPANT, impl);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-std::shared_ptr<FastTopic> create_topic(
-        std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant>& participant,
-        const fastrtps::TopicAttributes& attrs)
-    std::shared_ptr<FastTopic> topic = participant->find_topic(attrs.getTopicName().c_str());
-    if (topic)
-    {
-        if (0 != std::strcmp(attrs.getTopicDataType().c_str(), topic->get_type()->getName()))
-        {
-            topic.reset();
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        const char * type_name = attrs.getTopicDataType().c_str();
-        std::shared_ptr<FastType> type = participant->find_type(type_name);
-        if (!type)
-        {
-            type = std::make_shared<FastType>(participant);
-            type->setName(type_name);
-            type->m_isGetKeyDefined = (attrs.getTopicKind() == fastrtps::rtps::TopicKind_t::WITH_KEY);
-            if (!participant->register_type(type))
-            {
-                type.reset();
-            }
-        }
-        if (type)
-        {
-            topic = std::make_shared<FastTopic>(attrs.getTopicName().c_str(), type, participant);
-            if (!participant->register_topic(topic))
-            {
-                topic.reset();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return topic;
-bool FastMiddleware::create_topic_by_ref(
-        uint16_t topic_id,
-        uint16_t participant_id,
-        const std::string& ref)
-    bool rv = false;
-    fastrtps::TopicAttributes attrs;
-    if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillTopicAttributes(ref, attrs))
-    {
-        auto it_participant = participants_.find(participant_id);
-        if (participants_.end() != it_participant)
-        {
-            std::shared_ptr<FastTopic> topic = create_topic(it_participant->second, attrs);
-            rv = topic && topics_.emplace(topic_id, std::move(topic)).second;
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::create_topic_by_xml(
-        uint16_t topic_id,
-        uint16_t participant_id,
-        const std::string& xml)
-    bool rv = false;
-    fastrtps::TopicAttributes attrs;
-    if (xmlobjects::parse_topic(, xml.size(), attrs))
-    {
-        auto it_participant = participants_.find(participant_id);
-        if (participants_.end() != it_participant)
-        {
-            std::shared_ptr<FastTopic> topic = create_topic(it_participant->second, attrs);
-            rv = topic && topics_.emplace(topic_id, std::move(topic)).second;
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::create_publisher_by_xml(
-        uint16_t publisher_id,
-        uint16_t participant_id,
-        const std::string&)
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it = participants_.find(participant_id);
-    if (it != participants_.end())
-    {
-        std::shared_ptr<FastPublisher> publisher = std::make_shared<FastPublisher>(it->second);
-        rv = publishers_.emplace(publisher_id, std::move(publisher)).second;
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::create_subscriber_by_xml(
-        uint16_t subscriber_id,
-        uint16_t participant_id,
-        const std::string&)
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it = participants_.find(participant_id);
-    if (it != participants_.end())
-    {
-        std::shared_ptr<FastSubscriber> subscriber = std::make_shared<FastSubscriber>(it->second);
-        rv = subscribers_.emplace(subscriber_id, std::move(subscriber)).second;
-    }
-    return rv;
-std::shared_ptr<FastDataWriter> create_datawriter(
-        const fastrtps::PublisherAttributes& attrs,
-        fastrtps::PublisherListener* listener,
-        const std::shared_ptr<FastPublisher>& publisher)
-    std::shared_ptr<FastDataWriter> datawriter;
-    const std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant>& participant = publisher->get_participant();
-    std::shared_ptr<FastTopic> topic =
-        participant->find_topic(attrs.topic.getTopicName().to_string());
-    if (topic)
-    {
-        fastrtps::Publisher* impl =
-            fastrtps::Domain::createPublisher(participant->get_ptr(), attrs, listener);
-        if (nullptr != impl)
-        {
-            datawriter = std::make_shared<FastDataWriter>(impl, topic, publisher);
-        }
-    }
-    return datawriter;
-bool FastMiddleware::create_datawriter_by_ref(
-        uint16_t datawriter_id,
-        uint16_t publisher_id,
-        const std::string& ref)
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it_publisher = publishers_.find(publisher_id);
-    if (publishers_.end() != it_publisher)
-    {
-        fastrtps::PublisherAttributes attrs;
-        if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillPublisherAttributes(ref, attrs))
-        {
-            std::shared_ptr<FastDataWriter> datawriter =
-                create_datawriter(attrs, &listener_, it_publisher->second);
-            if (nullptr == datawriter)
-            {
-                return false;
-            }
-            auto emplace_res = datawriters_.emplace(datawriter_id, std::move(datawriter));
-            rv = emplace_res.second;
-            if (rv)
-            {
-                callback_factory_.execute_callbacks(Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS,
-                    middleware::CallbackKind::CREATE_DATAWRITER,
-                    emplace_res.first->second->get_participant(),
-                    emplace_res.first->second->get_ptr());
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::create_datawriter_by_xml(
-        uint16_t datawriter_id,
-        uint16_t publisher_id,
-        const std::string& xml)
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it_publisher = publishers_.find(publisher_id);
-    if (publishers_.end() != it_publisher)
-    {
-        fastrtps::PublisherAttributes attrs;
-        if (xmlobjects::parse_publisher(, xml.size(), attrs))
-        {
-            std::shared_ptr<FastDataWriter> datawriter =
-                create_datawriter(attrs, &listener_, it_publisher->second);
-            if (nullptr == datawriter)
-            {
-                return false;
-            }
-            auto emplace_res = datawriters_.emplace(datawriter_id, std::move(datawriter));
-            rv = emplace_res.second;
-            if (rv)
-            {
-                callback_factory_.execute_callbacks(Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS,
-                    middleware::CallbackKind::CREATE_DATAWRITER,
-                    emplace_res.first->second->get_participant(),
-                    emplace_res.first->second->get_ptr());
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-std::shared_ptr<FastDataReader> create_datareader(
-        const fastrtps::SubscriberAttributes& attrs,
-        fastrtps::SubscriberListener* listener,
-        const std::shared_ptr<FastSubscriber>& subscriber)
-    std::shared_ptr<FastDataReader> datareader;
-    const std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant>& participant = subscriber->get_participant();
-    std::shared_ptr<FastTopic> topic =
-        participant->find_topic(attrs.topic.getTopicName().to_string());
-    if (topic)
-    {
-        fastrtps::Subscriber* impl =
-            fastrtps::Domain::createSubscriber(participant->get_ptr(), attrs, listener);
-        if (nullptr != impl)
-        {
-            datareader = std::make_shared<FastDataReader>(impl, topic, subscriber);
-        }
-    }
-    return datareader;
-bool FastMiddleware::create_datareader_by_ref(
-        uint16_t datareader_id,
-        uint16_t subscriber_id,
-        const std::string& ref)
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it_subscriber = subscribers_.find(subscriber_id);
-    if (subscribers_.end() != it_subscriber)
-    {
-        fastrtps::SubscriberAttributes attrs;
-        if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillSubscriberAttributes(ref, attrs))
-        {
-            std::shared_ptr<FastDataReader> datareader =
-                create_datareader(attrs, &listener_, it_subscriber->second);
-            if (nullptr == datareader)
-            {
-                return false;
-            }
-            auto emplace_res = datareaders_.emplace(datareader_id, std::move(datareader));
-            rv = emplace_res.second;
-            if (rv)
-            {
-                callback_factory_.execute_callbacks(Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS,
-                    middleware::CallbackKind::CREATE_DATAREADER,
-                    emplace_res.first->second->get_participant(),
-                    emplace_res.first->second->get_ptr());
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::create_datareader_by_xml(
-        uint16_t datareader_id,
-        uint16_t subscriber_id,
-        const std::string& xml)
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it_subscriber = subscribers_.find(subscriber_id);
-    if (subscribers_.end() != it_subscriber)
-    {
-        fastrtps::SubscriberAttributes attrs;
-        if (xmlobjects::parse_subscriber(, xml.size(), attrs))
-        {
-            std::shared_ptr<FastDataReader> datareader =
-                create_datareader(attrs, &listener_, it_subscriber->second);
-            if (nullptr == datareader)
-            {
-                return false;
-            }
-            auto emplace_res = datareaders_.emplace(datareader_id, std::move(datareader));
-            rv = emplace_res.second;
-            if (rv)
-            {
-                callback_factory_.execute_callbacks(Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS,
-                    middleware::CallbackKind::CREATE_DATAREADER,
-                    emplace_res.first->second->get_participant(),
-                    emplace_res.first->second->get_ptr());
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-std::shared_ptr<FastRequester> create_requester(
-        const fastrtps::RequesterAttributes& attrs,
-        FastListener* listener,
-        std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant>& participant)
-    std::shared_ptr<FastRequester> requester{};
-    std::shared_ptr<FastTopic> request_topic = create_topic(participant, attrs.publisher.topic);
-    std::shared_ptr<FastTopic> reply_topic = create_topic(participant, attrs.subscriber.topic);
-    std::shared_ptr<FastPublisher> publisher = std::make_shared<FastPublisher>(participant);
-    std::shared_ptr<FastDataWriter> datawriter = create_datawriter(attrs.publisher, listener, publisher);
-    std::shared_ptr<FastSubscriber> subscriber = std::make_shared<FastSubscriber>(participant);
-    std::shared_ptr<FastDataReader> datareader = create_datareader(attrs.subscriber, listener, subscriber);
-    if (datawriter && datareader)
-    {
-        requester = std::make_shared<FastRequester>(datawriter, datareader);
-    }
-    return requester;
-bool FastMiddleware::create_requester_by_ref(
-        uint16_t requester_id,
-        uint16_t participant_id,
-        const std::string& ref)
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it_participant = participants_.find(participant_id);
-    if (participants_.end() != it_participant)
-    {
-        std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant>& participant = it_participant->second;
-        fastrtps::RequesterAttributes attrs;
-        if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillRequesterAttributes(ref, attrs))
-        {
-            std::shared_ptr<FastRequester> requester = create_requester(attrs, &listener_, participant);
-            if (nullptr == requester)
-            {
-                return false;
-            }
-            auto emplace_res = requesters_.emplace(requester_id, std::move(requester));
-            rv = emplace_res.second;
-            if (rv)
-            {
-                callback_factory_.execute_callbacks(Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS,
-                    middleware::CallbackKind::CREATE_REQUESTER,
-                    participant->get_ptr(),
-                    emplace_res.first->second->get_request_datawriter(),
-                    emplace_res.first->second->get_reply_datareader());
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::create_requester_by_xml(
-        uint16_t requester_id,
-        uint16_t participant_id,
-        const std::string& xml)
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it_participant = participants_.find(participant_id);
-    if (participants_.end() != it_participant)
-    {
-        std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant>& participant = it_participant->second;
-        fastrtps::RequesterAttributes attrs;
-        if (xmlobjects::parse_requester(, xml.size(), attrs))
-        {
-            std::shared_ptr<FastRequester> requester = create_requester(attrs, &listener_, participant);
-            if (nullptr == requester)
-            {
-                return false;
-            }
-            auto emplace_res = requesters_.emplace(requester_id, std::move(requester));
-            rv = emplace_res.second;
-            if (rv)
-            {
-                callback_factory_.execute_callbacks(Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS,
-                    middleware::CallbackKind::CREATE_REQUESTER,
-                    participant->get_ptr(),
-                    emplace_res.first->second->get_request_datawriter(),
-                    emplace_res.first->second->get_reply_datareader());
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-std::shared_ptr<FastReplier> create_replier(
-        const fastrtps::ReplierAttributes& attrs,
-        FastListener* listener,
-        std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant>& participant)
-    std::shared_ptr<FastReplier> replier{};
-    std::shared_ptr<FastTopic> request_topic = create_topic(participant, attrs.subscriber.topic);
-    std::shared_ptr<FastTopic> reply_topic = create_topic(participant, attrs.publisher.topic);
-    std::shared_ptr<FastPublisher> publisher = std::make_shared<FastPublisher>(participant);
-    std::shared_ptr<FastDataWriter> datawriter = create_datawriter(attrs.publisher, listener, publisher);
-    std::shared_ptr<FastSubscriber> subscriber = std::make_shared<FastSubscriber>(participant);
-    std::shared_ptr<FastDataReader> datareader = create_datareader(attrs.subscriber, listener, subscriber);
-    if (datawriter && datareader)
-    {
-        replier = std::make_shared<FastReplier>(datawriter, datareader);
-    }
-    return replier;
-bool FastMiddleware::create_replier_by_ref(
-        uint16_t replier_id,
-        uint16_t participant_id,
-        const std::string& ref)
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it_participant = participants_.find(participant_id);
-    if (participants_.end() != it_participant)
-    {
-        std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant>& participant = it_participant->second;
-        fastrtps::ReplierAttributes attrs;
-        if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillReplierAttributes(ref, attrs))
-        {
-            std::shared_ptr<FastReplier> replier = create_replier(attrs, &listener_, participant);
-            if (nullptr == replier)
-            {
-                return false;
-            }
-            auto emplace_res = repliers_.emplace(replier_id, std::move(replier));
-            rv = emplace_res.second;
-            if (rv)
-            {
-                callback_factory_.execute_callbacks(Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS,
-                    middleware::CallbackKind::CREATE_REPLIER,
-                    participant->get_ptr(),
-                    emplace_res.first->second->get_reply_datawriter(),
-                    emplace_res.first->second->get_request_datareader());
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::create_replier_by_xml(
-        uint16_t replier_id,
-        uint16_t participant_id,
-        const std::string& xml)
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it_participant = participants_.find(participant_id);
-    if (participants_.end() != it_participant)
-    {
-        std::shared_ptr<FastParticipant>& participant = it_participant->second;
-        fastrtps::ReplierAttributes attrs;
-        if (xmlobjects::parse_replier(, xml.size(), attrs))
-        {
-            std::shared_ptr<FastReplier> replier = create_replier(attrs, &listener_, participant);
-            if (nullptr == replier)
-            {
-                return false;
-            }
-            auto emplace_res = repliers_.emplace(replier_id, std::move(replier));
-            rv = emplace_res.second;
-            if (rv)
-            {
-                callback_factory_.execute_callbacks(Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS,
-                    middleware::CallbackKind::CREATE_REPLIER,
-                    participant->get_ptr(),
-                    emplace_res.first->second->get_reply_datawriter(),
-                    emplace_res.first->second->get_request_datareader());
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
- * Delete functions.
