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Episode #10110/19/15STRANGER THINGS“Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers”STRANGER THINGS #101 10/07/15 (YELLOW)We HEAR A LOW-END RUMBLE.1.Like the GROWL OF AN UNSEEN BEAST.Superimpose titles:NOVEMBER 6th, 1983HAWKINS, INDIANA1EXT. HAWKINS - SKY - NIGHT 1FADE UP on the night sky.1Dark clouds swallow the stars.WE TILT DOWN to find an IMPOSING BUILDING, sitting alone in adense woods. Superimpose titles:HAWKINS NATIONAL LABORATORYU.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY2INT. HAWKINS LABS - SUB-LEVEL CORRIDOR2We are now inside the laboratory... SLOWLY CREEPING down along windowless corridor toward a STEEL DOOR. Fluorescentlights flicker... a SIREN WARBLES... And we continue to HEARthat LOW-END RUMBLE...We DRAW CLOSER to the door... and closer... and...WHOOM!THE DOOR EXPLODES OPEN.A SCIENTIST staggers out.THE HINGES SHRIEKING.Terrified.He sprints down the corridor.Running for his life.Faster, faster, faster -3INT. HAWKINS LABS - SUB-LEVEL CORRIDOR & ELEVATORHe rounds a corner.3Up ahead: a FREIGHT ELEVATOR.He mashes the CALL BUTTON. As he waits for the elevator toarrive, he keeps looking back over his shoulder... down thatlong corridor. Terrified.The elevator arrives.The doors grind vertically open.The scientist leaps inside. He hits the button for the topfloor. As he waits for the doors to close, he hears:A STRANGE RUMBLING NOISE.COMING FROM ABOVE HIM.He looks up at the ceiling.His eyes grow wide and --(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)32.CONTINUED:3WATCH THROUGH THE FLICKERING LIGHTS AS THE SCIENTIST ISSUCKED UP TOWARD THE CEILING BY SOMETHING. HIS LEGS KICKVIOLENTLY IN MID-AIR AND HE SCREAMS IN HORROR AND THEN -The elevator doors snap shut.4EXT. SUBURBAN NEIGHBORHOOD - NIGHTHISS!4LAWN SPRINKLERS kick on.We are now in a 1980s SUBURBAN CUL-DE-SAC.We HEAR the VOICE OF A YOUNG BOY.Quiet.Calm.Dramatic, intense.MIKE (V.O.)Do you hear that? Listen...We FOCUS on a TWO-STORY HOUSE at the end of the cul-de-sac.The mailbox reads: "THE WHEELERS."MIKE (V.O.)... Something is coming...something hungry for blood...5INT. WHEELER HOUSE - BASEMENT - NIGHT5A GROUP OF BOYS, 12 years old, play DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS.They sit around a CARD TABLE. A GRID MAP is spread out onthe table before them, along with a nearly empty pizza box,canned Cokes, and the all-important DUNGEONS AND DRAGONSMONSTER MANUAL.MIKE WHEELER, 12, is the "Dungeon Master" and de facto leaderof our group.MIKE (CONT'D)... A shadow grows on the wallbehind you... swallowing you indarkness... it is almost here...The other boys lean forward.Riveted.We survey them:LUCAS SINCLAIR, 12, playing as a knight. He is very smallbut his loud mouth more than makes up for it.DUSTIN HENDERSON, 12, playing as a dwarf. He is the mostfearful -- and least confident -- of our group.WILL BYERS, 12, playing as a wizard.gentle, delicate.He is soft-spoken,(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/07/15 (YELLOW)53.CONTINUED:5WILL... What is it?DUSTINWhat if it's the Demogorgon? We'rein deep shit if it's the Demogorgon -LUCASIt's not the Demogorgon --Mike waits for them to settle down.Then:MIKEAn army of Troglodytes charge intothe chamber!He slams SIX WINGED MINIATURES onto the map.MIKE (CONT'D)Their tails drum the floor.Boom! Boom!Boom!DUSTINTroglodytes?!Toldja.Pfff.LUCASDUSTINMike looks over his shoulder.His eyes grow wide.MIKEWait... do you hear that? Boom!Boom! BOOM! That sound... itdidn't come from the Troglodytes.No. It came from something else...Mike slams a LARGE TWO-HEADED MONSTER MINIATURE onto the map.MIKE (CONT'D)THE DEMOGORGON.The boys stare.DUSTINWe're in deep shit.MIKEWill, your action.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/07/15 (YELLOW)54.CONTINUED: (2)Will swallows.5God, he wishes it wasn't his turn.WILLI -- I don't know -LUCASFireball him -WILLI'd have to roll thirteen or higher -Too risky.DUSTINCast a protection spell --LUCASDon't be a wimp!Fireball him!DUSTINProtection spell -- !MIKEThe Demogorgon is tired of yoursilly human bickering. It stompstoward you. BOOM!LUCASFIREBALL HIM WILL!MIKEAnother step. BOOM!DUSTINCast protection!MIKEIt roars in anger -LUCASFireball -- !And -FIREBALL!DUSTINProtection -MIKEWILLWill rolls the dice. Too hard. The dice scatters to theother side of the basement. It lands by the basement steps.LUCASWhat is it?!WILLI don't know!(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)55.CONTINUED: (3)5DUSTINIs it a thirteen?WILLI DON'T KNOW!The boys scramble to look at the dice when -WHOOM! The basement door swings open. The boys look up tofind KAREN WHEELER, late 30s, Mike's mom, standing at the topof the stairs.MIKEMom, we're in the middle of acampaign -KARENYou mean the end.She taps her watch.KAREN (CONT'D)Fifteen after.6INT. WHEELER HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT6Mike chases his mom up out of the basement.MIKEJust twenty more minutes -KARENIt's a school night, Michael, and Ijust put Holly to bed. You canfinish next weekend -MIKEThat'll ruin the flow -Michael --KARENMIKEI'm serious, Mom! It took twoweeks to plan. How was I supposedto know it'd take ten hours -- ?KARENYou've been playing ten hours?Mike's dad, TED, 45, is watching TV. Or trying to. Thesignal is terrible; a snowstorm of STATIC obscures the image.He smacks the TV.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)66.CONTINUED:6MIKEDad, don't you think -- ?TED(not even listening)I think you should listen to yourmother. DAGGUM PIECE OF JUNK!He smacks the TV again.7The static flares.INT. WHEELER HOUSE - BASEMENT - NIGHT7Lucas, Dustin, and Will stuff belongings into backpacks.WILLDoes the seven count?LUCAS(shit)It was a seven?Will nods.LUCAS (CONT'D)Did Mike see it?Will shakes his head.LUCAS (CONT'D)Then it doesn't count.The boys zip up their backpacks and race up the stairs.Dustin holds up the pizza box.Still one slice left.DUSTINHey guys -- anyone want this?!No!LUCAS/WILLDustin looks back at the pizza.8Considers.INT. WHEELER HOUSE - UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - NIGHT8Dustin heads upstairs, pizza box in arms. He walks up to abedroom door. Through a crack in the door, he sees...NANCY WHEELER. This is Mike's sister, 16, girl-next-doorpretty. She is on her bed in pajamas, a phone in hand,fingers twisting its cord, slender legs kicked in the air.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/07/15 (YELLOW)87.CONTINUED:8NANCYI know, I know, but -- I don'tthink so -- yeah, he's cute, but -Barb -- BARB! -- listen to me --Dustin waves, getting her attention.Holds up the pizza box.DUSTINHey Nancy, there's a slice left ifyou want. Pepperoni and sausage -NANCY(into phone)Hold on -Nancy walks over and -SHUTS THE DOOR in Dustin's face.9EXT./INT. WHEELER GARAGE - NIGHTWHOOM!9Dustin shuts the garage door behind him.He's in the middle of eating the last pizza slice. The otherthree boys are out here already: Lucas and Will are climbingonto their bikes; Mike is seeing them off.DUSTIN(talking with mouth full)Something's wrong with your sister.MIKEWhat're you talking about?DUSTINShe's got a stick up her butt -LUCASIt's 'cause she's seeing that barfbag, Steve Harrington -DUSTINYeah, she's turning into a realjerk.MIKEShe's always been a real jerk -Dustin climbs onto his bike.DUSTINNu-uh. She used to be cool. Likethat time she dressed up as an elffor our Eldertree campaign -(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)98.CONTINUED:9MIKEFour years ago!DUSTINJust sayin'.Dustin and Lucas bike off out of the garage.Will lingers behind a second longer.Turns back to Mike.WILL... It was a seven.What?MIKEWILLThe roll. It was a seven.Demogorgon -- it got me.