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LocalCast Weather

Learn Angular, Angular Material, RxJS, and Signal fundamentals with LocalCast Weather using the Kanban method.

Discover stage management with NgRx and SignalStore.

View live demo:

See Changes section for important or breaking changes made to the project.

Angular Version CircleCI DeepScan grade Coverage Status Kanban Board


Chapter specific examples within projects have been renamed, from a ch format to stage. e.g. projects/ch2 would now be located under projects/stage2.

Get the book

LocalCast Weather has been developed to support my book Angular for Enterprise Applications. You can get the book at any major bookstore or find the links at

Watch the talk on Architecture for Scalable Angular Apps on Pluralsight.

Check out the slides for Architecture for Scalable Angular Apps free at

Check out LemonMart, an Angular Grocery Store LOB App implemented with a Router-first architecture with common recipes and patterns at You can also use LemonMart as a template project to start your own app.

Build, debug and publish Docker images with npm Scripts for Docker and achieve Blue-Green deployments on AWS Fargate with npm Scripts for AWS.


  • npm run build:prod is used to build a production-optimized version of the app.
  • npm run docker:debug to run tests and build a containerized version of the app.


This app was developed to demonstrate Angular fundamentals, unit testing, and different techniques for building Angular apps using reactive patterns. The app is a good blueprint if you intend to build a largely single-screen app experience. Questions? Consider creating an issue on this repo and buying my book at


  • Do NOT install @angular/cli or typescript globally to avoid version mismatch issues across multiple projects.
    • Note: When creating new projects in the future, execute npx @angular/cli new app-name --routing to create a new Angular app with basic routing wired.
    • If you have trouble with this command, try npx -p @angular/cli new app-name --routing
  • To run ng commands from within the project directory, preprend npx to commands, like npx ng build.
  • To continue using ng without having to prepend npx, configure shell autofallback as described here:

Adapting the template

  • Fork and clone this repo.
  • Rename the repo on GitHub to match the name of your project.
  • Search and replace references to lemon-mart with your project name and git repo.
  • Remove manager, pos, and inventory folders and references to them from app-routing.module.ts.
  • To fit your needs, you may modify profile.component.ts and view-user.component.ts under the user folder.
  • Edit lemonmart-theme.scss to match your desired color scheme.
  • Now you may begin implementing your own feature modules.

During Development

  • Run npm start for a development web server.
  • Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
  • Run npm test to execute the unit tests via Karma.
  • Run npm run e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Cypress.

Code scaffolding

  • Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.

Further help with Angular CLI

To get more help on the Angular CLI, use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.

Full-Stack Setup with Docker Compose and Deploying to AWS

See the example project here


Changes are inevitable to keep the project up-to-date with libraries, tools, patterns and practices. Below are some notable changes that differ from the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd edition of my book.

Angular 17

  • Moved to control flow syntax
  • Implemented a nearly observable and subscribe-free version using SignalStore in projects/signal-store

Angular 16

  • Renamed projects from ch2 format to stage2, so they make sense in the 3rd edition.
  • Replaced tslint with eslint
  • Replaced protractor with cypress for e2e, added tests
  • Moved to Standalone configuration
  • Plan to add @ngrx/component-store example

Angular 13-15

  • Updated
  • Introduced ngx-mock to supplement angular-unit-test-helper for mocking components
  • Replaced @angular/flex-layout with @ngbracket/ngx-layout
  • Removed jsbeautify and import-sort in prep for migration to eslint
  • Disabled code coverage in prep for migration to Jest
  • Updated style and lint scripts
  • Updated config.yml for CircleCI updates

Angular 12 configuration changes

  • Enabled bundle budgets
  • Introduction development configuration
  • Made production configuration the default one
  • Added npm run watch command
  • Strict settings on by default


Renamed master branch to main

If you already have a master branch locally, then execute the following commands:

git branch -m master main
git fetch origin
git branch -u origin/main main
git remote set-head origin -a


  • now package has been replaced with vercel.
  • CircleCI variable renamed from $NOW_TOKEN to $VERCEL_TOKEN.
  • npm run now:publish renamed to npm run vercel:publish.
  • now v1 configuration with docker deployment is removed.

Sadly no longer exists. I recommend using GitHub Projects as a free replacement.

Using Zeit Now with Docker

Unfortunately, Zeit Now no longer allows the publication of arbitrary Dockerfile images. Using Zeit v2 you can publish the output of your dist folder and still be able to host your application for free.

A replacement for publishing arbitrary Docker images would be a new service called Google Cloud Run. A sample command would look like gcloud beta run deploy --image localcast-weather.

Using Google Cloud Run with Docker

As of January 2024, Cloud Run has deprecated private container repositories, which breaks its integration with the docker command. This seemingly subtle change moves Cloud Run from an easy-to-use to a complicated-cloud-service category. For this reason, it has been removed from the book.