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-bool FastMiddleware::delete_participant(
-        uint16_t participant_id)
-    auto it = participants_.find(participant_id);
-    if (it == participants_.end())
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        auto participant = it->second;
-        callback_factory_.execute_callbacks(Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS,
-            middleware::CallbackKind::DELETE_PARTICIPANT,
-            participant->get_ptr());
-        participants_.erase(participant_id);
-        return true;
-    }
-bool FastMiddleware::delete_topic(
-        uint16_t topic_id)
-    return (0 != topics_.erase(topic_id));
-bool FastMiddleware::delete_publisher(
-        uint16_t publisher_id)
-    return (0 != publishers_.erase(publisher_id));
-bool FastMiddleware::delete_subscriber(
-        uint16_t subscriber_id)
-    return (0 != subscribers_.erase(subscriber_id));
-bool FastMiddleware::delete_datawriter(
-        uint16_t datawriter_id)
-    auto it = datawriters_.find(datawriter_id);
-    if (it == datawriters_.end())
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        auto datawriter = it->second;
-        callback_factory_.execute_callbacks(Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS,
-            middleware::CallbackKind::DELETE_DATAWRITER,
-            datawriter->get_participant(),
-            datawriter->get_ptr());
-        datawriters_.erase(datawriter_id);
-        return true;
-    }
-bool FastMiddleware::delete_datareader(
-        uint16_t datareader_id)
-    auto it = datareaders_.find(datareader_id);
-    if (it == datareaders_.end())
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        auto datareader = it->second;
-        callback_factory_.execute_callbacks(Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS,
-            middleware::CallbackKind::DELETE_DATAREADER,
-            datareader->get_participant(),
-            datareader->get_ptr());
-        datareaders_.erase(datareader_id);
-        return true;
-    }
-bool FastMiddleware::delete_requester(
-        uint16_t requester_id)
-    auto it = requesters_.find(requester_id);
-    if (it == requesters_.end())
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        auto requester = it->second;
-        callback_factory_.execute_callbacks(Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS,
-            middleware::CallbackKind::DELETE_REQUESTER,
-            requester->get_participant(),
-            requester->get_request_datawriter(),
-            requester->get_reply_datareader());
-        requesters_.erase(requester_id);
-        return true;
-    }
-bool FastMiddleware::delete_replier(
-        uint16_t replier_id)
-    auto it = repliers_.find(replier_id);
-    if (it == repliers_.end())
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        auto replier = it->second;
-        callback_factory_.execute_callbacks(Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS,
-            middleware::CallbackKind::DELETE_REPLIER,
-            replier->get_participant(),
-            replier->get_reply_datawriter(),
-            replier->get_request_datareader());
-        repliers_.erase(replier_id);
-        return true;
-    }
- * Write/Read functions.
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-bool FastMiddleware::write_data(
-        uint16_t datawriter_id,
-        const std::vector<uint8_t>& data)
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it = datawriters_.find(datawriter_id);
-    if (datawriters_.end() != it)
-    {
-        rv = it->second->write(data);
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::write_request(
-        uint16_t requester_id,
-        uint32_t sequence_number,
-        const std::vector<uint8_t>& data)
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it = requesters_.find(requester_id);
-    if (requesters_.end() != it)
-    {
-        rv = it->second->write(sequence_number, data);
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::write_reply(
-        uint16_t replier_id,
-        const std::vector<uint8_t>& data)
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it = repliers_.find(replier_id);
-    if (repliers_.end() != it)
-    {
-        rv = it->second->write(data);
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::read_data(
-        uint16_t datareader_id,
-        std::vector<uint8_t>& data,
-        std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it = datareaders_.find(datareader_id);
-    if (datareaders_.end() != it)
-    {
-        rv = it->second->read(data, timeout);
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::read_request(
-        uint16_t replier_id,
-        std::vector<uint8_t>& data,
-        std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it = repliers_.find(replier_id);
-    if (repliers_.end() != it)
-    {
-        rv = it->second->read(data, timeout);
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::read_reply(
-        uint16_t requester_id,
-        uint32_t& sequence_number,
-        std::vector<uint8_t>& data,
-        std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it = requesters_.find(requester_id);
-    if (requesters_.end() != it)
-    {
-        rv = it->second->read(sequence_number, data, timeout);
-    }
-    return rv;
- * Matched functions.
- **********************************************************************************************************************/
-bool FastMiddleware::matched_participant_from_ref(
-        uint16_t participant_id,
-        int16_t domain_id,
-        const std::string& ref) const
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it = participants_.find(participant_id);
-    if (participants_.end() != it)
-    {
-        fastrtps::ParticipantAttributes attrs;
-        if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillParticipantAttributes(ref, attrs))
-        {
-            if(domain_id != UXR_CLIENT_DOMAIN_ID_TO_USE_FROM_REF) {
-                attrs.domainId = domain_id;
-            }
-            rv = it->second->match(attrs);
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::matched_participant_from_xml(
-        uint16_t participant_id,
-        int16_t domain_id,
-        const std::string& xml) const
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it = participants_.find(participant_id);
-    if (participants_.end() != it)
-    {
-        fastrtps::ParticipantAttributes attrs;
-        if (xmlobjects::parse_participant(, xml.size(), attrs))
-        {
-            attrs.domainId = uint32_t(domain_id);
-            rv = it->second->match(attrs);
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::matched_topic_from_ref(
-        uint16_t topic_id,
-        const std::string& ref) const
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it = topics_.find(topic_id);
-    if (topics_.end() != it)
-    {
-        fastrtps::TopicAttributes attrs;
-        if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillTopicAttributes(ref, attrs))
-        {
-            rv = it->second->match(attrs);
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::matched_topic_from_xml(
-        uint16_t topic_id,
-        const std::string& xml) const
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it = topics_.find(topic_id);
-    if (topics_.end() != it)
-    {
-        fastrtps::TopicAttributes attrs;
-        if (xmlobjects::parse_topic(, xml.size(), attrs))
-        {
-            rv = it->second->match(attrs);
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::matched_datawriter_from_ref(
-        uint16_t datawriter_id,
-        const std::string& ref) const
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it = datawriters_.find(datawriter_id);
-    if (datawriters_.end() != it)
-    {
-        fastrtps::PublisherAttributes attrs;
-        if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillPublisherAttributes(ref, attrs))
-        {
-            rv = it->second->match(attrs);
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::matched_datawriter_from_xml(
-        uint16_t datawriter_id,
-        const std::string& xml) const
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it = datawriters_.find(datawriter_id);
-    if (datawriters_.end() != it)
-    {
-        fastrtps::PublisherAttributes attrs;
-        if (xmlobjects::parse_publisher(, xml.size(), attrs))
-        {
-            rv = it->second->match(attrs);
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::matched_datareader_from_ref(
-        uint16_t datareader_id,
-        const std::string& ref) const
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it = datareaders_.find(datareader_id);
-    if (datareaders_.end() != it)
-    {
-        fastrtps::SubscriberAttributes attrs;
-        if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillSubscriberAttributes(ref, attrs))
-        {
-            rv = it->second->match(attrs);
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::matched_datareader_from_xml(
-        uint16_t datareader_id,
-        const std::string& xml) const
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it = datareaders_.find(datareader_id);
-    if (datareaders_.end() != it)
-    {
-        fastrtps::SubscriberAttributes attrs;
-        if (xmlobjects::parse_subscriber(, xml.size(), attrs))
-        {
-            rv = it->second->match(attrs);
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::matched_requester_from_ref(
-        uint16_t requester_id,
-        const std::string& ref) const
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it = requesters_.find(requester_id);
-    if (requesters_.end() != it)
-    {
-        fastrtps::RequesterAttributes attrs;
-        if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillRequesterAttributes(ref, attrs))
-        {
-            rv = it->second->match(attrs);
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::matched_requester_from_xml(
-        uint16_t requester_id,
-        const std::string& xml) const
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it = requesters_.find(requester_id);
-    if (requesters_.end() != it)
-    {
-        fastrtps::RequesterAttributes attrs;
-        if (xmlobjects::parse_requester(, xml.size(), attrs))
-        {
-            rv = it->second->match(attrs);
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::matched_replier_from_ref(
-        uint16_t requester_id,
-        const std::string& ref) const
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it = repliers_.find(requester_id);
-    if (repliers_.end() != it)
-    {
-        fastrtps::ReplierAttributes attrs;
-        if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillReplierAttributes(ref, attrs))
-        {
-            rv = it->second->match(attrs);
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastMiddleware::matched_replier_from_xml(
-        uint16_t requester_id,
-        const std::string& xml) const
-    bool rv = false;
-    auto it = repliers_.find(requester_id);
-    if (repliers_.end() != it)
-    {
-        fastrtps::ReplierAttributes attrs;
-        if (xmlobjects::parse_replier(, xml.size(), attrs))
-        {
-            rv = it->second->match(attrs);
-        }
-    }
-    return rv;
-} // namespace uxr
-} // namespace eprosima
diff --git a/src/cpp/middleware/fastdds/FastDDSEntities.cpp b/src/cpp/middleware/fastdds/FastDDSEntities.cpp
index 5a1fe7adf..652b509bd 100644
--- a/src/cpp/middleware/fastdds/FastDDSEntities.cpp
+++ b/src/cpp/middleware/fastdds/FastDDSEntities.cpp
@@ -13,132 +13,16 @@
 // limitations under the License.
 #include <uxr/agent/middleware/fastdds/FastDDSEntities.hpp>
-#include <fastrtps/xmlparser/XMLProfileManager.h>
-#include <fastrtps/attributes/all_attributes.h>
 #include <fastdds/dds/subscriber/qos/DataReaderQos.hpp>
 #include <fastdds/dds/subscriber/SampleInfo.hpp>
 #include <fastdds/dds/topic/TypeSupport.hpp>
+#include <fastdds/rtps/common/WriteParams.hpp>
 #include <fastcdr/FastBuffer.h>
 #include <fastcdr/Cdr.h>
-#include "../../xmlobjects/xmlobjects.h"
 namespace eprosima {
 namespace uxr {
-using namespace fastrtps::xmlparser;
-using eprosima::fastrtps::types::ReturnCode_t;
-static void set_qos_from_attributes(
-        fastdds::dds::DomainParticipantQos& qos,
-        const fastrtps::rtps::RTPSParticipantAttributes& attr)
-    qos.user_data().setValue(attr.userData);
-    qos.allocation() = attr.allocation;
- =;
-    qos.wire_protocol().prefix = attr.prefix;
-    qos.wire_protocol().participant_id = attr.participantID;
-    qos.wire_protocol().builtin = attr.builtin;
-    qos.wire_protocol().port = attr.port;
-    qos.wire_protocol().throughput_controller = attr.throughputController;
-    qos.wire_protocol().default_unicast_locator_list = attr.defaultUnicastLocatorList;
-    qos.wire_protocol().default_multicast_locator_list = attr.defaultMulticastLocatorList;
-    qos.transport().user_transports = attr.userTransports;
-    qos.transport().use_builtin_transports = attr.useBuiltinTransports;
-    qos.transport().send_socket_buffer_size = attr.sendSocketBufferSize;
-    qos.transport().listen_socket_buffer_size = attr.listenSocketBufferSize;
- = attr.getName();
-static void set_qos_from_attributes(
-        fastdds::dds::TopicQos& qos,
-        const fastrtps::TopicAttributes& attr)
-    qos.history() = attr.historyQos;
-    qos.resource_limits() = attr.resourceLimitsQos;
-static void set_qos_from_attributes(
-        fastdds::dds::SubscriberQos& qos,
-        const fastrtps::SubscriberAttributes& attr)
-    qos.group_data().setValue(attr.qos.m_groupData);
-    qos.partition() = attr.qos.m_partition;
-    qos.presentation() = attr.qos.m_presentation;
-static void set_qos_from_attributes(
-        fastdds::dds::PublisherQos& qos,
-        const fastrtps::PublisherAttributes& attr)
-    qos.group_data().setValue(attr.qos.m_groupData);
-    qos.partition() = attr.qos.m_partition;
-    qos.presentation() = attr.qos.m_presentation;
-static void set_qos_from_attributes(
-        fastdds::dds::DataWriterQos& qos,
-        const fastrtps::PublisherAttributes& attr)
-    qos.writer_resource_limits().matched_subscriber_allocation = attr.matched_subscriber_allocation;
- =;
-    qos.throughput_controller() = attr.throughputController;
-    qos.endpoint().unicast_locator_list = attr.unicastLocatorList;
-    qos.endpoint().multicast_locator_list = attr.multicastLocatorList;
-    qos.endpoint().remote_locator_list = attr.remoteLocatorList;
-    qos.endpoint().history_memory_policy = attr.historyMemoryPolicy;
-    qos.endpoint().user_defined_id = attr.getUserDefinedID();
-    qos.endpoint().entity_id = attr.getEntityID();
-    qos.reliable_writer_qos().times = attr.times;
-    qos.reliable_writer_qos().disable_positive_acks = attr.qos.m_disablePositiveACKs;
-    qos.durability() = attr.qos.m_durability;
-    qos.durability_service() = attr.qos.m_durabilityService;
-    qos.deadline() = attr.qos.m_deadline;
-    qos.latency_budget() = attr.qos.m_latencyBudget;
-    qos.liveliness() = attr.qos.m_liveliness;
-    qos.reliability() = attr.qos.m_reliability;
-    qos.lifespan() = attr.qos.m_lifespan;
-    qos.user_data().setValue(attr.qos.m_userData);
-    qos.ownership() = attr.qos.m_ownership;
-    qos.ownership_strength() = attr.qos.m_ownershipStrength;
-    qos.destination_order() = attr.qos.m_destinationOrder;
-    qos.representation() = attr.qos.representation;
-    qos.publish_mode() = attr.qos.m_publishMode;
-    qos.history() = attr.topic.historyQos;
-    qos.resource_limits() = attr.topic.resourceLimitsQos;
-static void set_qos_from_attributes(
-        fastdds::dds::DataReaderQos& qos,
-        const fastrtps::SubscriberAttributes& attr)
-    qos.reader_resource_limits().matched_publisher_allocation = attr.matched_publisher_allocation;
- =;
-    qos.expects_inline_qos(attr.expectsInlineQos);
-    qos.endpoint().unicast_locator_list = attr.unicastLocatorList;
-    qos.endpoint().multicast_locator_list = attr.multicastLocatorList;
-    qos.endpoint().remote_locator_list = attr.remoteLocatorList;
-    qos.endpoint().history_memory_policy = attr.historyMemoryPolicy;
-    qos.endpoint().user_defined_id = attr.getUserDefinedID();
-    qos.endpoint().entity_id = attr.getEntityID();
-    qos.reliable_reader_qos().times = attr.times;
-    qos.reliable_reader_qos().disable_positive_ACKs = attr.qos.m_disablePositiveACKs;
-    qos.durability() = attr.qos.m_durability;
-    qos.durability_service() = attr.qos.m_durabilityService;
-    qos.deadline() = attr.qos.m_deadline;
-    qos.latency_budget() = attr.qos.m_latencyBudget;
-    qos.liveliness() = attr.qos.m_liveliness;
-    qos.reliability() = attr.qos.m_reliability;
-    qos.lifespan() = attr.qos.m_lifespan;
-    qos.user_data().setValue(attr.qos.m_userData);
-    qos.ownership() = attr.qos.m_ownership;
-    qos.destination_order() = attr.qos.m_destinationOrder;
-    qos.type_consistency().type_consistency = attr.qos.type_consistency;
-    qos.type_consistency().representation = attr.qos.representation;
-    qos.time_based_filter() = attr.qos.m_timeBasedFilter;
-    qos.history() = attr.topic.historyQos;
-    qos.resource_limits() = attr.topic.resourceLimitsQos;
 static void set_qos_from_xrce_object(
         fastdds::dds::DomainParticipantQos& qos,
         const dds::xrce::OBJK_DomainParticipant_Binary& participant_xrce)
@@ -176,45 +60,45 @@ static void set_qos_from_xrce_object(
         const dds::xrce::OBJK_DataWriter_Binary& datawriter_xrce)
     qos.endpoint().history_memory_policy =
-        fastrtps::rtps::MemoryManagementPolicy::PREALLOCATED_WITH_REALLOC_MEMORY_MODE;
+        fastdds::rtps::MemoryManagementPolicy::PREALLOCATED_WITH_REALLOC_MEMORY_MODE;
     if (datawriter_xrce.has_qos())
-        ReliabilityQosPolicy reliability;
+        fastdds::dds::ReliabilityQosPolicy reliability;
         reliability.kind =
             (datawriter_xrce.qos().base().qos_flags() & dds::xrce::EndpointQosFlags::is_reliable) ?