(shrugs)See you tomorrow.TheWill smiles at Mike, then bikes away, joining the others.BZZZZZ.The light in the garage flicks.Strange.Mike switches it off and heads back inside.10EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD - NIGHT10The boys bike home. Their handlebar lights wink in thenight. And good thing, because it's very dark out here.Lucas peels off from the group.LUCASSee ya, ladies.DUSTINKiss your mom 'night for me.Lucas flips him the bird and bikes up a driveway towards aTWO-STORY HOUSE. It looks almost identical to Mike's.Will and Dustin bike on in silence for a beat, then:DUSTIN (CONT'D)Race to my place? Winner gets acomic?Any comic?WILL(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/07/15 (YELLOW)10CONTINUED:10Yeah --DUSTINWill has heard enough.He starts pedaling.Fast.DUSTIN (CONT'D)Hey!Dustin pedals in pursuit.119.But he's already behind.And...EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD - A FEW MINUTES LATER - NIGHT11Will whizzes past a house at the far end of neighborhood.He waves at Dustin.Now fifty yards back.WILLI'll take your "X-Men" one-threefour!Dustin stops.Out-of-breath.DUSTIN(really bummed)... Man.12EXT. FOREST ROAD - LATER - NIGHT12Will is now biking along an empty forest road.All alone.He lives much further out than the rest of his friends. Itis even darker out here and quiet; unnervingly so. Only theSOUND of CICADAS and a gentle breeze to keep him company.He bikes past a LARGE METAL FENCE.A warning sign reads:HAWKINS NATIONAL LABORATORY.RESTRICTED AREA. NO TRESPASSING.His bike's headlight flickers. Will looks down at it. Aftera beat, the light returns to normal. He looks back up and -A TALL FIGURE STANDS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD.Will yanks the handle bars -- loses control -He veers off the road -- explodes into -13EXT. WOODS - CONTINUOUS13And CRASHES. Will flies off the bike. He skids, rolls, eatsdirt. As he lies there on the ground, gasping, he hears:STRANGE GUTTURAL SOUNDS.COMING FROM BEHIND HIM.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)1310.CONTINUED:13He pushes to his feet and turns to the sound. Foliageshudders. The SOUNDS GROW. Something is coming.Will abandons his bike -And runs.14EXT. BYERS HOUSE - NIGHT14Will bursts out of the woods.Up ahead: his HOUSE.It is small, one story, lower class, falling apart.15INT. BYERS HOUSE - NIGHT15Will slams the door shut behind him and bolts the lock.A shaggy dog, CHESTER THE MUTT, races to greet him.WILLJONATHAN?!MOM?!He checks his MOM'S BEDROOM.No one is home.16MOM?!His BROTHER'S BEDROOM.He is all alone.INT. BYERS HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT16Will scrambles back to the living room window.He cups his hands to the glass and peers out into the yard.It is dark.Murky.Quiet.A gust of wind blows and...Day-old laundry flutters on a clothes line to REVEAL...THAT FIGURE AGAIN. JUST STANDING THERE AMONGST THE BILLOWINGLAUNDRY. WE CAN'T MAKE OUT ANY FEATURES, BUT ITS PROPORTIONSSEEM... OFF. ITS HEAD IS TOO LARGE. ITS ARMS ARE TOO LONG.ITS BODY IS SWOLLEN AND BENT IN A STRANGE, TWISTED SHAPE.Another gust of wind.The clothes flutters again and...The Figure is gone.Will pales.17His heart in his throat.INT. BYERS HOUSE - KITCHEN - MOMENTS LATER - NIGHTWill rips the phone receiver off the kitchen wall.911. But -It does not ring.17DialsJust hums with LOW-END STATIC.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)1711.CONTINUED:17Hello?!WILLHELLO -- ?!Will pauses. He HEARS SOMETHING on the other line. But nota voice... it is that GUTTURAL SOUND he heard in the woods.The pitch rises and falls, making a series of strange sounds.Words? It is as if the figure... whoever... whatever itis... is somehow speaking to him through the phone receiver.Behind him, Chester begins to GROWL at the front door.Will lowers the phone.And looks back at the door.A SHADOW fills the crack at the base of the door.And then somehow, impossibly, the chain bolt begins to slideopen, as if drawn by an invisible hand. The metal SHRIEKS.Will drops the phone and -18EXT. BYERS HOUSE - BACK YARD - NIGHTWHOOM!18Will explodes out the back screen door.He sprints into an OLD WOODEN SHED and -19INT. BYERS SHED - MOMENTS LATER - NIGHTWHAM!He slams the shed doors behind him.His eyes dart.19Breathing hard.Searching for something.The shed is cluttered and dark, lit only by a NAKED LIGHTBULB, hanging from the ceiling. The bulb buzzes, flickers.At last he spots it:AN OLD REMINGTON RIFLE.DUSTY.HANGING ON A WALL MOUNT.Will yanks it down, retrieves a few AMMO SHELLS from a workbench, and loads the rifle as fast as he can, which isn'tvery fast at all; he is so scared his hands sweat and shake.Will finishes loading the rifle. He snaps the chamber shutand aims it at the door. The rifle trembles in his hands.While Will keeps his eyes trained on the door, we notice aSHADOWED FIGURE SLOWLY RISE behind him.Will senses movement.He just stares.Turns.He doesn't fire.Paralyzed by fear.Shock.He fights tears.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)2113.EXT. HOPPER'S TRAILER - MORNING21Hopper steps out onto a decrepit porch.He lights up a HAND-ROLLED CIGARETTE.Drags on it.His trailer is perched on the shore of a lake. It's a bitlonely out here. But damn if it isn't beautiful.Hop rubs his arms.22Getting cold.Enough beauty for now.INT. HOPPER'S TRAILER - BATHROOM - A LITTLE LATER - MORNING- Hopper showers.22So tiny in here his body barely fits.- Hopper studies his beard in the mirror.Doesn't.Considers shaving.- Hopper pops open a PLASTIC VIAL labeled "TUINAL." Heshakes out two capsules. Red and blue. Scoops a mouthful ofwater. Washes them down.23INT. HOPPER'S TRAILER - BEDROOM - A LITTLE LATER - MORNING23Hopper dresses. He yanks on a pair of brown pants... amatching brown collared shirt... a belt with a holster... a9MM GLOCK... a gray hat... and lastly, he clips on...A GOLD BADGE.It reads:HAWKINS POLICE.CHIEF.Behind him, the TV continues to drones...LOCAL NEWSWOMAN (ON TV)... In other news, it seems likeyou may want to stay in tonight -or pack an umbrella. Let's go nowto everyone's favorite morningweatherman, Charles. Charles?Hopper heads out the door.The trailer door RATTLES shut.24OMITTED2425EXT. BYERS HOUSE - MORNING25We TILT from the darkening sky to find the Byers house. Thelaundry hangs. It billows a bit in the gathering wind...A storm is coming...26INT. BYERS HOUSE - KITCHEN - MORNING26JONATHAN BYERS, 16, Will's older brother, cooks breakfast.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)2614.CONTINUED:26He is lanky with long hair. Quietly handsome... but hewouldn't believe it if you told him.JOYCE (O.S.)Where the hell are they?!His mom, JOYCE BYERS, late 30s, races past, frazzled.wears a wrinkled "Melvald General Store" uniform.Dammit!SheJOYCE (CONT'D)JONATHANCheck the couch.Joyce does.She finds her keys under a cushion.Thank God.She snatches them up, gives Jonathan a quick peck on thecheek, and races for the door, only to pause at the lastsecond, realizing something. She turns back to Jonathan.-- Will?JOYCEWhere's Will?JONATHANSleeping, I guess.JOYCEYou gotta make sure he's up,Jonathan, how many times -- ?JONATHANI'm making breakfast -Joyce shakes her head. Irritated.hallway. CLAPS HER hands.She hurries down theJOYCEWill -- Will come on, get up.Joyce throws open the door to Will's room.27It's empty.INT. BYERS HOUSE - KITCHEN - MOMENTS LATERShe strides back over to Jonathan.27Worried now.JOYCEHe came home last night, right?JONATHANHe's not in his room?JOYCEHe come home or not?(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)2715.CONTINUED:27JONATHANI don't know -JOYCEYou don't know?JONATHANI got back late, I was working -JOYCEYou were working?JONATHANEric asked if I could cover forhim, I said yeah; I figured wecould use the cash -JOYCEWe talked about this -- I told younot to take shifts on nights I'mtending, I specifically told you -JONATHANHe was over at the Wheelers' allday. I'm sure he just stayed over.JOYCEI can't believe this.JONATHANI'm sorry -JOYCEI can't believe it.Joyce grabs the kitchen wall phone.28Dials a number.INT. WHEELER HOUSE - KITCHEN - MORNING - INTERCUTA WALL PHONE RINGS at the Wheelers.28It is chaos over here.Mike is grabbing syrup from a cabinet; Nancy is eatingscrambled eggs, HOLLY, 3, is crying; Ted is watching themorning news; and now the phone is ringing. The fuckingphone.Karen answers.Holly squirms in her arms.Hello?KARENJOYCEKaren -- it's Joyce.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)2816.CONTINUED:28KARENJoyce, hi --Behind her, Mike pours syrup onto his scrambles eggs.NANCYThat's disgusting.MIKEIt's good, swear.Mike squeezes some onto Nancy's eggs.NANCYWHAT THE HELL MIKE?!TEDHey, language!Karen puts the phone on her shoulder.She can't hear Joyce.KAREN(to kids)QUIET!