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File metadata and controls

335 lines (224 loc) · 11.8 KB


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This library contains useful functions and classes mainly for a web development with Django (form and model fields, shortcuts, advanced datastructure, decoraters etc.). For more details see examples below.


1. Forms


django.forms.DecimalField with step parameter and validated min and max parameters.


Widget for safe rendering of readonly form values.

2. Models


Mixin for automatic South migration of custom model fields.


django.db.models.DecimalField with step, min and max parameters. Uses chamber.forms.fields.DecimalField as default form field.


Same as FileField, but you can specify:

  • content_types - list containing allowed content_types. Example: ['application/pdf', 'image/jpeg']
  • max_upload_size - a number indicating the maximum file size allowed for upload in MB. Maximum upload size can be specified in project settings under MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_SIZE constant


django.db.models.FileField with RestrictedFileFieldMixin options.


sorl.thumbnail.ImageField (fallback to django.db.models.ImageField) with RestrictedFileFieldMixin options.


django.db.models.CharField that stores NULL but returns ''.

3. SmartQuerySet chamber.models.SmartQuerySet

SmartModel introduced to Chamber uses by default a modified QuerySet with some convenience filters.

If you are overriding model manager of a SmartModel, you should incorporate SmartQuerySet in order not to lose its benefits and to follow the Rule of the Least Surprise (everyone using your SmartModel will assume the custom filters to be there).

  1. If the manager is created using the QuerySet.as_manager() method, your custom queryset should subclass SmartQuerySet instead the one from Django.
  2. If you have a new manager created by subclassing models.Manager from Django, you should override the get_queryset method as shown in Django docs here.

List of the added filters follows.

3.1 fast_distinct()

Returns same result as regular distinct() but is much faster especially in PostgreSQL which performs distinct on all DB columns. The optimization is achieved by doing a second query and the __in operator. If you have queryset qs of MyModel then fast_distinct() equals to calling

MyModel.objects.filter(pk__in=qs.values_list('pk', flat=True))

4. Model Dispatchers

Model dispatchers are a way to reduce complexity of _pre_save and _post_save methods of the SmartModel. A common use-case of these methods is to perform some action based on the change of the model, e.g. send a notification e-mail when the state of the invoice changes.

Better alternative is to define a handler function encapsulating the action that should happen when the model changes in a certain way. This handler is registered on the model using a proper dispatcher.

So far, there are two types of dispatchers but you are free to subclass the BaseDispatcher class to create your own, see the code as reference. During save of the model, the __call__ method of all dispatchers is invoked with following parameters:

  1. obj ... instance of the model that is being saved
  2. changed_fields ... list of field names that was changed since the last save
  3. *args ... custom arguments passed to the save method (can be used to pass additional arguments to your custom dispatchers)
  4. **kwargs ... custom keyword arguments passed to the save method

The moment when the handler should be fired may be important. Therefore, you can register the dispatcher either in the pre_save_dispatchers group or post_save_dispatchers group. Both groups are dispatched immediately after the _pre_save or _post_save method respectively.

When the handler is fired, it is passed a single argument -- the instance of the SmartModel that is being saved. Here is an example of a handler that is registered on a User model:

def send_email(user):
    # Code that actually sends the e-mail
    send_html_email(, subject='Your profile was updated')

4.1 Property Dispatcher

chamber.models.dispatchers.PropertyDispatcher is a versatile dispatcher that fires the given handler when a specified property of the model evaluates to True.

The example shows how to to register the aforementioned send_email handler to be dispatched after saving the object if the property should_send_email returns True.

class MySmartModel(chamber_models.SmartModel):
    email_sent = models.BooleanField()

    post_save_dispatchers = (
        PropertyDispatcher(send_email, 'should_send_email'),
    def should_send_email(self):
        return not self.email_sent

4.2 State Dispatcher

In the following example, where we register my_handler function to be dispatched during _pre_save method when the state changes to SECOND. This is done using chamber.models.dispatchers.StateDispatcher.

def my_handler(my_smart_model):
    # Do that useful stuff

class MySmartModel(chamber_models.SmartModel):

    STATE = ChoicesNumEnum(
        ('FIRST', _('first'), 1),
        ('SECOND', _('second'), 2),
    state = models.IntegerField(choices=STATE.choices, default=STATE.FIRST)

    pre_save_dispatchers = (
        StateDispatcher(my_handler, STATE, state, STATE.SECOND),

4.2 State Dispatcher

A common use-case is to perform an action whenever an instance of a particular model is created. chamber.models.dispatchers.CreatedDispatcher is provided to accommodate this need. An update of the instance will not trigger the handler.

def my_handler(my_smart_model):
    # Do that useful stuff when a new instance of MySmartModel is created

class MySmartModel(chamber_models.SmartModel):

    post_save_dispatchers = (



remove_accent('ěščřžýáíé') # 'escrzyaie'


It returns a method of a given class or instance.