-            ReliabilityQosPolicyKind::RELIABLE_RELIABILITY_QOS :
-            ReliabilityQosPolicyKind::BEST_EFFORT_RELIABILITY_QOS;
+            fastdds::dds::ReliabilityQosPolicyKind::RELIABLE_RELIABILITY_QOS :
+            fastdds::dds::ReliabilityQosPolicyKind::BEST_EFFORT_RELIABILITY_QOS;
         qos.reliability() = reliability;
         // TODO set is_ownership_exclusive
         // TODO set user data
-        DurabilityQosPolicy durability;
+        fastdds::dds::DurabilityQosPolicy durability;
         if (datawriter_xrce.qos().base().qos_flags() & dds::xrce::EndpointQosFlags::is_durability_transient_local)
-            durability.kind = TRANSIENT_LOCAL_DURABILITY_QOS;
+            durability.kind = fastdds::dds::TRANSIENT_LOCAL_DURABILITY_QOS;
         else if (datawriter_xrce.qos().base().qos_flags() & dds::xrce::EndpointQosFlags::is_durability_transient)
-            durability.kind = TRANSIENT_DURABILITY_QOS;
+            durability.kind = fastdds::dds::TRANSIENT_DURABILITY_QOS;
         else if (datawriter_xrce.qos().base().qos_flags() & dds::xrce::EndpointQosFlags::is_durability_persistent)
-            durability.kind = PERSISTENT_DURABILITY_QOS;
+            durability.kind = fastdds::dds::PERSISTENT_DURABILITY_QOS;
-            durability.kind = VOLATILE_DURABILITY_QOS;
+            durability.kind = fastdds::dds::VOLATILE_DURABILITY_QOS;
         qos.durability() = durability;
-        HistoryQosPolicy history;
+        fastdds::dds::HistoryQosPolicy history;
         history.kind =
             (datawriter_xrce.qos().base().qos_flags() & dds::xrce::EndpointQosFlags::is_history_keep_last) ?
-            HistoryQosPolicyKind::KEEP_LAST_HISTORY_QOS :
-            HistoryQosPolicyKind::KEEP_ALL_HISTORY_QOS;
+            fastdds::dds::HistoryQosPolicyKind::KEEP_LAST_HISTORY_QOS :
+            fastdds::dds::HistoryQosPolicyKind::KEEP_ALL_HISTORY_QOS;
         if (datawriter_xrce.qos().base().has_history_depth())
@@ -224,21 +108,21 @@ static void set_qos_from_xrce_object(
         if (datawriter_xrce.qos().base().has_deadline_msec())
-            DeadlineQosPolicy deadline;
+            fastdds::dds::DeadlineQosPolicy deadline;
             deadline.period = Duration_t(static_cast<long double>(datawriter_xrce.qos().base().deadline_msec()/1000.0));
             qos.deadline() = deadline;
         if (datawriter_xrce.qos().base().has_lifespan_msec())
-            LifespanQosPolicy lifespan;
+            fastdds::dds::LifespanQosPolicy lifespan;
             lifespan.duration = Duration_t(static_cast<long double>(datawriter_xrce.qos().base().lifespan_msec()/1000.0));
             qos.lifespan() = lifespan;
         if (datawriter_xrce.qos().has_ownership_strength())
-            OwnershipStrengthQosPolicy ownership_strength;
+            fastdds::dds::OwnershipStrengthQosPolicy ownership_strength;
             ownership_strength.value = datawriter_xrce.qos().ownership_strength();
             qos.ownership_strength() = ownership_strength;
@@ -250,45 +134,45 @@ static void set_qos_from_xrce_object(
         const dds::xrce::OBJK_DataReader_Binary& datareader_xrce)
     qos.endpoint().history_memory_policy =
-        fastrtps::rtps::MemoryManagementPolicy::PREALLOCATED_WITH_REALLOC_MEMORY_MODE;
+        fastdds::rtps::MemoryManagementPolicy::PREALLOCATED_WITH_REALLOC_MEMORY_MODE;
     if (datareader_xrce.has_qos())
-        ReliabilityQosPolicy reliability;
+        fastdds::dds::ReliabilityQosPolicy reliability;
         reliability.kind =
             (datareader_xrce.qos().base().qos_flags() & dds::xrce::EndpointQosFlags::is_reliable) ?
-            ReliabilityQosPolicyKind::RELIABLE_RELIABILITY_QOS :
-            ReliabilityQosPolicyKind::BEST_EFFORT_RELIABILITY_QOS;
+            fastdds::dds::ReliabilityQosPolicyKind::RELIABLE_RELIABILITY_QOS :
+            fastdds::dds::ReliabilityQosPolicyKind::BEST_EFFORT_RELIABILITY_QOS;
         qos.reliability() = reliability;
         // TODO set is_ownership_exclusive
         // TODO set user data
         // TODO set m_contentbased_filter
-        DurabilityQosPolicy durability;
+        fastdds::dds::DurabilityQosPolicy durability;
         if (datareader_xrce.qos().base().qos_flags() & dds::xrce::EndpointQosFlags::is_durability_transient_local)
-            durability.kind = TRANSIENT_LOCAL_DURABILITY_QOS;
+            durability.kind = fastdds::dds::TRANSIENT_LOCAL_DURABILITY_QOS;
         else if (datareader_xrce.qos().base().qos_flags() & dds::xrce::EndpointQosFlags::is_durability_transient)
-            durability.kind = TRANSIENT_DURABILITY_QOS;
+            durability.kind = fastdds::dds::TRANSIENT_DURABILITY_QOS;
         else if (datareader_xrce.qos().base().qos_flags() & dds::xrce::EndpointQosFlags::is_durability_persistent)
-            durability.kind = PERSISTENT_DURABILITY_QOS;
+            durability.kind = fastdds::dds::PERSISTENT_DURABILITY_QOS;
-            durability.kind = VOLATILE_DURABILITY_QOS;
+            durability.kind = fastdds::dds::VOLATILE_DURABILITY_QOS;
         qos.durability() = durability;
-        HistoryQosPolicy history;
+        fastdds::dds::HistoryQosPolicy history;
         history.kind =
             (datareader_xrce.qos().base().qos_flags() & dds::xrce::EndpointQosFlags::is_history_keep_last) ?
-            HistoryQosPolicyKind::KEEP_LAST_HISTORY_QOS :
-            HistoryQosPolicyKind::KEEP_ALL_HISTORY_QOS;
+            fastdds::dds::HistoryQosPolicyKind::KEEP_LAST_HISTORY_QOS :
+            fastdds::dds::HistoryQosPolicyKind::KEEP_ALL_HISTORY_QOS;
         if (datareader_xrce.qos().base().has_history_depth())
@@ -298,21 +182,21 @@ static void set_qos_from_xrce_object(
         if (datareader_xrce.qos().base().has_deadline_msec())
-            DeadlineQosPolicy deadline;
+            fastdds::dds::DeadlineQosPolicy deadline;
             deadline.period = Duration_t(static_cast<long double>(datareader_xrce.qos().base().deadline_msec()/1000.0));
             qos.deadline() = deadline;
         if (datareader_xrce.qos().base().has_lifespan_msec())
-            LifespanQosPolicy lifespan;
+            fastdds::dds::LifespanQosPolicy lifespan;
             lifespan.duration = Duration_t(static_cast<long double>(datareader_xrce.qos().base().lifespan_msec()/1000.0));
             qos.lifespan() = lifespan;
         if (datareader_xrce.qos().has_timebasedfilter_msec())
-            TimeBasedFilterQosPolicy timebased_filter;
+            fastdds::dds::TimeBasedFilterQosPolicy timebased_filter;
             timebased_filter.minimum_separation = Duration_t(static_cast<long double>(datareader_xrce.qos().timebasedfilter_msec()/1000.0));;
             qos.time_based_filter() = timebased_filter;
@@ -362,10 +246,9 @@ FastDDSParticipant::~FastDDSParticipant()
     if (ptr_)
-        // TODO: Not available on foxy (Need FastDDS >= 2.2.0 for declaration and FastDDS >= 2.4.1 for implementation)
-        // if (ptr_->has_active_entities())
+        if (ptr_->has_active_entities())
-            // ptr_->delete_contained_entities();
+            ptr_->delete_contained_entities();
@@ -388,15 +271,10 @@ bool FastDDSParticipant::create_by_xml(
         const std::string& xml)
     bool rv = false;
-    if (nullptr == ptr_)
+    fastdds::dds::DomainParticipantQos qos = factory_->get_default_participant_qos();
+    if (nullptr == ptr_ && (xml.size() == 0 || fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == factory_->get_participant_qos_from_xml(xml, qos)))
-        fastrtps::ParticipantAttributes attrs;
-        if (xmlobjects::parse_participant(, xml.size(), attrs))
-        {
-            fastdds::dds::DomainParticipantQos qos = factory_->get_default_participant_qos();
-            set_qos_from_attributes(qos, attrs.rtps);
-            ptr_ = factory_->create_participant(domain_id_, qos);
-        }
+        ptr_ = factory_->create_participant(domain_id_, qos);
         rv = (nullptr != ptr_);
     return rv;
@@ -420,15 +298,10 @@ bool FastDDSParticipant::match_from_ref(
         const std::string& ref) const
     bool rv = false;
-    if (nullptr != ptr_)
+    fastdds::dds::DomainParticipantQos qos = factory_->get_default_participant_qos();
+    if (nullptr != ptr_ && fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == factory_->get_participant_qos_from_profile(ref, qos))
-        fastrtps::ParticipantAttributes attrs;
-        if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillParticipantAttributes(ref, attrs))
-        {
-            fastdds::dds::DomainParticipantQos qos;
-            set_qos_from_attributes(qos, attrs.rtps);
-            rv = (ptr_->get_qos().name() ==;
-        }
+        rv = (ptr_->get_qos().name() ==;
     return rv;
@@ -437,15 +310,10 @@ bool FastDDSParticipant::match_from_xml(
         const std::string& xml) const
     bool rv = false;
-    if (nullptr != ptr_)
+    fastdds::dds::DomainParticipantQos qos = factory_->get_default_participant_qos();
+    if (nullptr != ptr_ && (xml.size() == 0 || fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == factory_->get_participant_qos_from_xml(xml, qos)))
-        fastrtps::ParticipantAttributes attrs;
-        if (xmlobjects::parse_participant(, xml.size(), attrs))
-        {
-            fastdds::dds::DomainParticipantQos qos;
-            set_qos_from_attributes(qos, attrs.rtps);
-            rv = (ptr_->get_qos().name() ==;
-        }
+        rv = (ptr_->get_qos().name() ==;
     return rv;
@@ -465,7 +333,7 @@ bool FastDDSParticipant::match_from_bin(
 // Proxy methods
-ReturnCode_t FastDDSParticipant::unregister_type(
+fastdds::dds::ReturnCode_t FastDDSParticipant::unregister_type(
             const std::string& typeName)
     return ptr_->unregister_type(typeName);
@@ -481,7 +349,7 @@ fastdds::dds::Topic* FastDDSParticipant::create_topic(
     return ptr_->create_topic(topic_name, type_name, qos, listener, mask);
-ReturnCode_t FastDDSParticipant::delete_topic(
+fastdds::dds::ReturnCode_t FastDDSParticipant::delete_topic(
     fastdds::dds::Topic* topic)
     return ptr_->delete_topic(topic);
@@ -495,22 +363,21 @@ fastdds::dds::Publisher* FastDDSParticipant::create_publisher(
     return ptr_->create_publisher(qos, listener, mask);
-ReturnCode_t FastDDSParticipant::delete_publisher(
+fastdds::dds::ReturnCode_t FastDDSParticipant::delete_publisher(
         fastdds::dds::Publisher* publisher)
     if (NULL == publisher)
-        return ReturnCode_t::RETCODE_ALREADY_DELETED;
+        return fastdds::dds::RETCODE_ALREADY_DELETED;
     if (publisher->has_datawriters())
-        ReturnCode_t ret = ReturnCode_t::RETCODE_OK;
+        fastdds::dds::ReturnCode_t ret = fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK;
-        // TODO: Not available on foxy (Need FastDDS >= 2.2.0 for declaration and FastDDS >= 2.4.1 for implementation)
-        // ret = publisher->delete_contained_entities();
+        ret = publisher->delete_contained_entities();
-        //if (ReturnCode_t::RETCODE_UNSUPPORTED == ret)
+        if (fastdds::dds::RETCODE_UNSUPPORTED == ret)
             std::vector<eprosima::fastdds::dds::DataWriter*> writers;
@@ -519,7 +386,7 @@ ReturnCode_t FastDDSParticipant::delete_publisher(
                 ret = publisher->delete_datawriter(datawriter);
-                if (ReturnCode_t::RETCODE_OK != ret)
+                if (fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK != ret)
                     return ret;
@@ -538,22 +405,21 @@ fastdds::dds::Subscriber* FastDDSParticipant::create_subscriber(
     return ptr_->create_subscriber(qos, listener, mask);
-ReturnCode_t FastDDSParticipant::delete_subscriber(
+fastdds::dds::ReturnCode_t FastDDSParticipant::delete_subscriber(
         fastdds::dds::Subscriber* subscriber)
     if (NULL == subscriber)
-        return ReturnCode_t::RETCODE_ALREADY_DELETED;
+        return fastdds::dds::RETCODE_ALREADY_DELETED;
     if (subscriber->has_datareaders())
-        ReturnCode_t ret = ReturnCode_t::RETCODE_OK;
+        fastdds::dds::ReturnCode_t ret = fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK;
-        // TODO: Not available on foxy (Need FastDDS >= 2.2.0 for declaration and FastDDS >= 2.4.1 for implementation)
-        // ret = subscriber->delete_contained_entities();
+        ret = subscriber->delete_contained_entities();
-        // if (ReturnCode_t::RETCODE_UNSUPPORTED == ret)
+        if (fastdds::dds::RETCODE_UNSUPPORTED == ret)
             std::vector<eprosima::fastdds::dds::DataReader*> readers;
@@ -562,7 +428,7 @@ ReturnCode_t FastDDSParticipant::delete_subscriber(
                 ret = subscriber->delete_datareader(datareader);
-                if (ReturnCode_t::RETCODE_OK != ret)
+                if (fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK != ret)
                     return ret;
@@ -579,8 +445,8 @@ bool FastDDSParticipant::register_local_type(
         const std::shared_ptr<FastDDSType>& type)
     fastdds::dds::TypeSupport& type_support = type->get_type_support();
-    return ReturnCode_t::RETCODE_OK == ptr_->register_type(type_support, type_support->getName())
-        && type_register_.emplace(type_support->getName(), type).second;
+    return fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == ptr_->register_type(type_support, type_support->get_name())
+        && type_register_.emplace(type_support->get_name(), type).second;
 bool FastDDSParticipant::unregister_local_type(
@@ -641,8 +507,8 @@ fastdds::dds::DomainParticipant* FastDDSParticipant::operator * ()
-    participant_->unregister_local_type(type_support_->getName());
-    participant_->unregister_type(type_support_->getName());
+    participant_->unregister_local_type(type_support_->get_name());
+    participant_->unregister_type(type_support_->get_name());
@@ -651,54 +517,15 @@ FastDDSTopic::~FastDDSTopic()
-bool FastDDSTopic::create_by_ref(const std::string& ref)
-    bool rv = false;
-    fastrtps::TopicAttributes attrs;
-    if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillTopicAttributes(ref, attrs))
-    {
-        rv = create_by_attributes(attrs);
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastDDSTopic::create_by_xml(const std::string& xml)
-    bool rv = false;
-    fastrtps::TopicAttributes attrs;
-    if (xmlobjects::parse_topic(, xml.size(), attrs))
-    {
-        rv = create_by_attributes(attrs);
-    }