(back to phone)I'm sorry, one of those mornings -JOYCEWas that Will I heard back there?Will?KARENNo, no -- just Michael.JOYCEWill didn't spend the night?KAREN... No. He, he left here a littleafter eight.(worried now)He's not home?29INT. BYERS HOUSE - MORNING29Joyce tries to hide her panic.JOYCE(into phone)I -- I was working late last night.I'm sure he just left early forschool. Thanks... thanks Karen -Joyce hangs up the phone.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)29CONTINUED:29She looks scared.3017.And so does Jonathan.EXT. HAWKINS MIDDLE SCHOOL - MORNING30Mike, Lucas, and Dustin ride their bikes past the highschool, making their way toward Hawkins Middle School -- aquaint one-story brick building tucked beneath a WATER TOWER.A31EXT. MIDDLE SCHOOL - BACK - MORNINGA31As the boys slot their wheels into bike racks, they lookaround at all the kids streaming in. Looking for Will.MIKE... I don't see him.Weird.LUCASI'm telling you: his mom's right,he just went to class early again -DUSTINYeah -- he's always paranoidGursky's gonna give him a pop quiz.Mike nods.Feeling better.TROY (O.S.)Step right up, ladies andgentlemen! Step right up and getyour tickets for the freak show!The boys look to find two kids, JAMES and TROY, 14, headedtoward them. Our boys don't run... they just stand therelike statues. This is clearly a regular occurrence, and thisis how they deal with it: with passivity.Troy sizes them up.TROY (CONT'D)Who do you think would make moremoney at a freak show: "Frogface,""Midnight," or "Toothless?"JAMESOoof. Tough call, tough call.(eyes Dustin)I'd go with Toothless.DUSTINMy teeth are coming in, I told youa million times, it's calledcleidocranial dysplasia --(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/07/15 (YELLOW)A3118.CONTINUED:A31JAMES(mocking lisp)I told you a million times -TROYDo the arm thing.Dustin hesitates.JAMESDo it, freak.Dustin sighs, relents. He pulls his arms across his body.Because Dustin has no collar bones, his arms stretch all theway across.The bullies share disgusted looks, shiver...TROYGets me every time!Every time!They shove past our boys and head into the school, laughing.LUCAS(under breath)Numbskulls.MIKE(to Dustin)... I think it's cool. It's like asuperpower or something. LikeMr. Fantastic.DUSTINYeah, except I can't fight evilwith it.The boys pull on their backpacks and head to school.31EXT. HAWKINS HIGH SCHOOL - MORNING31Nancy heads into the high school.32INT. HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY - MORNING32Nancy wades through a bustling hallway.BARBARA, 16, her best friend, a bit dorky, catches up.So?BARBARADid he call?NANCYKeep your voice down -(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)3219.CONTINUED:32Did he?BARBARANancy shakes her head.Walks up to her locker.NANCYI told you, it's not like that.Barbara shoots her a look.NANCY (CONT'D)Okay, I mean, yes, fine, he likesme, you know, but not like that -(lowers voice)We just made out a couple times.BARBARA(mocking)"We just made out a couple times."Jesus, you're gonna be so cool nowit's ridiculous -NANCYNo I'm not!BARBARAYou better still hang out with me,that's all I'm saying. If you becomefriends with Carol and Tommy H -NANCYGross. And I'm telling you, thiswas just a one-time -(off Barbara)-- two-time thing, alright?Nancy silences. There is a FOLDED NOTE taped to the insideher locker, addressed "NANCY." She opens it. It reads:MEET ME.BATHROOM.Nancy looks up at Barbara.STEVE.Speechless.BARBARAYou were saying?33INT. HIGH SCHOOL - GIRLS' BATHROOM - MORNING33Nancy is now full on MAKING OUT with -STEVE HARRINGTON, 17, wealthy, athletic, charm to spare.Their make-out session gets more and more intense when --(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)3320.CONTINUED:33THE BELL RINGS. Nancy crashes back to reality.away from Steve. Her cheeks are flushed.She pullsNANCYOkay -- I -- I have to go -STEVEOne more minute -Steve kisses her again.Steve --Nancy gives in for a bit, but...NANCYSTEVE(between kissing)Yeah -NANCYI really -(kiss)-- like, seriously --(kiss)-- have to go -She finally tears away from him.Pulls on her backpack.STEVELet's do something tonight, yeah?NANCYI-I can't -- I have to study.Kaminsky's chem test --ForSTEVEWhat's your GPA again? Three-pointninenineineninenine-- ?NANCYKaminsky's tests are impossible -STEVESo let me help -NANCYYou failed chem.C-minus.STEVENANCYOh, well, in that case...(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/07/15 (YELLOW)3321.CONTINUED: (2)33STEVESo should I come over, say, eight?NANCYUh, are you crazy? My mom won'tallow that, no way -STEVEWho says she needs to "allow"anything? I'll just climb throughyour window -- she won't even knowI'm there. I'm stealthy -- like aninja.NANCYYou are crazy.STEVEOkay, okay, forget your place -we'll just chill in my car, find anice quiet place to park -NANCYSteve, I have to study -- I'm notkidding.STEVEWhy do you think I want it nice andquiet?Nancy can't help but smile.NANCYYou're an idiot, Steve Harrington.Nancy heads for the door.At the last second:NANCY (CONT'D)I'll meet you at Dearborn andMaple. At eight. To study.With that -- she's out.Steve gives a victorious karate chop!34EXT. HAWKINS POLICE STATION - MORNING34An American flag flutters on a flagpole.We are outside the LOCAL POLICE STATION. It is, really quaint. If the sign out front didn't read"POLICE", you'd probably mistake it for a gift shop.Hopper's CHEVY BLAZER POLICE CAR pulls into the lot.AsSTRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)A3522.INT. POLICE STATION - ENTRANCE - MORNINGHopper lumbers inside.A35Smoking a cigarette.His secretary, FLORENCE, 61, sits behind a glass partition.FLORENCEGood of you to show -HOPPERMornin' to you too, Flo.Hopper heads straight into -35INT. POLICE STATION - BULLPEN - MORNING35He makes a beeline for the coffee machine.OFFICER CALLAHAN and OFFICER POWELL look up from a game offive-card draw, their boots kicked up on their desks.The mood here is casual, to say the least.OFFICER CALLAHANYou look like hell, Chief.HOPPERYour wife looked worse when I lefther.Powell cackles at this.Burn!Hopper begins to make himself a cup of coffee. Florencewalks up to Hopper, yanks the cigarette out of his mouth, andsnubs it out.FLORENCEWhile you were drinking or sleepingor whatever it is you deem soimportant on Monday mornings, PhilLarson called, said some kids stolethe gnomes out of his garden again -HOPPERGnomes again, huh? Yeah, tell PhilI'll get right on that.Hopper heads back through the bullpen with his coffee.He's already lighting up another cigarette.Florence nips at his heels.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)3523.CONTINUED:35FLORENCEA more pressing matter -- JoyceByers can't find her son thismorning -HOPPERYeah, alright, I'll give her acall. Just give me a minute -FLORENCEChief, Joyce is very upset and -HOPPERWhat have we talked about? Morningis a time for contemplation andcoffee.FLORENCEChief, she's -HOPPERContemplation. And coffee.Hopper heads up to the second floor.A36INT. POLICE STATION - UPSTAIRS - MORNINGHe crashes to a stop.Almost spilling his coffee.A36Shit.REVERSE ANGLE:Joyce is already in his office.She looks back at him.36Not happy.INT. POLICE STATION - HOPPER'S OFFICE - MORNINGWHAP! WHAP!report.WHAP!36Type-hammers slam ink onto a policeA single, ominous word forms one letter at a time: "MISSING."Hopper looks up from the typewriter. He now has on a pair ofREADING GLASSES, which lend him a more earnest look. Hisdesk, however, shatters the illusion: it's cluttered withpapers and mugs and candy wrappers, like the desk of a child.Joyce paces. Dragging on a cigarette.far out she might just fall right off.She's on edge.SoJOYCEI've been waiting an hour --(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/07/15 (YELLOW)3624.CONTINUED:36HOPPERAnd I apologize again -JOYCE-- AN HOUR -HOPPERI understand. But a boy his age,most likely he's playing hookey -JOYCENot my Will, no. He wouldn't dothat. He's not like that -HOPPERYou never know. My mother thoughtI was on the debate team, whenreally I was screwing ChrissyCarpenter in the back of my dad'sboat -JOYCEWill's not like you. He's not likeme. He's not like most.She's takes another drag on her cigarette.Fights tears.JOYCE (CONT'D)He's got a couple of friends. Buteveryone else, they -- they makefun of him. Call him names, laughat him, his clothes -HOPPERHis clothes? What's wrong with hisclothes?JOYCEI-I don't know. Does it matter?Maybe.HOPPERJoyce takes another drag.JOYCELonnie... Lonnie always said he wasqueer -Is he?HOPPERJOYCEHe's missing. That's what he is.