See a project demo here 👈
This app is based on the classic children's puzzle book game Where's Waldo.
- Written in vanilla JavaScript
- Built using React and MUI React Components
- Back-end implemented via Firebase
- Tested with Jest
- 6 unique levels, each with 4 characters to find
- Writes user info (name and time) to Cloud Firestore after each level is complete
- Best Times scoreboards for each level display real-time user data
- Routing handled with React-router-dom
- A user-friendly DOM puzzle magnifying glass
- Responsive / mobile-friendly design
- Real-time character hit/miss feedback
- Explicit user names filtered out with the help of bad-words
- Written using functional components and hooks
My goal for this project was to build a full-stack photo-tagging app, while learning to work with a BaaS provider like Firebase. As a secondary goal, I wanted to create a relatively complex app that would tie together everything I've been learning about React over the past several months.
The biggest challenges for this project were simply getting familiar with several new pieces of technology at once - mainly Firebase and MUI - and implementing them smoothly into the project. Lots of documentation!