-    return rv;
-bool FastDDSTopic::create_by_attributes(const fastrtps::TopicAttributes& attrs)
-    bool rv = false;
-    if (nullptr == ptr_)
-    {
-        fastdds::dds::TopicQos qos;
-        set_qos_from_attributes(qos, attrs);
-        ptr_ = participant_->create_topic(attrs.getTopicName().to_string(),
-                attrs.getTopicDataType().to_string(), qos);
-        rv = (nullptr != ptr_);
-    }
-    return rv;
 bool FastDDSTopic::create_by_name_type(
     const std::string& name,
-    const std::shared_ptr<FastDDSType>& type)
+    const std::shared_ptr<FastDDSType>& type,
+    const fastdds::dds::TopicQos& qos)
     bool rv = false;
     if (nullptr == ptr_)
-        fastdds::dds::TopicQos qos;
-        ptr_ = participant_->create_topic(name, type->get_type_support()->getName(), qos);
+        ptr_ = participant_->create_topic(name, type->get_type_support()->get_name(), qos);
         rv = (nullptr != ptr_);
@@ -714,16 +541,18 @@ bool FastDDSTopic::match_from_ref(
         const std::string& ref) const
     bool rv = false;
     if (nullptr != ptr_)
-        fastrtps::TopicAttributes attrs;
-        if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillTopicAttributes(ref, attrs))
+        fastdds::dds::TopicQos qos;
+        std::string topic_name;
+        std::string type_name;
+        if (fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == participant_->get_ptr()->get_topic_qos_from_profile(ref, qos, topic_name, type_name))
-            fastdds::dds::TopicQos qos;
-            set_qos_from_attributes(qos, attrs);
-            rv = (ptr_->get_qos() == qos);
+            rv = (ptr_->get_qos() == qos) && (ptr_->get_name() == topic_name) && (type_->get_type_support()->get_name() == type_name);
     return rv;
@@ -731,16 +560,18 @@ bool FastDDSTopic::match_from_xml(
         const std::string& xml) const
     bool rv = false;
     if (nullptr != ptr_)
-        fastrtps::TopicAttributes attrs;
-        if (xmlobjects::parse_topic(, xml.size(), attrs))
+        fastdds::dds::TopicQos qos = participant_->get_ptr()->get_default_topic_qos();
+        std::string topic_name;
+        std::string type_name;
+        if (xml.size() == 0 || fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == participant_->get_ptr()->get_topic_qos_from_xml(xml, qos, topic_name, type_name))
-            fastdds::dds::TopicQos qos;
-            set_qos_from_attributes(qos, attrs);
-            rv = (ptr_->get_qos() == qos);
+            rv = (ptr_->get_qos() == qos) && (ptr_->get_name() == topic_name) && (type_->get_type_support()->get_name() == type_name);
     return rv;
@@ -752,18 +583,11 @@ bool FastDDSTopic::match_from_bin(
         fastdds::dds::TopicQos qos;
         set_qos_from_xrce_object(qos, topic_xrce);
-        rv = (ptr_->get_qos() == qos);
+        rv = (ptr_->get_qos() == qos) && (ptr_->get_name() == topic_xrce.topic_name()) && (type_->get_type_support()->get_name() == topic_xrce.type_name());
     return rv;
-bool FastDDSTopic::match(const fastrtps::TopicAttributes& attrs) const
-    return (attrs.getTopicName() == ptr_->get_name())
-        && (0 == std::strcmp(type_->get_type_support()->getName(), attrs.getTopicDataType().c_str()))
-        && (type_->get_type_support()->m_isGetKeyDefined == (attrs.getTopicKind() == fastrtps::rtps::TopicKind_t::WITH_KEY));
  * FastDDSPublisher
@@ -781,14 +605,13 @@ bool FastDDSPublisher::create_by_xml(
     bool rv = false;
     if (nullptr == ptr_)
-        fastdds::dds::PublisherQos qos;
-        fastrtps::PublisherAttributes attrs;
-        if (0 != xml.size() && xmlobjects::parse_publisher(, xml.size(), attrs))
+        fastdds::dds::PublisherQos qos = participant_->get_ptr()->get_default_publisher_qos();
+        if(xml.size() == 0 || fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == participant_->get_ptr()->get_publisher_qos_from_xml(xml, qos))
-            set_qos_from_attributes(qos, attrs);
+            ptr_ = participant_->create_publisher(qos);
+            rv = (nullptr != ptr_);
-        ptr_ = participant_->create_publisher(qos);
-        rv = (nullptr != ptr_);    }
+    }
     return rv;
@@ -814,12 +637,19 @@ fastdds::dds::DataWriter* FastDDSPublisher::create_datawriter(
     return ptr_->create_datawriter(topic, qos, listener, mask);
-ReturnCode_t FastDDSPublisher::delete_datawriter(
+fastdds::dds::DataWriter* FastDDSPublisher::create_datawriter_with_profile(
+        fastdds::dds::Topic* topic,
+        const std::string& profile_name)
+    return ptr_->create_datawriter_with_profile(topic, profile_name);
+fastdds::dds::ReturnCode_t FastDDSPublisher::delete_datawriter(
     fastdds::dds::DataWriter* writer)
     if (NULL == writer)
-        return ReturnCode_t::RETCODE_ALREADY_DELETED;
+        return fastdds::dds::RETCODE_ALREADY_DELETED;
     return ptr_->delete_datawriter(writer);
@@ -844,14 +674,12 @@ bool FastDDSSubscriber::create_by_xml(
     bool rv = false;
     if (nullptr == ptr_)
-        fastrtps::SubscriberAttributes attrs;
-        fastdds::dds::SubscriberQos qos;
-        if (0 != xml.size() && xmlobjects::parse_subscriber(, xml.size(), attrs))
+        fastdds::dds::SubscriberQos qos = participant_->get_ptr()->get_default_subscriber_qos();
+        if(xml.size() == 0 || fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == participant_->get_ptr()->get_subscriber_qos_from_xml(xml, qos))
-            set_qos_from_attributes(qos, attrs);
+            ptr_ = participant_->create_subscriber(qos);
+            rv = (nullptr != ptr_);
-        ptr_ = participant_->create_subscriber(qos);
-        rv = (nullptr != ptr_);
     return rv;
@@ -878,12 +706,19 @@ fastdds::dds::DataReader* FastDDSSubscriber::create_datareader(
     return ptr_->create_datareader(topic, reader_qos, listener, mask);
-ReturnCode_t FastDDSSubscriber::delete_datareader(
+fastdds::dds::DataReader* FastDDSSubscriber::create_datareader_with_profile(
+        fastdds::dds::TopicDescription* topic,
+        const std::string& profile_name)
+    return ptr_->create_datareader_with_profile(topic, profile_name);
+fastdds::dds::ReturnCode_t FastDDSSubscriber::delete_datareader(
         fastdds::dds::DataReader* reader)
     if (NULL == reader)
-        return ReturnCode_t::RETCODE_ALREADY_DELETED;
+        return fastdds::dds::RETCODE_ALREADY_DELETED;
     return ptr_->delete_datareader(reader);
@@ -903,17 +738,18 @@ FastDDSDataWriter::~FastDDSDataWriter()
 bool FastDDSDataWriter::create_by_ref(const std::string& ref)
     bool rv = false;
-    if (nullptr == ptr_){
-        fastrtps::PublisherAttributes attrs;
-        if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillPublisherAttributes(ref, attrs))
+    if (nullptr == ptr_)
+    {
+        fastdds::dds::DataWriterQos qos;
+        std::string topic_name;
+        if (fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == publisher_->get_ptr()->get_datawriter_qos_from_profile(ref, qos, topic_name))
-            topic_ = publisher_->get_participant()->find_local_topic(attrs.topic.topicName.c_str());
-            if(topic_){
-                fastdds::dds::DataWriterQos qos;
-                set_qos_from_attributes(qos, attrs);
+            topic_ = publisher_->get_participant()->find_local_topic(topic_name);
-                ptr_ = publisher_->create_datawriter(topic_->get_ptr(), qos);
-                rv = (nullptr != ptr_) && bool(topic_);
+            if (topic_)
+            {
+                ptr_ = publisher_->create_datawriter_with_profile(topic_->get_ptr(), ref);
+                rv = (nullptr != ptr_);
@@ -923,17 +759,19 @@ bool FastDDSDataWriter::create_by_ref(const std::string& ref)
 bool FastDDSDataWriter::create_by_xml(const std::string& xml)
     bool rv = false;
-    if (nullptr == ptr_){
-        fastrtps::PublisherAttributes attrs;
-        if (xmlobjects::parse_publisher(, xml.size(), attrs))
+    if (nullptr == ptr_)
+    {
+        std::string topic_name;
+        fastdds::dds::DataWriterQos qos = publisher_->get_ptr()->get_default_datawriter_qos();
+        if (xml.size() == 0 || fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == publisher_->get_ptr()->get_datawriter_qos_from_xml(xml, qos, topic_name))
-            topic_ = publisher_->get_participant()->find_local_topic(attrs.topic.topicName.c_str());
-            if(topic_){
-                fastdds::dds::DataWriterQos qos;
-                set_qos_from_attributes(qos, attrs);
+            topic_ = publisher_->get_participant()->find_local_topic(topic_name);
+            if (topic_)
+            {
                 ptr_ = publisher_->create_datawriter(topic_->get_ptr(), qos);
-                rv = (nullptr != ptr_) && bool(topic_);
+                rv = (nullptr != ptr_);
@@ -957,13 +795,39 @@ bool FastDDSDataWriter::create_by_bin(
     return rv;
-bool FastDDSDataWriter::match(const fastrtps::PublisherAttributes& attrs) const
+bool FastDDSDataWriter::match_from_ref(const std::string& ref) const
-    fastdds::dds::DataWriterQos qos;
-    set_qos_from_attributes(qos, attrs);
-    return (ptr_->get_qos() == qos);
+    bool rv = false;
+    if (nullptr != ptr_)
+    {
+        fastdds::dds::DataWriterQos qos;
+        std::string topic_name;
+        if (fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == publisher_->get_ptr()->get_datawriter_qos_from_profile(ref, qos, topic_name))
+        {
+            rv = (ptr_->get_qos() == qos) && (topic_->get_name() == topic_name);
+        }
+    }
+    return rv;
+bool FastDDSDataWriter::match_from_xml(const std::string& xml) const
+    bool rv = false;
+    if (nullptr != ptr_)
+    {
+        fastdds::dds::DataWriterQos qos = publisher_->get_ptr()->get_default_datawriter_qos();
+        std::string topic_name;
+        if (xml.size() == 0 || fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == publisher_->get_ptr()->get_datawriter_qos_from_xml(xml, qos, topic_name))
+        {
+            rv = (ptr_->get_qos() == qos) && (topic_->get_name() == topic_name);
+        }
+    }
+    return rv;
 bool FastDDSDataWriter::match_from_bin(const dds::xrce::OBJK_DataWriter_Binary& datawriter_xrce) const
@@ -1001,16 +865,19 @@ FastDDSDataReader::~FastDDSDataReader()
 bool FastDDSDataReader::create_by_ref(const std::string& ref)
     bool rv = false;
-    if (nullptr == ptr_){
-        fastrtps::SubscriberAttributes attrs;
-        if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillSubscriberAttributes(ref, attrs))
+    if (nullptr == ptr_)
+    {
+        fastdds::dds::DataReaderQos qos;
+        std::string topic_name;
+        if (fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == subscriber_->get_ptr()->get_datareader_qos_from_profile(ref, qos, topic_name))
-            topic_ = subscriber_->get_participant()->find_local_topic(attrs.topic.topicName.c_str());
-            if(topic_){
-                fastdds::dds::DataReaderQos qos;
-                set_qos_from_attributes(qos, attrs);
+            topic_ = subscriber_->get_participant()->find_local_topic(topic_name);
-                ptr_ = subscriber_->create_datareader(topic_->get_ptr(), qos);
+            if (topic_)
+            {
+                ptr_ = subscriber_->create_datareader_with_profile(topic_->get_ptr(), ref);
                 rv = (nullptr != ptr_);
@@ -1021,15 +888,17 @@ bool FastDDSDataReader::create_by_ref(const std::string& ref)
 bool FastDDSDataReader::create_by_xml(const std::string& xml)
     bool rv = false;
-    if (nullptr == ptr_){
-        fastrtps::SubscriberAttributes attrs;
-        if (xmlobjects::parse_subscriber(, xml.size(), attrs))
+    if (nullptr == ptr_)
+    {
+        std::string topic_name;
+        fastdds::dds::DataReaderQos qos = subscriber_->get_ptr()->get_default_datareader_qos();
+        if (xml.size() == 0 || fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == subscriber_->get_ptr()->get_datareader_qos_from_xml(xml, qos, topic_name))
-            topic_ = subscriber_->get_participant()->find_local_topic(attrs.topic.topicName.c_str());
-            if(topic_){
-                fastdds::dds::DataReaderQos qos;
-                set_qos_from_attributes(qos, attrs);
+            topic_ = subscriber_->get_participant()->find_local_topic(topic_name);
+            if (topic_)
+            {
                 ptr_ = subscriber_->create_datareader(topic_->get_ptr(), qos);
                 rv = (nullptr != ptr_);
@@ -1059,16 +928,17 @@ bool FastDDSDataReader::match_from_ref(
         const std::string& ref) const
     bool rv = false;
     if (nullptr != ptr_)
-        fastrtps::SubscriberAttributes attrs;
-        if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillSubscriberAttributes(ref, attrs))
+        fastdds::dds::DataReaderQos qos;
+        std::string topic_name;
+        if (fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == subscriber_->get_ptr()->get_datareader_qos_from_profile(ref, qos, topic_name))
-            fastdds::dds::DataReaderQos qos;
-            set_qos_from_attributes(qos, attrs);
-            rv = (ptr_->get_qos() == qos);
+            rv = (ptr_->get_qos() == qos) && (topic_->get_name() == topic_name);
     return rv;
@@ -1076,16 +946,17 @@ bool FastDDSDataReader::match_from_xml(
         const std::string& xml) const
     bool rv = false;
     if (nullptr != ptr_)
-        fastrtps::SubscriberAttributes attrs;
-        if (xmlobjects::parse_subscriber(, xml.size(), attrs))
+        fastdds::dds::DataReaderQos qos = subscriber_->get_ptr()->get_default_datareader_qos();
+        std::string topic_name;
+        if (xml.size() == 0 || fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == subscriber_->get_ptr()->get_datareader_qos_from_xml(xml, qos, topic_name))
-            fastdds::dds::DataReaderQos qos;
-            set_qos_from_attributes(qos, attrs);
-            rv = (ptr_->get_qos() == qos);
+            rv = (ptr_->get_qos() == qos) && (topic_->get_name() == topic_name);
     return rv;
@@ -1110,10 +981,10 @@ bool FastDDSDataReader::read(
     bool rv = false;
-    fastrtps::Duration_t d((long double) timeout.count()/1000.0);
+    fastdds::dds::Duration_t d((long double) timeout.count()/1000.0);
-        rv = ReturnCode_t::RETCODE_OK == ptr_->take_next_sample(&data, &sample_info);
+        rv = fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == ptr_->take_next_sample(&data, &sample_info);