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)3625.CONTINUED: (2)36Hopper scratches his stubble.HOPPERYou hear from Lonnie lately?Joyce hesitates.This is an uncomfortable subject.JOYCEHe was in Indianapolis last Iheard. That was about a year ago.But he's got nothing to do withthis.Hopper rummages around his desk.Unearths a pen and a pad.HOPPERWhat's his number?JOYCEI told you, he's got nothin' to dowith this -HOPPERKid goes missing, ninety-nine timesoutta a hundred the kid's with aparent or relative -JOYCEWhat about the other time?What?HOPPERJOYCEYou said "ninety-nine outta ahundred." What about the othertime? The one.Hopper removes his reading glasses.Leans forward.HOPPERThis is Hawkins, Joyce. In fouryears, you know the worst thingI've seen? You know what it was?(beat)When that owl attacked EleanorGillepsie. Thought her hair was anest. I mean -- it does look likea nest, doesn't it? All thatfrizz?Hopper chuckles at the memory.Joyce begins to relax a little.Trying to lighten the mood.But only a little.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/19/15 (GREEN)3626.CONTINUED: (3)36JOYCEI'll call Lonnie. He'll talk to mebefore he talks to a --- pig?Cop.HOPPERJOYCEJoyce sits down. She snuffs her cigarette in an ashtray.Then she looks back up at Hopper. Her eyes are bloodshot.Glassy.JOYCE (CONT'D)Find my son, Hop. Find him.Hopper takes this in. All at once he feels burdened with aresponsibility he doesn't want. He finds his composure,nudges his glasses back on his nose, and resumes typing.Hammer type SLAMS paper.A37WHAP!WHAP!WHAP!EXT. HAWKINS LABS - DAYA37Black, unmarked sedans accelerate up to the entrance.They slam to a stop and -37&38OMITTED37&3839INT. HAWKINS LABS - CORRIDOR - DAY39WHAP!WHAP!WHAP!Shoes drum on linoleum as...DR. MARTIN BRENNER, 40s, leads a group of NSA AGENTS throughthe corridors of the lab. Dr. Brenner wears a casual suit,loose tie, stubble. He clearly hasn't slept in some time.All around them -- chaos.Scientists whipping to and fro.SCIENTIST #1 turns to the LEAD AGENT.SCIENTIST #1We've evacuated the east wing -sealed it off, following quarantineprotocol -They arrive at a PLASTIC QUARANTINE DOOR.Brenner ZIPS open the plastic door and --STRANGER THINGS #101 10/19/15 (GREEN)4027.INT. HAWKINS LABS - PREPARATION ROOM40A SERIES of very quick, very CLOSE SHOTS as -Dr. Brenner, Scientist #1, the agents, and a TRIO OF SOLDIERSsilently dress into HAZMAT SUITS. They secure hoods.Gloves. Boots.PRE-LAP: THE SOUND OF GROANING METAL.41INT. HAWKINS LABS - FREIGHT ELEVATOR41The freight elevator GROANS and SHUDDERS as it carries...Dr. Brenner, Scientist #1, the agents, the soldiers down intothe bowels of the labs. The soldiers are armed with M16style rifles with barrel-mounted flashlights.The Lead Agent looks up at the ceiling, uneasy, and...42INT. HAWKINS LABS - SUB-LEVEL CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUSWHOOM!The elevator CRASHES to a halt.42The doors open.The group exits into the dark corridor.A43INT. HAWKINS LABS - SUB-LEVEL CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUSA43They retrace the path of the scientist in the opening scene.As their flashlights sweep around, we see that a few thingshave changed since our last visit: The fluorescent lights arenow completely dead. The atmosphere is dense, clouded in awhite fog... spore-like particles dance in the air... thereare cracks in the cement... It's like this place is... dying.43INT. HAWKINS LABS - MAIN LABORATORYThe group of men enter the lab.43Sweep the area.It's a total nightmare in here. FLESHY MOLD-LIKE GROWTHScling to the walls, and the atmosphere is even denser, makingit difficult to see.SCIENTIST #1Doctor Shepherd and Doctor Braunwere over there, Doctor Wilkins andDoctor Manning over there...He motions at an OBSERVATION WINDOW.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/19/15 (GREEN)4328.CONTINUED:43SCIENTIST #1 (CONT'D)... myself and Doctor Brenner wereobserving.Lead Agent's flashlight cuts through fog, illuminates...THE FAR WALL. This is the beating heart of this subterraneannightmare. Fleshy mold-like growths smother the entire wall,alive, wet, throbbing. In the center of this growth, there iswhat appears to be a TWELVE-FOOT-DIAMETER OPENING. This is...THE RIFT.IT UNDULATES.ALMOST BREATHING.ALIVE.HEAVY BREATHING through gas masks as our men take in thisextraordinary sight.AGENT #1... This is where it came from?Dr. Brenner nods.LEAD AGENT(to Dr. Brenner)And the girl...?DR. BRENNERShe can't have gone far.We CUT TO A WIDE SHOT of our men staring at this rift.then, slowly, we DOLLY TOWARD...AN UPRIGHT ISOLATION TANK.It's filled with water.AndIt has a clear viewing window.But no one's in there.Not anymore.44OMITTED4445EXT. BENNY'S BURGERS AND ICE CREAM - DAY45CLOSE ON: Two bare feet.Stepping onto grass.WIDEN TO REVEAL: A YOUNG GIRL, 12, standing outside a forest.She makes an immediate impression on us: Her hair is buzzedclose to the scalp. Her feet are bare. Her skin is pale.She wears a tattered white hospital gown spattered with MUD.She is more like a wild animal than a child.She stares at a RUN-DOWN RESTAURANT.A sign reads:"BENNY'S BURGERS AND ICE CREAM."The side screen door swings open and...(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)4529.CONTINUED:45BENNY HAMMOND, late 40s, lumbers out carrying a TRASH BAG.He has sleeve tattoos, a greasy apron wrapped around hiswaist.The Young Girl watches him closely as...He dumps out the trash, then heads back inside.46INT. BENNY'S BURGERS - STORAGE ROOM - DAY46The Young Girl sneaks through the side screen door.She creeps forward into...47OMITTED47A48INT. BENNY'S BURGERS - DINING ROOM - DAYA48She stops and watches very intently as, in the dining room,Benny drops a plate of burgers and fries off at...A table of CHAIN-SMOKING REGULARS, including one we'll get toknow as EARL.EARLBenny, how about Kellogg lastnight? Who-ee -BENNYOh yeah, oh yeah -EARLHe's gonna win us the championship,I just know -BENNYEh, if we hadn't traded English -EARLDon't get me started on that, toodamn early -As their idle sports talk continues (see Appendix #2)...48INT. BENNY'S BURGERS - KITCHEN - MOMENTS LATER - DAY48The Young Girl sneaks into the kitchen.She steps up to a PAN OF FRENCH FRIES. She reaches in andpicks one up. It's almost... like she's never seen a frenchfry in her life.She tries it.Loves it.She starts to eat more when -(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)4830.CONTINUED:48HEY -- !BENNYShe snaps back around -Benny is headed back into the kitchen.She grabs up the PAN OF FRENCH FIRES and sprints out of thekitchen. She blows through the swinging doors -A49INT. BENNY'S BURGERS - DINING ROOMA49... sprints through the dining room...B49INT. BENNY'S BURGERS - STORAGE ROOM - DAYB49... and races as fast as she can for the back door!But a split second before she reaches the door -WHAAM!Benny catches her.The french fries go SCATTERING across the floor.Benny whirls her around.BENNYThink you can steal from me, boy?The Girl writhes in his arms, trying to tear free but -Benny holds her tight. But his expression softens as herealizes that this is no boy at all. It's also not a girleither, not exactly, at least not like any he has ever seen.BENNY (CONT'D)... What in the hell?Finally the Girl stops struggling.She locks eyes with Benny.Breathing hard.And...49OMITTED4950INT. MIDDLE SCHOOL - MR. CLARKE'S SCIENCE CLASS - DAY50EEEEEEE!A BELL BLARES and CHAOS REIGNS as...A SWARM OF MIDDLE SCHOOLERS grab up their books and backpacksand hurry out of class, talking loudly amongst themselves.Their teacher, MR. CLARKE, 30s, calls after them:(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)5031.CONTINUED:50MR. CLARKERemember: Finish Chapter Twelve,and answer twelve-point-three onthe difference between anexperiment and other forms ofscience investigation --Mr. Clarke silences as he realizes he's talking to no one -everybody is gone. Well, that is, almost everybody.MIKE (O.S.)Did it come?Lucas, Mike, and Dustin gather excitedly by his desk.Mr. Clarke hesitates.Gives the boys a sad look.MR. CLARKESorry, boys, I hate to be thebearer of bad news, but...