The following features are added to the wishlist to be implemented:
- Code: Adding support for ChatGPT
- Code: Passing TopK matches parameters in the REST API call to the BotQnAHTTPFunc
- ARM: Implementing Dedicated Plan with B1 for the Function App, instead of the Premium Plan
- Code: Adding Form Recognizer either as a new data source to the "kmoaiprocessed" container, or as a new Custom Skill
- Code: Storing contents, embeddings, and queries in Cosmos. It's important to know which are the most asked queries.
- ARM: Adding Application Insights to the ARM template
- Automated Azure Functions deployment through ARM template
- Code: Adding a custom skill that processes csv files
- Code: Adding a demo for HTML crawling
- Code: Adding an embedding match filtering (in Redis) for filtering on metadata
- GUI for triggering Cognitive Search and Form Recognizer document ingestion - streamlit
- ChatGPT integration (when released on Azure)
- Code: Adding support for fine-tuned models.