This is an example of automatically producing traces using the SignalFx Tracing Library for .NET. This example is a simple web app that just executes an HTTP call when its only endpoint is called. It's auto-instrumented by the SignalFx Tracing Library for .NET Buildpack.
To deploy this example on CloudFoundry you need to have cfcli installed. If you want to compile and run it locally .NET Core needs to be installed on your machine.
To run this example locally and send traces to your available Smart Agent or OpenTelemetry Collector, please run the following command from this directory:
$ dotnet publish
To verify that it works you can just run it and check if the endpoint responds:
$ # in first console window
$ dotnet run
$ # in second console window
$ curl http://localhost:8080/get/example
To build a Windows executable please run the following command from this directory:
$ dotnet publish -o publish -r win-x64
This will create a publish
directory with all compiled binaries.
Please install the SignalFx Tracing Library for .NET Buildpack using these instructions.
In case you run cf create-buildpack
manually please make sure that the buildpack name remains unchanged - or please change the manifest.yml
Executing the following commands will deploy this example to your CloudFoundry org:
# Configure the tracing library
$ cf set-env my-app SIGNALFX_SERVICE_NAME <application name>
$ cf set-env my-app SIGNALFX_ENDPOINT_URL <Smart agent or OTel collector address>
# Deploy the app using manifest-linux.yml
$ cf push -f manifest-linux.yml
The SignalFx Tracing Library for .NET will be automatically applied to your app by the buildpack.
You need to build the application executable before deployment.
After you have built the Windows executables you can now run the following commands to deploy this example to your CloudFoundry org:
# Use manifest-windows.yml as the application manifest
$ cp manifest-windows.yml publish/manifest.yml
$ cd publish
# Configure the tracing library
$ cf set-env my-app SIGNALFX_SERVICE_NAME <application name>
$ cf set-env my-app SIGNALFX_ENDPOINT_URL <Smart agent or OTel collector address>
# Deploy the app
$ cf push