(beat)It came.51INT. MIDDLE SCHOOL - A.V. CLUB ROOM - DAYThe door to the A.V.51Club bursts open.Our boys race inside.Mr. Clarke follows close behind.MR. CLARKEThe Heathkit ham shack.a beaut?Ain't sheA BRAND-NEW HAM RADIO sits on a desk amidst a pile of olderequipment. The boys examine it with wide, expectant eyes.DUSTINI bet you can talk to New York onthis thing -MR. CLARKEThink bigger -LUCASCalifornia -- ?Bigger.Australia?Another nod.MR. CLARKEMIKEHolllly shit.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)5132.CONTINUED:51LUCASOh man. When Will sees this he'sgoing to totally lose his shit -Lucas -Sorry.MR. CLARKELUCASThe boys sits down by the radio. As Lucas starts to work thedials, Mike grabs up the transceiver, practices:MIKE(bad Australian accent)'Ello, this is Mike Wheeler,President of Hawkins Middle A.V.Club -Dustin takes the receiver.His turn.DUSTIN(worse Australian accent)'Ello, this is Dustin Henderson,Secretary and Treasurer of HawkinsMiddle A.V. Club -- Do you eatkangaroos for breakfast -- ?A SHARP KNOCKING SOUND interrupts the fun.Mr. Clarke turns.The PRINCIPAL is in the doorway.MIDDLE-SCHOOL PRINCIPALSorry to interrupt... but may Iborrow Michael, Lucas, and Dustin?Chief Hopper and Officer Callahan now step into view.Off Mike, Lucas, and Dustin, expressions darkening.HOPPER (PRE-LAP)... So you were... racing?52INT. MIDDLE SCHOOL - PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE - DAY52Our three boys are now scrunched together on a couch.Hopper and Callahan sit opposite.DUSTINIt was me and him, actually -LUCASMy house is the first up -(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/07/15 (YELLOW)5233.CONTINUED:52MIKEHe takes Mirkwood home -DUSTINWe were racing on a bet and -HOPPERWhoa, whoa, whoa. One at a time.(points at Mike)You. You said he takes... what?Mirkwood.MIKEHOPPER"Mirkwood?"(to Callahan)You ever hear of a "Mirkwood?"OFFICER CALLAHANSounds made-up.LUCASIt's from "Lord of the Rings" -DUSTIN"The Hobbit" -LUCASIt doesn't matter -- !DUSTINHe asked -- !HOPPERHey! What'd I just say?damn time.One at aHe points at Mike.You.HOPPER (CONT'D)MIKEMirkwood. It's a real road. It'sjust the name that's made-up -HOPPERWhat's its real name?MIKEI don't know. It's whereCornwallis and Kerley meet.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)5435.CONTINUED:54Her gown has been replaced with a "BENNY'S BURGERS AND ICECREAM" T-shirt. It droops to her knees like a dress.The Girl snatches up the burger and begin to devour it.BENNYYour parents forget to feed you?The Girl doesn't respond.Just keeps eating.BENNY (CONT'D)That why you ran away?Still nothing.BENNY (CONT'D)They... hurt you?Nothing.BENNY (CONT'D)And... you went to the hospital,that it? But you got scared, ranoff, found your way here?The Girl finally looks up at Benny. Has he hit close to themark? It seems like she is finally going to speak, but thenshe returns to eating her burger.Benny has no choice -- he yanks away the plate.The Girl looks up at him, confused.BENNY (CONT'D)I'll give it back, you can have asmuch as you like, maybe even someice cream; but first, you gottaanswer a few 'a my questions. Wegot a deal?No response.BENNY (CONT'D)We'll start easy. My name's Benny.Benny Hammond.He holds out his hand.Wraps it around her tiny hand.BENNY (CONT'D)Nice to meet ya. And you are...?Still no response. Benny sighs. He starts to withdraw hishand when he notices a SMALL TATTOO on the inside of herlower left wrist. It reads in simple black lettering: 011.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)5436.CONTINUED: (2)54"Eleven"?BENNY (CONT'D)The Young Girl yanks her hand away.BENNY (CONT'D)What's that mean?No.YOUNG GIRLBENNYWell I'll be damned. She speaks.(beat, considers)No? No what?Still nothing.BENNY (CONT'D)Alright, guess "no" more food then.Benny starts to walks with her plate when:YOUNG GIRL... Eleven.Benny turns back around.Eleven.BENNYYeah. What's it mean?The Young Girl points to herself.Eleven.55We'll now know her as:YOUNG GIRL/ELEVENINT. BENNY'S BURGERS - KITCHEN - DAY55CLOSE ON: A PHONE BOOK OPEN TO THE SOCIAL SERVICES PAGE.Benny is now on a corded phone in the kitchen.Voice hushed.BENNY... All I know is, poor thing'sscared to death... confused...(beat)I think she's been abused orkidnapped or somethin'.(beat)It's 4819 Randolph Lane. Randolph,right.(beat, starts to spell)R-A-N -(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)5537.CONTINUED:55As Benny continues to talk (see Appendix #3), we return to...56INT. BENNY'S BURGERS - DINING ROOM - CONTINUOUS56Where "Eleven" is finishing off her fries. She becomes awareof a soft, HIGH-PITCHED NOISE. Eeeee. Eeee. Eeee. Shelooks up. It's an old and rusty OSCILLATING METAL FAN. ItSQUEAKS with every turn. Eeeee. Eeee. Eeeee.It is incessant.Annoying.The fan and the blades stop.Eleven looks away.Eleven narrows her eyes and -Like they somehow froze.Content now.She continues eating her fries.57EXT. FOREST ROAD - DAYWHOOSH!57TWO POLICE CARS speed down the road.58OMITTED5859EXT. WOODS - MIRKWOOD SHORTCUT - MINUTES LATER - DAY59Hopper trudges down the road, searching for signs of Will.Behind him, we can see Callahan and Powell.They call out:OFFICER CALLAHANWill Byers?! WILL BYERS?!WILL -- ?!OFFICER POWELLHopper pulls a vial out of his pocket. Pops two more ofthose red-and-blue pills. And... his eyes narrow. Noticingsomething off the side of the road.60EXT. WOODS - DAY60Hopper heads into the woods.Powell:Calls out to Callahan andHOPPERHey, I got something here.Hop kneels down by...WILL'S BICYCLE.Brushes away some leaves.Callahan and Powell race over to him.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)6038.CONTINUED:60OFFICER CALLAHANThat his bike, Chief?Hopper nods.Notes some SCRAPED BARK.HOPPERLooks like he crashed.OFFICER CALLAHANMaybe he got hurt in the fall.Hopper looks back to the road.Squints in the sun.HOPPERNot so hurt he couldn't make ithome. And a bike to these kids...that's like a Cadillac. Doesn'tmake sense he'd leave it out here.(beat)He'd walk it home.A beat.Then:HOPPER (CONT'D)He was in hurry.A61EXT. HAWKINS LABS - DAYA61ZOOM IN on a LARGE RADAR DISH.B61INT. HAWKINS LABS - RADIO MONITORING ROOMB61We SLOWLY DOLLY DOWN A LINE of a HALF-DOZEN AGENTS. They areseated before bulky radio equipment, all wearing headphones.As we pass each agent, we can HEAR SNIPPETS of what they'relistening to... (see Appendix #4)PARENT VOICE(filtered)... going to the store...TEACHER VOICE(filtered)... be home by...OFFICE WORKER VOICE(filtered)... meeting with Tom in ten...And it hits us: they're listening in on the town.Spying.We land on the last agent in the line.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)B6139.CONTINUED:B61He's listening to a familiar voice:Lonnie.JOYCE'S VOICE (OVER PHONE)It's Joyce --CYNTHIA'S VOICE (OVER PHONE)Lonnie isn't here right now -61INT. BYERS HOUSE - KITCHEN - AFTERNOONJoyce is on the phone. Pacing.cigarette. (See Appendix #5)61Dragging hard on aJOYCEWho is this? Cynthia? This isJoyce -- Joyce, Lonnie's ex-wife.I need to speak to him -- This isan emergency... no, not later, nowbitch -CLICK.The phone goes dead.Joyce burns with anger.IN THE LIVING ROOM, Jonathan works on a MISSING PERSONPOSTER.JONATHANMom, you need to stay calm.I'm calm.JOYCEShe hangs up, dials the number again.But this time no one answers.The phone RINGS.It goes to message.LONNIE'S VOICE (OVER PHONE)(filtered)Hey, you've reached Lonnie, I'm nothere at the moment but...Joyce's rage rises and rises and... BEEP.Her turn.JOYCELonnie, some teenage whore justhung up on me. You don't call meback in the next hour I'll reportyou for not paying child support Iswear to God I will and I'll makesure you rot in jail where youbelong -WHAM!Joyce slams the phone down.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)6140.CONTINUED:61Mom.What?JONATHANJOYCEAnd that's when we realize: Jonathan isn't looking at her.He's looking out the window.Cops.62JONATHANEXT. BYERS HOUSE - MOMENTS LATER - AFTERNOONJoyce explodes out onto the porch.62Jonathan follows.It's...Hopper and the officers, parking in the driveway.As Hop exits, he pulls Will's bike out of the back.Joyce and Jonathan fight panic and -63INT. BYERS HOUSE - VARIOUS - LATER - AFTERNOON63Hopper and his officers search the Byers' house.Joyce and Jonathan trail.On edge.JOYCEAnd it was just sitting there -- ?Yes --HOPPERJOYCEWas there any blood or -- ?No --HOPPERJONATHANIf you found his bike out there,why're you here?HOPPERHe's got a key to the house?Yeah --JONATHANHOPPERSo maybe he came back here.