     return rv;
@@ -1144,28 +1015,15 @@ FastDDSRequester::~FastDDSRequester()
-bool FastDDSRequester::create_by_attributes(
-        const fastrtps::RequesterAttributes& attrs)
+bool FastDDSRequester::create_by_qos(
+        const fastdds::dds::RequesterQos& qos)
-    bool rv = false;
-    fastdds::dds::PublisherQos qos_publisher;
-    set_qos_from_attributes(qos_publisher, attrs.publisher);
-    publisher_ptr_ = participant_->create_publisher(qos_publisher);
-    fastdds::dds::DataWriterQos qos_datawriter;
-    set_qos_from_attributes(qos_datawriter, attrs.publisher);
-    datawriter_ptr_ = publisher_ptr_->create_datawriter(request_topic_->get_ptr(), qos_datawriter);
-    fastdds::dds::SubscriberQos qos_subscriber;
-    set_qos_from_attributes(qos_subscriber, attrs.subscriber);
-    subscriber_ptr_ = participant_->create_subscriber(qos_subscriber);
-    fastdds::dds::DataReaderQos qos_datareader;
-    set_qos_from_attributes(qos_datareader, attrs.subscriber);
-    datareader_ptr_ = subscriber_ptr_->create_datareader(reply_topic_->get_ptr(), qos_datareader);
+    publisher_ptr_ = participant_->create_publisher(participant_->get_ptr()->get_default_publisher_qos());
+    datawriter_ptr_ = publisher_ptr_->create_datawriter(request_topic_->get_ptr(), qos.writer_qos);
+    subscriber_ptr_ = participant_->create_subscriber(participant_->get_ptr()->get_default_subscriber_qos());
+    datareader_ptr_ = subscriber_ptr_->create_datareader(reply_topic_->get_ptr(), qos.reader_qos);
-    rv = (nullptr != publisher_ptr_) && (nullptr != datawriter_ptr_) &&
+    bool rv = (nullptr != publisher_ptr_) && (nullptr != datawriter_ptr_) &&
          (nullptr != subscriber_ptr_) && (nullptr != datareader_ptr_);
     if (rv)
@@ -1187,22 +1045,40 @@ bool FastDDSRequester::create_by_attributes(
 bool FastDDSRequester::match_from_ref(const std::string& ref) const
     bool rv = false;
-    fastrtps::RequesterAttributes new_attributes;
-    if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillRequesterAttributes(ref, new_attributes))
+    fastdds::dds::RequesterQos qos;
+    if(fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == participant_->get_ptr()->get_requester_qos_from_profile(ref, qos))
-        rv = match(new_attributes);
+        rv = datawriter_ptr_->get_qos() == qos.writer_qos
+            && datareader_ptr_->get_qos() == qos.reader_qos
+            && reply_topic_->get_name() == qos.reply_topic_name
+            && request_topic_->get_name() == qos.request_topic_name
+            && reply_topic_->get_type()->get_type_support()->get_name() == qos.reply_type
+            && request_topic_->get_type()->get_type_support()->get_name() == qos.request_type;
     return rv;
 bool FastDDSRequester::match_from_xml(const std::string& xml) const
     bool rv = false;
-    fastrtps::RequesterAttributes new_attributes;
-    if (xmlobjects::parse_requester(, xml.size(), new_attributes))
+    fastdds::dds::RequesterQos qos;
+    qos.writer_qos = publisher_ptr_->get_default_datawriter_qos();
+    qos.reader_qos = subscriber_ptr_->get_default_datareader_qos();
+    if(xml.size() == 0 || fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == participant_->get_ptr()->get_requester_qos_from_xml(xml, qos))
-        rv = match(new_attributes);
+        rv = datawriter_ptr_->get_qos() == qos.writer_qos
+            && datareader_ptr_->get_qos() == qos.reader_qos
+            && reply_topic_->get_name() == qos.reply_topic_name
+            && request_topic_->get_name() == qos.request_topic_name
+            && reply_topic_->get_type()->get_type_support()->get_name() == qos.reply_type
+            && request_topic_->get_type()->get_type_support()->get_name() == qos.request_type;
     return rv;
@@ -1214,21 +1090,11 @@ bool FastDDSRequester::match_from_bin(const dds::xrce::OBJK_Requester_Binary& re
     set_qos_from_xrce_object(qos_subscriber, requester_xrce);
     return publisher_ptr_->get_qos() == qos_publisher
-        && subscriber_ptr_->get_qos() == qos_subscriber;
-        // TODO Check topic names
-bool FastDDSRequester::match(const fastrtps::RequesterAttributes& attrs) const
-    fastdds::dds::PublisherQos qos_publisher;
-    set_qos_from_attributes(qos_publisher, attrs.publisher);
-    fastdds::dds::SubscriberQos qos_subscriber;
-    set_qos_from_attributes(qos_subscriber, attrs.subscriber);
-    return reply_topic_->match(attrs.subscriber.topic)
-        && request_topic_->match(attrs.publisher.topic)
-        && publisher_ptr_->get_qos() == qos_publisher
-        && subscriber_ptr_->get_qos() == qos_subscriber;
+        && subscriber_ptr_->get_qos() == qos_subscriber
+        && reply_topic_->get_name() == requester_xrce.reply_topic_name()
+        && request_topic_->get_name() == requester_xrce.request_topic_name()
+        && reply_topic_->get_type()->get_type_support()->get_name() == requester_xrce.reply_type()
+        && request_topic_->get_type()->get_type_support()->get_name() == requester_xrce.request_type();
 bool FastDDSRequester::write(
@@ -1238,7 +1104,7 @@ bool FastDDSRequester::write(
     bool rv = true;
-        fastrtps::rtps::WriteParams wparams;
+        fastdds::rtps::WriteParams wparams;
         rv = datawriter_ptr_->write(&const_cast<std::vector<uint8_t>&>(data), wparams);
         if (rv)
@@ -1264,10 +1130,10 @@ bool FastDDSRequester::read(
     bool rv = false;
-    fastrtps::Duration_t d((long double) timeout.count()/1000.0);
+    fastdds::dds::Duration_t d((long double) timeout.count()/1000.0);
-        rv = ReturnCode_t::RETCODE_OK == datareader_ptr_->take_next_sample(&data, &info);
+        rv = fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == datareader_ptr_->take_next_sample(&data, &info);
     if (rv)
@@ -1333,26 +1199,14 @@ FastDDSReplier::~FastDDSReplier()
-bool FastDDSReplier::create_by_attributes(
-        const fastrtps::ReplierAttributes& attrs)
+bool FastDDSReplier::create_by_qos(
+        const fastdds::dds::ReplierQos& qos)
     bool rv = false;
-    fastdds::dds::PublisherQos qos_publisher;
-    set_qos_from_attributes(qos_publisher, attrs.publisher);
-    publisher_ptr_ = participant_->create_publisher(qos_publisher);
-    fastdds::dds::DataWriterQos qos_datawriter;
-    set_qos_from_attributes(qos_datawriter, attrs.publisher);
-    datawriter_ptr_ = publisher_ptr_->create_datawriter(reply_topic_->get_ptr(), qos_datawriter);
-    fastdds::dds::SubscriberQos qos_subscriber;
-    set_qos_from_attributes(qos_subscriber, attrs.subscriber);
-    subscriber_ptr_ = participant_->create_subscriber(qos_subscriber);
-    fastdds::dds::DataReaderQos qos_datareader;
-    set_qos_from_attributes(qos_datareader, attrs.subscriber);
-    datareader_ptr_ = subscriber_ptr_->create_datareader(request_topic_->get_ptr(), qos_datareader);
+    publisher_ptr_ = participant_->create_publisher(participant_->get_ptr()->get_default_publisher_qos());
+    datawriter_ptr_ = publisher_ptr_->create_datawriter(reply_topic_->get_ptr(), qos.writer_qos);
+    subscriber_ptr_ = participant_->create_subscriber(participant_->get_ptr()->get_default_subscriber_qos());
+    datareader_ptr_ = subscriber_ptr_->create_datareader(request_topic_->get_ptr(), qos.reader_qos);
     rv = (nullptr != publisher_ptr_) && (nullptr != datawriter_ptr_) &&
          (nullptr != subscriber_ptr_) && (nullptr != datareader_ptr_);
@@ -1364,22 +1218,40 @@ bool FastDDSReplier::create_by_attributes(
 bool FastDDSReplier::match_from_ref(const std::string& ref) const
     bool rv = false;
-    fastrtps::ReplierAttributes new_attributes;
-    if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillReplierAttributes(ref, new_attributes))
+    fastdds::dds::ReplierQos qos;
+    if (fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == participant_->get_ptr()->get_replier_qos_from_profile(ref, qos))
-        rv = match(new_attributes);
+        rv = datawriter_ptr_->get_qos() == qos.writer_qos
+            && datareader_ptr_->get_qos() == qos.reader_qos
+            && reply_topic_->get_name() == qos.reply_topic_name
+            && request_topic_->get_name() == qos.request_topic_name
+            && reply_topic_->get_type()->get_type_support()->get_name() == qos.reply_type
+            && request_topic_->get_type()->get_type_support()->get_name() == qos.request_type;
     return rv;
 bool FastDDSReplier::match_from_xml(const std::string& xml) const
     bool rv = false;
-    fastrtps::ReplierAttributes new_attributes;
-    if (xmlobjects::parse_replier(, xml.size(), new_attributes))
+    fastdds::dds::ReplierQos qos;
+    qos.writer_qos = publisher_ptr_->get_default_datawriter_qos();
+    qos.reader_qos = subscriber_ptr_->get_default_datareader_qos();
+    if (xml.size() == 0 || fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == participant_->get_ptr()->get_replier_qos_from_xml(xml, qos))
-        rv = match(new_attributes);
+        rv = datawriter_ptr_->get_qos() == qos.writer_qos
+            && datareader_ptr_->get_qos() == qos.reader_qos
+            && reply_topic_->get_name() == qos.reply_topic_name
+            && request_topic_->get_name() == qos.request_topic_name
+            && reply_topic_->get_type()->get_type_support()->get_name() == qos.reply_type
+            && request_topic_->get_type()->get_type_support()->get_name() == qos.request_type;
     return rv;
@@ -1391,26 +1263,16 @@ bool FastDDSReplier::match_from_bin(const dds::xrce::OBJK_Replier_Binary& replie
     set_qos_from_xrce_object(qos_subscriber, replier_xrce);
     return publisher_ptr_->get_qos() == qos_publisher
-        && subscriber_ptr_->get_qos() == qos_subscriber;
-        // TODO Check topic names
-bool FastDDSReplier::match(const fastrtps::ReplierAttributes& attrs) const
-    fastdds::dds::PublisherQos qos_publisher;
-    set_qos_from_attributes(qos_publisher, attrs.publisher);
-    fastdds::dds::SubscriberQos qos_subscriber;
-    set_qos_from_attributes(qos_subscriber, attrs.subscriber);
-    return reply_topic_->match(attrs.publisher.topic)
-        && request_topic_->match(attrs.subscriber.topic)
-        && publisher_ptr_->get_qos() == qos_publisher
-        && subscriber_ptr_->get_qos() == qos_subscriber;
+        && subscriber_ptr_->get_qos() == qos_subscriber
+        && reply_topic_->get_name() == replier_xrce.reply_topic_name()
+        && request_topic_->get_name() == replier_xrce.request_topic_name()
+        && reply_topic_->get_type()->get_type_support()->get_name() == replier_xrce.reply_type()
+        && request_topic_->get_type()->get_type_support()->get_name() == replier_xrce.request_type();
 void FastDDSReplier::transport_sample_identity(
         const dds::SampleIdentity& dds_identity,
-        fastrtps::rtps::SampleIdentity& fast_identity)
+        fastdds::rtps::SampleIdentity& fast_identity)
@@ -1435,7 +1297,7 @@ bool FastDDSReplier::write(
     dds::SampleIdentity sample_identity;
-    fastrtps::rtps::WriteParams wparams;
+    fastdds::rtps::WriteParams wparams;
     transport_sample_identity(sample_identity, wparams.related_sample_identity());
     std::vector<uint8_t> output_data(data.size() - deserializer.get_serialized_data_length());
@@ -1445,7 +1307,7 @@ bool FastDDSReplier::write(
 void FastDDSReplier::transform_sample_identity(
-        const fastrtps::rtps::SampleIdentity& fast_identity,
+        const fastdds::rtps::SampleIdentity& fast_identity,
         dds::SampleIdentity& dds_identity)
@@ -1471,10 +1333,10 @@ bool FastDDSReplier::read(
     bool rv = false;
-    fastrtps::Duration_t d((long double) timeout.count()/1000.0);
+    fastdds::dds::Duration_t d((long double) timeout.count()/1000.0);
-        rv = ReturnCode_t::RETCODE_OK == datareader_ptr_->take_next_sample(&temp_data, &info);
+        rv = fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == datareader_ptr_->take_next_sample(&temp_data, &info);
     if (rv)
diff --git a/src/cpp/middleware/fastdds/FastDDSMiddleware.cpp b/src/cpp/middleware/fastdds/FastDDSMiddleware.cpp
index a383fb941..0d2c637d5 100644
--- a/src/cpp/middleware/fastdds/FastDDSMiddleware.cpp
+++ b/src/cpp/middleware/fastdds/FastDDSMiddleware.cpp
@@ -16,17 +16,12 @@
 #include <uxr/agent/utils/Conversion.hpp>
 #include <uxr/agent/logger/Logger.hpp>
-#include <fastrtps/xmlparser/XMLProfileManager.h>
 #include <fastdds/dds/subscriber/SampleInfo.hpp>
-#include "../../xmlobjects/xmlobjects.h"
 #include <uxr/agent/middleware/utils/Callbacks.hpp>
 namespace eprosima {
 namespace uxr {
-using namespace fastrtps::xmlparser;
     : participants_()
     , topics_()
@@ -79,12 +74,20 @@ bool FastDDSMiddleware::create_participant_by_ref(
     bool rv = false;
-    fastrtps::ParticipantAttributes attrs;
     auto participant_domain_id = domain_id;
-    if(domain_id == UXR_CLIENT_DOMAIN_ID_TO_USE_FROM_REF && XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillParticipantAttributes(ref, attrs))
+    if (domain_id == UXR_CLIENT_DOMAIN_ID_TO_USE_FROM_REF)
-        participant_domain_id = static_cast<int16_t>(attrs.domainId);
+        fastdds::dds::DomainParticipantExtendedQos qos;
+        auto factory = fastdds::dds::DomainParticipantFactory::get_instance();
+        if (fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == factory->get_participant_extended_qos_from_profile(ref, qos))
+        {
+            participant_domain_id = static_cast<int16_t>(qos.domainId());
+        }
     std::shared_ptr<FastDDSParticipant> participant(new FastDDSParticipant(participant_domain_id));
     if (participant->create_by_ref(ref))
@@ -161,25 +164,28 @@ bool FastDDSMiddleware::create_participant_by_bin(
 std::shared_ptr<FastDDSTopic> create_topic(
         std::shared_ptr<FastDDSParticipant>& participant,
-        const fastrtps::TopicAttributes& attrs)
+        const fastdds::dds::TopicQos& qos,
+        const std::string& topic_name,
+        const std::string& type_name)
-    std::shared_ptr<FastDDSTopic> topic = participant->find_local_topic(attrs.getTopicName().c_str());
+    std::shared_ptr<FastDDSTopic> topic = participant->find_local_topic(topic_name);
     if (topic)
-        if (0 != std::strcmp(attrs.getTopicDataType().c_str(), topic->get_type()->get_type_support()->getName()))
+        if (type_name == topic->get_type()->get_type_support()->get_name())
-            topic.reset();
+            // TODO(pgarrido): Shall we reuse topics?
