This Fortran program generates a csv file from an IOAPI data file for a set of species at defined site locations.
- Program can shift to local standard time for hourly data based on default time zone file
- Data at all cells or at defined site locations can be specified
- Date range can be specified
- Grid layer can be specified
INFILE name of IOAPI input file. Supported map projections are Lambert conformal, polar stereographic,
and lat/lon
SITE_FILE name of input file containing sites to process (default is all cells)
DELIMITER delimiter used in site file (default is <tab>)
USECOLROW site file contains column/row values (default is N, meaning lon/lat values will be used)
TZFILE location of time zone data file, tz.csv (this is a required input file)
OUTFILE name of output file
LAYER grid layer to output (default is 1)
USELOCAL adjust to local standard time (default is N)
TIMESHIFT shifts time of data (default is 0)
PRTHEAD switch to output header records (default is Y)
PRT_XY switch to output map projection coordinates (default is Y)
STARTDATE first date to process (default is starting date of input file)
ENDDATE last date to process (default is ending date of input file)
SPECIES_# list of species to output (e.g. setenv SPECIES_1 O3).
To extract all species use: setenv SPECIES_1 ALL
The SITE_FILE file has one line per location with the following format:
is a user-defined text string used to label each location. The text string is then used in the 'sideid' column of OUTFILE. It can represent a station ID associated with a given pair of latitude and longitude values, a string consisting of column and row numbers ifUSECOLROW
is T, or any other unique string with a length up to 10 characters.DELIMITER
is defined by the associated environment variable.X
are:- By default, longitude/latitude in decimal degrees
- If
is T, thenX
should be between (1,NCOLS
) andY
should be between (1,NROWS
IOAPI_ISPH projection sphere type (use type #20 to match WRF/CMAQ)
(ioapi default is 8)
Execute the build script to compile writesite:
cd $CMAQ_HOME/POST/writesite/scripts
./bldit_writesite.csh [compiler] [version] |& tee build_writesite.log
Edit the sample run script (run.writesite), then run:
./run.writesite|& tee writesite.log
Check the log file to ensure complete and correct execution without errors.