From 2ed083a8cd279628d4c585d156ff607847a3d9cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: brightfan <>
Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2014 12:55:26 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] added gagewatershed function and changed makefile

 src/gagewatershed.cpp   | 322 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/gagewatershedmn.cpp | 140 +++++++++++++++++
 src/makefile            |   8 +-
 3 files changed, 468 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/gagewatershed.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/gagewatershedmn.cpp

diff --git a/src/gagewatershed.cpp b/src/gagewatershed.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..433a85aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gagewatershed.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+/*  Gridnet function to compute grid network order and upstream 
+    lengths based on D8 model  
+  David Tarboton
+  Utah State University  
+  May 23, 2010 
+/*  Copyright (C) 2010  David Tarboton, Utah State University
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 
+version 2, 1991 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+A copy of the full GNU General Public License is included in file 
+gpl.html. This is also available at:
+or from:
+The Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
+Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+If you wish to use or incorporate this program (or parts of it) into 
+other software that does not meet the GNU General Public License 
+conditions contact the author to request permission.
+David G. Tarboton  
+Utah State University 
+8200 Old Main Hill 
+Logan, UT 84322-8200 
+//  This software is distributed from
+#include <mpi.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <queue>
+#include "commonLib.h"
+#include "linearpart.h"
+#include "createpart.h"
+#include "tiffIO.h"
+using namespace std;
+int gagewatershed( char *pfile, char *wfile, char *shfile, char *idfile, int writeid, int prow, int pcol) 
+	int rank,size;
+	MPI_Comm_rank(MCW,&rank);//returns the rank of the calling processes in a communicator
+	MPI_Comm_size(MCW,&size);//returns the number of processes in a communicator
+	if(rank==0)printf("Gage Watershed version %s\n",TDVERSION);
+	double *x=NULL, *y=NULL;
+	int numOutlets=0;
+	int *ids=NULL;
+	int *dsids=NULL;
+	int idnodata;
+	double begint = MPI_Wtime();
+	if(rank==0){//4
+		if(readoutlets(shfile, &numOutlets, x, y,ids)==0){
+			MPI_Bcast(&numOutlets, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MCW);
+			MPI_Bcast(x, numOutlets, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MCW);
+			MPI_Bcast(y, numOutlets, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MCW);
+			MPI_Bcast(ids, numOutlets, MPI_INT, 0, MCW);
+			//  Find the minimum id to use it - 1 for no data 
+			idnodata=ids[0];
+			for(int i=1; i<numOutlets; i++)
+			{
+				if(ids[i]<idnodata)idnodata=ids[i];
+			}
+			idnodata=idnodata-1;
+			MPI_Bcast(&idnodata,1,MPI_INT,0,MCW);
+			//printf("after bcast\n"); fflush(stdout);
+		}//5
+		else {
+			printf("Error opening shapefile. Exiting \n");
+			MPI_Abort(MCW,5);
+		}
+	}//4
+	else {
+		//int countPts;
+		//MPI_Bcast(&countPts, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MCW);
+		MPI_Bcast(&numOutlets, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MCW);
+		//x = (double*) malloc( sizeof( double ) * numOutlets );
+		//y = (double*) malloc( sizeof( double ) * numOutlets );
+		x = new double[numOutlets];
+		y = new double[numOutlets];
+		ids = new int[numOutlets];
+		MPI_Bcast(x, numOutlets, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MCW);