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)6341.CONTINUED:63JOYCESo -- what? You think I haven'tchecked my own house -- ?!HOPPERNever said you didn't.Hopper inspects the back door. The adjacent wall is dented,the paint chipped. He opens the door: its handle aligns withthe damaged wall. Someone threw it open. Hard.HOPPER (CONT'D)This always here?JOYCEProbably. I got two boys.this place --Look atHOPPERBut you're not sure?Joyce hesitates.WHIMPERING.64Not sure.Suddenly they HEAR --COMING FROM THE BACK.EXT. BYERS HOUSE - BACK YARD - AFTERNOON64Hopper and Joyce step outside onto the porch.They find Chester pacing in front of the shed.WHIMPERING.HOPPERThis normal?JOYCEJust hungry, I'm sure.Come on...Joyce leads Chester back to the house by his collar.A65But Hopper doesn't follow.Not yet.His eyes turn to the shed.As...INT. BYERS HOUSE - JONATHAN'S ROOM - DAYA65Callahan and Powell inspect Jonathan's room.Jonathan watches them, arms crossed.JONATHANWhat're you looking for exactly?They ignore him.Powell checks under the bed.Nothing.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/07/15 (YELLOW)A6542.CONTINUED:A65Callahan eyes an "EVIL DEAD" poster on the wall.OFFICER CALLAHANWhat's going on there?JONATHANThe tree's possessed.going inside her.It's...OFFICER CALLAHANYeeeeeeesh.OFFICER POWELLHey kid, you got some water orjuice or something? Dying here.Jonathan nods.Exits.Callahan exhales.Looks at Powell.OFFICER CALLAHANYou see that?See what?OFFICER POWELLOFFICER CALLAHANSuspect number one. Am I right?Off Powell...65INT. BYERS SHED - AFTERNOONEEEEEEE.65Wood GROANS as...Hopper heads into the shed.Hop flips a light switch.Still dark in here.The naked light bulb hums to life.He walks up to the rifle wall mount. The rifle is, ofcourse, missing. He inspects the mount. There arefingerprints in the dust. Someone was here... recently.BZZZZ!THE LIGHT BULB BEGINS TO FLICKER.Hopper turns and looks up at the light. It fluctuates,growing bright, then dim, then bright, then dim, then -WHOOM.THE LIGHT CUTS OUT.LEAVING US IN DARKNESS.WE HEAR A FAINT GUTTURAL SOUND.Hopper looks around.LIKE SOME KIND OF GROWL.'The hell is that coming from?(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)6543.CONTINUED:65HOPPERThat you, buddy? You hungry?Hop removes a flashlight from his utility belt, clicks it on,and slowly sweeps its beam across the darkness. He makes outnothing. But that sound, whatever the hell it is, persists.Gets louder.Louder.LOUDER STILL.And then --The beam illuminates an APPROACHING FIGURE.Hop reaches for his gun, but -Officer Callahan steps into the light.You deaf?OFFICER CALLAHANI've been callin' you.Hopper looks back at the light bulb. It flickers back tolife. Returning to 48 Watts. Strange.Hop shakes it off and -66EXT. BYERS HOUSE - BACK YARD - AFTERNOONHopper strides to the Byers house.66Moving fast.Callahan struggles to keep up...OFFICER CALLAHANYou sure you're alright, Chief?HOPPERI want you to call Florence, haveher get a search party together, asmany volunteers as she can muster,flashlights too -OFFICER CALLAHANThink we got a problem here?Hopper doesn't answer.He heads inside.67Uncertain.The door slaps shut.EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD - NIGHT 2HISS!A sprinkler kicks on.67Night in the suburbs again.MIKE (PRE-LAP)We should be out there right now.We should be helping look for him.STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)6844.INT. WHEELER HOUSE - DINING ROOM - NIGHT68The Wheeler family is seated at the dining table.A home-cooked meal is before them.KARENWe've been over this.said --But Mike isn't eating.The chiefMIKEI don't care what the chief said.Michael --KARENMIKEHe's not even real police, Mom. Wehave to do something -- Will couldbe in danger!KARENMore reason to stay put.Mom --MIKEKARENEnd of discussion.Mike looks away, upset. The family resumes eating insilence. Or, rather, some of them do. Nancy just moves herfood around with a fork. Then, in as casual a tone as shecan summon:NANCYSo... me and Barb... we're gonnastudy for the chemistry test at herhouse tonight. That's cool, right?Karen looks up from her meal.No.KARENNot cool.What?NANCYWhy not?KARENWhy do you think? Am I speakingChinese in this house? Until weknow Will's okay, no one leaves.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)6845.CONTINUED:68NANCYSo we're under house arrest?KARENDon't be dramatic, Nancy.NANCYThis is such bullshit!Language!TEDNANCYBarb lives two minutes away, justbecause Mike's friend got lost onhis way home -MIKEThis is Will's fault -- ?!KARENNancy, take that back -No!NANCYMIKEYou're just pissed because youwanna hang out with Steve -Steve?TEDKARENWho is Steve?MIKEHer new boyfriend -NANCYYOU'RE SUCH A DOUCHE MIKE -TEDLANGUAGE!!!Nancy shoves out of her chair.Nancy!KARENCome back!Storms off.NANCY!But Nancy is already bounding up the stairs to her bedroom.Karen wants to follow her but can't; the argument has causedHolly to cry. Karen picks her up and rocks her in her arms.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)6846.CONTINUED: (2)68KAREN (CONT'D)There, there, shhhh...TEDSee, Michael: This is what happens.MIKEWhat happens when what? I'm theonly one acting normal here -- I'mthe only who cares about Will!Ted takes a bite out of a chicken drum.TEDThat's not fair, Michael.Chews.We care.Mike stares at his dad. He can't take his apathy, nottonight. He stands up from the table and hurries off.Holly cries louder.Ted continues to chew.Karen shoots daggers at him.KARENI hope you're enjoying yourchicken, Ted.She carries Holly out of the room.69EXT. WOODS - NIGHT69A constellation of flashlights glimmer in the night.Over two dozen SEARCH AND RESCUE VOLUNTEERS are scouring thewoods for Will. They wear orange vests, grave expressions.We FIND Hopper.Mr. Clarke walks at his side.MR. CLARKEHe's a good student.Hopper turns.Surprised this man is speaking to him.HOPPERWhat's that?MR. CLARKEWill. He's a good student. Agreat one, actually. I can'tfathom him getting into any kind oftrouble.Hopper nods.Looks away.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)6947.CONTINUED:69Mr. Clarke offers his hand.MR. CLARKE (CONT'D)I don't think we've met. ScottClarke. I teach at Hawkins Middle.Earth and Biology -Hopper shakes his hand.Then averts his gaze.HOPPERAlways had a distaste for science.MR. CLARKEMaybe you had a bad teacher.HOPPERMs. Ratliff was a nasty piece ofwork.MR. CLARKERatliff? You bet. She's stillkicking around, believe it or not -HOPPEROh I believe it. Mummies don'tdie, or so they tell me.Mr. Clarke smiles softly.MR. CLARKESo you're local?HOPPERClass of fifty-eight.Sixty-two.MR. CLARKEJust missed each other.They walk for another beat.Hopper seems lost in thought.HOPPERSara, my daughter. Galaxies, theuniverse, whatnot: She alwaysunderstood that stuff. Maybe shegot it from her mother, I dunno.There's enough down here, I don'tneed to go lookin' elsewhere.MR. CLARKEYour daughter. What grade is she?Maybe I'll get her in my class.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)6948.CONTINUED: (2)69HOPPERShe lives in the city.mother.With herMR. CLARKEOh.Hopper slaps Mr. Clarke on the back.HOPPERThanks for coming out, teach.Appreciate it.Hopper picks up his pace, leaving Mr. Clarke behind.A nearby VOLUNTEER whispers to Mr. Clarke:VOLUNTEERShe passed a few years back.MR. CLARKESorry?His kid.Mr. Clarke darkens.VOLUNTEERHe looks back at Hopper.He is a distant silhouette now.70INT. WHEELER HOUSE - BASEMENT - NIGHTThe Demogorgon gazes at us.70Four angry eyes.Mike is lying down by the Dungeons-and-Dragons map. He looksworried and restless. He examines the field of miniatures.The Troglodytes... the knight... the dwarf... and the wizard.He picks up the wizard.Lucas?Lucas?71Studies it.Considering.MIKE (PRE-LAP)It's Mike. You copy?INT. WHEELER HOUSE - BASEMENT - MOMENTS LATER - NIGHTMike is now at the table.Lucas finally answers.71Calling into a walkie-talkie.His voice crackles.LUCAS'S VOICE (OVER WALKIE)Hey, it's Lucas.