+            // topic.reset();
-        const char * type_name = attrs.getTopicDataType().c_str();
         std::shared_ptr<FastDDSType> type = participant->find_local_type(type_name);
         if (!type)
             fastdds::dds::TypeSupport type_support(new TopicPubSubType{false});
-            type_support->setName(type_name);
-            type_support->m_isGetKeyDefined = (attrs.getTopicKind() == fastrtps::rtps::TopicKind_t::WITH_KEY);
+            type_support->set_name(type_name);
+            // TODO(pgarrido): Handle topics with keys
+            type_support->is_compute_key_provided = false;
             type = std::make_shared<FastDDSType>(type_support, participant);
             if (!participant->register_local_type(type))
@@ -190,7 +196,8 @@ std::shared_ptr<FastDDSTopic> create_topic(
         if (type)
             topic = std::make_shared<FastDDSTopic>(participant);
-            topic->create_by_name_type(attrs.getTopicName().c_str(), type);
+            topic->create_by_name_type(topic_name, type, qos);
             if (!participant->register_local_topic(topic))
@@ -206,16 +213,27 @@ bool FastDDSMiddleware::create_topic_by_ref(
         const std::string& ref)
     bool rv = false;
-    fastrtps::TopicAttributes attrs;
-    if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillTopicAttributes(ref, attrs))
+    auto it_participant = participants_.find(participant_id);
+    if (participants_.end() != it_participant)
-        auto it_participant = participants_.find(participant_id);
-        if (participants_.end() != it_participant)
+        fastdds::dds::TopicQos qos = fastdds::dds::TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT;
+        std::string topic_name;
+        std::string type_name;
+        auto & participant = it_participant->second;
+        if (fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == participant->get_ptr()->get_topic_qos_from_profile(ref, qos, topic_name, type_name))
-            std::shared_ptr<FastDDSTopic> topic = create_topic(it_participant->second, attrs);
-            rv = topic && topics_.emplace(topic_id, std::move(topic)).second;
+            std::shared_ptr<FastDDSTopic> topic = create_topic(participant, qos, topic_name, type_name);
+            if (topic)
+            {
+                auto emplace_res = topics_.emplace(topic_id, std::move(topic));
+                rv = emplace_res.second;
+            }
     return rv;
@@ -225,16 +243,27 @@ bool FastDDSMiddleware::create_topic_by_xml(
         const std::string& xml)
     bool rv = false;
-    fastrtps::TopicAttributes attrs;
-    if (xmlobjects::parse_topic(, xml.size(), attrs))
+    auto it_participant = participants_.find(participant_id);
+    if (participants_.end() != it_participant)
-        auto it_participant = participants_.find(participant_id);
-        if (participants_.end() != it_participant)
+        auto & participant = it_participant->second;
+        fastdds::dds::TopicQos qos = participant->get_ptr()->get_default_topic_qos();
+        std::string topic_name;
+        std::string type_name;
+        if (xml.size() == 0 || fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == participant->get_ptr()->get_topic_qos_from_xml(xml, qos, topic_name, type_name))
-            std::shared_ptr<FastDDSTopic> topic = create_topic(it_participant->second, attrs);
-            rv = topic && topics_.emplace(topic_id, std::move(topic)).second;
+            std::shared_ptr<FastDDSTopic> topic = create_topic(participant, qos, topic_name, type_name);
+            if (topic)
+            {
+                auto emplace_res = topics_.emplace(topic_id, std::move(topic));
+                rv = emplace_res.second;
+            }
     return rv;
@@ -245,15 +274,26 @@ bool FastDDSMiddleware::create_topic_by_bin(
     bool rv = false;
     auto it_participant = participants_.find(participant_id);
     if (participants_.end() != it_participant)
-        fastrtps::TopicAttributes attrs(
-            topic_xrce.topic_name().c_str(),
-            topic_xrce.type_name().c_str()
-        );
-        std::shared_ptr<FastDDSTopic> topic = create_topic(it_participant->second, attrs);
-        rv = topic && topics_.emplace(topic_id, std::move(topic)).second;
+        fastdds::dds::TopicQos qos = fastdds::dds::TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT;
+        std::string topic_name = topic_xrce.topic_name();
+        std::string type_name = topic_xrce.type_name();
+        auto & participant = it_participant->second;
+        // Nothing to fill in TopicQoS from binary representation
+        {
+            std::shared_ptr<FastDDSTopic> topic = create_topic(participant, qos, topic_name, type_name);
+            if (topic)
+            {
+                auto emplace_res = topics_.emplace(topic_id, std::move(topic));
+                rv = emplace_res.second;
+            }
+        }
     return rv;
@@ -497,18 +537,19 @@ bool FastDDSMiddleware::create_datareader_by_bin(
     return rv;
-std::shared_ptr<FastDDSRequester> FastDDSMiddleware::create_requester(
+static std::shared_ptr<FastDDSRequester> create_requester(
         std::shared_ptr<FastDDSParticipant>& participant,
-        const fastrtps::RequesterAttributes& attrs)
+        const fastdds::dds::RequesterQos& qos)
     std::shared_ptr<FastDDSRequester> requester{};
-    std::shared_ptr<FastDDSTopic> request_topic = create_topic(participant, attrs.publisher.topic);
-    std::shared_ptr<FastDDSTopic> reply_topic = create_topic(participant, attrs.subscriber.topic);
+    std::shared_ptr<FastDDSTopic> request_topic = create_topic(participant, participant->get_ptr()->get_default_topic_qos(), qos.request_topic_name, qos.request_type);
+    std::shared_ptr<FastDDSTopic> reply_topic = create_topic(participant, participant->get_ptr()->get_default_topic_qos(), qos.reply_topic_name, qos.reply_type);
     if (request_topic && reply_topic)
         requester =
             std::make_shared<FastDDSRequester>(participant, request_topic, reply_topic);
-        if (!requester->create_by_attributes(attrs))
+        if (!requester->create_by_qos(qos))
@@ -526,17 +567,20 @@ bool FastDDSMiddleware::create_requester_by_ref(
     if (participants_.end() != it_participant)
         std::shared_ptr<FastDDSParticipant>& participant = it_participant->second;
-        fastrtps::RequesterAttributes attrs;
-        if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillRequesterAttributes(ref, attrs))
+        fastdds::dds::RequesterQos qos;
+        if(fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == participant->get_ptr()->get_requester_qos_from_profile(ref, qos))
-            std::shared_ptr<FastDDSRequester> requester = create_requester(participant, attrs);
+            std::shared_ptr<FastDDSRequester> requester = create_requester(participant, qos);
             if (nullptr == requester)
                 return false;
             auto emplace_res = requesters_.emplace(requester_id, std::move(requester));
             rv = emplace_res.second;
-            if (rv)
+            if(rv)
@@ -544,6 +588,7 @@ bool FastDDSMiddleware::create_requester_by_ref(
     return rv;
@@ -559,17 +604,20 @@ bool FastDDSMiddleware::create_requester_by_xml(
     if (participants_.end() != it_participant)
         std::shared_ptr<FastDDSParticipant>& participant = it_participant->second;
-        fastrtps::RequesterAttributes attrs;
-        if (xmlobjects::parse_requester(, xml.size(), attrs))
+        fastdds::dds::RequesterQos qos;
+        if(xml.size() == 0 || fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == participant->get_ptr()->get_requester_qos_from_xml(xml, qos))
-            std::shared_ptr<FastDDSRequester> requester = create_requester(participant, attrs);
+            std::shared_ptr<FastDDSRequester> requester = create_requester(participant, qos);
             if (nullptr == requester)
                 return false;
             auto emplace_res = requesters_.emplace(requester_id, std::move(requester));
             rv = emplace_res.second;
-            if (rv)
+            if(rv)
@@ -577,6 +625,7 @@ bool FastDDSMiddleware::create_requester_by_xml(
     return rv;
@@ -592,55 +641,55 @@ bool FastDDSMiddleware::create_requester_by_bin(
     if (participants_.end() != it_participant)
         std::shared_ptr<FastDDSParticipant>& participant = it_participant->second;
-        fastrtps::RequesterAttributes attrs;
-        attrs.service_name = requester_xrce.service_name();
-        attrs.reply_topic_name = requester_xrce.reply_topic_name();
-        attrs.request_topic_name = requester_xrce.request_topic_name();
-        attrs.reply_type = requester_xrce.reply_type();
-        attrs.request_type = requester_xrce.request_type();
+        fastdds::dds::RequesterQos qos;
+        qos.reply_topic_name = requester_xrce.reply_topic_name();
+        qos.request_topic_name = requester_xrce.request_topic_name();
+        qos.reply_type = requester_xrce.reply_type();
+        qos.request_type = requester_xrce.request_type();
-        attrs.publisher.topic.topicName = requester_xrce.request_topic_name();
-        attrs.publisher.topic.topicDataType = requester_xrce.request_type();
+        qos.writer_qos.endpoint().history_memory_policy = fastdds::rtps::PREALLOCATED_WITH_REALLOC_MEMORY_MODE;
+        qos.reader_qos.endpoint().history_memory_policy = fastdds::rtps::PREALLOCATED_WITH_REALLOC_MEMORY_MODE;
-        attrs.subscriber.topic.topicName = requester_xrce.reply_topic_name();
-        attrs.subscriber.topic.topicDataType = requester_xrce.reply_type();
+        qos.reader_qos.reliability().kind = fastdds::dds::RELIABLE_RELIABILITY_QOS;
-        attrs.publisher.historyMemoryPolicy = fastrtps::rtps::PREALLOCATED_WITH_REALLOC_MEMORY_MODE;
-        attrs.subscriber.historyMemoryPolicy = fastrtps::rtps::PREALLOCATED_WITH_REALLOC_MEMORY_MODE;
-        attrs.subscriber.qos.m_reliability.kind = fastdds::dds::RELIABLE_RELIABILITY_QOS;
-        std::shared_ptr<FastDDSRequester> requester = create_requester(participant, attrs);
-        if (nullptr == requester)
-        {
-            return false;
-        }
-        auto emplace_res = requesters_.emplace(requester_id, std::move(requester));
-        rv = emplace_res.second;
-        if (rv)
-            callback_factory_.execute_callbacks(Middleware::Kind::FASTDDS,
-                middleware::CallbackKind::CREATE_REQUESTER,
-                participant->get_ptr(),
-                emplace_res.first->second->get_request_datawriter(),
-                emplace_res.first->second->get_reply_datareader());
+            std::shared_ptr<FastDDSRequester> requester = create_requester(participant, qos);
+            if (nullptr == requester)
+            {
+                return false;
+            }
+            auto emplace_res = requesters_.emplace(requester_id, std::move(requester));
+            rv = emplace_res.second;
+            if(rv)
+            {
+                callback_factory_.execute_callbacks(Middleware::Kind::FASTDDS,
+                    middleware::CallbackKind::CREATE_REQUESTER,
+                    participant->get_ptr(),
+                    emplace_res.first->second->get_request_datawriter(),
+                    emplace_res.first->second->get_reply_datareader());
+            }
     return rv;
-std::shared_ptr<FastDDSReplier> FastDDSMiddleware::create_replier(
+static std::shared_ptr<FastDDSReplier> create_replier(
         std::shared_ptr<FastDDSParticipant>& participant,
-        const fastrtps::ReplierAttributes& attrs)
+        const fastdds::dds::ReplierQos& qos)
     std::shared_ptr<FastDDSReplier> replier{};
-    std::shared_ptr<FastDDSTopic> request_topic = create_topic(participant, attrs.subscriber.topic);
-    std::shared_ptr<FastDDSTopic> reply_topic = create_topic(participant, attrs.publisher.topic);
+    std::shared_ptr<FastDDSTopic> request_topic = create_topic(participant, participant->get_ptr()->get_default_topic_qos(), qos.request_topic_name, qos.request_type);
+    std::shared_ptr<FastDDSTopic> reply_topic = create_topic(participant, participant->get_ptr()->get_default_topic_qos(), qos.reply_topic_name, qos.reply_type);
     if (request_topic && reply_topic)
         replier =
             std::make_shared<FastDDSReplier>(participant, request_topic, reply_topic);
-        if (!replier->create_by_attributes(attrs))