+		MPI_Bcast(y, numOutlets, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MCW);
+		MPI_Bcast(ids, numOutlets, MPI_INT, 0, MCW);
+		MPI_Bcast(&idnodata,1,MPI_INT,0,MCW);
+	}
+	dsids=new int[numOutlets];
+	//printf("Rank: %d, Numoutlets: %d\n",rank,numOutlets); fflush(stdout);
+//	for(int i=0; i< numOutlets; i++)
+//		printf("rank: %d, X: %lf, Y: %lf\n",rank,x[i],y[i]);
+	//Create tiff object, read and store header info
+	tiffIO p(pfile,SHORT_TYPE);
+	long totalX = p.getTotalX();
+	long totalY = p.getTotalY();
+	double dx = p.getdx();
+	double dy = p.getdy();
+	if(rank==0)
+		{
+			float timeestimate=(1.2e-6*totalX*totalY/pow((double) size,0.65))/60+1;  // Time estimate in minutes
+			fprintf(stderr,"This run may take on the order of %.0f minutes to complete.\n",timeestimate);
+			fprintf(stderr,"This estimate is very approximate. \nRun time is highly uncertain as it depends on the complexity of the input data \nand speed and memory of the computer. This estimate is based on our testing on \na dual quad core Dell Xeon E5405 2.0GHz PC with 16GB RAM.\n");
+			fflush(stderr);
+		}
+	//printf("After header read %d\n",rank);   fflush(stdout);
+	//Create partition and read data
+	tdpartition *flowData;
+	flowData = CreateNewPartition(p.getDatatype(), totalX, totalY, dx, dy, p.getNodata());
+	int nx = flowData->getnx();
+	int ny = flowData->getny();
+	int xstart, ystart;
+	flowData->localToGlobal(0, 0, xstart, ystart);
+, ystart, ny, nx, flowData->getGridPointer());
+	//printf("Pfile read");  fflush(stdout);
+	//Begin timer
+	double readt = MPI_Wtime();
+	//printf("Read time %lf\n",readt);
+	//fflush(stdout);
+	//Create empty partition to store new information
+	tdpartition *wshed;
+	wshed = CreateNewPartition(LONG_TYPE, totalX, totalY, dx, dy, MISSINGLONG);
+	//Convert geo coords to grid coords
+	int *outletsX, *outletsY;
+	outletsX = new int[numOutlets];
+	outletsY = new int[numOutlets];
+	node temp;
+	queue<node> que;
+	for( int i=0; i<numOutlets; i++)
+	{
+		p.geoToGlobalXY(x[i], y[i], outletsX[i], outletsY[i]);
+		int xlocal, ylocal;
+		wshed->globalToLocal(outletsX[i], outletsY[i],xlocal,ylocal);
+		if(wshed->isInPartition(xlocal,ylocal)){   //xOutlets[i], yOutlets[i])){
+			wshed->setData(xlocal,ylocal,(long)ids[i]);  //xOutlets[i], yOutlets[i], (long)ids[i]);
+							//Push outlet cells on to que
+						temp.x = xlocal;
+						temp.y = ylocal;
+						que.push(temp);	
+		}
+		dsids[i]= idnodata;  
+	}
+	// con is used to check for contamination at the edges
+	long i,j;
+	short k;
+	long in,jn;
+	bool con=false, finished;
+	float tempFloat=0.0;
+	short tempShort=0;
+	long tempLong=0;
+	tdpartition *neighbor;
+	neighbor = CreateNewPartition(SHORT_TYPE, totalX, totalY, dx, dy, MISSINGSHORT);
+	//  Initialize neighbors to 1 if flow direction exists
+		for(j=0; j<ny; j++) {
+			for(i=0; i<nx; i++) {
+				if(!flowData->isNodata(i,j)) {
+					//Set contributing neighbors to 0 
+					neighbor->setData(i,j,(short)1);
+				}
+			}
+		} 
+	//Share information and set borders to zero
+	flowData->share();
+	neighbor->clearBorders();
+	wshed->share();
+	finished = false;
+	//Ring terminating while loop
+	while(!finished) {
+		while(!que.empty()){
+			//Takes next node with no contributing neighbors
+			temp = que.front();
+			que.pop();
+			i = temp.x;
+			j = temp.y;	
+			//  if not labeled, label with downstream result
+			if(wshed->isNodata(i,j))
+			{
+				flowData->getData(i,j,k);
+				in=i+d1[k];
+				jn=j+d2[k];
+				wshed->setData(i,j,wshed->getData(in,jn,tempLong));
+			}
+			//  if upstream is not labeled, put upstream on queue
+			for(k=1; k<=8; k++)
+			{  
+				in=i+d1[k];
+				jn=j+d2[k];
+				/* test if neighbor drains towards cell excluding boundaries */