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)7149.CONTINUED:71MIKEI know it's you. And say "over"when you're done talking or I don'tknow you're done. Over.I'm done.LUCAS'S VOICEOver.MIKEI'm worried about Will.Yeah.Over.LUCAS'S VOICEThis is crazy. Over.MIKEI was thinking... Will could'vecast Protection last night. But hedidn't. He cast Fireball. Over.LUCAS'S VOICEWhat's your point? Over.MIKEMy point is... he could've playedit safe. But he didn't. He puthimself in danger to help theparty. Over.A very long beat.Then:LUCAS'S VOICEMeet me in ten. Over and out.72INT. WHEELER HOUSE - BASEMENT - LATER STILL - NIGHT72Mike jams a few flashlights into his backpack.73EXT. WHEELER HOUSE - NIGHT73Mike wheels his bike out of the garage.He starts down the driveway when he suddenly notices -Steve. He's attempting to climb up to Nancy's room.locks eyes with Mike. A very awkward beat.Steve holds up a hand.HeHey.Mike just stares. Unbelievable. Then, without saying aword, he climbs on his bike... and pedals off into the night.STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)7450.INT. WHEELER HOUSE - NANCY'S ROOM - NIGHT74Nancy sits at her desk, morosely studying her CHEM BOOK, whenshe hears a dull sound: TAP TAP TAP. She turns to find...Steve outside her window. Nancy stares in shock, tries towave him away, but he just knocks again, more urgently.Nancy hurries over and opens the window.NANCY(whispers urgently)What're you doing? I told you Ihave to stay in tonight -STEVEI know, so we'll study here -NANCYNo, I told you, absolutely not, goaway -- !STEVEI don't want you failing tomorrow -Steve climbs in anyway...Or tries to. His foot catches on the window frame and hestumbles, nearly toppling over a bedside lamp. He catcheshimself, turns back to Nancy, and strikes a pose.STEVE (CONT'D)What'd I tell you? A ninja.Nancy shakes her head.She shuts the window.75Unbelievable.Closes the blinds.WHOOSH!INT. BENNY'S BURGERS - KITCHEN - NIGHTWHOOSH!75Water rushes out of a faucet as Benny cleans dishes.Eleven sits on a counter. She eats STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM outof a pint-sized container.BENNYYou like that ice cream, huh?Eleven looks at him, smiles. For the first time this day,she seems like an actual kid. Benny knocks off the faucet.Hey.BENNY (CONT'D)A smile looks good on ya.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)7551.CONTINUED:75Eleven stares at him.A smile.Confused.BENNY (CONT'D)Benny gives a big smile.Eleven smiles back.But her smile fades when shes hears -THE SOUND OF KNOCKING.Eleven tenses.Someone's at the front door.Nervous.BENNY (CONT'D)Just... stay put. Whoever it is,I'll turn 'em away, a'ight?Eleven watches while eating ice cream as...A76OMITTEDA7676INT. BENNY'S BURGERS - DINING ROOM - NIGHTBenny lumbers to the front door.A FRIENDLY WOMAN, 40s.76He swings it open to find --She smiles.FRIENDLY WOMANYou must be Mr. Hammond?BENNY'fraid so. Also 'fraid we'veclosed shop. Why don't you tryback tomorrow -Benny starts to shut the door, but the woman extends a hand.FRIENDLY WOMAN/CONNIEConnie Frazier. Social Services.Benny stops.Opens the door back up.BENNYSocial Services.He takes her hand.Embarrassed.Apologies.His grip is firm.BENNY (CONT'D)Didn't think you were gonna make ithere so quick. That's a heckuvadrive.CONNIENot too bad this time of night.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)7652.CONTINUED:76Benny nods, lowers his voice.BENNYListen. I still haven't told herabout you. I didn't want herrunnin' off again. She's a tadskittish.CONNIEChildren I work with usually are.(smiles)Where is she now?BENNYIn the back. Come on.introduce ya.I'llBenny turns and lumbers toward the kitchen.BENNY (CONT'D)Apologies again for trying to turnyou away. It's funny, your voice,it sounded different on the phone -CONNIEMister Hammond?Yeah -- ?BENNYAs Benny turns...Connie raises a SILENCED PISTOL and -POP! SHE SHOOTS HIM IN THE SIDE OF THE HEAD. HIS BODY GOESLIMP AND HE CRASHES TO THE GROUND WITH A HEAVY THUD.HIS BODY TWITCHES.A77THEN STILLS.HE IS DEAD.INT. BENNY'S BURGERS - KITCHEN - NIGHTA77Eleven watches in wide-eyed horror. She drops the ice cream,turns around, and sprints back thorough the kitchen.AB77 INT. BENNY'S BURGERS - DINING ROOMAB77Eleven blows through the double doors as -B77INT. BENNY'S BURGERS - DINING ROOM/KITCHEN - NIGHTTHE AGENTS we met earlier sweep into the kitchen.They are followed closely by Dr. Brenner.B77STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)7753.INT. BENNY'S BURGERS - STORAGE ROOM - NIGHTEleven sprints for the back screen door.a halt as --77But she crashes toTWO MORE AGENTS sweep through from the back door.She is trapped.AS THE AGENTS RAISE ELECTRICAL SHOCK STICKS ...WE DOLLY IN FAST ON ELEVEN -AND -A78INT. BENNY'S BURGERS - KITCHEN - NIGHTLOUD NOISES ECHO FROM THE STORAGE ROOM.A78SCREAMING.CHAOS.Dr. Brenner and the agents exchange looks and -AB78 INT. BENNY'S BURGERS - DINING ROOM - NIGHTAB78Dr. Brenner and the agents blow through the double doors andrace into -B78INT. BENNY'S BURGERS - STORAGE ROOM - MOMENTS LATER - NIGHT B78They find BOTH AGENTS unconscious on the ground.Bones twisted.C78Heads bleeding.EXT. BENNY'S BURGERS - BACK - NIGHTC78Dr. Brenner explodes out the back door.He looks around.Desperate.But --He sees only darkness.Eleven is gone.78EXT. FOREST ROAD - NIGHT78Silence as our kids bike down "Mirkwood" road.Mike leads the way.He slows to stop.Lucas and Dustin pull up beside him.LUCASWhy are we stopping?Mike doesn't answer.He just looks off into the woods.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)7854.CONTINUED:78Dustin and Lucas follow his gaze to a find a LINE OF POLICETAPE, wrapped around a row of trees along the side of the road.The reality of what happened hits our boys right here. Thisisn't some make-believe D&D campaign. This is... real.BOOM!HEAVY RUMBLE SHATTERS THE SILENCE.They boys look up. Sheet LIGHTNING flashes the sky,illuminating dark STORM CLOUDS.A PLOP OF WATER hits Dustin in the face.Oh man.DUSTINYou guys feel that?Dustin holds out a hand.Watches water strike his palm.It's raining.DUSTIN (CONT'D)Maybe we should go back.Mike isn't listening. Or if he is, he doesn't care. Heremoves a walkie from his backpack, hands it to Dustin.MIKENo splitting up or anything stupidlike that, but stay on channel six.Just in case.With that, Mike heads into the woods, ducking under thecaution tape. Lucas follows.Dustin is now all alone.BOOM!Another thunder crash!DUSTINHey, guys, wait up!It scares the shit out of him.WAIT UP!He races after his friends as ANOTHER BOOM rattles us and -79INT. WHEELER HOUSE - NANCY'S ROOM - NIGHTSteve and Nancy now sit on her bed.79A few feet apart.Steve reads homemade flash cards, while Nancy answers thequestions. MUSIC PLAYS on a boombox ("Sweet Dreams" by TheEurythmics) loud enough that their voices don't carry out ofthe room...(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)79CONTINUED:55.79STEVE"... Which Polymers occurnaturally?"NANCY... Starch and cellulose.STEVE(yup, switches cards)"In a molecule of CH4, the hydrogenatoms are spatially oriented towardthe centers of a regular -- "NANCYTetrahedron.STEVE(switches card)Jesus, how many of these did youmake?NANCYYou said you wanted to help!STEVEHow 'bout this: Every time you getsomething right, I have to take offan item of clothing. Every timeyou get something wrong...Uh, pass.NANCYSTEVECome on, it'll be fun -No!NANCYSTEVE(next card)"During fractional distillation,hydrocarbons are separatedaccording to their -- "NANCYMelting points.EEEEEE!STEVEBoiling points.NANCYThat's what I meant -(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)7956.CONTINUED: (2)79STEVEBut it's not what you said.He mimes unbuttoning a shirt.NANCYNo.NO!No?STEVEYou need help?Steve pushes down on the bed, and kisses her. Soon they'regoing at it, hot and heavy. After a moment of making out,Steve begins to unbutton her top but -Nancy stops him.NANCYSteve, come on -What?STEVENANCYAre you crazy? My parents are here -STEVE(looking around)Weird. I don't see them.Nancy slides away.NANCYWas this your plan all along? Getin my room, then... get anothernotch on your belt?STEVEWhat -- no! Jesus, no.NANCYI'm not like Laurie.or Becky --Or Amy.Or --STEVEYou mean you're not a slut.NANCYThat's not what I'm saying.STEVEYou're cute when you lie.