Base enumeration class with controlled __getattr__.


Python's set with AbstractEnum behaviour.


Python's dict with AbstractEnum behaviour.

>>> NumEnum('a', 'b')
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}


Base choices class (as used in Model field's choices argument).


django.utils.datastructures.SortedDict with AbstractEnum and AbstractChoicesEnum behaviour. Useful for string based choices.

>>> enum = ChoicesEnum(('OK', 'ok'), ('KO', 'ko'))
>>> enum
{'OK': 'ok', 'KO': 'ko'}
>>> enum.OK
>>> enum.choices
[('OK', 'ok'), ('KO', 'ko')]


django.utils.datastructures.SortedDict with AbstractEnum and AbstractChoicesEnum behaviour. Useful for integer based choices.

>>> enum = ChoicesNumEnum(('OK', 'ok', 1), ('KO', 'ko', 2))
>>> enum.KO
>>> enum.choices
[(1, 'ok'), (2, 'ko')]
>>> enum.get_label(2)


Ties property to class, usefull for usage in class methods.

class RestResource(BaseResource):
    def csrf_exempt(cls):
        return not cls.login_required

    def as_view(cls, allowed_methods=None, **initkwargs):
        view.csrf_exempt = cls.csrf_exempt


Class decorator, which allows for only one instance of class to exist.


Sets short_description attribute (this attribute is used by list_display and formulars).

def absolute_amount(self):
    return abs(self.amount)

is equivalent of

def absolute_amount(self):
    return abs(self.amount)
absolute_amount.short_description = 'amount'


Returns True if passed formset contains FileField (or ImageField).


Assemble query string from dict of parameters.

>>> query_string_from_dict({'q': 'query1', 'user': 'test'})



Takes Model or QuerySet and arguments and returns instance of Model if exists, None otherwise.

>>> get_object_or_none(User, pk=1)
<User: Gaul Asterix>
>>> get_object_or_none(User.objects.exclude(pk=1), pk=1) or ''


Takes Model or QuerySet and arguments and returns instance of Model if exists, raises django.http.response.Http404 otherwise.

>>> get_object_or_404(User, pk=1)
<User: Gaul Asterix>
>>> get_object_or_404(User.objects.exclude(pk=1), pk=1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/var/ve/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chamber/", line 21, in get_object_or_404
    raise Http404


Takes Model or QuerySet and distinction parameters and returns list of unique values.

>>> User.objects.filter(last_name='Gaul')
[<User: Gaul Obelix>, <User: Gaul Asterix>]
>>> distinct_field(User.objects.filter(last_name='Gaul'), 'last_name')


Takes negate bool (True for exclude, False for filter), Model or QuerySet and date parameters and return queryset filtered or excluded by date parameters.

>>> Order.objects.values_list('created_at', flat=True)
[datetime.datetime(2014, 4, 6, 15, 56, 16, 727000, tzinfo=<UTC>),
 datetime.datetime(2014, 2, 6, 15, 56, 16, 727000, tzinfo=<UTC>),
 datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 11, 23, 15, 43, 727000, tzinfo=<UTC>)]
>>> filter_or_exclude_by_date(False, Order, created_at=date(2014, 2, 6))
[<Order: MI-1234567>]
>>> filter_or_exclude_by_date(False, Order, created_at=date(2014, 2, 6))[0].created_at
datetime.datetime(2014, 2, 6, 15, 56, 16, 727000, tzinfo=<UTC>)


Shortcut for chamber.shortcuts.filter_or_exclude_by_date with first parameter False.


Shortcut for chamber.shortcuts.filter_or_exclude_by_date with first parameter True.


For contribution go to example directory and call make install to install an example project.


To run tests go to example directory and call make test.


See LICENSE file.