+				short sdir = flowData->getData(in,jn,tempShort);
+				if(sdir > 0) 
+				{
+					if((sdir-k==4 || sdir-k==-4))
+					{
+						//  add to Q
+						if(flowData->hasAccess(in,jn) && !flowData->isNodata(in,jn) && wshed->isNodata(in,jn)){
+							//Decrement the number of contributing neighbors in neighbor
+							neighbor->addToData(in,jn,(short)-1);
+							//Check if neighbor needs to be added to que
+							if(flowData->isInPartition(in,jn) && neighbor->getData(in, jn, tempShort) == 0 ){
+								temp.x=in;
+								temp.y=jn;
+								que.push(temp);
+							}
+						}
+						if(!wshed->isNodata(in,jn))
+						{
+							long idup=wshed->getData(in,jn,tempLong);
+							long idme=wshed->getData(i,j,tempLong);
+							//  Find the array index for idup
+							int iidex;
+							for(iidex=0; iidex<numOutlets; iidex++)
+							{
+								if(ids[iidex]==idup)break;
+							}
+							dsids[iidex]=idme;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		//Pass information
+		neighbor->addBorders();
+		wshed->share();
+		//If this created a cell with no contributing neighbors, put it on the queue
+		for(i=0; i<nx; i++){
+			if(neighbor->getData(i, -1, tempShort)!=0 && neighbor->getData(i, 0, tempShort)==0){
+				temp.x = i;
+				temp.y = 0;
+				que.push(temp);
+			}
+			if(neighbor->getData(i, ny, tempShort)!=0 && neighbor->getData(i, ny-1, tempShort)==0){
+				temp.x = i;
+				temp.y = ny-1;
+				que.push(temp); 
+			}
+		}
+		//Clear out borders
+		neighbor->clearBorders();
+		//Check if done
+		finished = que.empty();
+		finished = wshed->ringTerm(finished);
+	}
+	//  Reduce all values to the 0 process
+	int *dsidsr;	
+    dsidsr=new int[numOutlets];
+	MPI_Reduce(dsids, dsidsr,numOutlets,MPI_INT, MPI_MAX,0, MCW);
+	//Stop timer
+	double computet = MPI_Wtime();
+//  Write id.txt with from and to links
+	if(writeid == 1)
+	{
+		if(rank == 0)
+		{
+				FILE *fidout;
+				fidout = fopen(idfile,"w");// process 0 writes 
+				fprintf(fidout,"id iddown\n");
+				for(i=0; i<numOutlets; i++)
+				{
+					fprintf(fidout,"%d %d\n",ids[i],dsidsr[i]);
+				}
+		}
+	}
+	//Create and write TIFF file
+	long lNodata = MISSINGLONG;
+	char prefix[5] = "src";
+	tiffIO wshedIO(wfile, LONG_TYPE, &lNodata, p);
+	wshedIO.write(xstart, ystart, ny, nx, wshed->getGridPointer(), prefix, prow, pcol);
+	double writet = MPI_Wtime();
+	if( rank == 0) 
+		printf("Size: %d\nRead time: %f\nCompute time: %f\nWrite time: %f\nTotal time: %f\n",
+		  size,readt-begint, computet-readt, writet-computet,writet-begint);
+	//Brackets force MPI-dependent objects to go out of scope before Finalize is called
+	}MPI_Finalize();
+	return 0;
diff --git a/src/gagewatershedmn.cpp b/src/gagewatershedmn.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18b0e06a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gagewatershedmn.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+/*  GaggeWatershedmn main program to compute gage watersheds
+     based on D8 model  
+  David Tarboton, John Koudelka
+  Utah State University  
+  January 7, 2011 
+/*  Copyright (C) 2010  David Tarboton, Utah State University
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 
+version 2, 1991 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+A copy of the full GNU General Public License is included in file 
+gpl.html. This is also available at:
+or from:
+The Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
+Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+If you wish to use or incorporate this program (or parts of it) into 
+other software that does not meet the GNU General Public License 
+conditions contact the author to request permission.
