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Algorithms for TC53

Updated November 20, 2020


  • This document defines formal algorithms for the draft of the TC53 specification
  • This document describes some, but not all, of the APIs (additional APIs will be added)
  • The intent is to merge these algorithms into the specification
  • The style of these algorithms is inspired by ECMA-262, but does not try to follow it

Internal Fields

Internal fields are implementation dependent and never accessible outside the implementation. For instance they can be C structure fields, JavaScript private fields, or a combination of both.

Every object conforming to a Class Pattern is expected to have one or several internal fields. This document uses the following operators on internal fields.


  1. For each internal field of the class being defined
    1. Let name be the name of the internal field
    2. Throw if object has no internal field named name

CheckInternalFields throws if an internal field is absent. That can be implicit when internal fields are JavaScript private fields, or can be explicit when internal fields are C structure fields. The purpose of CheckInternalFields is to ensure that object is an instance of the class being defined.


  1. For each internal field of the class being defined
    1. Let name be the name of the internal field
    2. Clear the internal field named name of object

ClearInternalFields zeroes all internal fields. That can be storing null in JavaScript private fields, or can be storing NULL in C structure fields. The purpose of ClearInternalFields is to ensure that object is in a consistent state when constructed and closed.

GetInternalField(object, name)

  1. Return the value stored in the internal field named name of object

GetInternalField is trivial for JavaScript private fields, but can involve value conversion for C structure field like converting C NULL into JavaScript null.

SetInternalField(object, name, value)

  1. Store value in the internal field named name of object

SetInternalField is trivial for JavaScript private fields, but can involve value conversion for C structure field like converting JavaScript null into C NULL.

Base Class Pattern


  1. ClearInternalFields(this)
  2. Throw if options is undefined or null
  3. Let params be an empty object
  4. For each supported option
    1. Let name be the name of the supported option
    2. If HasProperty(options, name)
      1. Let value be GetProperty(options, name)
      2. Throw if value is not in the valid range of the supported option
    3. Else
      1. Throw if the supported option has no default value
      2. Let value be the default value of the supported option
    4. DefineProperty(params, name, value)
  5. For each supported callback option
    1. Let name be the name of the supported callback option
    2. Let callback be GetProperty(params, name)
    3. If callback is not null
      1. SetInternalField(this, name, callback)
  6. Let value be GetProperty(params, "target")
  7. If value is not undefined
    1. DefineProperty(this, "target", value)
  8. Mark this as ineligible for garbage collection


  • Supported options, with their names, default values and valid ranges, are defined by a separate table for every class conforming to the Base Class Pattern.

  • The params object is unobservable. Its purpose in the algorithm is to ensure that properties of the options object are only accessed once and that the options object can be frozen. Local variables can be used instead, for instance:

      let pin = 2;
      if (options !== undefined) {
      	if ("pin" in options)) {
      		pin =;
      		if ((pin < 0) || (3 < pin))
      			throw new RangeError(`invalid pin ${pin}`);  
  • Most classes conforming to the Base Class Pattern are expected to support one or several callbacks. Callbacks are supported options: their default value is null, their valid range is null or a JavaScript function. Callbacks are stored in internal fields and are always called with this set to the constructed object.

  • There is only one option that is always supported: its name is "target", its default value is undefined and its range is any JavaScript value.


  1. CheckInternalFields(this)
  2. Mark this as eligible for garbage collection
  3. Cancel any pending callbacks for this
  4. ClearInternalFields(this)

IO Class Pattern


  1. Execute steps 1 to 7 of the Base Class Pattern constructor
  2. Let value be GetProperty(params, "format")
  3. SetInternalField(this, "format", value)
  4. Try
    1. Let resources be the hardware resources specified by params
    2. Throw if resources are unavailable
    3. Allocate and configure resources
    4. Throw if allocation or configuration failed
    5. SetInternalField(this, "resources", resources)
  5. Catch exception
    1. Call(this, GetProperty(this, "close"`));
    2. Throw exception
  6. Execute step 8 of the Base Class Pattern constructor


  1. Execute step 1 of the Base Class Pattern close method
  2. Let resources be GetInternalField(this, "resources");
  3. Return if resources is null
  4. Execute steps 2 and 3 of the Base Class Pattern close method
  5. Free resources
  6. Execute step 4 of the Base Class Pattern close method


  1. CheckInternalFields(this);
  2. Let resources be GetInternalField(this, "resources");
  3. Throw if resources is null
  4. Throw if params are absent but required, or present but not in the valid range
  5. Let data be undefined
  6. If resources are readable
    1. Read from resources into data
    2. Format data according to GetInternalField(this, ”format”)
  7. Return data.


  1. CheckInternalFields(this);
  2. Let resources be GetInternalField(this, "resources");
  3. Throw if resources is null
  4. Throw if data are absent or not formatted according to GetInternalField(this, ”format”)
  5. Throw if params are absent but required, or present but not in the valid range
  6. Throw if resources are not writable
  7. Write from data into resources

set format(value)

  1. CheckInternalFields(this);
  2. Throw if value is not in the valid range of "format"
  3. SetInternalField(this, "format", value)

get format()

  1. CheckInternalFields(this);
  2. Return GetInternalField(this, "format")


  • Hardware resources can require one or several internal fields which should be all cleared and checked. The "resources" internal field is only a convention in this document.
  • For every available format, the ranges of read and write data are defined by a separate table for every class conforming to the IO Class Pattern.
  • The order, requirements and ranges of read and write params are defined by a separate table for every class conforming to the IO Class Pattern.