+        if (!replier->create_by_qos(qos))
@@ -658,17 +707,20 @@ bool FastDDSMiddleware::create_replier_by_ref(
     if (participants_.end() != it_participant)
         std::shared_ptr<FastDDSParticipant>& participant = it_participant->second;
-        fastrtps::ReplierAttributes attrs;
-        if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillReplierAttributes(ref, attrs))
+        fastdds::dds::ReplierQos qos;
+        if(fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == participant->get_ptr()->get_replier_qos_from_profile(ref, qos))
-            std::shared_ptr<FastDDSReplier> replier = create_replier(participant, attrs);
+            std::shared_ptr<FastDDSReplier> replier = create_replier(participant, qos);
             if (nullptr == replier)
                 return false;
             auto emplace_res = repliers_.emplace(replier_id, std::move(replier));
             rv = emplace_res.second;
-            if (rv)
+            if(rv)
@@ -676,6 +728,7 @@ bool FastDDSMiddleware::create_replier_by_ref(
     return rv;
@@ -691,17 +744,20 @@ bool FastDDSMiddleware::create_replier_by_xml(
     if (participants_.end() != it_participant)
         std::shared_ptr<FastDDSParticipant>& participant = it_participant->second;
-        fastrtps::ReplierAttributes attrs;
-        if (xmlobjects::parse_replier(, xml.size(), attrs))
+        fastdds::dds::ReplierQos qos;
+        if(xml.size() == 0 || fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == participant->get_ptr()->get_replier_qos_from_xml(xml, qos))
-            std::shared_ptr<FastDDSReplier> replier = create_replier(participant, attrs);
+            std::shared_ptr<FastDDSReplier> replier = create_replier(participant, qos);
             if (nullptr == replier)
                 return false;
             auto emplace_res = repliers_.emplace(replier_id, std::move(replier));
             rv = emplace_res.second;
-            if (rv)
+            if(rv)
@@ -709,6 +765,7 @@ bool FastDDSMiddleware::create_replier_by_xml(
     return rv;
@@ -719,43 +776,41 @@ bool FastDDSMiddleware::create_replier_by_bin(
         uint16_t participant_id,
         const dds::xrce::OBJK_Replier_Binary& replier_xrce)
-    bool rv = false;
+        bool rv = false;
     auto it_participant = participants_.find(participant_id);
     if (participants_.end() != it_participant)
         std::shared_ptr<FastDDSParticipant>& participant = it_participant->second;
-        fastrtps::ReplierAttributes attrs;
-        attrs.service_name = replier_xrce.service_name();
-        attrs.reply_topic_name = replier_xrce.reply_topic_name();
-        attrs.request_topic_name = replier_xrce.request_topic_name();
-        attrs.reply_type = replier_xrce.reply_type();
-        attrs.request_type = replier_xrce.request_type();
+        fastdds::dds::ReplierQos qos;
+        qos.reply_topic_name = replier_xrce.reply_topic_name();
+        qos.request_topic_name = replier_xrce.request_topic_name();
+        qos.reply_type = replier_xrce.reply_type();
+        qos.request_type = replier_xrce.request_type();
-        attrs.subscriber.topic.topicName = replier_xrce.request_topic_name();
-        attrs.subscriber.topic.topicDataType = replier_xrce.request_type();
+        qos.writer_qos.endpoint().history_memory_policy = fastdds::rtps::PREALLOCATED_WITH_REALLOC_MEMORY_MODE;
+        qos.reader_qos.endpoint().history_memory_policy = fastdds::rtps::PREALLOCATED_WITH_REALLOC_MEMORY_MODE;
+        qos.reader_qos.reliability().kind = fastdds::dds::RELIABLE_RELIABILITY_QOS;
-        attrs.publisher.topic.topicName = replier_xrce.reply_topic_name();
-        attrs.publisher.topic.topicDataType = replier_xrce.reply_type();
+        {
+            std::shared_ptr<FastDDSReplier> replier = create_replier(participant, qos);
-        attrs.publisher.historyMemoryPolicy = fastrtps::rtps::PREALLOCATED_WITH_REALLOC_MEMORY_MODE;
-        attrs.subscriber.historyMemoryPolicy = fastrtps::rtps::PREALLOCATED_WITH_REALLOC_MEMORY_MODE;
-        attrs.subscriber.qos.m_reliability.kind = fastdds::dds::RELIABLE_RELIABILITY_QOS;
+            if (nullptr == replier)
+            {
+                return false;
+            }
+            auto emplace_res = repliers_.emplace(replier_id, std::move(replier));
+            rv = emplace_res.second;
+            if(rv)
+            {
+                callback_factory_.execute_callbacks(Middleware::Kind::FASTDDS,
+                    middleware::CallbackKind::CREATE_REPLIER,
+                    participant->get_ptr(),
+                    emplace_res.first->second->get_reply_datawriter(),
+                    emplace_res.first->second->get_request_datareader());
+            }
-        std::shared_ptr<FastDDSReplier> replier = create_replier(participant, attrs);
-        if (nullptr == replier)
-        {
-            return false;
-        }
-        auto emplace_res = repliers_.emplace(replier_id, std::move(replier));
-        rv = emplace_res.second;
-        if (rv)
-        {
-            callback_factory_.execute_callbacks(Middleware::Kind::FASTDDS,
-                middleware::CallbackKind::CREATE_REPLIER,
-                participant->get_ptr(),
-                emplace_res.first->second->get_reply_datawriter(),
-                emplace_res.first->second->get_request_datareader());
     return rv;
@@ -1026,11 +1081,12 @@ bool FastDDSMiddleware::matched_participant_from_ref(
     auto it = participants_.find(participant_id);
     if (participants_.end() != it)
-        fastrtps::ParticipantAttributes attrs;
+        fastdds::dds::DomainParticipantExtendedQos qos;
+        auto factory = fastdds::dds::DomainParticipantFactory::get_instance();
         auto participant_domain_id = domain_id;
-        if(domain_id == UXR_CLIENT_DOMAIN_ID_TO_USE_FROM_REF && XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillParticipantAttributes(ref, attrs))
+        if(domain_id == UXR_CLIENT_DOMAIN_ID_TO_USE_FROM_REF && fastdds::dds::RETCODE_OK == factory->get_participant_extended_qos_from_profile(ref, qos))
-            participant_domain_id = static_cast<int16_t>(attrs.domainId);
+            participant_domain_id = static_cast<int16_t>(qos.domainId());
         rv = (participant_domain_id== it->second->domain_id()) && (it->second->match_from_ref(ref));
@@ -1073,11 +1129,7 @@ bool FastDDSMiddleware::matched_topic_from_ref(
     auto it = topics_.find(topic_id);
     if (topics_.end() != it)
-        fastrtps::TopicAttributes attrs;
-        if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillTopicAttributes(ref, attrs))
-        {
-            rv = it->second->match(attrs);
-        }
+        rv = it->second->match_from_ref(ref);
     return rv;
@@ -1090,11 +1142,7 @@ bool FastDDSMiddleware::matched_topic_from_xml(
     auto it = topics_.find(topic_id);
     if (topics_.end() != it)
-        fastrtps::TopicAttributes attrs;
-        if (xmlobjects::parse_topic(, xml.size(), attrs))
-        {
-            rv = it->second->match(attrs);
-        }
+        rv = it->second->match_from_xml(xml);
     return rv;
@@ -1120,11 +1168,7 @@ bool FastDDSMiddleware::matched_datawriter_from_ref(
     auto it = datawriters_.find(datawriter_id);
     if (datawriters_.end() != it)
-        fastrtps::PublisherAttributes attrs;
-        if (XMLP_ret::XML_OK == XMLProfileManager::fillPublisherAttributes(ref, attrs))
-        {
-            rv = it->second->match(attrs);
-        }
+        rv = it->second->match_from_ref(ref);
     return rv;
@@ -1137,11 +1181,7 @@ bool FastDDSMiddleware::matched_datawriter_from_xml(
     auto it = datawriters_.find(datawriter_id);
     if (datawriters_.end() != it)
-        fastrtps::PublisherAttributes attrs;
-        if (xmlobjects::parse_publisher(, xml.size(), attrs))
-        {
-            rv = it->second->match(attrs);
-        }
+        rv = it->second->match_from_xml(xml);
     return rv;
diff --git a/src/cpp/types/TopicPubSubType.cpp b/src/cpp/types/TopicPubSubType.cpp
index 3d64ef634..c715dd9b3 100644
--- a/src/cpp/types/TopicPubSubType.cpp
+++ b/src/cpp/types/TopicPubSubType.cpp
@@ -20,57 +20,79 @@ namespace eprosima {
 namespace uxr {
 TopicPubSubType::TopicPubSubType(bool with_key) {
-    m_typeSize = 1024 + 4 /*encapsulation*/;
-    m_isGetKeyDefined = with_key;
+    max_serialized_type_size = 1024 + 4 /*encapsulation*/;
+    is_compute_key_provided = with_key;
-bool TopicPubSubType::serialize(void *data, rtps::SerializedPayload_t *payload)
+bool TopicPubSubType::serialize(const void* const data, fastdds::rtps::SerializedPayload_t &payload, fastdds::dds::DataRepresentationId_t /* data_representation */)
     bool rv = false;
-    std::vector<unsigned char>* buffer = reinterpret_cast<std::vector<unsigned char>*>(data);
-    payload->data[0] = 0;
-    payload->data[1] = 1;
-    payload->data[2] = 0;
-    payload->data[3] = 0;
-    if (buffer->size() <= (payload->max_size - 4))
+    // Reinterpret cast back to a std::vector from data pointer
+    void * non_const_data = const_cast<void*>(data);
+    std::vector<unsigned char>* buffer = reinterpret_cast<std::vector<unsigned char>*>(non_const_data);
+    // Representation header
+[0] = 0;
+[1] = 1;
+[2] = 0;
+[3] = 0;
+    if (buffer->size() <= (payload.max_size - 4))
-        memcpy(&payload->data[4], buffer->data(), buffer->size());
-        payload->length = uint32_t(buffer->size() + 4); //Get the serialized length
+        memcpy(&[4], buffer->data(), buffer->size());
+        payload.length = uint32_t(buffer->size() + 4); //Get the serialized length
         rv = true;
     return rv;
-bool TopicPubSubType::deserialize(rtps::SerializedPayload_t* payload, void* data)
+bool TopicPubSubType::deserialize(fastdds::rtps::SerializedPayload_t& payload, void* data)
     std::vector<unsigned char>* buffer = reinterpret_cast<std::vector<unsigned char>*>(data);
-    buffer->assign(payload->data + 4, payload->data + payload->length);
+    buffer->assign( + 4, + payload.length);
     return true;
-std::function<uint32_t()> TopicPubSubType::getSerializedSizeProvider(void* data) {
-    return [data]() -> uint32_t
-    {
-        return (uint32_t)reinterpret_cast<std::vector<unsigned char>*>(data)->size() + 4 /*encapsulation*/;
-    };
+uint32_t TopicPubSubType::calculate_serialized_size(
+    const void* const data,
+    eprosima::fastdds::dds::DataRepresentationId_t /* data_representation */)
+    void * non_const_data = const_cast<void*>(data);
+    std::vector<unsigned char>* buffer = reinterpret_cast<std::vector<unsigned char>*>(non_const_data);
+    return static_cast<uint32_t>(buffer->size() + 4); /*encapsulation*/
-void* TopicPubSubType::createData() {
+void* TopicPubSubType::create_data()
     return (void*)new std::vector<unsigned char>;
-void TopicPubSubType::deleteData(void* data) {
+void TopicPubSubType::delete_data(
+    void* data)
     delete((std::vector<unsigned char>*)data);
-bool TopicPubSubType::getKey(void *data, rtps::InstanceHandle_t* handle, bool force_md5)
+bool TopicPubSubType::compute_key(
+    fastdds::rtps::SerializedPayload_t& /* payload */,
+    fastdds::rtps::InstanceHandle_t& /* ihandle */,
+    bool /* force_md5 */)
+    // TODO(pgarrido): Implement this function.
+    return false;
+bool TopicPubSubType::compute_key(
+    const void* const /* data */,
+    fastdds::rtps::InstanceHandle_t& /* ihandle */,
+    bool /* force_md5 */)
-    // TODO.
-    (void) data;
-    (void) handle;
-    (void) force_md5;
-    return m_isGetKeyDefined;
+    // TODO(pgarrido): Implement this function.
+    return false;
 } // namespace uxr
diff --git a/src/cpp/utils/ArgumentParser.cpp b/src/cpp/utils/ArgumentParser.cpp
index a34505ce8..49fff23a5 100644
--- a/src/cpp/utils/ArgumentParser.cpp
+++ b/src/cpp/utils/ArgumentParser.cpp
@@ -80,10 +80,6 @@ eprosima::uxr::Middleware::Kind eprosima::uxr::agent::parser::utils::get_mw_kind
         return eprosima::uxr::Middleware::Kind::FASTDDS;
-    if ("rtps" == kind)
-    {
-        return eprosima::uxr::Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS;
-    }
     if ("ced" == kind)
diff --git a/src/cpp/xmlobjects/xmlobjects.cpp b/src/cpp/xmlobjects/xmlobjects.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 05e5bc063..000000000
--- a/src/cpp/xmlobjects/xmlobjects.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 Proyectos y Sistemas de Mantenimiento SL (eProsima).