+David G. Tarboton  
+Utah State University 
+8200 Old Main Hill 
+Logan, UT 84322-8200 
+//  This software is distributed from
+#include <time.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "commonLib.h"
+#include "tardemlib.h"
+int gagewatershed( char *pfile, char *wfile, char *shfile, char *idfile, int writeid, int prow, int pcol);
+int main(int argc,char **argv)
+   char pfile[MAXLN],wfile[MAXLN],shfile[MAXLN],idfile[MAXLN];
+   int err,useOutlets=0,useMask=0,thresh=0,i=1,writeid=0,prow=0, pcol=0;
+   if(argc <= 2)
+    {  	
+	   goto errexit;
+    }
+	while(argc > i)
+	{
+		if(strcmp(argv[i],"-p")==0)
+		{
+			i++;
+			if(argc > i)
+			{
+				strcpy(pfile,argv[i]);
+				i++;
+			}
+			else goto errexit;
+		}
+                else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-mf")==0)
+                {
+                        i++;
+                        if(argc > i)
+                        {
+                                prow = atoi(argv[i]);
+                                i++;
+                                if(argc > i)
+                                {
+                                        pcol = atoi(argv[i]);
+                                        i++;
+                                }
+                                else goto errexit;
+                        }
+                        else goto errexit;
+                        if(prow <=0 || pcol <=0)
+                                goto errexit;
+                }
+		else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-o")==0)
+		{
+			i++;
+			if(argc > i)
+			{
+				strcpy(shfile,argv[i]);
+				i++;
+			}
+			else goto errexit;
+		}
+		else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-gw")==0)
+		{
+			i++;
+			if(argc > i)
+			{
+				strcpy(wfile,argv[i]);
+				i++;
+			}
+			else goto errexit;
+		}
+		else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-id")==0)
+		{
+			i++;
+			if(argc > i)
+			{
+				strcpy(idfile,argv[i]);
+				writeid=1;  
+				i++;
+			}
+			else goto errexit;
+		}
+		else 
+		{
+			goto errexit;
+		}
+	}
+    if( (err=gagewatershed(pfile,wfile,shfile,idfile,writeid,prow,pcol)) != 0)
+        printf("Gage watershed error %d\n",err);
+	return 0;
+	   printf("Usage:\n %s -p <pfile> -o <outletshape> -gw <gagewatershed> [-id <idfile>]\n",argv[0]);
+	   printf("<pfile> is the name of the input D8 flow direction grid file.\n");
+	   printf("<outletshape> is the name of the input outlet shapefile.\n");
+	   printf("<gagewatershed> is the output gagewatershed grid file.\n");
+	   printf("<idfile> is optional output text file giving watershed downslope connectivity.\n\n");
+       exit(0);
diff --git a/src/makefile b/src/makefile
index f5412773..34dca94c 100644
--- a/src/makefile
+++ b/src/makefile
@@ -74,18 +74,19 @@ SLOPEAVEDOWN = SlopeAveDown.o SlopeAveDownmn.o $(OBJFILES)
 STREAMNET = streamnetmn.o streamnet.o $(OBJFILES) $(SHAPEFILES)
 THRESHOLD = Threshold.o Thresholdmn.o $(OBJFILES)
+GAGEWATERSHED = gagewatershed.o gagewatershedmn.o $(OBJFILES) $(SHAPEFILES)
 READTIFFILES = ReadTif.o ReadTifmn.o $(OBJFILES) 
 TIFFTEST = tiffTest.o $(OBJFILES)
 #The following are compiler flags common to all building rules
-CC ?= mpic++
+CC = mpic++
 CFLAGS += -O2
 INCDIRS =-I/usr/lib/openmpi/include
 #Rules: when and how to make a file
-all : ../areadinf ../aread8 ../moveoutletstostrm ../dropanalysis ../streamnet ../gridnet ../dinfflowdir ../d8flowdir ../d8flowpathextremeup ../d8hdisttostrm ../dinfavalanche ../dinfconclimaccum ../dinfdecayaccum ../dinfdistdown ../dinfdistup ../dinfrevaccum ../dinftranslimaccum ../dinfupdependence ../lengtharea ../peukerdouglas ../pitremove ../slopearea ../slopearearatio ../slopeavedown ../threshold ../twi clean 
+all : ../areadinf ../aread8 ../moveoutletstostrm ../dropanalysis ../streamnet ../gridnet ../dinfflowdir ../d8flowdir ../d8flowpathextremeup ../d8hdisttostrm ../dinfavalanche ../dinfconclimaccum ../dinfdecayaccum ../dinfdistdown ../dinfdistup ../dinfrevaccum ../dinftranslimaccum ../dinfupdependence ../lengtharea ../peukerdouglas ../pitremove ../slopearea ../slopearearatio ../slopeavedown ../threshold ../twi ../gagewatershed clean 
 ../aread8 : $(D8FILES)
@@ -165,6 +166,9 @@ all : ../areadinf ../aread8 ../moveoutletstostrm ../dropanalysis ../streamnet ..
 ../twi : $(TWI)
 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(LIBDIRS) $(TWI) $(LDLIBS) $(LDFLAGS)
+../gagewatershed : $(GAGEWATERSHED)
 ../ReadTif : $(READTIFFILES)