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)7957.CONTINUED: (3)79Shut up.NANCYSteve smiles. He picks up a Holly Hobbie doll and makes itshake its head in disapproval, speaks in a squeaky voice:STEVE"Bad Steve, bad; stay away fromMiss Nancy!"Nancy can't help but laugh.NANCYYou're an idiot, Steve Harrington.STEVEYou're beautiful, Nancy Wheeler.Nancy blushes.Steve picks up the flash cards.Clears his throat.And...STEVE (CONT'D)"Compared to the rate of inorganicreactions, the rate of organicreactions generally is..."Off Nancy, falling for this guy...80&81OMITTED80&8182INT. BYERS HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT82Jonathan and Joyce sit around the coffee table.They are working on the MISSING PERSONS POSTER for Will.Bold red letters at the top read: "HAVE YOU SEEN ME?"There is an EMPTY SPACE for a photo in the middle.They flip through the portfolio, looking for a photo. Thereare many photos of Joyce and Will, as well as the town, andthe people who live here. All artfully taken by Jonathan.Wow.JOYCEJonathan. These are great...Jonathan doesn't say anything, embarrassed by the compliment.She flips through more pages.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)8258.CONTINUED:82JOYCE (CONT'D)I've been working so much lately...I feel like I barely know what'sgoing on with you anymore...She looks up.Notices Jonathan is fighting tears.JOYCE (CONT'D)What is it, baby?Nothing.JONATHANJOYCEWhat is it?Joyce takes his hand.JONATHANIt's just... last night... Ijust... I should've been here -Joyce squeezes his hand.JOYCEHey. This wasn't your fault, baby,you hear me? You hear me?Jonathan averts his gaze.JOYCE (CONT'D)He's gonna come home soon. I knowit. I know it... because I feelhim. I feel him in my heart. He'sclose. He's close. You believeme, Jonathan, right?Jonathan finally looks at his mom.And nods.Joyce smiles faintly. She then returns to looking at thepictures. She finds one of Will at the park, smiling big.JOYCE (CONT'D)Oh this one -- I... I always likedthis one.She holds it up.Jonathan smiles softly.JONATHAN... Me too.An emotional beat.Then:The KITCHEN PHONE BLARES TO LIFE.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)8259.CONTINUED: (2)82Joyce and Jonathan look up sharply.A83News.INT. BYERS HOUSE - KITCHEN - MOMENTS LATER - NIGHTJoyce grabs up the phone.A83Her voice tense, strained.JOYCEYes -- hel-hello?There is no answer. But she can HEAR the SOUND of LOWBREATHING on the other end.Lonnie...?JOYCE (CONT'D)Hopper...?Still no answer.JOYCE (CONT'D)Who is this?Jonathan stands up.Getting worried now.The SOUND OF BREATHING grows louder. It sounds... like thebreathing of a child. Joyce pales. Tears rush to her eyes.Will?!!JOYCE (CONT'D)Will?!!Jonathan races over to his mom.JOYCE (CONT'D)Where are you, baby?! Talk to me!WILL?! WILL?!But Will's breathing is now gone.ANOTHER SOUND.GUTTURAL.In its place...INHUMAN.Shifting in pitch.JOYCE (CONT'D)WHO IS THIS? WHAT HAVE DONE WITHMY BABY?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!!Silence.Then --A HIGH-PITCHED SHRIEK ERUPTS FROM THE RECEIVER.Joyce gasps in pain and drops the phone. She looks at herhand. Her palm is SEARED. She backs away from the phone.Her eyes wide with dread.Jonathan grabs up phone.His voice shakes.JONATHANWho is this?! WHO IS THIS?!(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)A8360.CONTINUED:A83But the phone line is now dead.Joyce slumps down to the floor.83And begins to sob.EXT. WOODS - NIGHTBOOM!83Another CRASH OF THUNDER.Our boys are deep in woods.Soaked now.Their flashlights illuminate the rain.Will?MIKEWILL???BYERS?!LUCASDUSTINI've got your "X-Men!" One-thirtyfour!No response.Only silence.They march for a little bit longer.DUSTIN (CONT'D)Guys, I really think we should turnback -LUCASSeriously, Dustin, if you want tobe a baby, just go home already.DUSTINI'm just being realistic, Lucas -LUCASNo, you're being a sissy -DUSTINYou ever think Will went missingbecause, you know, he ran intosomeone bad? And now we're going tothe place where he was last seen,and we don't even have weapons oranything -MIKE-- Dustin shut up -DUSTIN-- I'm just sayin', does that seemsmart to you -- ?!(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)8361.CONTINUED:83Shut up!Dustin silences.He's not mad.MIKEEveryone turns to Mike.He's -- listening...MIKE (CONT'D)(low)You guys hear that?The boys listen.Hear RUSTLING FOLIAGE.Everyone tenses.Mike slowly swings his flashlight around the dark woods.degrees, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty -WHOOSH!A SHADOWED FIGURE DARTS BEHIND THEM.They whirl around.ELEVEN.TenBald head.Mike looks at her.Startled.Their flashlights illuminate --Wild eyes.Benny's T-shirt.She looks at Mike.Their gaze holds.THUNDER BOOMS.And...END EPISODESTRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)Appx-2.APPENDIX #2(Benny & Earl Sports Talk)A48INT. BENNY'S BURGERS - DINING ROOM - DAYEARLBenny, how about Kellogg lastnight? Who-ee --BENNYOh yeah, oh yeah -EARLHe's gonna win us the championship,I just know --BENNYEh, if we hadn't traded English --EARLDon't get me started on that, toodamn early -As their idle sports talk continues...BENNYAll I'm sayin' is, I don't knowwhat they were thinking. GeorgeMcGinnis?EARLGeorge is family -BENNYThis isn't about bein' sentimental -this is about wins.EARLComplaining ain't gonna change adamn thing.BENNYYeah, yeah. You want a Schlitz orwhat?EARLYou gotta ask?END APPENDIX #2A48STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)Appx-3.APPENDIX #3(Benny's Phone Call)55INT. BENNY'S BURGERS - KITCHEN - DAYBenny is now on a corded phone in the kitchen.BENNY... All I know is, poor thing'sscared to death... confused...(beat)I think she's been abused orkidnapped or somethin'.(beat)It's 4819 Randolph Lane. Randolph,right.(beat, starts to spell)R-A-N-D-O-L-P-H. Yeah, and that'sin Hawkins. What time you thinkyou can get out here?(checks watch)Anything else I should do or...?Okay, okay. Uh-huh... Alright,thank you, Connie, thank you, Ireally appreciate your help onthis... Yeah, you too.END APPENDIX #255Voice hushed.STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)Appx-4.APPENDIX #4(Intercepted Phone Voices)B61INT. HAWKINS LABS - RADIO MONITORING ROOM - DAY... As we pass each agent, we can HEAR SNIPPETS of whatthey're listening to...PARENT VOICEI'm going to the store want anything special? Ithought we'd have T-bones fordinner.DoPARENT #2 VOICENo, that sounds good, hon -TEACHER VOICEThe annoying part is I thought I'dbe home by six at the latest butthese after-school activities areso poorly run...TEACHER #2 VOICEIt's a shame you're not in charge.TEACHER VOICETell me about it.OFFICE WORKER VOICEI can't talk long. I have thatmeeting with Tom in ten minutes...OFFICE WORKER #2 VOICEI agree, it's best if Allen handlesthe proposal. Yeah... I likeScott, but it's too important...END APPENDIX #4B61STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)Appx-5.APPENDIX #5(Joyce & Cynthia's Phone Call)61INT. BYERS HOUSE - KITCHEN - AFTERNOONJoyce is on the phone.cigarette.Lonnie.Pacing.61Dragging hard on aJOYCEIt's Joyce --CYNTHIA'S MUFFLED VOICE (OVER PHONE)Lonnie isn't here right now -JOYCEWho is this?Cynthia.Cynthia?CYNTHIA'S MUFFLED VOICEJOYCECYNTHIA'S MUFFLED VOICEHis girlfriend. Who the hell isthis?JOYCEThis is Joyce -Who?CYNTHIA'S MUFFLED VOICEJOYCEJoyce, Lonnie's ex-wife.speak to him --I need toCYNTHIA'S MUFFLED VOICELonnie's not here, I told you -JOYCEThis is an emergency...CYNTHIA'S MUFFLED VOICEWhy don't you call back later -JOYCENo, not later, now bitch -CLICK. The phone goes dead. Joyce burns with anger. Shehangs up, dials the number again. The phone RINGS. But thistime no one answers. It goes to message.(CONTINUED)STRANGER THINGS #101 10/04/15 (PINK)61Appx-6.CONTINUED:61LONNIE'S VOICE (OVER PHONE)(filtered)Hey, you've reached Lonnie, I'm nothere at the moment but leave amessage and I'll holler right backat ya.Joyce's rage rises and rises and... BEEP.Her turn.JOYCELonnie, some teenage whore justhung up on me. You don't call meback in the next hour I'll reportyou for not paying child support Iswear to God I will and I'll makesure you rot in jail where youbelong -WHAM!Joyce slams the phone down.END APPENDIX #5