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include "xmlobjects.h"
-#include <fastrtps/attributes/all_attributes.h>
-#include <fastrtps/attributes/ReplierAttributes.hpp>
-#include <fastrtps/attributes/RequesterAttributes.hpp>
-#include <fastrtps/xmlparser/XMLParser.h>
-#include <fastrtps/xmlparser/XMLTree.h>
-using eprosima::fastrtps::ParticipantAttributes;
-using eprosima::fastrtps::PublisherAttributes;
-using eprosima::fastrtps::SubscriberAttributes;
-using eprosima::fastrtps::TopicAttributes;
-using eprosima::fastrtps::RequesterAttributes;
-using eprosima::fastrtps::ReplierAttributes;
-using eprosima::fastrtps::xmlparser::BaseNode;
-using eprosima::fastrtps::xmlparser::DataNode;
-using eprosima::fastrtps::xmlparser::NodeType;
-using eprosima::fastrtps::xmlparser::XMLP_ret;
-using eprosima::fastrtps::xmlparser::XMLParser;
-bool eprosima::uxr::xmlobjects::parse_participant(const char* source, std::size_t source_size,
-                                                        ParticipantAttributes& participant)
-    bool ret = false;
-    std::unique_ptr<BaseNode> root;
-    if (XMLParser::loadXML(source, source_size, root) == XMLP_ret::XML_OK)
-    {
-        for (const auto& profile : root->getChildren())
-        {
-            if (profile->getType() == NodeType::PARTICIPANT)
-            {
-                participant = *(dynamic_cast<DataNode<ParticipantAttributes>*>(profile.get())->get());
-                ret         = true;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return ret;
-bool eprosima::uxr::xmlobjects::parse_publisher(const char* source, size_t source_size,
-                                                      PublisherAttributes& publisher)
-    bool ret = false;
-    std::unique_ptr<BaseNode> root;
-    if (XMLParser::loadXML(source, source_size, root) == XMLP_ret::XML_OK)
-    {
-        for (const auto& profile : root->getChildren())
-        {
-            if (profile->getType() == NodeType::PUBLISHER)
-            {
-                publisher = *(dynamic_cast<DataNode<PublisherAttributes>*>(profile.get())->get());
-                ret       = true;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return ret;
-bool eprosima::uxr::xmlobjects::parse_subscriber(const char* source, size_t source_size,
-                                                       SubscriberAttributes& subscriber)
-    bool ret = false;
-    std::unique_ptr<BaseNode> root;
-    if (XMLParser::loadXML(source, source_size, root) == XMLP_ret::XML_OK)
-    {
-        for (const auto& profile : root->getChildren())
-        {
-            if (profile->getType() == NodeType::SUBSCRIBER)
-            {
-                subscriber = *(dynamic_cast<DataNode<SubscriberAttributes>*>(profile.get())->get());
-                ret        = true;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return ret;
-bool eprosima::uxr::xmlobjects::parse_topic(const char* source, std::size_t source_size, TopicAttributes& topic)
-    bool ret = false;
-    std::unique_ptr<BaseNode> root;
-    if (XMLParser::loadXML(source, source_size, root) == XMLP_ret::XML_OK)
-    {
-        for (const auto& profile : root->getChildren())
-        {
-            if (profile->getType() == NodeType::TOPIC)
-            {
-                topic = *(dynamic_cast<DataNode<TopicAttributes>*>(profile.get())->get());
-                ret   = true;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return ret;
-bool eprosima::uxr::xmlobjects::parse_requester(
-        const char* source,
-        std::size_t source_size,
-        RequesterAttributes& requester)
-    bool ret = false;
-    std::unique_ptr<BaseNode> root;
-    if (XMLParser::loadXML(source, source_size, root) == XMLP_ret::XML_OK)
-    {
-        for (const auto& profile : root->getChildren())
-        {
-            if (profile->getType() == NodeType::REQUESTER)
-            {
-                requester = *(dynamic_cast<DataNode<RequesterAttributes>*>(profile.get())->get());
-                ret   = true;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return ret;
-bool eprosima::uxr::xmlobjects::parse_replier(
-        const char* source,
-        std::size_t source_size,
-        ReplierAttributes& replier)
-    bool ret = false;
-    std::unique_ptr<BaseNode> root;
-    if (XMLParser::loadXML(source, source_size, root) == XMLP_ret::XML_OK)
-    {
-        for (const auto& profile : root->getChildren())
-        {
-            if (profile->getType() == NodeType::REPLIER)
-            {
-                replier = *(dynamic_cast<DataNode<ReplierAttributes>*>(profile.get())->get());
-                ret   = true;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return ret;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cpp/xmlobjects/xmlobjects.h b/src/cpp/xmlobjects/xmlobjects.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d02fc2dfb..000000000
--- a/src/cpp/xmlobjects/xmlobjects.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 Proyectos y Sistemas de Mantenimiento SL (eProsima).
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#ifndef _XML_OBJECTS_H
-#define _XML_OBJECTS_H
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <string>
-namespace eprosima {
-namespace fastrtps {
-class ParticipantAttributes;
-class PublisherAttributes;
-class SubscriberAttributes;
-class TopicAttributes;
-class RequesterAttributes;
-class ReplierAttributes;
-} // namespace fastrtps
-namespace uxr {
-namespace xmlobjects {
-bool parse_participant(
-    const char* source,
-    std::size_t source_size,
-    eprosima::fastrtps::ParticipantAttributes& participant);
-bool parse_publisher(
-    const char* source,
-    std::size_t source_size,
-    eprosima::fastrtps::PublisherAttributes& publisher);
-bool parse_subscriber(
-    const char* source,
-    std::size_t source_size,
-    eprosima::fastrtps::SubscriberAttributes& subscriber);
-bool parse_topic(
-    const char* source,
-    std::size_t source_size,
-    eprosima::fastrtps::TopicAttributes& topic);
-bool parse_requester(
-    const char* source,
-    std::size_t source_size,
-    eprosima::fastrtps::RequesterAttributes& requester);
-bool parse_replier(
-    const char* source,
-    std::size_t source_size,
-    eprosima::fastrtps::ReplierAttributes& replier);
-} // namespace xmlobjects
-} // namespace uxr
-} // namespace eprosima
-#endif // !_XML_OBJECTS_H
diff --git a/test/blackbox/tree/CMakeLists.txt b/test/blackbox/tree/CMakeLists.txt
index eddbd10c2..4a6096add 100644
--- a/test/blackbox/tree/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/test/blackbox/tree/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -30,9 +30,6 @@ if(GMOCK_FOUND)
-        ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/cpp/xmlobjects/xmlobjects.cpp
-        ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/cpp/middleware/fast/FastEntities.cpp
-        ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/cpp/middleware/fast/FastMiddleware.cpp
@@ -44,7 +41,7 @@ if(GMOCK_FOUND)
-            fastrtps
+            fastdds
     target_include_directories(tree_test PRIVATE
@@ -56,7 +53,7 @@ if(GMOCK_FOUND)
-            fastrtps
+            fastdds
diff --git a/test/blackbox/tree/TreeTests.cpp b/test/blackbox/tree/TreeTests.cpp
index 3488b7502..b0e865cc5 100644
--- a/test/blackbox/tree/TreeTests.cpp
+++ b/test/blackbox/tree/TreeTests.cpp
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ TEST_F(TreeTests, XMLTree)
     dds::xrce::ResultStatus response = root_.create_client(
-                Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS);
+                Middleware::Kind::FASTDDS);
     std::shared_ptr<ProxyClient> client = root_.get_client(client_representation.client_key());
     /* Common creation mode. */
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ TEST_F(TreeTests, REFTree)
     dds::xrce::ResultStatus response = root_.create_client(
-                Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS);
+                Middleware::Kind::FASTDDS);
     std::shared_ptr<ProxyClient> client = root_.get_client(client_representation.client_key());
     /* Common creation mode. */
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ TEST_F(TreeTests, CreationModeXMLTree)
     dds::xrce::ResultStatus response = root_.create_client(
-                eprosima::uxr::Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS);
+                eprosima::uxr::Middleware::Kind::FASTDDS);
     std::shared_ptr<ProxyClient> client = root_.get_client(client_representation.client_key());
     /* Common creation mode. */
@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ TEST_F(TreeTests, CreationModeREFTree)
     dds::xrce::ResultStatus response = root_.create_client(
-                Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS);
+                Middleware::Kind::FASTDDS);
     std::shared_ptr<ProxyClient> client = root_.get_client(client_representation.client_key());
     /* Common creation mode. */
diff --git a/test/cmake/CMakeLists.txt b/test/cmake/CMakeLists.txt
index 2e892ac54..96fd94c6c 100644
--- a/test/cmake/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/test/cmake/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ project(PackagingTest)
 # Find package.
 find_package(fastcdr REQUIRED)
-find_package(fastrtps REQUIRED)
+find_package(fastdds REQUIRED)
 find_package(microxrcedds_agent REQUIRED)
 add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} main.cpp)
diff --git a/test/unittest/CMakeLists.txt b/test/unittest/CMakeLists.txt
index baaf68f49..104506c1d 100644
--- a/test/unittest/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/test/unittest/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ add_gtest(test-root
-        fastrtps
+        fastdds
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ target_include_directories(test-root
-        fastrtps
+        fastdds
diff --git a/test/unittest/agent/AgentUnitTests.cpp b/test/unittest/agent/AgentUnitTests.cpp
index a21dc632a..dcaaf48f7 100644
--- a/test/unittest/agent/AgentUnitTests.cpp
+++ b/test/unittest/agent/AgentUnitTests.cpp
@@ -998,33 +998,6 @@ TEST_P(AgentUnitTests, RegisterCallbackFunctions)
     switch (GetParam())
-        case Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS:
-        {
-            std::function<void (
-                const fastrtps::Participant *)> on_create_participant
-                ([&](
-                    const fastrtps::Participant* /*participant*/) -> void
-                {
-                    participant_callback_flag = true;
-                });
-            agent_.add_middleware_callback(
-                Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS,
-                middleware::CallbackKind::CREATE_PARTICIPANT,
-                std::move(on_create_participant));
-            std::function<void (
-                const fastrtps::Participant *)> on_delete_participant
-                ([&](
-                    const fastrtps::Participant* /*participant*/) -> void
-                {
-                    participant_callback_flag = false;
-                });
-            agent_.add_middleware_callback(
-                Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS,
-                middleware::CallbackKind::DELETE_PARTICIPANT,
-                std::move(on_delete_participant));
-            break;
-        }
         case Middleware::Kind::FASTDDS:
             std::function<void (
@@ -1085,7 +1058,7 @@ TEST_P(AgentUnitTests, RegisterCallbackFunctions)
-                        ::testing::Values(Middleware::Kind::FASTRTPS,Middleware::Kind::FASTDDS));
+                        ::testing::Values(Middleware::Kind::FASTDDS));
 } // namespace testing
 } // namespace uxr
diff --git a/test/unittest/agent/CMakeLists.txt b/test/unittest/agent/CMakeLists.txt
index 34de72a61..ef35dd495 100644
--- a/test/unittest/agent/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/test/unittest/agent/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ add_gtest(${TEST_NAME}
-        fastrtps
+        fastdds
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ target_include_directories(${TEST_NAME}
-        fastrtps
+        fastdds
diff --git a/test/unittest/root/DataReaderTests.cpp b/test/unittest/root/DataReaderTests.cpp
index 6450c1616..3e20b310e 100644
--- a/test/unittest/root/DataReaderTests.cpp
+++ b/test/unittest/root/DataReaderTests.cpp
@@ -14,18 +14,6 @@
 #include "DataReaderTests.h"
-// DataReader(eprosima::fastrtps::Participant* rtps_participant, ReaderListener* read_list);
-// ~DataReader() noexcept override;
-// bool init();
-// bool init(const std::string& xmlrep);
-// int read(const READ_DATA_Payload& read_data);
-// void on_max_timeout(const asio::error_code& error);
-// void on_rate_timeout(const asio::error_code& error);
-// void onSubscriptionMatched(eprosima::fastrtps::rtps::MatchingInfo& info);
-// void onNewDataMessage(fastrtps::Subscriber* sub);
 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
 namespace eprosima {

From 9f97bd97dcdc549df63004010142c9ffd9407cfe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pablo Garrido <>
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2024 09:28:18 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Replace system_clock with steady_clock (#376)

Signed-off-by: Pablo Garrido <>
 src/cpp/transport/stream_framing/StreamFramingProtocol.cpp | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/cpp/transport/stream_framing/StreamFramingProtocol.cpp b/src/cpp/transport/stream_framing/StreamFramingProtocol.cpp
index 667d40898..9e242e341 100644
--- a/src/cpp/transport/stream_framing/StreamFramingProtocol.cpp
+++ b/src/cpp/transport/stream_framing/StreamFramingProtocol.cpp
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ size_t FramingIO::transport_read(
         TransportRc& transport_rc,
         size_t max_size)
-    const auto time_init = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
+    const auto time_init = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
      * Compute read-buffer available size.
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ size_t FramingIO::transport_read(
     int time_elapsed = static_cast<int>(
-            std::chrono::system_clock::now() - time_init)
+            std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - time_init)
     timeout -= (time_elapsed == 0) ? 1 : time_elapsed;

From 8ff6e96c0e17ef2bd83b812c2aed9c788ff7a20a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pablo Garrido <>
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2024 10:01:31 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Bump version

Signed-off-by: Pablo Garrido <>
 CMakeLists.txt | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index d185fdf77..486da704a 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ option(UAGENT_SECURITY_PROFILE "Build security profile." OFF)
 option(UAGENT_BUILD_EXECUTABLE "Build Micro XRCE-DDS Agent provided executable." ON)
 option(UAGENT_BUILD_USAGE_EXAMPLES "Build Micro XRCE-DDS Agent built-in usage examples" OFF)
-set(UAGENT_P2P_CLIENT_VERSION 2.4.3 CACHE STRING "Sets Micro XRCE-DDS client version for P2P")
-set(UAGENT_P2P_CLIENT_TAG v2.4.3 CACHE STRING "Sets Micro XRCE-DDS client tag for P2P")
+set(UAGENT_P2P_CLIENT_VERSION 3.0.0 CACHE STRING "Sets Micro XRCE-DDS client version for P2P")
+set(UAGENT_P2P_CLIENT_TAG v3.0.0 CACHE STRING "Sets Micro XRCE-DDS client tag for P2P")
 option(UAGENT_BUILD_CI_TESTS "Build CI test cases.")
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ endif()
-    project(microxrcedds_agent VERSION "2.4.3" LANGUAGES C CXX)
+    project(microxrcedds_agent VERSION "3.0.0" LANGUAGES C CXX)
     project(uagent_superbuild NONE)