- Fix
: Remove accidental reliance on list name autocompletion, which has been removed from R.
- Migrate from Travis CI to Github Actions for CMD check and codecov, not yet for automated deployment.
- Remove dyneval dependency
- Minor changes due to changes in dynwrap v1.0
- Enable automatic deployment via travis-ci
- Justify lens buttons
- Use master branch of dynwrap instead of devel
- Time and memory are now formatted relative to the limits in the questions (fixes #46)
- If time and memory exceed the limit, they are clipped
- Remove debug javascript messages
- Fix javascript error for lenses which activated wrong columns
- Fix bug when no n_cells or n_features is entered
- Clean stability column names
- Clean scalability column names
- Add tooltips to priors
- Small fixes for default columns
- Cleanup of exported function and documentation
- Add category headers, just like figure 2/3
- Columns are now sorted within each category, categories are sorted according to figure 2/3
- New columns: overall scores within each category, wrapper type, prior information
- New lens: Summary (Fig. 2)
- Show lenses by default
- Several small cosmetic changes
- Code and doi links are opened in a new tab
- Not knowing the explicit topology will now filter on multifurcations as well
- Add warning column for when a method errors too often
- Several fixes for more readable columns (such as usability)
- Update deployment instructions
- Rename scaling to scalability
- Update for new dynbenchmark results
- Add new coloring scheme
- Add stability, shown by default as a warning that a method produces an unstable result
- INITIAL RELEASE: dynguidelines, user guidelines for trajectory inference
- A shiny app which lets you select the most optimal trajectory inference method based on a number of user-dependent and dataset-dependent parameters