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aliendude5300 edited this page Oct 12, 2011 · 17 revisions

Welcome to the LibreScribe wiki! LibreScribe is an effort to create an easy-to-use and feature complete LiveScribe desktop client replacement for the Linux operating system. A large portion of the code in LibreScribe is based off of libsmartpen (, by Steven Walter. This project is licensed under version 2 of the GNU General Public License.

Development Environment Setup (Ubuntu Linux; Debian instructions should be similar)

In order to build LibreScribe, you will need several packages installed. At the moment, this list is somewhat overkill, in order to ensure that all of the necessary dependencies are installed. This list may be missing a few dependencies, or contain unnecessary dependencies. Feel free to improve it if you can.

To install the necessary software so that you can build and develop LibreScribe, open a terminal and enter

sudo apt-get install build-essential codeblocks codeblocks-contrib libwxbase2.8-dbg libwxbase2.8-dev libwxgtk2.8-dbg libwxgtk2.8-dev wx2.8-headers wx-common wxformbuilder libopenobex1-dev libglib2.0-0-dbg eglibc-source libudev-dev libusb-dev libusb++-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libxml.* libgtk2.0-dev libgnome2-dev git libwxsmithlib0 libtool autogen

Once you install all of those files, you will want to create a symbolic link to set the default version of wxWidgets to 2.8.

cd /usr/include

sudo ln -sv wx-2.8/wx wx

You're almost ready to work! First, change back to the directory you want your project to be in, such as your home directory.

cd $HOME

Finally, once you are in the directory where you want to have your LibreScribe files, clone the git repository.

git clone git://

You should be able to build and run the project using Code::Blocks.

Clone this wiki locally