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File metadata and controls

66 lines (32 loc) · 2.07 KB


Projeto de SEC

How to execute our project (final version)

1 - Open a terminal at project's base directory

-> mvn clean install

2 - Open a terminal N for server N in {basedir}/Server

-> mvn spring-boot:run

\\ It will ask to insert all other server ports

-> 8000,8001,...,N (except the port of the server you're opening. So, except 8XXX, that you'll insert below.)

\\ It will then ask you to insert your server port

-> 8XXX

\\ Then when all servers you want to start are at this stage press enter

3 - Open terminal(s) for clients in {basedir}/Client

-> mvn spring-boot:run

\\ It will ask to insert all ports from the known servers

-> X \\ 8000,8001,8002...N

\\ It will ask to insert the client id

-> X \\ Can be 1 or 2 if you want to add more you will need to create new keys

\\ Then you will need to insert the keystore and private key passwords

-> clientXpassword \\ X is client id

\\ Then you can insert the application commands

-> register/post/read/postGeneral/readGeneral (and an extra command called login)

\\ Then follow the instructions to complete the commands


  • if you want to remove the application state go the Server/date and erase the state files;

  • if you want to have more clients you will need to generate new keys in Client/data/keys and paste the key's certificate, on the server's keys directory Server/data/keys. The commands to create the keys are the following:

    1 - gerar private key e certificado

    -> openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -passout pass:clientXpassword -keyout clientX_private_key.key -x509 -days 365 -out clientX_certificate.crt

    2 - converter private key e certificado para pkcs12

    -> openssl pkcs12 -export -in clientX_certificate.crt -inkey clientX_private_key.key -name clientX -out clientX_pkcs12.p12 -passout pass:clientXpassword

    3 - generate keystore from pkcs12 file

    -> keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore clientX_pkcs12.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore clientX_keystore.jks -deststoretype JKS