Releases: dvize/SPT-TypeScript
v1.2.5 Fins AI Tweaks
It is now updated for SPT 3.3.0.
- Added a new Legendary Player mode where if you survive 10 straight runs in a row.. it will clone your character from that exact moment. Each run over ten it will keep a snapshot of a player you could encounter. Set percent chance out of 100 in settings... the percent chance isn't actually that percentage though because the player sits in a cached queue too, so its like 1/4 of that.
- Noticed that scavs = assault weren't included in the role changes for 3.3.0. I detect if its a scav and then based on the percentage chance in AITweaks config, it will assign a new role (same function that the PMCs now get assigned.)
- Kept the regular AI Changes otherwise - skill tweaks whatever.
Note there is a large pause at the profile loading screen... your shit is not frozen.
Let me know in comments how you feel about the bot roles given to scavs as of right now.
V1.2.3 Fins AI Tweaks
Fixed issues with multiple raids causing an error. Also cleaned up configs so you should only see values you need.
V 1.2.2 Fins AI Tweaks
Fixed inventory gen issues. inventory filtering. Level experience for pmcs.
V1.6.6 Faupi-MunitionsExpert
Recompiled for new GClass since I didn't want to wait for Chomp ( i know hes busy)
v 1.2.1 Fins AI Tweaks
Fix for PMC Bot not being detected
v 1.2.0 Fins AI Tweaks
Removed all the code that wasn't related to AI Difficulty... that means bot / item load out generation (8000 lines of code related to this). It does keep the automatic raid difficulty feature.
That means half the shit you edit probably won't work.
In-Raid Modding was removed.. if you want it use my separate mod.
Good thing is that this means Server Value Modifier is probably compatible as long as you don't edit AI related values.
v 1.1.0 Fins AI Tweaks
Updated to work in 3.2.5 .. may not be bug free... i just tested to make sure it launches and entering/exiting a raid is fine.
Fin already included in-raid modding so you don't need my in-raid modding mod (i updated his again for this mod).
For some reason there is a large pause when just getting into raid.. fk i don't know what it is but im guessing it has to do with assigning AI.
Error messages in console log is normal.. do not message me about this.
V1.0.0 JoshJ5Hawk-NoHydroEnergy
Updated to new Typescript format and 3.2.5.
v1.3.0 Props in Raid Modding
Updated to latest server typescript show functions should fire correctly now.
muted logger for some items (people freak out seeing red text)
v1.2.0 Props in Raid Modding
Had to go back and borrow from Fin's code for the weapon generation and update that to 3.2.x.
At this point its pretty much just Fin's updated code.