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File metadata and controls

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How to... Create a new page?

To show you how we can include a page in the project, let's say we want to add a survey that asks the volunteer about their motivation to participate. In this page we explain how to include the new page, and in this other page we explain how to create the survey.

To include a new page we'll need to:

  • Create a new template;
  • Insert messages in the en.json file to be the text for that page;
  • Include a <DIV> in the index page;
  • Create a function to glue it all together in the study.js file.

1. The template page

Our template page will be amazingly simple now, because we just want to make sure we'll have it in the right place on the study timeline. So:

  • Create a file called templates/motivationSurvey.html;
  • Include a header for the page with this line:

<h2 class="bolded-blue" data-i18n="litw-motivationsurvey-header"></h2>

2. The translations' file

Because we use a i18n javascript library to help translating all the content in project's pages, instead of putting the text directly inside the template page we've used the data-i18n html key with the text-id litw-motivationsurvey-header. We have now to include the value for this id inside the src/i18n/en.json file (which is the file with the English version of the project's text):

"litw-motivationsurvey-header": "Would you mind answering these quick questions?"

Please pay attention when adding this line to separate it from the previous one with a comma.

3. The index file

As a matter of organization, let's include a new <DIV> at the index.html file, marking the place where the new survey page will appear. After including the motivationsurvey <DIV> , the file should have something like this:

<!--div id="demographics" class="slide"></div-->
<div id="motivationsurvey" class="slide"></div>
<!--div id="instructions" class="slide"></div-->

4. The study timeline

It is now time to include the created new page in the study's timeline. As previously mentioned, the file that manages the study workflow is called study.js (inside the src folder). Open it and find the beginning of the function called initJsPsych. This function defines the timeline for everything that happens after the demographics page. (This should change soon and this page will also be part of the main workflow).

The current version of the initJsPsych function defines the following:

    type: "display-slide",
    display_element: $("#instructions"),
    name: "instructions",
    template: instructionsTemplate({withTouch: window.litwWithTouch})
  • The fist line calls a JsPsych function to push a new step/slide in the study;
  • The second line defines the type of the step, which in our case uses the display-slide type. This is a JsPsych plugin we've created to load and translate a template page, show the template with a next button, and store tracking information signaling that the participant reached this page.
  • The third line defines which <DIV> in the index.html page that the template code will be injected into.
  • The fourth, gives a name to this new step.
  • And finally, we provide the plugin with the template to be loaded.

As you might imagine, we'll copy this code with new parameters and paste it exactly before the code above, because our new page has to appear before the instructions page. The final code will look like this:

initJsPsych = function() {
    type: "display-slide",
    display_element: $("#motivationsurvey"),
    name: "motivationsurvey",
    template: motivationSurveyTemplate({withTouch: window.litwWithTouch})

The one last piece is that we've never defined what the motivationSurveyTemplate means. To do so, go to the beginning of the study.js file and you'll find a bunch of require statements defining the template variables. Add a new line with a require statement for the new template you created. After doing so, the code should look like this:

//var instructionsTemplate = require("../templates/instructions.html");
var motivationSurveyTemplate = require("../templates/motivationSurvey.html");
//var loadingTemplate = require("../templates/loading.html");

That's it!

Save all the files, and restart your server in case you're not running it in the development mode. You should now be able to access localhost:8080 and see the new page after clicking the Next button in the demographics form.