IO Classes


constructor options:

Property Required Range Default
pin yes Host dependent pin specifier
mode yes Digital.Input, Digital.InputPullUp, Digital.InputPullDown, Digital.InputPullUpDown, Digital.Output, or Digital.OutputOpenDrain.
edge no* Digital.Rising, Digital.Falling, and `Digital.Rising Digital.Falling`
onReadable no null or Function null
format no "number" "number"
  • If the onReadable option is not null, edge is required to have a non-zero value.


Format Read Write
"number" 0 or 1 0 or 1

read params

Param Required Range Default

write params:

Param Required Range Default

Peripheral Class Pattern


  1. Execute steps 1 to 7 of the Base Class Pattern constructor
  2. Try
    1. For each supported IO connection
      1. Let name be the name of the supported IO connection.
      2. Let ioOptions be GetProperty(params, name)
      3. Let ioConstructor be GetProperty(ioOptions, "io")
      4. Let ioConnection be Construct(ioConstructor, ioOptions)
      5. SetInternalField(this, name, ioConnection);
    2. Configure the peripheral with params
    3. Throw if the communication with the peripheral is not operational
    4. Activate the peripheral
    5. SetInternalField(this, "status", "ready");
  3. Catch exception
    1. Call(this, GetProperty(this, "close"`));
    2. Throw exception
  4. Execute step 8 of the Base Class Pattern constructor


  1. Execute step 1 of the Base Class Pattern close method
  2. Let status be GetInternalField(this, "status");
  3. Return if status is null
  4. Execute steps 2 and 3 of the Base Class Pattern close method
  5. Deactivate the peripheral
  6. For each supported IO connection
    1. Let name be the name of the supported IO connection.
    2. Let ioConnection be GetInternalField(this, name);
    3. If ioConnection is not null
      1. Call(ioConnection, "close");
  7. Execute step 4 of the Base Class Pattern close method


  1. CheckInternalFields(this);
  2. Let status be GetInternalField(this, "status");
  3. Throw if status is null
  4. Throw if options is undefined or null
  5. For each supported option
    1. Let name be the name of the supported option
    2. If HasProperty(options, name)
      1. Let value be GetProperty(options, name)
      2. Throw if value is not in the valid range of the supported option
  6. Configure the peripheral with options


  • Supported IO connections are supported options. Their value must be an object with an io property, which is the class of the IO connection.

Sensor Class Pattern


  1. Execute all steps of the Peripheral Class Pattern constructor


  1. Execute all steps of the Peripheral Class Pattern close method


  1. Execute all steps of the Peripheral Class Pattern configure method


  1. CheckInternalFields(this);
  2. Let status be GetInternalField(this, "status");
  3. Throw if status is null
  4. Throw if params are absent but required, or present but not in the valid range
  5. If the peripheral is readable
    1. Let result be an empty object
    2. For each sample property
      1. Let name be the name of the sample property
      2. Let value be undefined
      3. Read from the peripheral into value
      4. DefineProperty(result, name, value);
  6. Else
    1. Let result be undefined
  7. Return result.


  • The order, requirements and ranges of sample params are defined by a separate table for every class conforming to the Sensor Class Pattern.
  • The requirements and ranges of properties in sample result are defined by a separate table for every class conforming to the Sensor Class Pattern.

Sensor Classes


sample params:

| Param | Required | Range | Default | | :--- | :---: | :--- | :--- |x

sample result:

Property Required Range Description
x Yes Number acceleration along the x axis in meters per second squared
y Yes Number acceleration along the y axis in meters per second squared
z Yes Number acceleration along the z axis in meters per second squared

IO Provider Class Pattern


  1. Execute steps 1 to 7 of the Base Class Pattern constructor
  2. Let onReadable be a function with the following steps:
    1. Let data be Call(this, GetProperty(this, "read"`));
    2. Let provider be GetProperty(this, "target");
    3. Dispatch data among IO objects of provider
  3. Let count be the number of supported IO connection
  4. Let onWritable be a function with the following steps:
    1. Let count be count - 1
    2. If count is 0
      1. Let provider be GetProperty(this, "target");
      2. Configure provider with params
      3. Add supported IO constructors to provider
      4. SetInternalField(provider, "status", "ready");
      5. Let callback be GetInternalField(provider, "onReady");
      6. If callback is not null
        1. Call(provider, callback);
  5. Let onError be a function with the following steps:
    1. Let provider be GetProperty(this, "target");
    2. Dispatch the error to open IO objects of provider
    3. Call(provider , GetProperty(provider, "close"`));
    4. Let callback be GetInternalField(provider , "onError");
    5. If callback is not null
      1. Call(provider, callback);
  6. Try
    1. For each supported IO connection
      1. Let name be the name of the supported IO connection.
      2. Let ioOptions be GetProperty(params, name)
      3. Let ioParams be a copy of ioOptions
      4. Let ioConstructor be GetProperty(ioParams, "io")
      5. DefineProperty(ioParams, "onReadable", onReadable);
      6. DefineProperty(ioParams, "onWritable", onWritable);
      7. DefineProperty(ioParams, "onError", onError);
      8. DefineProperty(ioParams, "target", this);
      9. Let ioConnection be Construct(ioConstructor, ioParams)
      10. SetInternalField(this, name, ioConnection);
  7. Catch exception
    1. Call(this, GetProperty(this, "close"`));
    2. Throw exception
  8. Execute step 8 of the Base Class Pattern constructor


  1. Execute all steps of the Peripheral Class Pattern close method